Inside the Cave of Obscenity (WN): Volume 11 - 2


The Female Hero and the Humanoid 1

 A woman was running through the horrifying castle of mucus, her black hair, the proof of the hero and one of the few links between father and daughter she had inherited, flowing in a swirling pattern.

 Looking around, every part of the wall is writhing, and it seems as if a tentacle is about to reach out from a blind spot at any moment.

This creates an eerie feeling, distracts the woman, and inevitably prevents her from concentrating... she can't relax.

(Really... this castle, it's alive)

 Mariabelle felt that way.

 The exterior and interior are not much different from the royal castle of Fonteau in her memories.

 The materials of the walls, ceiling, and pillars have only changed from stone to slime.

 The size and number of vases decorating the walls, the luxuriously decorated chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, and the lanterns on the pillars.

 Everything is the same as in Mariabelle's [home] at the royal castle of Fonteau

 That is why it is so horrifying.

 This castle-shaped place is one giant slime.

(What on earth are they thinking?)

 What was the slime thinking when it did this?

 It is incomprehensible that it would use its own mucus to build a castle, and yet the castle belongs to humans.

 From the monster's point of view, it must be difficult to live in.

 But the mucus became a castle, and then it invited the threat, Mariabelle, inside.

(Well, it doesn't matter right now―― what I do is...)


 Mariabelle stopped thinking because she had reached the [Throne Room]...... where Queen Leticia would be seated and waiting if she were in the royal castle of Fonteau.

 At the entrance was a large door that would be difficult for a woman's slender arms to open.

 Naturally, it was an obstacle for Mariabelle, so she intended to destroy it.......

 Concentrating her strength on the hand that grips the hero's holy sword, she raises it upward, ready to cut it off with a single blow.

"It's as if it's been waiting for me."

 However, before Mariabelle could swing her holy sword, the door opened even though she had not done anything.

 The movement seemed to be inviting her in, but Mariabelle wasn't all that surprised.

 Just as she sensed the humanoid's presence ahead of her, she felt that the other side was also aware of her existence and was eager for a fight.

(I have to buy time. Until Kara saves Fasalina-sama and the others...)

 She stepped into the throne room and checked her surroundings.

 The writhing walls, ceiling, and pillars are the same as before.

 It is clear that once the battle begins, everything that exists in this place will be the enemy.

 ...Even so, the wriggling living castle does not cause any harm to the invading Mariabelle.

 That, too, is sickening.

 It is as if it is appealing to her that it can always defeat the female hero, which makes Mariabelle more nervous.

 It is true that her intuition is excellent at the level of predicting the future, but it is not omnipotent.

 ――In the end. No matter how talented she is, she is still a person. Her physical strength has limits.

(Kara, hurry up...)

 When she advanced to the center of the throne room, Mariabelle saw a human-shaped slime that did not move slightly in front of her gaze.

 It was an opponent she had fought several times.

 A slime that resembles a human body. Two arms, two legs, a head, and a torso.

 If you think about it in terms of monsters called slimes, it's probably an inconvenient figure in a sense.

 However―― when the mucus in its right arm ripples and liquid is sent to its fingertips, the tip of the arm changes into the shape of a sword.

 Slime sword.

 If the weapon is what it looks like, it won't be much of a threat to Mariabelle.

 After all, it's just mucus that has grown into a sword.

 But she knows.

 The slime sword contains mana comparable to that of her mother, a mage who was even said to be comparable to the Demon King.

 It is difficult to cut that sword even with the hero's holy sword.


"As expected, it's here…"

 Mariabelle's eyes were no longer focused on the slime's magic sword.

 Her gaze was only on its left arm―― the hero's shield.

 The equipment of the hero who has received the blessings of the goddess Fasalina, just like her own sword and armor. A shield that blocked the demon king's attacks.

 And the treasure of Fonteau, whom Mariabelle has felt the presence of her [father] since she was a child, and which has always been by her side.

 More impressive than the luxurious decoration, the shield radiates a divine atmosphere that no monster should use.

 That shield is on the arm of the abominable slime.

 She doesn't know why.

