Since I was Able to Become a Court Mage of an Elven Country, For Now, I Will Play Sexual Pranks on the Princess (WN): Chapter 31


Chapter 31: Princess, Sing

 A faint clinking sound echoed.

 It was the sound of Aisha and Berna's cups in the waiting room.

 Berna's special blend of black tea is easy to drink with little bitterness.

 Aisha sighed as she sipped the tea.

"Recently, I've noticed that you're not complaining about that mage anymore."

 When Berna said so, Aisha was about to spurt out the tea from her mouth.

 But Aisha held back.

"W-what are you talking about!?"

"No, I'm talking about the fact that Aisha-sama hasn't been complaining about that mage lately."

 That's right.

 Not long ago, whenever she was in the waiting room with Berna, Aisha would always complain about Keith.

 Cursing him.

 But recently, she has not mentioned Keith.

 Aisha was very surprised to hear that, but she was so surprised that she was so upset.

"What are you saying!! Why do you think I like him!!"

"No, no one said anything like that."

"Hmph!! That guy... that guy is a pervert!! I hoped he would die!! Because it's too filthy to even mention!! So I stopped talking about him!!"

"...That person, is he a pervert?"

"Haga!! Ah... ah... don't know!! I don't know!!"

"Is that so."

 Berna continued to drink tea in silence.

 Aisha couldn't help but think...... that she might have guessed something.

 But she thought it might be because she was acting differently from before.

 But the truth is that she can't curse Keith like she used to.

 She can't help but feel a pang in her chest when she thought of Keith.

 During work hours, she tried to suppress it with her rational mind, but when he was in class with Naia, she can't help feeling it.

 So she tried not to say or think about it.

 If she thought about it, she would feel love for him, but she would also feel some dislike.

 It's about Naia and Keith.

 Aisha is still nauseous just thinking about it when Keith was tutoring Naia.......

 It is a completely different kind of nausea than the first time she saw the act.

 Aisha, who did not know that it was simply an emotion called "jealousy," was not happy about it.

 So she did not think about it. She didn't want to be reminded of it. She tried to be calm.

 And she would say in her heart.

(He promised me......Keith......I must believe him!)

 The promise calmed Aisha's mind.

 By the way, Keith, who made such a promise.

"Princess! It suits you!!"

 He exclaimed as he gazed at Naia's figure.

 Naia was so embarrassed by her outfit that she was about to start crying.

 She was naked, with heart-shaped stickers on her nipples.

 In a way, it was more indecent, vulgar, and embarrassing than being naked.

 The pink stickers on her white skin are cute and hide only the important parts of her body.

 Her hair was tied in twin-tails.

 Twintails are the best for the princess bitch.

 The perfection of her hair made Keith get an erection unintentionally.

"K-Keith-sama... this appearance is..."

"Yes. I heard that the Princess will be performing a song at a banquet to which royalty from various countries will be invited......This is the armor I made to protect you!!"

"T-this will?"

"Yes. It's a talisman, so it will definitely protect the princess!"

 Naia's embarrassment vanished, but only slightly, as Keith confidently said that.

 It is the armor that Keith made to protect her. He made it with her in mind.

 It made Naia very happy.

 Incidentally, the protective magic that Keith had given to the "Embarrassing Seal (tentative name)" was "insect repellent".

 It's a very good magic tool that prevented mosquitoes from biting her!!

 Naia, who was given that, spins around in an embarrassed but happy manner to check her figure.

 Her lolicon body has little flesh, and her breasts and buttocks protrude just a little from her body, which is so thin that her ribs show.

 Her pure white body is like a white lily, but even she does not know that all of her purity has been stained by the mage in front of her.

 Keith, who couldn't get enough of the sticker on her loli body, decided to start today's "lesson" immediately.

"I heard that the princess is a little shy about singing, right?"

 Keith asked with a slightly disappointed look on his face, and Naia slumped her shoulders.

"This year... is special."

 It was not the first time Naia had sung in public, it has been a regular event for her since she was ten years old.

 Naia's singing voice was so good that it became a hot topic in the neighboring countries.

 For Naia, who could not use magic, singing was the only thing that she could be proud of.

 This year, however, things were a little different.

 For elves, "singing" was originally used when using high-level spirit magic, a skill necessary to speak to the spirits.

 When other races use spirit magic, they use their own mana as an allurement to use to the spirits, but the elven race sings to the spirits with their mana and speaks to them. Asking them to lend their strength.

 Only elves and mermaids can use this technique.

 Humans can also do it if they have the training and talent, but no one does it because it is much easier to summon a spirit by luring it using their mana.

 Naia had never been able to use mana, so she could only sing songs, but after Keith enabled her to use mana, her subjects request her to perform.

 The idea was to have Naia call the spirits by singing and dancing.

