Master's Philia (WN): Chapter 36


Emergency Meeting

Kalizos turned his gaze to the man sitting in the middle of the Asur family's place.

“I'll let the head of the Asur family, Kupnor Asur, be in charge.”

"I've been given the order."

Kupnor was not surprised by Kalizos's sudden words and responded as if he had agreed.

There, he doesn't look as pitiful as the one who asked Lapeia for help earlier.

Kupnor turned his lips towards the Holy Wind Knights in a tone that conveyed strong will.

"First, let's hear from the Holy Wind Knights."


Colares, the leader of the Holy Wind Knights, nodded at Kupnor's words.

He stood up and attracted the attention of the people in the room, receiving the gaze of his subordinates, the members of the Holy Wind Knights.

"First of all, the other day, multiple witnesses confirmed that a monster was rampaging near the aristocratic district of the royal capital."

While reading the materials at hand, Colares describes the information that is currently known.

The monster that appeared had sharp fangs and ears like a tiger, a tail with scales like a lizard, and four thick legs like a lion.

What grows on the giant body that looks like a collection of different parts are large wings.

The breath of flame that was released from its large mouth was enough to scorch the ground, and even though it was a small area, burnt remains were left in the royal capital.

Hearing Colares' explanation, Tigaro becomes convinced of one thing.

What he is talking about is the monster that Eul had transformed into.

It matches what Tigaro said in the previous interview by the Holy Wind Knights, so there is no doubt that it is about that monster.

"And then, yesterday, a large number of ant-type monsters appeared in a wide area in the commercial district. I personally observed and dealt with this."

The ant monsters mainly appeared from holes in underground sewers that flowed into the river.

Neighboring residents have reported that the water has stopped flowing for several days, so it is thought that the monsters have been incubating for the past few days.

The large number of ant monsters were dealt with by members of the Noros family who were present at the scene, members of the Holy Water Knights, and members of the Holy Wind Knights who rushed to the scene.

Although there are no signs of monsters coming out of the hole in the underground waterway now, they do not let their guard down, and the Holy Wind Knights' troops are still keeping watch day and night.

Just as Colares finished explaining the general situation, Kupnor spoke up.

"I heard that the first monster that appeared is being searched for, but has it not been found yet?"

"Yeah. There are reports of sightings of the monster, but there are no traces of it after it escaped. It's pathetic, but we still haven't even gotten any news of its whereabouts."

The monster changed into its original form, a human girl named Eul, and Tigaro also kidnapped Eul and erased all traces of her, so the Holy Wind Knights seemed unable to obtain any information.

Hearing Colares' report, Tigaro was a little relieved that it hadn't been discovered that he had kidnapped Eul.

However, Kalizos, who had been listening silently until then, frowned at Colares' words.

"I see.… As for the Holy Water Knights, did it get caught in the barrier surrounding the royal capital?"

"Unfortunately, there was no reaction that a monster had invaded either before or after the two incidents."

The person who answered Kupnor's words was the commander of the first division of the Water Holy Knights, a young woman named Terisua Sith Asur.

She was sitting in the middle of the Holy Water Knights' place and answering questions in place of the Holy Water Knights' commander, who was currently absent.

Perhaps because her title as representative of the Holy Water Knights meant that she was carrying a bigger burden than usual, her expression showed a hint of nervousness.

"We have mobilized some members of the Asur family who do not belong to the Holy Water Knights to search the entire royal capital with [Water Eyes], but like the Holy Wind Knights, it has not been found."

Kupnor, the head of the Asur family, added some information to help Terisua.

Most of the members of the Holy Water Knights are related to the Asur family, and Terisua is a blood relative of the Asur family.

It was only natural for Kupnor, the head of the Asur family, to help Terisua.

However, the expressions on the faces of the people sitting at the round table listening to Kupnor's report were not very good.

"Hmph. With the kingdom's largest order of knights here, I think it will take some time to resolve the issue."

Lemalgoas, with his arms crossed, muttered so loud that even Tigaro, who was standing behind him, could hear it.

The murmurs seemed to have reached the ears of the members of the Holy Water Knights and the Asur family, and some of them, with the exception of Aifie and Lapeia, looked bitterly at Lemalgoas, but turned their gazes sharply towards Lemalgoas.

Even though he was receiving such stares, Lemalgoas' gaze was consistently dignified.

"Hahaha, Lemalgoas-dono. I have no words to answer that."

Kupnor laughed at Lemalgoas's murmurings, stiffened his face, and looked around at the people sitting at the round table.

"Now, have you understood the current situation? Now, I'm going to decide on countermeasures against these monsters."

"――Before that, one more thing."

Just as Kupnor was about to proceed with the meeting, one of the members of the Holy Water Knights raised a hand.