 Why does a monster have the hero's shield? Why is it safe to equip the shield? Why does the shield accept the monster?

 She doesn't know, but Mariabelle couldn't forgive that more than anything.

 Her gaze becomes sharper.

 She took a breath, gathered her strength in her legs, lowered her hips slightly... and charged in her natural state.

 There was no signal for the start of the battle, and there was no time to prepare.

 Without any preamble, she closed the distance with all her might and full speed.


 Mariabelle closes the distance with an acceleration that is unbelievable to humans and slashes at the humanoid.

 When she lifted the holy sword in her right hand above her head, it gained momentum and fell back slightly.

 ――With that momentum, she swings the sword down with all her might.

 Mariabelle was relatively light for a swordsman, but the momentum of her run, the weight of the sword, and her own weight all combined to make her blow produce the sound of metal colliding with metal.

 It's not the sound of liquid against mucus. It was the sound made by the hero's holy sword and the monster's shield.

 It is hard. And heavy.

 Even the hero's holy sword could not break it, nor could it be pushed into it.

In fact, instead of absorbing the impact of the holy sword, the surface of the shield bounced it back, and Mariabelle's arm became numb.

(Ah... Otousama...)

 Mariabelle was saddened by the impact.

 Her father's shield. She was saddened by the fact that the shield that she had always wanted to be by her side as a pillow when she was young was blocking her own attacks.

 The expression that had been stained with murderous intent and anger became distorted into sadness.

 ――The humanoid didn't miss that opportunity.



 The humanoid skillfully manipulated its shield to push back the holy sword, and then swung the slime magic sword at Mariabelle, who had lost her balance.

 The slime would not kill a woman to make her a mother, but if she did not avoid it, Mariabelle would have died―― but it was an attack she was sure she would avoid.

 Mariabelle jumps back and tries to maintain the best distance to swing her sword.

 But the humanoid stepped in, aiming for the point where Mariabelle had dodged. It crushes the distance and without giving her a chance to swing her sword, it strikes her in the abdomen with the shield on its left arm.


(Fast!? Why!?)

 Its reaction is clearly faster than when they fought before.

 It was as if it knew she was running away.

 Mariabelle felt a chill run down her spine as she felt the worst premonition from a single movement.

――Maybe it has the same [intuition] as me?

 But that's not possible. The hero's intuition comes from the divine protection of the goddess Fasalina.

 There's no way a monster would have it... but.

(I have to do something. If things continue as they are now, I'll be pushed back.)

 However, there is no time to worry.

 Even though she had lost her balance due to being hit in the stomach with the shield, the humanoid in front of her raised its magic sword above its head without hesitation.

 ――The sword is swung down.

 A direct hit would not only split her skull, but would also cut her in half, from the top of her head to her groin.

 However, Mariabelle was not able to withstand the impact of being hit with the shield and was blown away, using the momentum of the blow to turn her body halfway away from the shield.

 A magic sword made of gray mucus, almost black, passed right in front of her.

 After avoiding the attack with minimal movement, it's Mariabelle's turn.

 Taking full advantage of the available distance, she readied her sword and swung it.

 It doesn't matter if it's a slime or the muscles and skeleton of a giant monster, it will cut it in two with a deadly flash.

 But the holy sword with its deadly power was caught and deflected by the shield, and that alone caused her to lose her balance.

"Give back Otou-sama’s shield!!"

 Even though Mariabelle loses her balance, she doesn't let up on her attacks.

 She struck the holy sword to the shield with a barrage of blows that left no time to blink.

 Both are weapons blessed by the goddess. Not a single blade was scraped or scratched, and ten or twenty attacks and defenses were continued.

"Haa, haa!!"

 In that case, Mariabelle is at a disadvantage.

 The face that had not lost its composure even after slaughtering hundreds of slimes, began to breathe unevenly due to exhaustion.

 Sweat appeared on her forehead, her mouth was open and she couldn't close it, and the momentum of her sword swings gradually slowed down.

 The metallic sounds made by the sword and shield were slight, but the intervals became longer, and finally, a look of impatience appeared on her face... Mariabelle distanced herself.

"Ha, ha!?"

