Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 598


Lost Child

It will be near the end of autumn.

"(Who is that?)"

I was told not to go out at night.

So I buy writing utensils and notebooks at the school store after class.

Winter was coming soon, and she was there when there wasn't much time until sunset.

"Um, the sun is going to set soon, so you should go home, okay?"


Is she younger than me? Is she in her early teens?

But I've never seen her at school.


Without saying a word, she wrote in the notebook she was holding and told me what she needed to know.

"Um, are you an acquaintance of Sedona-san?"

"(Nod*, nod*!)"

She vigorously shook her head up and down in affirmation.

"Sorry, I don't know where she is."


"Ah! I hope you don't cry!"

I have to settle this for now.


"...So you brought her to the dorm."


The best solution is to rely on your friends when you're in trouble

"I was wondering if Leader would know where Sedona-san is."

"No, I don't know where she is."

"Leader is useless."

"But if you stay in this dorm, you'll see her."

"Leader is reliable"

"......Should I punch you?"


For now, we're going to protect her in this dorm


"I've talked to the caretaker."

"You're fast, as expected."

"It’s called harmonizing!"

It seems like Leader and Eugenia-san have become quite a couple.

"So, there's something I'd like to ask Leader."

"Why the child doesn't talk, right?"

"Do you understand?"

"There's a cuff on her right ear. That kid is a wyvern."

I realized this after being told by Leader.

A plain silver cuff is on her right ear.

"There are wyverns wearing cuff imbued with humanization magic living in the empire."

"So this child is an imperial citizen?"

"That's right."

"Why is she here?"


She started writing in her notebook again.


She was breathing hard and proudly showing it off.

"What... you're moving in next year so you came to check it out."

So, that would mean she is 11 or 12 years old.

"Is this the age when wyverns can also rule the world..."

"Is there a problem?"

"If the cuffs are on, there won't be a problem."

"What if it comes off?"

"The army will come, right? A wyvern will suddenly appear in the middle of a village or town, right?"

"It will be a big mess."

"It's a sight you see every day in the Empire."

Leader says

It is said that in the Empire there is not a day that goes by without seeing a wyvern in the sky above the city.


"Ask-san, I'm going to give the child a bath."

"Eugenia is?"

"Mileina-san and the others are also with me."

"I see, please. I think you heard what I just said..."

"I'll be careful not to let the cuffs come off."

"Yeah... then I should take a bath too and meet up here again."

"Then I have one request for you, Ask-san."


"I would like you to put your changed clothes in this basket and let me wash them."


"Of course, that's an accomplishment as a helper, or maybe it's training for your future wife?"


"Like I said..."

"Why, is, that?"

"......It's to use Ask-san's already worn clothes as nightwear."

Eh? Are you a pervert?

"Huh? Why would you do something like that? I don't understand."

"It’s because I feel at ease when I’m surrounded by Ask-san’s scent!"

"I see, then it can't be helped."

It can't be helped!

Ah, I really believe in you, Leader!

She's definitely going to masturbate in Leader's clothes!

And then this guy will wash everything and destroy the evidence, claiming she helped!

And Mileina-san covers the wyvern child's ears so she can't hear.

Yeah, the correct answer is to pretend I didn't know.

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