The person who raised his hand was a man with the same blue hair as Aifie and the same slender eyes as Kupnor.

When Kupnor saw this, he frowned, looking a little troubled.

"...What's wrong? Captain of the second division of the Holy Water Knights, Rogienor Asur."

"Father―― no, Kupnor-dono. Besides the appearance of monsters, there is another big incident."

As Rogienor said that, his gaze moved as if he was somehow conscious of the Noros family.

Seeing this, Kupnor let out a sigh and spoke in a slightly gentler tone, as if to argue.

"I understand your concern for the safety of the kingdom, but this is an emergency situation. Please refrain from making statements that are not related to this topic."

"Well, wait, Kupnor. Let's listen."

The person who interrupted Kupnor's words was Kalizos, the first prince of Shirsodi Kingdom.

Kalizos seemed to feel that there was some meaning in daring to raise his hand and speak at this meeting, so he allowed Rogienor to speak.

Prompted by Kalizos' gaze, Rogienor expressed his gratitude, then opened his mouth as he looked around at the people sitting at the round table.

"At the same time that the first monster appeared, Eul Stimung-dono, who had come to study abroad from the Asurora Empire, went missing."

Hearing Rogienor's words, not only the people sitting at the round table but also the people standing behind them began to commotion.

"Speaking of Stimung, the Flame General’s bloodline?"

"Certainly we can’t leave it alone."

"If she went missing in the royal capital, it would be an international problem."

People who were hearing this for the first time said this out loud, but some of the Fonedao family who provided food, clothing, and shelter to Eul and Machen heard this and looked a little pale.

Rogienor, who made everyone present understand the seriousness of the matter, continued speaking.

"Although this is speculation, we at the Holy Water Knights believe that these incidents that occurred around the same time are a series of incidents."

"...Certainly, the incidents that occurred at the same time in the royal capital, where peace has been maintained for the past 400 years. It cannot be said with certainty that there is no connection, but... what is the speculation of the Holy Water Knights?"

The person who answered Kalizos's question, who was convinced that there was room for consideration, was Terisua, who was next to Rogienor.

Her expression was quite mysterious, perhaps because she was a little nervous.

"Although it has not been brought to light, there have been frequent incidents of commoners going missing in the royal capital. And on the days when these incidents occur, a member of a certain prominent family is sure to do something suspicious."

Then, Terisua turned her gaze and looked Lemalgoas and Tigaro, who had come as representatives of the Noros family.

Everyone in the room turned their attention to Terisua's gaze.

Lemalgoas, who sensed their intentions after receiving their gaze, furrowed his eyebrows and asked in a low voice.

"Are you suspicious of my Noros family?"

"No. it is not, Lemalgoas-dono. Come to think of it, it seems that Lemalgoas-dono's son was present both times when the monsters appeared?"

Terisua asked as a question, but from her expression, it was clear that Terisua and the Holy Water Knights were suspicious of the Noros family.

In fact, most of the disappearances in the royal capital that have occurred in recent years have been caused by members of the Noros family's bloodline in order to take women and make them their slaves.

Blood relatives of the Noros family also forcibly covered up the incidents they had caused, but within the kingdom, the actions of the Noros family were almost a well-known fact.

"Hah. Nonsense."

However, in front of such a meeting where the royal family was present, there was no way they would admit to their outrageous behavior and maintained their stance that they were not involved.

As far as this case is concerned, Tigaro knows that even Lemalgoas doesn't know about it.

However, nearly half of the looks from around the room were skeptical of the Noros family.

In particular, the impression of the Noros family from the knights protecting the capital was quite bad, and the eyes of the Holy Wind Knights and Holy Water Knights were harsh.

"Leave it at that, Holy Water Knights. Before you doubt them, it's the fault of our Fonedao family, who were lax in managing Eul-dono in the first place. If you blame them, we'll feel bad too. And it's hard for us too, emotionally."

Surprisingly, the person who inherited the gaze directed at the Noros family was Colares, who was smiling bitterly.

At this meeting, he was supposed to be the leader of the Holy Wind Knights, not the Fonedao family, but it seemed like he dared to say that.

Hearing Colares' words, the gazes of the Holy Wind Knights and the Fonedao family towards the Noros family softened somewhat.

However, the tense atmosphere that occupied the room did not ease, and the members of the Holy Water Knights still had tense faces.

"We haven't said anything yet, Commander of the Holy Wind Knights, Colares Fonedao-dono. Or is there any inconvenience in being considered as such?"

When Terisua said that, the same skeptical look that she had directed at Lemalgoas earlier was reflected in her eyes.

As if they were repulsed, the members of the Holy Wind Knights who were near Colares were the first to react.

"Are you doubting the leader!?"