 However, the humanoid will not let her escape.

 It followed Mariabelle who jumped backward and jumped forward, holding up its shield as if to show off.

 It didn't attack.

 After all, Mariabelle is an important [woman] to the humanoid and to the slime.

 This was because it was confident that Mariabelle would avoid the previous attacks.

 And the reason it didn't attack is because it has a hunch that Mariabelle might not be able to avoid it.


 It didn't attack.

 That is an insult to Mariabelle, a hero and a swordsman.

 It can defeat her at any time. It seems to be saying this without saying it, and her gaze becomes sharper.

 Her chaotic thoughts made her forget that she was buying time for Kara and the others, and Mariabelle stopped her steps from retreating and gripped the holy sword with both hands.


 It was the worst.

 The humiliation of not attacking her, and the upset of being shown her [father's shield].

 Although she had inherited experience as a hero, she had lost her ability to think calmly when her precious memories of her [father] were stained.

 It was a very short time, but it was causing a fatal exhaustion of her physical strength.

"Haaah, haah…!!"

 It was only a few dozen seconds.

 However, the number of exchanges ended up being dozens of times, and in a short period of time, her physical strength was wasted to the point that it could be said to be fatal.

 By the time she realized her failure, Mariabelle's breathing had become so irregular that she couldn't hide it, and a large amount of sweat drenched her entire body, soaking the hero's clothes and sticking to her skin.


(Even though it is a slime, there should not be this much of a difference in power.)

 She doesn't mean to be overconfident in her own strength, but she can't accept the fact that she hasn't landed a single attack so far.

 A look of confusion appeared on her face, and her body stiffened with caution.

 The humanoid didn't miss Mariabelle's upset and turned to attack.

 Swinging down the magic sword that had transformed its right arm, it slashed and cornered the black-haired female hero.

 Mariabelle is now on the defensive.

 Doubts made her hesitate to attack, and confusion became a shackle that slowed down her movements.

 Her lackluster movements lag behind the humanoid's sword skills, and her clothes are torn all over with each slash.

 However, there were no fatal injuries.

 On the contrary, there was no damage to the skin, just the clothes being cut off―― a [humiliation] that was only possible because of the overwhelming difference in skill.

"Y-youu!! Don't joke around!!"

 She felt she was being ridiculed.

 Sensing this, Mariabelle tries to block the humanoid's attack, but the humanoid can even predict her attack and skillfully cuts her clothes.

 In an instant, parts of her arms and thighs were exposed, but since she had the hero's armor on, the important parts were still intact.

 However, the side straps of her black panties peeked out through the torn pants, and the shoulder straps of her bra peeked out through the gap in her armor.

 ――She can't afford to feel embarrassed.

 Mariabelle didn't care that part of her skin and underwear was exposed, and held the holy sword directly in front of her.

(Strong...... why? Why has it grown so much...)

 The calm part of her head that remained was ringing a warning bell, telling her that its strength was clearly different from before.

 Rather than growing up, perhaps she should say that it had evolved or changed into a completely different being.

(Father's shield? But just one shield shouldn't make it this strong...)

 That's as far as Mariabellel can think.

 Her thoughts cannot reach the core of the problem beyond that, the answer to the question.

 Even dealing with the humanoid's attacks also narrows the scope of her thinking.

 ...Until now, that hasn't happened.

 She should have realized her certainty and her mind should have arrived at the answer to her question.

(I can't get my thoughts together―― no way.)

 The [hero's intuition] is not working. Or its effect is severely weakened.

 That was something she had vaguely felt before entering this slime castle.

(Is something happening to me...? Or maybe something is happening to Fasalina-sama...)

 When Mariabelle thought that her abnormality was related to the goddess Fasalina, who is said to have bestowed power on the hero, her expression hardened.

(Kara, hurry up and help Fasalina-sama)

 The hero's holy sword is still in her hand. She has hero armor that protects her from poison.

 Even though she still had the weapon and armor to fight the humanoid, she was worried that there was no hope of winning.

 Before she knew it, Mariabelle was doing her best to block the attack, and the humanoid was wearing her out with movements that even seemed to show some leeway.

