Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 370



"Good work!"

The place we arrived at is a plain not much different from any other place.

However, there are several large buildings at that location.

"Oh, Commander-dono."

An old man came.

"I brought the supplies you ordered."

"That's helpful. We're running low on supplies."

The Commander talks a little with the old man and then goes inside.

"Then I'll have a meeting with him. Alex, Sarah."


"Follow his instructions to bring in and out the supplies."

""I undertand!""


"Ah, please be careful with those."

The supplies I brought are making noise inside the wooden box.

It's probably something made of glass.

"It's really heavy. What's in it?"

"Sarah, you need to carry it more quietly."

"I know"

An old man answers Sarah's questions.

"It's mostly glassware."

"Heh, are you doing some sort of experiment here?"

"What? Haven't you heard anything?"

According to the old man.

Apparently, this facility is conducting plant cultivation experiments.

Plant seeds and seedlings brought from above ground in this underground world.

Apparently, they are observing how it grows.

"We're growing a lot of different plants. Here, try eating some of these."

The old man shows us a wooden plate

In it is a small reddish fruit.

"Huh? Is this a Malva fruit?"

"Sarah, what is that?"

It's a fruit I've never seen before

"Hmm? Don't you know about the Malva tree?"

"I've never heard of it."

"This tree is on the continent where Lola's family lives, and it bears this fruit once a year.''

"Heh, how does it taste?"

"It's sour, but it's refreshing. Eating it on a hot summer day will make you feel better.''

Sarah said as she stuffed a piece of fruit into her mouth.

A crunching sound comes from inside Sarah's mouth.


"What do you think? Is it sour?"

Sarah's chewing is making crunchy noises.

"... Mgh... no, not at all. It's kind of sweet."

"That's right, for some reason the Malva fruit grown here has become sweeter."

And not just this fruit.

The taste changed dramatically when crops from the Empire, Lola's family, Geldarinne, and the Holy Kingdom were grown here.

"Isn't it interesting? They doesn't just become sweet, they can become bitter or salty, or non-toxic or toxic."

"Toxic, too?"

"Yes, mainly mushrooms are highly toxic."

"Scary! I'm going to stop eating mushrooms here..."

I agree

It might be better not to eat anything other than what is served.

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