"Just because you're a captain of the Holy Water Knights, I won't forgive you for disrespecting our leader!!"

Words like these were flying around from the members of the Holy Wind Knights' seats and behind them.

While restraining that, Colares' expression changed a little and he opened his mouth to Terisua and the members of the Holy Water Knights who were sitting in the middle of the Holy Water Knights' seat.

"...Don't say that. You are in charge of the flow of the underground sewers in the capital, but how are you going to explain the ant monsters overflowing from the water supply?"

The members of the Holy Wind Knights and the Holy Water Knights gradually begin to quarrel.

Although their relationship is not like that of the Noros family, the two knight orders still compete for interests within the kingdom, and the slightest trigger can create a hostile atmosphere.

Lapeia, who was looking at it from a distance, let out a sigh.

"...If that old man is aware that he is the leader of the Holy Water Knights, he should at least come back quickly at least in case of an emergency in the Royal Capital."

That's when Kupnor opened his mouth to mediate in the midst of a somewhat chaotic meeting.

"Um, T-Tigaro…!!"

The girl's modest yet strong and dignified voice echoed in the room.

The knights who were arguing also instinctively turned in that direction.

Behind the seats where the executives of the Asur family were sitting――the girl with long, blue hair who had just spoken was standing there.

"Ah... u-um..."

It is fine that she uttered her voice without thinking, but all eyes were on Aifietouka Asur, who seemed to be a bit lost in all the attention she was getting.

Everyone was quietly waiting for the words of Aifie, the daughter of the Asur family, who is rumored to one day represent the kingdom.

Aifie's gaze glanced towards the Noros family―― Tigaro.

Lemalgoas, who did not miss this, raised his eyebrows and asked Aifie in a strong tone.

"What, you think there's still a charge against us――"

"Shut up, Lemalgoas. Our young lady is trying to speak now."

Lapeia, who was also sitting at the round table, interrupted Lemalgoas's words in a strong tone.

It was obvious to everyone that Lapeia was trying to protect the words of the precious daughter of the Asur family.

However, Lemalgoas' eyes rose as if he felt angry that his words were forcibly interrupted.

Before Lemalgoas opened his mouth, Aifie slowly moved her lips while choosing her words.

"...Tigarokent Noros-dono was fighting hard against the monsters that appeared in the royal capital. I don't know much about the Noros family, but..."

While talking, Aifie remembers the fact that Tigaro has actually kidnapped Eul, and becomes a little worried.

It is true that Tigaro did the kidnapping, and Aifie's statement does not negate the logic of bringing a monster into the royal capital as a cover for Eul's kidnapping.

There is no basis for Aifie's words, and the more she thinks about it, the more she suspects Tigaro.

"...But at least I don't think he would personally invite monsters into the capital."

However, Aifie couldn't believe that Tigaro had anything to do with bringing in the monsters, so she ended up saying so in front of everyone.

Tigaro was a little surprised to see Aifie's lips tightened, as if she was determined not to regret what she had said.

Lemalgoas, who heard Aifie's remark, seemed to be a little taken aback by the unexpected remark, just like Tigaro, and forgetting his anger at having his words interrupted by Lapeia, he threw his words at Tigaro, who was standing behind him.

"...Hey, Tigaro. When did you put that girl in handcuffs?"

"...I have no idea either, Father."

Although Tigaro is confused by Aifie's words, he tries to make his father Lemalgoas' suspicions as uninteresting as possible.

It wasn't all an act; Tigaro was actually a little confused by Aifie's words defending Tigaro.

It would be natural for Tigaro, who was the one who reduced Aifie to slavery, to be hated by her, but he can't see any reason for him to be defended.

Since Aifie actually saw Eul being captured, Aifie should have plenty of reasons to suspect Tigaro.

Also, Tigaro did not use the slave crest he carved on Aifie to order her to side with him; he gave the order not to tell anyone about Tigaro's relationship with Aifie or that he had kidnapped Eul. The only thing he ordered to do so, and to voluntarily refrain from getting involved in this matter.

In other words, Aifie's current statement was made by Aifie's will.

Tigaro couldn't understand her intentions at all.

When Tigaro glanced at Aifie as a test, his eyes just met hers.

Beautiful eyes with sharp eyes.

Aifie's eyes, which were both cute and beautiful, had a charm that drew Tigaro's gaze.

However, it was only for a moment that Tigaro was able to make eye contact with Aifie, as Aifie turned her face away, his cheeks turning slightly red.

Tigaro didn't quite understand how she felt, whether he was protected or hated.

The person who seemed irritated by Aifie's comment was Aifie's older brother Rogienor.

He seemed to have a sense of crisis over the seeming good relationship between the family member who played with women and his sister, so he quickly tried to speak to Aifie.

