Master's Philia (WN): Chapter 12


Skrios' Play

 It's been a few days since he watched the match between Aifie and Eul.

 Tigaro had Kenna look at their clothes and make sure there was nothing wrong with them.

"Then let's go."


 Tigaro, wearing royal formal attire, left the house with Kenna, who was wearing a maid outfit, following behind.

"I'm the one who mainly moves, but the procedure is exactly as I explained."

"Yes. I understand."

 While having such an exchange, I headed towards the main residence.

 A horse-drawn carriage is available near the main residence for transportation.

 He was planning to ride that carriage to his destination.

 As he approached the main residence, he heard the sounds of commotion coming from the garden.


 The sound of something being wielded and its sound echoing.

 Then, a figure jumps out of the garden.


 The person who came rolling down was a maid with cuts all over her body.

 Fortunately, she was not seriously injured and seems to be conscious, so her life is not in danger.

"Tch, these Nikus are small fries."

 The person who appeared from the garden in the direction the maid had come from was the owner of the voice from earlier―― Skrios, the second son of the Noros family.

 He seems to have been training with his slaves in the garden, and there is a little sweat on his forehead.

"Hey, Tigaro."

 Skrios didn't even look at the maid lying around, and saw Tigaro, who was wearing the formal attire of the Kingdom of Shirsodi, in his field of vision.

"What's with that attire?"

"I was invited to a party hosted by Del-dono of the Fonedao family, so I will be attending."

"Heh... You're still the guy who likes troublesome things."

 Skrios said that in shock, but then his eyes changed color and he asked Tigaro.

"So, are there any delicious-looking Niku there?"

 When he says delicious looking, he's probably looking at it from a s*xual perspective.

 Even within the Noros family, Skrios likes women.

 From Tigaro's point of view, Skrios basically thinks that all he has in mind is to satisfy his own s*xual needs, enjoy combat, and satisfy his appetite.

 There aren't any s*xually attractive women from Tigaro's point of view, but he doesn't want Skrios to be interested in them, so he decides to just answer.

"Rarely, I guess. It's a very crowded place, so I won't touch them."

"Aah! Even though you have a big d*ck, you're still a stubborn bastard! Even if you kidnap one or two people, no one cares!! Gyahahaha!"

 Skrios laughs with a vulgar smile.

 If one of the kingdom's aristocratic daughters were to disappear, there would probably be nothing but an uproar.

 However, if the other party is a nobleman lower in rank than the Noros family, it is possible to forcefully calm down the nobleman who is making a fuss over his daughter being kidnapped.

 The means to achieve this are often force and power, so nobles who try to resist or retaliate against the Noros family will be in trouble.

 Perhaps because of this, the common understanding among the weak and powerless aristocrats is that if the Noros family catches their eye, it will be over.

 Even if they have a daughter who has been abducted by the Noros family, they often have no choice but to give up on trying to get her back.

 As expected, the people of the Noros family also know that if they mess with the members of the other three major nobles, it will be a big deal, so they basically don't mess with them.

 However, when dealing with other nobles, members of the Noros family behave freely.

 This was only possible because of the strength and power of the Noros family.

 Skrios said to Tigaro as if he had suddenly thought of something.

"That's right, Tigaro. Let's have a match. I'm also getting tired of dealing with these Nikus."

"...Brother Skrios. As I said earlier, I have a party to attend now..."

 Skrios lowered his hips and took a stance as Tigaro tried to refuse, saying he had something to do, with a cheerful smile on his face so as not to make him angry.

 If you look at his face, you can clearly see his dissatisfaction.

"You're too noisy."

 Although there was nothing in his hands, Skrios suddenly closed the distance to Tigaro as if there was no problem.

 When Tigaro saw this, he panicked and jumped backward to get some space.

 Skrios muttered something behind his lips as he pounced on him.

"[Spirit Axe]"

 The mana that rapidly took shape in Skrios' hands became a great axe.

 With a belligerent smile on his face, Skrios swings it wide.

"[Spirit Tail]!!"

 Tigaro quickly reacted to Skrios, who suddenly jumped at him, and hurriedly activated his own manifestation magic.

 The tentacle that flew out from Tigaro's palm was launched towards the manifestation magic [Spirit Axe] used by Skrios.

 However, the tip of the [Spirit Tail] was easily cut off by Skrios's [Spirit Axe].

 Tigaro, who had expected this, was not surprised and used the impact to the tentacle to further distance himself from Skrios.

 When he straightened up, he saw Skrios staring straight at him.

 Right now, all he can think about is playing with his new toy, Tigaro.

 Tigaro had no choice but to take off the formal jacket of the kingdom that he was wearing.

"Kenna, hold it."


 He threw his jacket to Kenna who was away.

