Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 90


Chapter 90: Heavy Cavalry Archer

"Alright! This is the end of today's running! Breathe while walking! When the sweat goes away, you're good to head out to eat!"

"T-thank you very much!"

When the sun reaches the peak

The fifth batch of students who came to the Count's territory finished their running.

"Captain, the fourth batch has finished their practical training."

"I see. What about the third batch?"

"The harvest is bountiful again this year. They're digging potatoes with delight."

I see. We're in for a treat today.

"We're going to have some freshly caught food tonight."

"I'm looking forward to it."

The training of new recruits in the Count's territory

I was the first captain of the new recruits, and now I was in a position to supervise the second batch and subsequent years of training.

The training was to last five years.

The first batch went under the direct supervision of the Count and his wife.

When the second batch came, I took up a weapon and carry a hoe

Training and farming every day.

"But why do we have such a good harvest? Every year."

I don't know either.

All I know is

The words Haber-Bosch, compost, and humus.

This is the result of cultivation under the Count's direct supervision.

"Don't ask me. I know nothing."

No, it's an embarrassing story, but some of the first batch of students do understand. The reason I don't understand is simply that I'm not smart enough.

Especially the ones who didn't understand letters or numbers before they came here, they've made a tremendous leap.

Some of them are even promised civil official positions in the Royal Capital when they leave here.

Oops, while I was wasting my time thinking, my juniors had already caught their breath and headed for the cafeteria.

"It looks like it's going to be crowded again today."

"I guess we'll just have to kill a little more time here."


"Are? Captain. A carriage has arrived?"

It's true.

Six... no, eight.

"I can hear a metallic sound. Is that iron?"

"You there!"

A person looks out from the first carriage

I am startled and immediately fall to my knees.

Because he had a crest with a title on his chest.

"Y-Your Excellency, Frontier Count!"

Why is the Frontier Count in such a carriage!?

"It's okay, lift up your head. Is the Count here?"

“Ha! I hear he's at his residence today, sorting out some paperwork!”

"All right, good luck with your training!"

Uwaa! I was called out by the Frontier Count

“Captain, can you become a noble because of this?”

Of course not.

I would be happy if that was such a case, just by being called out


That night

All the first batch were lined up outside the accommodation.

And in front of them stood Count Edgeworth, the lord of this city.

He said nothing.

We didn't say anything either, no one moved an inch, no one spoke, no one looked away.



"I miss five years ago."

Five years ago, when we first met the Count.

He was angry

"You couldn't stop fast enough, You didn't align your legs together, you were talking too much."

And suddenly we were running out of town.

"Three days from now, it will be five years since you started training."

That's right, we will no longer be considered recruits on that day.

"Let's ask here now. Do you have no objection to becoming a soldier of the kingdom? If you want to go back to being a commoner, that's fine. Being a soldier is a life-and-death job. If you quit now, I won't accuse you of running away."

Even if we heard those words, there are 500 of us. No one wants to quit

"I see... then first batch recruits! We're heading for the Royal Capital in three days! Show all of them how you have grown! Be proud to walk down the main street fully armed!"


Everyone shouts a mixture of joy and loneliness

"Rejoice! The Frontier Count has prepared armaments for you! Everything is of first quality!"

And I found out

The Frontier Count had brought armors, bows, great shields, straight swords, spears, and magic staffs.

It was all our equipment.

"That's not all! Everyone, step outside the gate right now!"

And with that, we all went out of the city.

It was a terrible situation.

"R-running dragon!"

It was a monster that acted in groups and sometimes attacked towns.

"It is a running dragon tamed by the Frontier Count! There are 475 of them. Do you know what I mean!"

There are 25 of us who will be civil officials.

And all running dragons have stirrups

"Two days from tomorrow! Get to know each other in two days!"

The Count is saying unreasonable things until the very end

But everyone is smiling and listening

"Is it impossible!"

""""I can do it!""""

We can do it

This is a story no one knows yet.

When we are old

Our successors were called, "Heavy Cavalry Archer".

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