Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 297



When Sedona was a child, she was rather docile.

She doesn't want to go out much because she doesn't want to get hurt.

She was afraid of running for several months when she took a big fall while running and scraped her knee.

In a word, cowardice

This would be completely unbelievable to the people of the empire who only know the current appearance of my daughter.

"Lute-sama, we must provide support!"

One of the soldiers advises me.

That person's hand is shaking a little

Is it because I'm your boss? Right? It seems like she is afraid to give her opinion to me.

No, I'm not offended by that.

In fact, I'm glad.

Mustering up the courage to act for the best even if it's scary

That's very good

"Don't worry. Sedona won't lose."

So don't interfere with anything. And...

"Besides that, take a closer look at the enemy."

Sedona is a coward

Not in the past tense, but in the present.

And that Sedona said, [Leave it to me].

"Damn it! Damn you all!"

Yuta wields a sword

It's not much longer than a long sword.

But the blade is much wider.

He swings it from right to left.

It's quite fast

The soldiers might not have been able to react.

However, Sedona responds to that sword.

Two swords collide

Sedona's arm bounced due to the force.


The next blow is from left to right.

Flying in a straight line without any blurring


Sedona responds.

Next, she puts her gauntlet on the body of the sword to suppress the impact.

"You amateur!"

A thrust is delivered.

A thrust is delivered.

Right to left.

Then right again.

And then a thrust.

"It's not worth watching anymore..."

I couldn't help but say it out loud

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, it'll be over after about the fourth thrust."

While I was talking, the fourth thrust was delivered.

"Are you stupid?"

Sedona says while avoiding it.

There's no sword in her hand

She gripped Yuta's wrist tightly.


Yuta's outstretched arm is pulled back.


It was bending in a direction that it shouldn't have bent.

Approximately 80-degree angle

"One more!"

Sedona's sword was thrown into the sky earlier

She grabbed it as it fell at the right moment.

She slashed down the other arm...

"That's troublesome, it was harder than I expected."

But that's enough

She wasn't able to cut off his arm, but apparently, the bone was broken.

Yuta is in pain, unable to make a sound while producing white foam from the corners of his mouth.

"If you're a synthetic dragon, you'll regenerate in no time, right?"

She ruthlessly crushes Yuta's knee as he struggles.

Yuta runs away with his arms and knees bent in the wrong direction, his face wet with tears and snot.

He looks like a caterpillar.

"Do you think you can escape?"

Sedona picks up Yuta's sword.

And thrusts it into his thigh.


The sword pierces through and into the ground.

The scene looks like an insect specimen.

"This will be the last one!"

That last blow was a powerful one.

The toe with the armor on kicked through the testicles with such force.

It's a terrible sight

The being called the hero foams and struggles pitifully.

"Phew... Father, I won!"

Sedona waves to me innocently.

At least show me your innocence after you dispose of the dirty thing lying next to the body.


Yuta was defeated and the Holy Kingdom lost its will to fight.

"They admitted defeat quite easily, huh?"

Back on the airship, we got a detailed report from Yukikaze.

"It seems there was someone waiting for us."


"The offspring of the princess and her lover."

They're alive!

"They've been running all over the Holy Kingdom, looking for an opportunity."

"What about them?"

"They took the initiative. It seems like the other side has contacted us and says they said they wanted to make peace."

"Where are they now?"

"They're on their way to the Empire in one of the airships."

Well, is it a safe bet?

If you look at the capital of the Holy Kingdom, you can see that the situation is terrible.

The whole city looks like it's in ruins.

Yuta was not running the country at all.

Absorbing a country like this would be a burden on the empire.

"So you're saying they want our support?"

"I think they will. I don't think Elberait would want a wasteland like this."

I see.

Post-processing will continue from here for a while.

But we're definitely getting closer to our goal

"Shiro, get ready."

"No problem. I'm already ready."

In order to move towards the center, I put aside my worries about their future.

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