Master's Philia (WN): Chapter 24


To Sink Below

 When he opened the door in the basement.

 What Tigaro sees are various training equipment, including a triangular rocking horse, a bed with restraints attached, and a crucifixion cross.

 It was once a training room used by members of the Noros family to create their own slaves.

 The person tied to a chair in the middle of the training room is Eul, an exchange student from the empire who had transformed into a monster yesterday and was rampaging through the royal capital's aristocratic district.

 She was tied to a chair with her entire body locked, just like yesterday.

 However, compared to yesterday's situation, there was a change in Eul that Tigaro could see.


 Eul sits quietly, her gagged mouth not moving.

 Immediately after he captured her yesterday, she was trying to scream like a beast, and was violently resisting many times, probably due to the effect of becoming a monster.

 However, there was no such appearance in the current Eul.

"...She looks different from yesterday.... Maybe she's regained consciousness?"

"Maybe.… Would you like to unrestrain her?"

 The conversation between the two never reaches Eul, whose hearing and vision are blocked.

 Hearing Kenna's words, Tigaro looked at the restrained Eul, thought for a moment, and answered.

"...Let's leave it as is for now. I haven't figured out whether Eul-dono is an enemy or an ally yet."

 An unprecedented event where a person becomes a monster.

 Unable to decide whether that was Eul's intention or not, Tigaro chose to maintain the status quo.

 In front of him, the naked Eul was tied to a chair with her legs spread wide open.

 Although not as big as Aifie's, she has big enough breasts and a well-shaped v*gina.

 However, the feeling of yesterday when he violated Eul as his own lust prompted him came back to him, and Tigaro's p*nis became hard.

"Do you want to use the aphrodisiac and the virility potion?"

"...I'll just use the aphrodisiac today. I got used to it yesterday, so I think I'll be able to f*ck her without hesitation today."

 In Tigaro's heart, there was no fear of Eul's body, which had become a monster.

 On the contrary, his body was strangely aroused, perhaps because he had been aroused by tormenting Aifie's body earlier.

"I understand."

 Kenna replied calmly.

 Then, according to Tigaro's instructions, Kenna took out a brush and soaked it in the aphrodisiac and applied it to Eul's body.


 Eul gasped a little, perhaps sensing the feeling of something being applied to her body.

 However, there was no sign of her getting violent like yesterday, and she just accepted the situation by stiffening her restrained body.

 Although she seemed to be conscious, Tigaro had no intention of releasing her restraints.

 It would be a problem if she suddenly turned into a monster, and the only way to release Eul's restraints would be after enslaving her and drawing her to their side.

"Tigaro-sama. It's ready."

 Kenna said that while Tigaro was taking some time to think.

 He turned his attention to Eul's crotch, whose legs were spread open.

 Eul's labia, which had been painted with the aphrodisiac with a brush, was beginning to glow faintly red.

 Hidden in the folds of flesh, he could see a protrusion starting to appear slightly.

 It was definitely a sign of heat.

 Nodding to Kenna who reported this, Tigaro took out his erect p*nis.

 Partly because he had been holding back from violating Aifie, Tigaro's s*xual desire had built up considerably.

 The p*nis he took out was already bulging and veins were popping out.


 Tigaro, who was remembering the elation he felt from tormenting Aifie's body, grabbed Eul's twin mounds with both hands.


 He suddenly grabbed her chest and Eul let out a muffled voice inside her sealed mouth.

 Ignoring Eul's surprise, Tigaro moved his hand freely.

"Nhh, nnhhh!?"

 Eul gasps at the feeling of her chest being massaged.

 There are no traces left of Tigaro's grip yesterday on Eul's chest.

 There's nothing wrong with making it a little stronger like yesterday, but Tigaro's movement was somewhat modest compared to yesterday.

 Eul's breasts, which are being kneaded and turned, flexibly change shape in Tigaro's hands.

 Love juice dripped from Eul's v*gina.

"Fu, fu…! nh, hau…"

 Eul's hot breath leaks out from the gap in the gag.

 Eul's v*gina, which was forced into heat by the aphrodisiac, was ready to accept a man regardless of her will.

 Tigaro, who was already aroused, looked at her v*gina.

 Then, he inserted his own thick p*nis.


 Eul's v*ginal walls were pushed open by Tigaro's p*nis, and she arched her back and let out a gasp.

 However, all these movements are meaningless in front of the strict restraints.

 After confirming that Eul is unable to move, Tigaro is filled with excitement and pours out his lust into her tightening v*gina.

 Eul could only accept Tigaro's p*nis as it was inserted and removed over and over again.

 Tigaro's p*nis gouged Eul's v*ginal wall and scraped out the love juices gushing out due to the aphrodisiac.