"But, Aifietouka――"

"Be quiet"

At Kalizos's words, even Rogienor, who was about to say something to Aifie, covered his mouth, and the room instantly fell silent.

No one disobeyed the instructions of the royal family, and the atmosphere at the meeting, which had been stormy, suddenly became tense.

At the round table seat where silence reigned, Kupnor, who received Kalizos's gaze, nodded and opened his mouth to Rogienor.

"Holy Water Knights, please stop talking only from speculation."

Kupnor looked around at the people sitting at the round table, leaving Rogienor with a slightly dissatisfied expression and Terisua with a frown and a tight-lipped mouth.

"What we need to do now is collect solid evidence and find out who is behind the scenes. And to do that, we need to strengthen our search network. This is not a very good method, but the Holy Water Knights are under the influence of the Asur family. Mobilize more free personnel to monitor the royal capital with the Water Eye, and carefully investigate the underground sewers. At the same time, we should also search not only for monsters but also for Eul Stimung."

Having said that, Kupnor shifted his gaze to Colares, who was folding his arms in the middle of the Holy Wind Knights' seat.

"The Wind Holy Knights, please expand the search area outside the royal capital. In addition to expanding the area, please also fly at a low altitude to check every detail so that you don’t miss any evidence."

"Yeah, I'll tell all the members of our group about that."

Behind Colares, who nodded happily, the members of the Holy Wind Knights looked a little dissatisfied.

The relationship between the Holy Wind Knights and the Holy Water Knights was not very good, and they seemed to be a little annoyed at receiving instructions from Kupnor, who was closely related to the Holy Water Knights.

Gugoros, who had the same expression as the group members, opened his mouth slightly.

"…He's acting like the Asur family's boss."

Kupnor didn't dare to respond to that murmur, but shifted his gaze to the side and opened his mouth to Lemalgoas, who was present as a representative of the Noros family.

"The Noros family is――"

"When a monster appears, the Noros family will take the lead and quickly crush it. Unlike the Asur family or the Fonedao family, we don't need magic tools in battle."

Before being given any instructions, Lemalgoas takes the initiative and makes this suggestion.

As the saying goes, Noros don't need a second weapon, and if they use their first weapon, manifestation magic, the blood relatives of the Noros family can fully demonstrate their power.

If the Asur family, the Fonedao family, and the two kingdom knight orders are military forces used to protect the country, the Noros family is a military force used abroad.

One of the main jobs of the small and elite bloodline of the Noros family is to crush the forces requested by other countries.

The Noros family doesn't shy away from inhumane actions, and roughhousing is no stranger to them.

The sight of them using slave magic to enslave prisoners of war, extracting information from them, and using a powerful weapon of manifestation magic to reap lives like a god of death is awe-inspiring even among the allies who request work from the Noros family.

It is said that the power of Lemalgoas, the head of the Noros family, is comparable to that of the commander of the Holy Wind Knights, who holds the title of strongest in the kingdom. The other relatives of the Noros family are not as strong as Lemalgoas, however, they have a power similar to that.

Even Tigaro, who is one of the weaker members of the Noros family, was able to fight against the large monster that Eul had transformed into, and with the help of Kenna, he fought against the former strongest of the kingdom, Gugoros, even though he did not have a weapon. The fact that they were able to deal with his attacks shows the high level of martial arts of the Noros family.

Confirming that he would receive the cooperation of the Noros family, Kupnor nodded and returned his gaze to the people sitting at the round table.

"So, regarding the detailed response and the sharing of information..."


After finishing the meeting, Kupnor turned his attention to the two members of the royal family sitting at the back of the room.

"Then, finally, I would like some words from His Royal Highness Prince Kalizos and Princess Lilith."

Kupnor, who was in charge of the meeting, focused the room's attention on Kalizos and Lilith.

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Lilith, who seemed to have decided to speak first, looked around at the people sitting at the round table.

Then she smiled and opened her lips.

"This is bad news before the foundation festival, but the reason we are all here is because of the guidance of the dancing wind. If we all work together, we will surely be able to solve the problem. For the peace of the kingdom, please lend us your help."

After confirming that Lilith had finished speaking, Kalizos looked at the faces of the people sitting at the round table one by one and gradually began to move his mouth.

"Everyone is at fault for this incident, but thanks to everyone's quick response, the damage is still minimal."

The words of Kalizos, the first prince of the Shirsodi Kingdom who is responsible for the future of the country, are so powerful that one can already feel his dignity.

The people gathered in the room listened to his words with serious expressions.

"However, this is the biggest incident in the Shirsodi Kingdom in the last 400 years. Keep that in mind and approach the investigation with care."

Thus, the emergency meeting assembled by the royal family came to an end.

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