Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 217



The railroad tracks can be seen a little further away.

A locomotive is waiting on the track, blowing steam.

There are many people around.

Everyone is busily loading their luggage.

"Father, I'm sorry but..."

Shisu grabs my hand in front of the station, looking very sad.

"Neither us nor Yukikaze will be here. Are you okay?"

"It’s okay. I'll make sure Edgeworth territory is taken care of."

I stand up on my toes to pat him on the head.

"This makes me a child."

"It's nothing like that... take care."

"I'll see you soon anyway. See you."


Seeing off Shisu returning to the territory

That back felt so strong

"A parent's heart to see his son off. It makes you feel lonely."

"Well, I guess I won't have time to feel that way anymore."

Quies gave me a new role

There is a track that connects two places.

The distance between the two places is quite far.

It was decided that if there was a problem with the locomotive, it would be a problem to deal with.

So they decided to build a town in the middle

No, it's a reconstruction

"Is Wince going to be okay?"

It's a town that Wince doesn't have many good memories of.

"No problem. I'm not a child anymore."

The destination is the ruins of Kadaza

It is said that it has become completely uninhabited due to past fires and disturbances.

Ordinary people don't want to go near it, rumored to be a bandit's den.

The kingdom did not find much advantage in reconstructing it

Thugs are afraid to go near it as they think it is a place where demons live.


"It's Shiro."

Yukikaze answers lightly

"I didn't do anything wrong, did I?"

"I heard that the green forest turned into a crimson forest in half a day?"

That's absurd!

"There are rumors that the lower half of the human body grew instead of the fruit of the tree."

Someone said from behind

"You... where have I seen you before?"

A man I'd seen somewhere was standing there

It's a figure that matches the word [muscular]

"Excuse me. My name is Ramraz, a former heavy archer cavalry 1st class."

"Oh! It's been a long time!"

The one that Wince and I taught!

"What are you doing here?"

"Hahaha! It was an opportunity to participate as a subordinate of Shiro-sama. I made a request and was transferred."

"Oi, oi. It's a reconstruction of the ruins, you know? Did you come here even though it's actually like a relegation?"

"If Shiro-sama is here, I'm sure things are going to be......... interesting as hell!"

Don't talk as if I'm a troublemaker.

"And I'm not the only one. 400 people from the 1st and 2nd class tried to participate."

"I see."

"They didn't want the elite to disappear from the royal capital, so they reduced the number of participants to 50. Among them, we were chosen."

"Fifty people… it seems there are more than that?"

"There are 350 people too. All of them are, well, recruits."

"Is that okay?"

"There is no problem! ...I can't say for sure, but the morale is good."

Well, we're reconstructing the city. There won't be any fighting.

"By the way"


"I haven't heard what we are reconstructing?"

"A town, right?"

"Is it just the town?"

Is it wrong?


Hearing those words, Yukikaze burst into laughter.

"I'm glad you asked! La, ra... um... la, mb meat?"

"It's Ramraz."

"That's right! I heard that the town of Kadaza is a place surrounded by mountains, so I immediately discussed it with Quies!"

I knew I wasn't the troublemaker.

She's the troublemaker.

"We're building an airship lab!"

"It's in the Edgeworth territory, isn't it?"

"I need a bigger place! I need a bigger place to do field tests."

"The main thing is to rebuild the town, you know?"

Don't forget that.

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