 Into the manifestation magic [Spirit Tail] that he was emitting, he put Odo, a compound he got from Kenna he had stored in his body and his own mana.

 Then, the cross section of the tentacle that was cut by Skrios began to bulge out, and was regenerated into its original shape.

Tigaro lightly moved the [Spirit Tail] to check its condition, and observed his brother Skrios's every move so as not to miss it.

"Gyahaha! Are you motivated?"

 Skrios' expression changed from dissatisfaction to a grin and pointed the tip of his axe at Tigaro.

 Skrios's [Spirit Axe], like Tigaro, is a substitute produced by manifestation magic.

 The axe had a sharp, single-edged shape, and was larger and heavier than Tigaro's [Spirit Tail].

 Manifestation magic tends to become stronger as the number of slaves is greater or the quality of the slaves is better.

 As far as Tigaro knows, Skrios owns the most slaves after his father Lemalgoas and the eldest son Psyphro.

 Speaking of Tigaro, on the other hand, the only slaves he has enslaved are Kenna and one other person, a total of two.

 The difference in ability in manifestation magic was so obvious.


 Skrios attacks with his axe raised.

 As he saw earlier, the [Spirit Axe] in his hand can easily cut through Tigaro's [Spirit Tail].

 Naturally, if it hits Tigaro's body, there is no doubt that he will be seriously injured.

 Twisting his body to avoid the vertical slash.

 He put his foot on the axe that had sunk into the ground right next to him, blocked its movement, and thrust his hand at Skrios, who was holding the handle.

 Skrios dodged the hand that was approaching his face by tilting his head, and instead grabbed his wrist.

 At first glance, Tigaro seemed to be at a disadvantage because his wrist was grabbed, but that was also within Tigaro's expectations.


 Skrios, who was distracted by the hand, raised his foot just before the [Spirit Tail] approached his stomach and blocked it.

 Tigaro's piercing hand was a faint.

 Furthermore, Tigaro moves his [Spirit Tail] and tries to capture Skrios's leg.

 Perhaps realizing the disadvantage of having to block all, Skrios let go of Tigaro's wrist and the handle of the Spirit Axe, and jumped back by kicking the approaching [Spirit Tail].

"[Spirit Axe]"

 Skrios muttered as he adjusted his stance, and the [Spirit Axe] that Tigaro had placed his foot on collapsed, and the magic axe once again appeared in Skrios's hand.


 When Skrios put his power into his manifestation magic, [Spirit Axe], another blade emerged from the opposite side of the single blade.


 As expected, Skrios threw it at Tigaro.

 Tigaro naturally succeeded in dodging the long-range attack, but Skrios was already close to him.

 Tigaro uses his arms to catch Skrios's kick, but he is sent flying backward.


 Even as he ran, Skrios pulled out the [Spirit Axe] that had been thrown and stuck in the ground.

 In response to the sharp blade being swung, Tigaro immediately grabbed his [Spirit Tail] and used it as a substitute, and jumped back.

 However, Skrios, who was closing the distance, was faster than the running Tigaro.

 While repairing the torn tentacle tip, he dodges Skrios's axe, but Tigaro's battle situation only worsens.

 Tigaro has no means to counter Skrios's manifestation magic [Spirit Axe].

 Once you activate manifestation magic, you don't need any magic or mana to continue the magic.

 Therefore, it is difficult to aim for the mana and Odo contained within Skrios to be cut off.

 Tigaro thought about what to do.

 He turned his attention to the double-edged [Spirit Axe].

 The reason for increasing the number of blades was probably because Tigaro had blocked the ax with his foot earlier.

 Tigaro had the impression that it was a manifestation magic that represented Skrios himself, who forcibly laid hands on many women and hurt them no matter where they were.

 Unable to handle Skrios' fierce pursuit, Tigaro finally knelt to the ground.

 When Tigaro showed a big opening, Skrios had already gotten behind him.


 Seeing an opportunity, Skrios smiled as he tried to swing his axe down.

 So Skrios should have won.

 At that moment, a shock ran through Skrios' hands.

 Surprised, Skrios immediately jumped back and checked his hand.

 In his hand, Skrios's ax was not the [Spirit Axe], but it was lying next to Tigaro.

 The [Spirit Tail] extending from Tigaro's waist sways.

 It was probably that tentacle that hit Skrios's hand from a blind spot.

   Even though he was at a disadvantage because his axe was knocked off by the [Spirit Tail], Skrios let out a lewd laugh.

"Gyahaha! Your manifestation magic is interesting."

 Skrios spins his words as he turns around and sees Tigaro.

"You, that Psyphro, Father and I are all in the same boat. There is a saying that...... Noros don't need a second weapon, but yours is not a weapon. It's more like a body part...... Did that Niku eat pig shit when she gave birth to you?"

