Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 254



A locomotive arrives in the imperial capital and stops at a station.

Immediately after that, a small girl jumps out of the window.

"Sedona, just like I said. Act immediately!"

"I understand. I'll leave it to you to report to Giran, Yukikaze!"

The two women had finished their meeting in between traveling from the northernmost part of the country.

"Thank you for coming all the way from the northernmost part of the country."

A well-dressed woman speaks to us.

"Um... what should we do after this?"

"The general contents have been conveyed through correspondence. Some meetings may be necessary, but the emperor will hold a meeting soon."


"Your information is valuable, as you witnessed the details in the fishing village. You will attend the meeting."

"Haa…………… ha!!"

We have a meeting with His Majesty the Emperor! Us?

"You don't have to think too hard. The Emperor wants you to tell him exactly what you saw."

I don't know what to do, so I look at my men.

"Captain! Good luck!"

"We are rooting for you!"

"I'll pick up your bones afterward!"

There was no help.


"Then let's have a meeting!"

Giran declares loudly enough for everyone in the whole room to hear.

"Yukikaze Edgeworth. Report!"

And then he asked me to explain.

"Two days ago, we flew on an airship to the northernmost fishing village. Furthermore, we began investigating the volcano that appeared beyond that."

Materials have already been distributed to all

So I'll make this as clear and concise as possible.

"On the way, we encountered wyverns that were reported in advance. Sedona Edgeworth contacted them and concluded a temporary alliance."

Whether or not the alliance will continue depends on the future, but it doesn't matter now.

"The wyverns already understood that the reason for the appearance of the volcano was the appearance of an ancient monster, and the monster actually appeared from the inside of the volcano."

"May I?"

One of the ministers raises his hand.


"It says that this monster eats everything, but is it really everything?"

"Precisely all living things. Wild animals that could not escape were burned alive and eaten."

To be precise, they were burned by being held by highly heated hands, but the result is the same. Perhaps, but I suspect that even if they weren't burned, they were eaten alive.

"Ah! We don't have the results of the investigation yet, but if my guess is correct, the aquatic creature wasn't eaten."

"What do you mean by that?"

Giran asks.

"It's still too early to tell..."

"I trust your knowledge, Yukikaze. Tell me what you know, even if it's just a guess, you're almost sure anyway, aren't you?"

Come to think of it, I've known Giran for a long time.

It was at least predictable.

"Well, let me get this straight. The monster doesn't want food."

"Then why is it acting like it's eating?"

"What it wants is heat, not flesh and blood."

Yes, it attacks creatures that are above a certain temperature.

"There are three we're looking at right now."


Three locomotives to guide the monster.

"Three? Why do you need so many?"

"To be certain, one is a purely chemical steam locomotive, two is a magic non-heat-discharging locomotive, and three is a magic steam locomotive."

"When did you come up with that..."

"I've been working on it since before the empire was founded."


Sedona's investigation of the volcano where the creature appeared.

"It's probably already cooled down after the eruption."

"In two days?"

"Yes, the cause of the eruption is no longer there."


We'll have the wyvern that helped us return to the nest and present the data of the past from the chief.

"Even if I say data, I don't know how useful they are because they pass information verbally."

"If these three things are as you predicted, will you be able to solve the mystery of the monster?"

"I do."

"Then let's hear it from everyone here."

As I said earlier, what the monster wants is heat

It can't maintain its own body temperature.

So it wants warm people and hot things

"Wait, wait, doesn't it say here that it even eats ice magic?"

"It just seemed that way, but the theory of why it is nullified was different from other magic."

Ice magic was simply extinguished by the heat emitted by the monster.

Fire, thunder and wind lost their heat and disappeared

No, lightning also has a slightly different logic, but it's tedious, so I'll skip it. Either way, it generates heat.

"What about water? There is no heat, is there?"

"We just think water is cold, but water has heat, too."

According to Shiro and Elfriade's knowledge, the temperature of a material completely deprived of heat is -273 degrees.

If water is one degree, there is still a lot of heat to take away.

"The problem is that the monster is a broken jar."

It's a being that craves heat, but can't store it in its body.

It's leaking out of its body from where it's taking it.

"The monster's ability is to take heat. That's all it does."

That's why it was so dexterous in freezing its way across the sea.

This is the logic behind the simultaneous generation of ice and fire, opposing attributes.

"Why didn't he freeze the entire sea?"

"Perhaps it was inefficient?"

I think it's probably acting on its senses there.

"I see. Then how do you kill it?"

"If you take away all of its heat, it will die on its own."

That's an excellent conclusion.

Without heat, the monster, which has no ability to store, immediately starves to death. Wonderful


"If we had such a means, we wouldn't have any trouble!"

"I thought so! Everyone, call in those who can use freezing magic. If possible, from all over the continent!"

You don't have to yell like that

Just knowing how to defeat it was a great accomplishment!

The next three investigations turned out exactly as I'd hoped.

Only the non-heat emitting locomotive was ignored

The volcano cooled down

The name of the monster remained in the wyvern's information

The one told by its parents


It was its name

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