 This is the only weakness of the female hero Mariabelle, which it has learned through several battles.

 Physical strength.

 To make her consume it.

"Ku, ha…ha, ha…haa…"

(My body is heavy. I can't move my arms... Why am I so tired...?)

 That question is natural.

 Mariabelle's physical strength is far superior compared to knights of the same age.

 Even though her breathing had been erratic in the battles she had fought, she never felt that the arm gripping the holy sword would feel heavy.

 ...This was due to the physical strength and the lean movements made by the excellent foresight of the [hero's intuition].

 If one of them, especially the [hero's intuition], is lost and wasteful movements increase―― naturally, the consumption of physical strength will increase.

 What's more, now it's an opponent whose sword skills are superior to her, having learned combat techniques from many men.

 The fatigue was on a different level than in previous battles, and it was rapidly sapping Mariabelle's stamina.

 Her erratic breathing could not be adjusted even for a second, and the amount of sweat that was flowing increased as time passed.

 Her clothes were torn and her exposed white skin glowed slightly red from fatigue and the excitement of battle, and the color of her black underwear clinging to her flushed skin was fascinating.

 ...However, that is not the purpose of the humanoid.

"It's, still coming!?"

(Run away? Or―― but, that would be...)

 The disadvantage is obvious.

 Should she run once to catch her breath, or should she continue to stall here?

 However, Mariabelle's chances of winning are slim―― Mariabelle instinctively feels that way, but if she runs away, there is a possibility that the slime's threat will turn to Kara and the others.

 If that happens, it would be a disaster.

 There is only one chance of victory for Mariabelle right now, and that is the release of the goddess Fasalina...

"I have no choice, but to do it."

 She gritted her teeth, determined to stall for time.

 Her arms were already as heavy as lead, and her throat and lungs burned as she breathed in.

 Although Mariabelle is attacked by a feeling of fatigue that feels like her strength is being taken away just by breathing, she still manages to fend off the humanoid's attacks.

 To hold it for even a moment.

 ――But she was unaware of it.

 For the humanoid, neither the goddess Fasalina nor the new female hero matters.

 All it wanted was Mariabelle, the black-haired hero who stood before it, gritting her teeth.

 To that end, it is focusing all its strength, all its energy, and all its consciousness on just one person.

"Fuu, kuh!?"

 Each blow that the humanoid fires gradually removes the clothes from her limbs, little by little, without hurting her.

 Each time, [he] becomes excited and moves more violently, and Mariabelle is cornered even more.

 Fast. Heavy. Sharp.

 It was a more powerful attack than any of the slimes that Mariabelle had ever faced, more powerful than the knights of Fonteau, and more powerful than the sword skills of Fornelis, who traveled with her father.


 After receiving such attacks repeatedly, both of her hands became numb...... and finally, the hero's holy sword was flung from her hands.

 Mariabelle reflexively reaches out her hand after the holy sword that is flying in the air.

 However, the humanoid moved to restrain Mariabelle, who had finally become powerless, so that she would not resist again.


 The moment the holy sword left Mariabelle's hand, the mucus surrounding it was already writhing and moving on to its next action.

 That's why the humanoid has been fighting [alone] all this time.

 For Mariabelle, the humanoid standing in front of her is the enemy―― but the humanoid can use this entire castle.

 In order to absolutely capture the precious, precious, precious female hero who was the only one who killed it and the only one who did not do what it wanted―― it did not use all of its weapons and continued to fight on its own.

 As a result, only the individual known as the humanoid is imprinted on Mariabelle's consciousness, and by the time she reaches out for the holy sword, the existence of the mucus that makes up the castle has completely disappeared from her mind.

 As a result... Mariabelle was unable to react to the tentacles extending from the floor, and the tentacles of dirty mucus entangled around the defenseless female hero's limbs.

"No!? Let go! Let go!!"

 Mariabelle tries to tear off the tentacles that are wrapped around her legs and waist.

 The tentacles are now wrapped around the arms of the female hero, whose movements are restricted, and her limbs are easily restrained.

"This strength... it's strong."

(I have to escape somehow!!)

