Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 511


Did Not Know

There were multiple people following him

All of them were white people

They look at us

Then they immediately return their gaze to the original direction

"What do they do?"

All of them are sitting on the floor

And say nothing

Do nothing

Always looking in the same direction

"What do you mean?"

A question was answered with a question

No, it's like he doesn't understand what we're saying.

"Ah... how do you guys spend your days?"

"Yes, we stand up at the designated time, perform a scan, fulfill the designated role for the day, and wait like this once we're done."

When he said that, I looked in the direction he was pointing at, and there was a machine whose functions were unknown.

"What is your role?"

"Once the scanning is finished, I will be given a role. The content changes depending on the day, so today..."

Today, they will walk around the room for five hours straight.

Today, they'll be carrying the designated heavy object.

Today, they must not move.

"How are you eating?"

There's only rubble and machinery here, no organic matter in sight.

Is it stored somewhere?

"What is eating?"


"I've never heard of the role of eating."

"…Don’t you drink water?"

"Water? What is water?"

They don't need to eat, drink, defecate, sleep, or mate.

"…It's terrible."

Sedona couldn't help but whisper.

Apparently, they couldn't hear it, but it's not a very good reaction, so be careful with your gaze.

"How are you increasing your numbers?"

"We are increasing the number of individuals using this manufacturing machine. Right now, one of them is being manufactured."

A huge column of glass that stretches all the way to the ceiling

An orange liquid accumulates inside it.

A machine with cables is moving in the center of it.

After a while, a lump of meat appears.

Growing while connected to machines

At this point, several of the knights began covering their mouths.

At first, it looked like a fish

From there like a frog

It changes into a form resembling a bird or beast.

Finally, it is ejected from the machine in the shape of a baby.

"…Do you see any reduction in the population?"

"We hear a voice from the heavens, and the designated one goes up into the sky."

I remember Shirufi and Serufi's words

Transition surgery

And if they are elves

If the people living on top of this tower are Prelati.

The original role

To obtain an immortal body

These livestock are probably manufactured and managed just for that purpose.

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