Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 237



The man lay in bed and did not move an inch.

"The Almana Quantum is a quantum that exists only on this galaxy..."

Next to the bed was a large desk.

A cat person continues to write what the man is saying.

The man's entire body was deeply wrinkled.

The body was thin

He can no longer move his head, and is constantly staring at the ceiling.

"...I am rude"

Is it a good place to start?

The man speaks to me

"Are you Prelati?"

"No, technically I'm a scientist working for Prelati..."

"How long have you been here?"

"I come from a place called Dragon Mountain. I watched you and Prelati-sama fight."

When they took the dragon core from Edgeworth.

"Why are you teaching cat people knowledge?"

"I am not teaching them. I want to leave it behind."

Isn't that the same thing?

Guessing what I thought, the man continued talking

"We... Prelatis are scientists... we don't like it when others take our knowledge and use it. But we hate it more when it is lost forever."

"You are teaching in return for their cooperation in preserving your knowledge."

"That's right... my body is old and I can't even move."

"It's been 20 years since that time. Why do you look like that?"

"...For us ...the land is cursed."

They say this man missed the ship at the Dragon Mountain.

He risked his life to get off the mountain before they found him.

He ran for his life to a place where no one would find him.

Three years ago, his space suit finally broke.

He didn't want to die, so he took it off.

The day after that, he began to age rapidly.

"The history of Elfriade is a history of great sins. We have accumulated nothing but sins."

"It's not a very funny joke."

"Ah... I didn't mean it that way."

The history of Elfriade was similar to the history of Earth.

Increasing their numbers while threatening nature

They developed their civilization.

Eventually, they were ejected from the planet.

"This planet is alive... it was alive"

"What do you mean?"

"It means exactly what it means. It was not a planet made of rock and ice, it was literally alive."

It is said that when Elfriade learned of this, they went mad with joy.

And with that desire...

"We acquired the means of stealing life energy from the star. Not knowing that it would lead to the end of everything."

The star died and became just another mineral planet.

At the same time. Another thing they said they've got the technology to do it.

"Do you know what a supernova explosion is?"

"I do."

An explosion at the end of a star.

The effects can be felt up to 30 lightyears away.

"If you could make that happen whenever you wanted. Wouldn't that be a weapon?"

"I don't think so. It's too powerful. It would kill everything."

"Yes, that's the correct value. But we see it as a weapon... a power."

Stealing energy from a star that they no longer need.

Compress it.

And use it as a warhead.

It is madness.

"Elfriade surged forward. We conquered the galaxy. We killed all who defied us. We sent dragons ahead."

He says they suffered tremendous enmity.

But no one could resist

"But just one... just one mistake. One typo in the program caused a warhead to go out of control."

Worst of all, they couldn't stop it, and one of the star systems disappeared.

Worse still, it was a buffer zone between them and a hostile organization.

And Elfriade tells its people.

[It was a terrorist attack carried out by a rival organization.]

Rather than tell the people the truth, they prioritize their image.

As a result, the people believed the information and went berserk.

And in response, the military launched an invasion.

War broke out in all directions of the galaxy, and Elfriade lost more and more battles as time went on.

And then the warhead was used. This time with a clear intent to kill.

"We weren't listening"


"A voice emanating from the energy of the stars."

By the time they realized it, it was too late.

The warhead was filled with a curse.

It's the curse of the slain stars

"The world shook immediately after the warhead was used. The world was enveloped in light. So much so that the eyes of many were blinded."

In response to the second explosion.

It is said that [all] of the stored warheads detonated.

"This galaxy is isolated. Other galaxies would have been devastated."

It would be strange that life existed before that

"The dragon has returned to Elfriade, who has lost everything. It was a rebellion...!"

The man coughs.

"Ah, I have spoken too much."

"Don't overdo it"

"Are you worried about me? I'm your enemy."

"Because Myunich helped you"

You should be grateful.

I'd have killed you like the rest of them.

"Is the current content written there?"

A lot of books were piled up in the corner of the room.

"Yeah... sorry, you'll have to check the rest of it."

"Live as long as you can. Leave as much knowledge behind as you can."

I have nothing more to say

"I will do so..."

I left the room

I heard the man coughing behind me.

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