Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 142


Chapter 142: Look Forward

"Everyone! Today is a wonderful day!"

There are many balconies in the royal castle

One of them is very large.

It is the one that can be seen from the central square of the royal city.

On it, the king, Quies Lupus Zeldona Berdreich, shouts

Standing next to him is the Queen, Sylvie Bardonacia Berdreich.

"Hey, don't fall."

My back was pushed by Mother

I make my way to stand next to His Majesty.

Above, the sun is shining brightly

In front of me, I can see all the way to the gate of the royal capital

And down below, I see so many people looking at me

I feel like I'm about to stop breathing.

"I, the king. My wife, the queen. We were raised by the same teacher!"

No one speaks up.

In order not to miss a word of His Majesty's words

"Kingly talent! Hero of salvation! Protector of the people! Shield of the Kingdom! Adventurer of the divine realm! The one who slays the dragon! Allies of the dragon! You've all heard of all of them!"

I'm sorry.

I've never heard of them.

But I know who it refers to.

"Shiro! I mean Count Shiro Edgeworth!"

His Majesty puts his hand on my shoulder

"This young man, who will come of age this year, is the child of the hero! This is Shisu Edgeworth!"

More intense gaze

I want to run away

“It has been 10 years since a huge crack opened in this continent! 10 years since Shiro Edgeworth disappeared! Many would think that survival is no longer possible!"

That's not surprising.

And I know it's causing unrest in the kingdom

"But I disagree!"

With these words, His Majesty's expression clearly changed

A dignified look

As if he were a boy with a sense of hope for tomorrow.

"Neither my wife! And his wife! Everyone who knows this hero well thinks, [He is not a man to die from this!]."

His voice is more cheerful than dignified, as if he were playing with friends.

"Don't get caught in despair! Lift your head and look ahead! He's alive! That's why!"

Then his expression changes again.

This time.

“If everyone looks sad when they come back, everyone will be re-educated in hell by the heroes, right?”

He had a mischievous, bad look on his face.

Someone laughed at those words.

Attracted by that, someone started to laugh

The laughter became more and more contagious.

"That's right! Smile! Laugh! He could be back anytime! May he always be greeted with a smile! But what if!"

His expression returns to the original serious face

"If he is facing such difficulties that he cannot come back! It is our turn to help the hero! Let us stabilize this isolated land for that purpose! Let us enrich all of our people! And let us raise a strong army! Let us make a way to the separated center! Let us come for them, no matter how many years it takes!"

His Majesty draws the sword at his waist.

"Shisu Edgeworth!"


My voice trembled at the sudden call.

"For the hero's first disciple. It is the sword forged by him."

It was a beautiful sword

Neither the handle nor the hilt was decorated

That's why the blade shining like a mirror was emphasized more beautifully.

"From this day on, it is yours."

His Majesty returned the sword to its scabbard and held it with both hands.


I get down on one knee and bow my head.

"I'm counting on you."

I extend my hands and take the sword.

When the people saw it, they cheered loudly.

It was a voice that shook the ground

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