"Ugu!! Uu!!?"

 The ball in Eul's mouth was bitten over and over again, making a rattling sound.

 The inside of her v*gina was still tight, and it was clear that Eul, who was being disturbed, was in pain.

 Eul's heartbroken scream echoes in the basement as her mouth is covered.

 ――――No, no, no.

 Perhaps because he heard Eul's voice, the image of his mother from earlier appeared in Tigaro's mind.

 Those eyes were so frightened.

 He was recognized not as Tigaro, her beloved son, but as a member of the Noros family who was hurting her, and she showed a strong reaction of rejection.

 The eyes of his mother somehow stuck in Tigaro's mind.

"Ha, ha, ha――"

 However, even though he remembered this, Tigaro did not stop violating Eul.

 Right now, his priority is to enslave Eul, rather than feeling depressed about being rejected by his mother Tesia.

 Besides, even if Tigaro's feelings are left aside, his body is completely excited.

 As proof of this, even though she was panting in pain, Tigaro couldn't escape from the desire that welled up in him and from the pleasant feeling of her v*gina.

 Every time Tigaro slams his hips against Eul with lust, a lustful yet heartbreaking voice leaks from Eul's mouth.

 While pushing his brimming s*xual desire onto Eul, Tigaro noticed that Eul and his mother Tesia's appearance overlapped.

 Eul is in the same situation as his mother Tesia, who is tormented by Lemalgoas and his older brothers.

 Thinking of that, Tigaro lowered his gaze a little while pushing his lower back.

"Ha, haa, after all, I'm doing the same thing..."

 Tigaro murmured that and started swinging his hips a little wildly.

 Tigaro's glans crushed the inside of Eul's v*gina, and Eul's internal organs were pushed up.

 Tigaro's hips slammed into Eul's waist with force, and Eul let out a gasp each time.

"Fuguu, fuguu, fuguu, fuguu!?"

 There was no hesitation or kindness.

 The feeling of conquest from unilaterally invading Eul's tight p*ssy makes Tigaro's feelings even more excited.

 Eul's v*gina is being stirred by Tigaro's increasingly violent p*nis.

"Haa, haa, haa"

 He wishes he could forget all the emptiness of causing pain to others and the pain of being rejected by his mother with this pleasure.

 Thinking this in the back of his mind, Tigaro roughly flicked the clitoris, which was beginning to show its plump appearance, with his fingers.


 Eul's throat trembles at the sharp stimulation.

 Tigaro's face distorted as his p*nis was squeezed inside her pulsating v*gina.

 Feeling the semen rushing up his p*nis, Tigaro pushed his hips in and crushed Eul's cervix with his glans.

"Ugh... [Slavery]...!!"

 Semen filled with mana overflows from the glans that is released from restraint.

 The semen poured forcefully into Eul's womb.

 In an attempt to overwrite the distorted pattern, Tigaro's mana was absorbed and covers Eul's magic core.

 However, the distorted pattern is quite persistent, and perhaps because Eul has not given in, Tigaro's mana is easily repelled by its strong resistance.

"Ha, ha……"

 When the pleasure of ejaculation subsided, Tigaro started moving again.

 He wants to drown in pleasure even more.

 He doesn't care about hurting her, dominates her body, and devours his desires to his heart's content.

 That was supposed to be the Noros family's method, which Tigaro secretly hated.

 The person who is seeking that now is probably no different from the Noros family after all.

 Tigaro looked down on himself as he remembered the look his mother gave him.

 The black emotion in Tigaro's chest grows larger.

 ――In that case, why don't I become even more despicable?

 With a feeling of emptiness and a little desperation in his heart, Tigaro raises his arms.

 It was an imitation of Psyphro's behavior that he saw earlier.

 Tigaro waved his hand down as if to let out what was inside his chest.

 Tigaro's palm hit Eul's thigh vigorously.

 A loud banging sound was heard, and a numb pain remained in Tigaro's hand.


 Eul let out a muffled scream, perhaps because of the sudden shock.

 Even though he threw the turmoil in his heart against Eul's body, Tigaro's heart didn't feel much better.

 The emptiness that remains in his heart.

 In an attempt to drown it out, Tigaro slapped Eul's thigh over and over again.


 Eul seemed to be trying to scream in pain, as her expression was distorted in pain, so much so that it could be seen through the blindfold.

 However, she is tied to a chair and has no way to escape.

 As Eul's thighs become red as he slaps her over and over again.

 Every time Tigaro swings his arms down, Eul's v*gina tightens.


 As if drowning in the feeling, Tigaro pushed his p*nis deep into Eul.


 Eul's body, which was tied to a chair, twitched.