 Mariabelle is well aware of the dangers of the slime.

 No matter how much armor she has to protect against poison, this slime monster uses its own properties to penetrate the armor.

 ――Just as Mariabelle expected, before she could shake the tentacles loose, the slimy tentacles sneaked under her armor through the gaps in her torn clothes.

 The sticky, disgusting mucus touches her skin, giving her goosebumps.

 Unlike other women, Mariabelle is immune to the effects of the aphrodisiac due to the protection of her armor, so even if she comes into contact with slime, she just feels disgusting.

 In order to escape from that disgust, Mariabelle musters up her strength to tear off the tentacles.



 With a dry click, one of the clasps of her armor was removed.

 When the tightness of the armor that had been clinging to her body loosened, her body began to feel the fresh air, as if enjoying the feeling of freedom.

 But it's the worst for Mariabelle.

"No way?! Don't, stop it!?"

 The slime has the knowledge to take off the armor.

 It's a monster that seems to devote its entire intellect to violating women. It's only natural for it to take off anything that gets in its way―― even if it's the armor of the hero who has received the blessing of the goddess.

"Damn it, this kind of thing!"

 Just then, a dry clang could be heard at a distance.

 The holy sword that was deflected fell to the floor.

 When she turned her attention to the direction where the sound came from, she saw the holy sword lying on the dirty mucus floor... and about to be swallowed up.

 For Mariabelle, the hero's equipment is an important link to her father, whom she has no memory of.

 It is being swallowed up by the monster's mucus and becoming defiled. It was more than a humiliation that she could never bear.

"You... let, go. Let go, let go, of me!!"

 Mariabelle tries to somehow tear off the tentacles that are restraining her arms and legs.

 In fact, Mariabelle's strength is so strong that it's hard to believe that she's a woman.

 Furthermore, due to her anger at having her father's equipment defiled, her strength has increased greatly... However, even though she is a hero, the monster's tentacles are not so weak that a woman's slender arms can tear them.

 If one tentacle breaks, it will be restrained by two, and if that doesn't work, three tentacles will wrap around the limbs.

 On the contrary, sensing the resistance of its prey, the slime extended even more tentacles from the floor and wrapped them around the female hero whose clothes were torn and her skin exposed.

 Not only her limbs and hips, but also her shoulders, knees, neck, and joints.

"Kuh, uuu!?"

(I really can't move...!?)

 No matter how strong her arms are, if the joints that are difficult to apply force are suppressed, there is no way she can resist.

 While she was being restrained, the metal fittings of her armor were removed again, and her breastplate fell off with a sound.

"No way!?"

 Even though she still has her clothes on, Mariabelle is upset that what's underneath her armor is revealed.

 Her sweat-soaked clothes stuck to her skin, revealing the shape of her breasts, which were smaller than those of her mother, sister, or even women of the same age.

 Her chest was shaking up and down with her breathing, and tentacles were wrapped around it too.

"Hii!? No―― let go, let go of me!!"

 What is going to be done from now on... Mariabelle understands immediately when her chest is touched, and she screams with a convulsive voice.

 However, the slime ignored the female hero's screams and extended more tentacles to her limbs.

 Her armor was removed and her chest was exposed, and her clothes were still wrapped around her groin area.

 Once fully restrained while standing, Mariabelle is forced into an upright position.

 Biting her lip at the humiliation, she glared at the humanoid with all her strength in her deep, dark black eyes that reminded one of obsidian.

"Don't think you can do anything about me at this level."

(The effect of the armor still remains―― Otou-sama, please protect me...)

 It's probably because the hand armor and foot armor are still in place.

 The effects of the paralyzing poison and aphrodisiac are not apparent when she touches the slime's mucus.

 Mariabelle, standing, flails her body in an attempt to shake off the tentacles.

 Her black hair, tied up in a ponytail, and the remnants of her clothes swayed powerlessly in time with her movements.

――If the poison has no effect, she can still resist.

Mariabelle thought so and tried to stay strong. She desperately didn't lose her cool, in order not to miss the moment when she had the chance to turn things around.

......But she didn't realize yet that it was the worst thing for Mariabelle......

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