Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 243



Formerly called the Royal Capital of Berdreich

Currently, it has been changed to the representative city of the Berdreich region.

Couldn't it be the capital? Some people thought that it would be a good idea.

But, Quies.

He pushed through saying things like, [Because it's cooler the bigger it is!]

But that's not the point.


Now I'm in the representative city, and I'm running the government with Quies.

"What's wrong, sensei?"

"Such as making the royal capital a representative city, or creating an imperial capital. Aren't you moving too fast in the last year or so... have you been planning this for many years?"

What you are doing is too fast.

Actions this numerous would normally take 10 years and still seem fast.

"Actually, the planning itself was done before sensei came back."

"The four of you?"

"Yes. The plan was to wait until after sensei's return to reveal it to the public, and by then, we were all ready."

That's amazing.

I don't know how nobody found out about it until now.

"I see. So it was part of the plan that I'd become an object of worship?"

"Half of it, yes."

"And the other half?"

"Tenrei-san pushed for it."

He's looking over the documents on his desk.

"Are you guys really going to come?"

"Yeah, I have information about the Imperial Capital. It's a wonderful place."

Regional representatives will move to the capital for a year after they retire.

After a year, they can choose whether to stay or go back.

A person in an important position in domestic affairs

While important information is fresh, they will be supervised in the capital.

That's the purpose.

"If the future representatives hear the real purpose, they will be either shocked or appalled."

The real purpose is that Tenrei wanted to be with me.

"If the empire is at peace in the future, it will be a story we can laugh about."

"I have to work hard for that too."

"I have a quick question."


"The contradictions between the research done over the years by the four nations and the material left behind by the old man that worked for Prelati. Are you sure you want to leave it?"

"Yeah, it's better to leave it alone."

Even if it is wrong knowledge, leave it.

With the addition, of course, that it is incorrect knowledge.

Why is it wrong? Also, write down the reason why it is wrong.

"If it's wrong, it's normal to burn it, isn't it?"

"That's the mistake. [Wrong knowledge has been proven in the past as wrong]. We're leaving it at that."

"What is the purpose?"

"To avoid making the same mistakes in the future."

You learn more from your mistakes than your successes.

That's how the world works.

"Leave all the failures and mistakes. Don't even say that such claims and research were done."

"Leave everything behind and learn from it all."

"That's what I mean. Nothing is useless. There is room to learn from everything. You can use it as a reference or a counterpoint."

No place to throw away information and knowledge

Then, during governmental affairs, I heard a small voice from another room nearby.

"Mina woke up"

"...She's crying"

The crying soon subsides.

"Are you going to let that child take over?"

"That's what I intend to do. As long as she has the talent and motivation to do so."

Sylvie gave birth without problems

It is a girl. Her name is Mina.

"When she grows up, she will not be treated like royalty, and she'll get angry."

"That's not a pun, is it?"

I don't think that's going to happen, though.

"By the way, I heard that Yukikaze-san is working on putting up a barrier in the Imperial Capital."

"She's talking about making the capital's defense stronger. But that's just a convenience. She just wants to experiment."

"What kind of experiment?"

"She's talking about using a giant magic stone to hinder the perception of the surroundings of the Imperial Capital."

"The area around the Imperial Capital… the entire basin?"

"With today's technology, it's possible."

A barrier will soon be set up in the Imperial Capital

It's a powerful barrier that only allows entry through certain entrances and exits.

"The technology of magic stone is evolving rapidly. I don't understand anything anymore."

"Me neither. Last month, the civil officials were talking about how they found a way to measure the distance to the moon."

I was convinced that there would be no more need for my knowledge in this world.

"I guess they don't need my knowledge from Earth anymore..."

"I wonder? Wasn't it knowledge that doesn't require magic from another world?"

To be precise, it is a world where magic does not exist.

"Then there may still be situations where it's necessary?"

"Is that so?"

I wonder if I'll ever be needed in the future.

"Knowledge is not the only education."


"We are here today because sensei taught us so many things."

"I think you'd still be a good person if it weren't for me, you know?"

"I don't know about that? It's possible that I would become a tyrant drowning in greed."


"That's right"

After that, we ran out of things to talk about for a while

We drank tea together.

"Can you do me a favor?"

Quies speaks

"A few years. When Mina is about 5 or 6 years old, would you be willing to be her teacher?"

"That's fine, but... I can't do it every day, can I?"

From now on, I'll probably be in the capital.

It takes a day to get to this city, even by locomotive.

"When the time comes, I will send her and Sylvie to the Imperial Capital."

"Are you sure? Won't you get lonely?"

"We're not the type of couple to fall apart over something like that."

"Well, you should discuss it with Sylvie."

"I will. When I get permission, I'll ask for it."


I answered positively

This is my mistake

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