Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 133


Chapter 133: Giran

"What is this situation..."

Firance-san peeks out of the carriage and is astonished.

"Ah! Firance had never been back to the royal capital, right?"

Mother seemed to know about the terrible situation in the royal capital.

"Yeah, I didn't know there were decorations everywhere like this."

"That's the proof of peace."

“Mother, why is it so flashy when peace comes?”

I don't understand it.

“Compared to 10 years ago, there are fewer monsters and bandits. There are multiple reasons, but do you know Shisu?”

"Because we are separated from the center. Is it?"

“No. I can't say for sure, but I think it's a weak cause."

"Hmm... the quality of the soldiers has improved?"

"Correct, compared to the past, the kingdom's soldiers have clearly become stronger."

I wonder if this is a reward for answering correctly.

Mother patted my head.

I'm happy, but it's embarrassing because Firance-san is watching

“Mother, please stop treating me like a child.”

"Idiot. To me, you are the most beloved son of my life."

Please stop this embarrassment.

"And now for the rest of the story. If you have stronger soldiers, you can reduce their number. Or reduce the amount of time in operations."

"Reducing the Profession of Soldier..."

“Why is it that soldiers who don't have time to do anything have to work like this? Even in our territory, the trainees work in the fields, right? It's like that."

"I see"

"Did you learn something? Isn't it great? The royal capital."

"It's amazing... but I don't like it."

"What? Why?"

“I think it's too wasteful. You know, those banners that are floating in the wind? I think it disturbs people's vigilance around the area."

"No, that kind of thing is necessary for authority..."

"I think it would be better to silence authority by force. Also, I think it would be better to pursue greater efficiency. I think the true beauty is a structure or a system that has mastered efficiency, right?"

"...I wonder who you resemble? Your personality."

It goes without saying

"It's definitely Yukikaze-sama's fault."

It seems that Firance-san couldn't help but say

"It's my fault!? That's strange... I think I was pretty particular about appearance and aesthetics..."

"Yukikaze-sama! Checkpoint?"

With those words, the carriage stopped.

"What is it?"

"It's no problem. Just be quiet and it will be over."

But Mother was wrong.

The door of the carriage was opened violently, and beyond it were knights, fully armed.

"Get out!"


"Little girl, give me your name"

The knights responded with high-handedness.

"You have no manners. Yukikaze Edgeworth. Do you understand?"

"Oh, the upstart Edgeworth family?"

I lost my composure unintentionally at those words

I take a step forward, ready to punch him in the face.


…I couldn’t do it

Just hearing Mother's voice sent chills through my body

Even the knights suddenly begin to tremble

"What is your affiliation?"


"Just say it"

"The 18th Imperial Guard Corps..."

A low voice but clearly audible.

"I see, a royal guard outside Edgeworth's jurisdiction."

"Well, Edgeworth's soldiers are outdated..."

"What are you doing!!"

The knight's words are interrupted by an intruder.

“Druknen, you are too slow!”

"Yukikaze-dono! What is this?"


"I am sorry!"

Druknen, captain of the royal guards, bows deeply.

"I'm not angry anymore"

After that, Captain Druknen's orders allowed us to enter the royal castle immediately.

"What's more, what's with those guys?"

"They're knights of the Crown Prince's faction."

“Why is the Crown Prince’s faction picking fights with us?”

"Ah~ ...well see ...if I talk about it ...well, it's a long story..."

I wonder if it's very difficult to say.

"The reason is, I will tell you myself."

The door to the room opens and a person in luxurious clothes appears.

"It must be very troublesome for you to come here in person, Quies?"



I immediately jump out of my chair

"Your Highness King Quies. It is an honor to meet you for the first time. I..."

"It's good, it is not a public occasion, and I know you well. Shisu Edgeworth."

"Have we met?"

"When you were a baby. You've grown up... really grown up."

Is it my imagination?

I thought I saw tears in the King's eyes

"So, can you explain?"

"Simply put, we are arguing over what to do with Edgeworth's position in the future."

"Huh? Are they trying to do something about the Edgeworth family, who have devoted themselves so much to the royal family?"

"Unfortunately, the corruption of the nobility has not been completely eliminated."

"How many factions are there?"

"Roughly three.

 1. Evaluate Shiro-dono's achievements and the Edgeworth family's achievements and maintain the status quo.

 2. Make the Edgeworth family worthy of the title of a Count

 3: Integrate the Edgeworth family with other families."

Is there any option other than 1?

"1 or 2 would be good"

"Mother! Is 2 good?"

In short, we would be separated from the royal family?

“Well, 1 is the best. But if we have to go for 3, we must consider going for 2."

"Umu, I can't accept 3 either."

I'm against it too

The third is integration with other families.

"I am Shiro's wife, the third one. I will never marry another man."

"You're a virgin, though, right?"


"A compliment. I am complimenting you. So please don't misunderstand me."

It doesn't sound like a compliment

“1 is the obvious choice. I mean, there is no other option."

"Who are the supporters of 1?"

"Tenrei, Myunich, Gadoga, and I."

In other words, the second option seems to have disappeared.

"Why haven't the factions been crushed? No, you can't?"

"That's where my sincere apologies as king come in."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"The banner of 2 and 3 is my son, Giran."

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