Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 111


Chapter 111: Princess

Mother has five daughters.

Isengrimus, Renaru, Gupi, Reineke, Shovu

"Reineke, you are to go now to the Kingdom of Berdreich and Edgeworth Territory.”

Mother ordered me to do so as soon as she returned from the discussion of the four kingdoms.

The eldest daughter, Isengrimus, has already been selected as the next queen.

Then the remaining four are nothing but a hindrance

A good use for them would be to marry them off somewhere else.

My two older sisters, Renaru and Gupi, had already married into the most powerful men in the land.

My younger sister, Shovu, is only two years old.

"Understood Mother"

I'm sad to leave my little sister, but I can't disobey Mother.

The more I research, the more I find out that Count Edgeworth loves women.

With his wife, Wince, he continued to have s*x late into the night every day.

His concubine is his adopted daughter

A fairy who is considered to be the best for sexual desire is his close aide

His attendant is a fertility-impaired mixed one.

"I can't help but think that he's just a lustful person."

A former commoner and adventurer.

And a rank number I've never heard of before

He must be a rough and violent man

Even if I had no choice, I would lose my chastity to such a man.

Then, in exchange for this chastity, I will make preparations.

The clothes I will bring with me should be as revealing as possible.

And don't forget jewelry and accessories.

"The more lustful a man is, the more valuable a woman is, the more the beast wants to tarnish her with his own colors."

That's what I was taught.


I rode a luxurious carriage and headed to the Count's territory

But before that, I headed to the Kingdom of Berdreich and had an audience with His Majesty Quies.

He was a young king.

Kings grow beards to show dignity, but he was clean-shaven.

"I don't like growing a beard. It gets in the way when I eat."

It was a statement about not thinking about face value.

It was not the kind of thing you would expect from a king.

The ministers and soldiers around him saw nothing wrong with it.

"Princess Reineke, I suggest you take a good look at the Royal Capital and remember it well before you head for the Count's territory."

I was told that

His Majesty Quies' face was grinning

I wonder what emotions were contained in that expression.


Everything in the Royal Capital was of high quality.

There was no trash on the streets.

Mud and dirt were quickly cleaned up by the military police

The law enforcers are also numerous

Some of them even chatted with the commoners without seeming to exert any pressure on the people.

But when something happens, the expression on their faces changes instantly to that of soldiers.

If there is a crime, they deal with it strictly.

In the event of an accident, they ensure the safety of the surrounding area.

If it is a mistake, they are relieved.

Soldiers who can do ordinary things as a matter of course are excellent.

I was particularly impressed when a violent incident occurred.

No one is afraid of an armed opponent

They were able to subdue their opponents without a single injury.

I was intrigued by that, so I asked.

"Afraid of the blade? It's scary, but I know there's something scarier."

"Is it some kind of magic?"

"No, a baton."

Apparently, whoever taught them would beat them, fully equipped, with a baton.

"Princess, I'm sorry to say this, but if you're going to meet Count-sama, you should be prepared."

Why? I ask.

"Because his attacks are unpredictable. His sword, his fists, his magic, his ideas, his words."

Is he really that terrifying?

"No, he's not terrifying. His actions were done with us in mind. Well... I don't want to be taught again."

I feel a little uneasy about my marriage

It wasn't just the law enforcers that were of high quality.

First of all, the capital was full of letters.

Books and papers were placed in miscellaneous places

And sold at surprisingly low prices.

What might have cost three gold coins could be bought for a single silver coin

There was no messenger to tell policy to those who could not read or write.

Even children who were not yet five years old could write.

Anyone could do calculations.

When I bought a book, I got my change back instantly.

No one tried to cheat in the store

Not even in the street stalls.

I asked, "Why can everyone read, write, and calculate?"

And the child answered me.

At the gate of the royal capital, there is a large mansion a little beside it.

Up to 10 years old can learn for free

I don't know what's going on here.

What I do know is that their studies are clearly more developed than Kusuof.

-I suggest you take a good look at the Royal Capital and remember it well before you head for the Count's territory-

The words of His Majesty Quies are on my mind.

The capital should be the most advanced in the country.

His Majesty himself, who lives in the royal capital, says such a thing.

What kind of demonic realm is the Count's territory?

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