Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 431



Get down on one knee, look down, and wait for the words.

"Both of you, raise your heads."

Now that we have permission, I look up and look at the podium.

The clothes are luxurious.

His cloak is thickly made, with gold threads in many places.

On his head is a golden crown.

He is Yarkan, the current king of Iluikamira.

"Have you heard why you guys were called to this principality?"

"Ha! As soon as I receive His Highness' permission, I moved immediately to resolve the matter."

"Very well. You may do so at once."

I can tell by looking into the prince's eyes.

He's not thinking about domestic problems or us right now.

He was glued to the gift we had prepared.

The nobles are also watching with interest.

Seeing this, Wince takes action.

"Commander, may I explain about the gift?"

Is she trying to gain their trust by telling them its value here?

"Your Highness, my subordinate is being disrespectful..."

"No, it's good! Allow her to explain!"


We brought various things.

Every time Wince explains, the nobles in the throne room cry out in surprise and joy.

"A First-Aid kit, you say?"

King Yarkan holds up a card and asks a question.

"Yes, it's a thinly molded magic stone sandwiched between cardboard with a spell drawn on it. Anyone who can handle magic can use the healing spell once."

This is something Yukikaze made some time ago.

It seems that improvements have been made since the days when Shisu and Giran were still alive.

It is said that in the past, magic stones were used by wrapping them in a sign and holding them tightly.

But that was too cumbersome because the magic stone would fall off or become bulky, so they came up with the current form.

To tell the truth, all low-level magic, not just healing, can be handled by adjusting the magic stone and the cardboard, but that is a top secret.

"Is this a sword?"

The next thing in his hand was the straight sword I had made for this occasion.

Actually, I just made it this morning.

When King Yarkan pulls it out of its sheath, the blade reflects the sunlight.

"What a wonderful sword... like a mirror, yet as light, and thin as a dead branch..."

He seems to like it.

"Is it made of iron?"

"No, it is not made of iron at all. It is a sword made entirely of dragon bones and magic stone."

"Even making something this good out of bone of a dragon..."

To be exact, it's the bones of a synthetic dragon called me.

"So, what about this?"

"It will all be mirrors."

"Mirrors! All of this stuff!"


"How long did it take you to prepare all this?"


Wince looks over at me.

Oh, you want me to surprise them properly.


Was it a month and a half using amalgam to make mirrors with this continent's technology?

"Just about 15 days?"


Did I surprise him too much?

King Yarkan's words stopped.

Chemistry is amazing

What takes a month to make can be mass-produced in a day.

It's all about mechanization and silver mirror reactions.

"Now, what is this!"

"It's a sugar candy."

"And this!"

"It is a painting by the Empire’s greatest artist."

"And this!"


Now let's do it in a flashy way

Is Tenrei doing well?

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