Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 525




The knights investigate the wall while making sure there are no people around.

At that moment, I couldn't help but let out a voice because of the discomfort I felt in my nose.

"Did you fart?"


Quickly, Wince blurts out

"I know.… It smells like spices from the Empire, doesn't it?"

The smell is so strong that you can't tell whether it's the Knights or Sedona.

You can feel it from the east side when looking at the entire middle floor.

"Father, what should we do?"

"It would be careless to scatter. Let's all head there."

The search for the elevator to the upper floors has been suspended.

I decided to head towards the source of the smell.


There are no people in the place where the smell is

However, there are some unoccupied buildings.

"Keep a close watch on your surroundings, no lights, and let your eyes adjust to the darkness."

There is no electricity inside the building and it is dark.

However, thanks to the light coming in through the window, it's not completely dark.

"Is it above… underground?"

"Father, isn’t there something wrong with the floor over there?"

The knights immediately investigate the floor under Sedona's instructions.

How many years has the building been abandoned?

There's dust all over the place

The place Sedona noticed was a slightly thinner layer of dust.

"It’s not an underground passage, it’s a room… Hey, hey!"

There was a familiar face

Imperial spices are scattered at its feet.

"You finally noticed!"

There it was, sitting with its hands tied in metal handcuffs.

"Why are you here!"

"I was in the Empire until a while ago..."

"No, I know that. Yukikaze reported it to me."


"That's right"

"What else does Yukikaze-sama say?"

"No, Yukikaze didn't know the details either. An unidentified airship attacked the Empire and you and Shirufi were captured."

"I see. Can you please remove the handcuffs for now? I will explain the situation."

I listened to Serufi's explanation while the knight removed the handcuffs.

Apparently, a Prelati airship suddenly appeared over the imperial capital just as we entered Tuega.

They captured Shirufi and Serufi and there were several casualties.

After that, they went back here without doing anything and took Serufi in this place.

"Where is Shirufi?"

"I know the location, but I don't know the purpose."

"Don't you have any idea?"

"I'm very sorry"

"No, if you don't know, it can't be helped. Let's prioritize rescuing Shirufi."

Shirufi might know something better.

"Why did they come to kidnap you when you were supposed to have been disposed of?"

No response from Serufi

The knights, Sedona, and Wince can't give an answer either.

What surprised me more was that

"Well, more than that, I didn’t expect you to bring spices."

Serufi, who doesn't like strong smells, have brought something like that with her.

"I put it in my pocket right before I was kidnapped. I thought Shiro-san would notice."

That's correct

I thought you were definitely in the upper layer.

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