 Eul's drool dripped from the gap between the gag ball that was held in her mouth.

 Eul's v*gina also convulses and tightens around Tigaro's p*nis.

"Kuh… [Slavery]…!!"

 Encouraged by this, Tigaro gritted his teeth and released the semen into Eul the second time.

 The semen filled with mana is let out from Eul's womb.

 The distorted pattern, which was thought to be the cause of her transformation into a monster, carved into the magic core deep within the womb.

 Tigaro was panting at the pleasure of Eul's tightening of her v*gina while sending mana into it.

"Haa... haa... haa..."

 The image of Psyphro from earlier came to mind.

 With a ruthless expression on his face, he torments the slave without caring about her body and just acts according to his own desires.

 He wished he could be like that too.

 He doesn't feel anything, he just becomes a tool to torment women and create slaves, and he also gains power.

 If he could be someone who could just mechanically protect Aifie and his mother, that's what he wanted to do.

 Slaves are tools for that purpose, and Tigaro is the one who uses them.

 He feels this way because he is trying to picture his mother in such a slave.

 Slightly mocking himself, Tigaro took out the dagger he had in his pocket.

 Illuminated by the light of the basement, the blade with a trace of blood glowed dully.

 It was what Psyphro had stabbed into his own slaves.

 In Tigaro's current field of vision, he sees Eul panting with pain and pleasure.

 Staring at her thighs, which were red and bruised, he tightly gripped the dagger in his hand.

 ――Stab it.

 That's what he's thinking because he's frustrated with his inability to be ruthless.

 If he didn't go out of his way to pretend to blend in with the Noros family and his feelings were stained like theirs, he wouldn't have to feel this bitterness.

 How easy is that?

 He wants to forget about his mother who rejected him and the fear of hurting others, and just act according to his desires and feel good.

 Tigaro thought so while feeling cloudy in his heart.

 At that moment, the cute face of his childhood friend comes to mind.

 ――I'll definitely make you go back to the way you were before.

 For some reason, Aifie's words passed through his head, telling him to stop his actions.

 Even though Aifie was also one of the people who was forced to become Tigaro's slave, this is indescribably bullish.

 Even though she was betrayed by Tigaro, even when he forced himself on her, she stuck to her will.

 He feels a little envious of her strong and correct way of being.

 While thinking about this, Tigaro shook his hips again and attacked Eul's v*gina.

"Aah, aah, aah, ahh!!?"

 Eul's heartbreaking voice makes him think about unnecessary things.

 The frightened expression of the mother, the adorable face of Aifie who glares at him with teary eyes, and the appearance of Psyphro ruthlessly toying with the slave.

 Many of these things overlapped in Tigaro's head, and his vision was spinning around...

 Tigaro suddenly came back to his senses as a hand was gently placed on his chest.

"――Haa, haa, haa...?"

 Stopping his hips and shaking his head a little, Tigaro looked behind him with just his eyes.

 She wears an unbroken maid outfit, a black tail and animal ears.

 There, staring intently at him, was the face of a beastkin girl.


"Tigaro-sama. You seem tired today, so let's end this here."

 Kenna, Tigaro's slave, said so indifferently.

 However, Tigaro has doubts about Kenna's words.

 Tigaro's body doesn't feel particularly tired, and his p*nis still maintains its hardness.

 Rather, for Tigaro, who has such a s*xual desire that he has to have s*x every day, the real thing is about to begin.

 Kenna should know this, as she is forced to have s*x with Tigaro every day.

 Wondering about Kenna's words, Tigaro turned his gaze to Eul below and answered.

"...No, I'm still okay. More importantly, I have to make Eul-dono my slave as fast as possible..."

 Just as Tigaro was about to say that, Kenna's hand on his chest tightened.

 Although her arms look slender at first glance, her superhuman strength far exceeds that of an adult human male.

 Tigaro has also trained his body, but it is not strong enough to compete with her racial strength.

 Tigaro's body is pushed back away from Eul, and Tigaro's p*nis slips out of her v*gina.

 Lewd thread of liquid pulled from where they had joined and dripped onto the basement floor.

 Even though he was holding a dagger in his hand, Tigaro was confused by Kenna's sudden attack and dropped it.

 There was a metallic sound, and the dagger fell to the floor in the distance.


 Tigaro stumbled backward and flopped onto the plain bed in the corner of the basement.

 The bed in the basement had a mattress, but it was a little harder than the one Tigaro usually used.


 Kenna, the person who made Tigaro sit on the bed, is standing in front of Tigaro.

 Tigaro looked up at Kenna's face, confused by Kenna's actions.

"To tell you the truth, Kenna wants to lick Tigaro-sama’s p*nis."

 Kenna said this indifferently, with her usual complexion.

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