Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 555



Fun times really fly by

It's already been two months since I started attending school.

The leaves of the trees planted along the path between the school building and dormitory also turned red and fell.


Aristes was standing on the way home at dusk, which had become a daily routine.

Apparently, he was waiting for me

"Did something happen?"

"Yes, let's talk a little..."


We went to the stalls and bought some sweets

Two people sit on a bench

"Sugar is used generously."

"It's good to be economically wealthy."

"Absolutely… then let me tell it to you."


"Suspicious events are occurring around the continent."

"What's the full story?"

"We haven't gathered enough information to report the details yet. We'll contact you again as soon as we find out."

The Empire was able to confirm the situation 10 days ago.

The incident first occurred five years ago.

"There are incidents where one household disappears from each village."

"One family disappears all of a sudden?"

"It didn't happen all of a sudden. Acquaintances say that one day they started acting strange and then disappeared."

There was no sign that the room of the missing family had been ransacked.

It is said that only money and precious metals have disappeared.

"As for a robbery... If you say it hasn't been ransacked, then it's not."

"Yes, and these incidents did not occur at the same time."

All incidents occur in sequence, one location at a time.

"Isn't it possible to predict?"

"It seems like there is a lack of cooperation between the countries because they are not on good terms with each other."

"I guess they can't be like the Empire."

"What's worrisome is that there hasn't been a single incident this year."

"You don’t know when or where it's going to happen?"

"Yes, the countries of the southwestern continent also seem to be quite irritated."

However, this incident

It is said that nothing has happened in Shelma, Boldoi, and Marguerite.

"Are the three countries on alert?"

"We don't know how long that vigilance will last. If the culprit is an idiot, there is a possibility that he will get carried away and act."

"I see... so, why did you come to contact me?"

"Just to be safe, His Majesty the Emperor asked me to give this to Prince Ask."

Saying that, Aristes took out a small box from his luggage.

Something that has no decorations, but is black and shiny, giving it a luxurious feel.

"Can I check it?"


I received the small box and opened it...


A familiar light shined from inside the box.

I immediately closed the box when I realized it contained something strange.

Sweat suddenly broke out down my spine.

"Wait... wait, wait... this is no good."

"It's a present from His Majesty the Emperor."

"No, this is… why did Father send me the imperial regalia..."

"It's not imperial regalia."

"No, this light..."

"It's a replica."

"I see, it’s a replica."

"It seems Lute-sama made it for Prince Ask."

That's wrong, you idiot!

This regalia was created by the chief god Lute.

So if this is something made by the chief god Lute, it's not a replica, it's the real thing!

"Why now..."

"I've heard you've received a full proficiency in the Imperial style martial arts."

"…I have received it."

"Isn't that fine then?"

"Is this something I can use openly?"

"Isn’t that what they meant by sending it?"

I wonder if that's true? Maybe so.

"Please use it to your advantage to protect yourself."

"Ah... I see."

"Then this is it for me."

"Wait, Aristes."


"I tried to get in touch with you on an errand a little while ago."

"This is my first time hearing this, though?"

"I contacted the inn where I heard you were staying."

"What time is it?"

That must have been around the middle of last month.

"Ah, at that time I went out because there was a large outbreak of monsters in the south."

"Went out? Where?"

"I received a request, so I went to subjugate it."

"Request? What do you mean by request?"

When Aristes hears this, he takes out a card.

"It’s an adventurer card!"

"Yes, labor is necessary to earn the accommodation fee."

"Eh... Isn’t the Empire paying for the lodging?"

"It was a waste of money, so I declined."

"Why are you refusing there? Even if you're my guardian, your job is official!"

"It's a waste!"

"Waste... why are the Edgeworth family so wild! You have royal blood in your veins too!"

"You can't eat royal blood! For me, the blood of the hero Shiro aches."

You adventure crazy!

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