"...I don't know the cause. It was like this from the beginning."

 While replying, Tigaro felt a little offended by him insulting his mother, and decided to make the first move this time.

 Tigaro runs towards Skrios while waving his [Spirit Tail] behind him.

 Seeing Tigaro closing the distance, Skrios seemed to take it as a bellicose, and the fighting spirit in his eyes shined even brighter.

 In his hand, he holds a newly created [Spirit Axe].

"Uwa, it's great! It's starting to be fun!"


 At that voice, Skrios and Tigaro suddenly stopped moving.

 Tigaro could see the maid standing behind Skrios.

 Her name is Arnei.

 She is one of the oldest maids among the slaves of Lemalgoas, the father of Tigaro and Skrios.

 Nowadays, it is safe to say that she is Lemalgoas' right-hand man.

 Skrios turned around and gave a sharp look to the maid who had called out to him.

"...What? Don't you understand that we are having fun right now?"

 His eyes went up, and Tigaro could see that he was clearly furious.

"――You're just a Niku!!"

 Skrios becomes furious with spit flying.

 Even after receiving this, Arnei still seemed calm and bowed her head and apologized.

"I'm sorry, but it's almost time for your appointment with Lemalgoas-sama."

"...Tsk. It can't be helped."

 Even though it's Skrios, it seems like it would be bad for him to ignore his plans with his father, Lemalgoas.

 Skrios, who was dissatisfied with his [Spirit Axe] undone, said to Tigaro, who was also returning the [Spirit Tail] to his body.

"Hey, Tigaro. Next time, increase the number of your slaves and make your manifestation magic stronger. I think I'll have more fun with you, but that half-baked manifestation magic is still not enough for the serious me."

 Skrios' expression changed as if he suddenly remembered something.

"...Ah, if I remember correctly, there was a delicious-looking Niku from Asur that you were targeting before. What do you think about it?"

 Tigaro's eyebrows twitched at those words.

 The only person who fits the description of the Asur family that Skrios is talking about is Aifie.

 It was true that Tigaro had a friendly relationship with Aifie when they were young, and it seems that this was a bit of a rumor among the kingdom's aristocrats, but it was surprising that Skrios knew about it.

 ――Aifie, to be my slave...?

 He can't help but imagine it.

 Beautiful long blue hair and clear, beautiful eyes.

 Her big breasts that can be seen even through her school uniform and her ass hidden under her skirt are sure to have smooth skin that makes one want to devour them.

 Tigaro swallowed his saliva.

 Aifie's rich expression always warms Tigaro's heart.

 ――No, no, but...

 What about the impact on Aifie herself?

 In the Noros family, it is forbidden to touch other people's slaves without permission, except for Lemalgoas's slaves.

 If Tigaro were to make Aifie his slave, at least the possibility that she would be s*xually assaulted by the Noros family other than Tigaro would be significantly reduced.

 Perhaps it would be a good idea for Tigaro himself to make Aifie his slave.

 Once he got to that point, he suddenly realized how dangerous his thoughts were.

 Tigaro was almost trying to use his own hands to involve Aifie in the affairs of the Noros family.

 Hurriedly shaking off that thought, Tigaro carefully corrected his words with a troubled smile on his face.

"...I'm being watched by the Asur family, so it's difficult to target her."

"Hahaha!! You don't have to worry about such a small thing, just scratch it off!!"

 Skrios laughed at Tigaro's concern, which he could never ignore, even though it was just a public concern.

"That's right, how about I bring her over? I just wanted to taste a new Niku..."

 Reflexively, Tigaro opened his mouth.

 There was an unusual feeling of strength in his throat, and he caught Skrios with his sharp eyes.

"――No, there's no need to worry. I'll take care of it myself, so please don't mess with it."

 After saying that, Tigaro couldn't help but notice that his smiling mask was beginning to peel off.

 After taking a breath, he calmed down and fixed his expression with a soft smile.

"Really? Well, if that's your thing, then so be it."

 Fortunately, Skrios, sensing that Tigaro's mood had changed, easily backed down.

 Skrios headed towards the main residence.

"Hey, Niku guys!! I'm hungry!! Get some food ready right away!!"

 He said he had plans with his father, but it seems like he's going to eat until the last minute.

 Skrios' principle of behavior is easy to understand as he acts according to his own desires, but Tigaro finds it difficult to handle him.

 If it was for their own desires, the members of the Noros family would not hesitate to do terrible things to Aifie.

 ――I will never give them Aifie.

 After muttering this in his head once more, Tigaro noticed his clothes.

 The kingdom's formal attire was torn in places, making it no longer suitable for appearing in public as a nobleman.

"...Kenna, let's go back and change clothes."


 Tigaro left the Noros residence a little later than the scheduled time.

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