 So to speak, it is not to use high-level spirit magic, to say the least. It was a performance that merely imitated the magic.

 However, it was well known in neighboring countries that Naia could not use magic at all, and they were eager to change that, even if only a little.

 Without even knowing how much pressure it puts on Naia.

 Mashua and Mia told her, "Have fun singing". And Naia, wanting to please them as much as possible, accepted the offer.

 Normally, it was easy to call a spirit who loves the magical voice of an elf, but for Naia, who is not accustomed to the act of putting mana on a song, it is an extremely difficult task. They even hired a teacher for that skill and she is now working on it thoroughly.

 Recently, however, the fear of making a mistake in front of everyone has grown so great that she can no longer sing normally.

 When Aisha told him about that, Keith thought of a prank.

 Pranking a girl who is genuinely in trouble. Wouldn't he be better off dead?

 Keith said to Naia.

"Your voice is so wonderful, there is nothing to worry about."

"But... I wish I could get the spirits to dance well in front of the guests......"

"I assume you did well in your rehearsals?"

"In the beginning... but not recently."

 Naia looked like she was about to cry.

"That's because you're worried about how people look at you. If you stop worrying about that, you'll do just fine!"

"But it won't be that easy!"

"It's okay. You just have to practice."


 In front of Naia, who tilted her head curiously, Keith took out his magic staff and kneaded mana, putting a magic language on it.

 Then, a large number of people appeared in Naia's room. At that moment.


 Naia hurriedly hid her body and crouched down.

 She was dressed obscenely, after all.

 She would have been fine in front of Keith but she would never show it to anyone else.

"Keith-sama!! There are people!! No!!!"

"Princess, it's all right."

"It's not all right!! I've been seen!! I'm naked!! Aaahh!!"

"It's all right. It's just illusion magic."


 Fearful, Naia looks up and saw a large group of elves standing there.

 However, they all looked alike and also expressionless.

 They were obviously not living people. If anything, they are more like dolls.

"I'm using illusion magic to recreate a human form. See, I can't touch them."

 Keith put his hand on the shoulder of one of the elves, but it slipped through as if there was nothing there.

 Naia was relieved, but suddenly her cheeks puffed up.

"Why did you do this? I was so surprised and embarrassed...... I thought I was going to die!!"

"I'm sorry about that. But it's for the Princess's sake."

"For me...?"

"Yes. If the princess is nervous about singing using magic in public, then you should get used to it in a more embarrassing outfit.

"But that's..."

"Pretend they were real and try singing here."


 Naia exclaimed as she looked at the illusionary figures around her. And then Keith said.

"That's why I created this illusion. If the princess really thinks it's not good, I will erase it. But, trust me, okay?."

"Auu... but..."

"Can't... trust me?"

 Keith muttered with a sad face. Naia, who saw the look on his face.

"……I'll give it a try."

"As expected of the Princess!"

 Keith patted Naia on the head with a big smile.

 Keith made a gut-punch pose in his mind that he could now do a pseudo-exposure play.

"Come on, Princess, you have to get up first."

 Keith held out his hand and Naia, who had been crouching down, looked around and grabbed his hand.

 Still unable to get up, Keith said.

"I guess it's impossible after all..."

 This time, he sounded more disappointed than sad.

"Keith-sama... Keith-sama... hauu."

 She slowly stood up, calling out Keith's name.

 The only part of Naia's body that is hidden is exposed.

 The heart seals on the nipples and crotch are obscene, lewd, and beautiful.

 Naia's face turned red and tears welled up in her eyes as she stood there shaking and trembling.

"You did well. Look around you, Princess.."

 Naia looks around with a red face.

 The male elves were standing there with blank expressions on their faces. But Naia had the feeling that they were all looking at her.

"Keith-sama... I..."

"Come on, introduce yourself."


"Introducing yourself. Say, I'm Naia."

 Keith put his hand gently on Naia's small, trembling shoulder.

"I'm right here with you. Don't worry."

 The warmth of his voice and his hand on Naia's shoulder made her fear fade a little.

"...In the country of Seimrad... I'm the princess, Naia..."

 Introducing while dressed like that.

 Naia's crotch tightened.

 It was due to psychogenic stress, but Naia didn't know that and was almost confused as to why her crotch would get so hot.

 Keith looked at Naia and said.

"Let's sing a little then, shall we?"

"L-like... this?"

"Otherwise it doesn't make sense. Good luck!"

 And with that, Keith moves away from Naia.

 Naia is left alone in the illusion crowd and said, "Ah".

 Even though she knew it is an illusion, she is still afraid. She is more scared than embarrassed.

 Her crotch tightened again.

 Naia rubbed her thighs together and tries to speak, but can't.

 It was as if the illusions were piercing her with their gazes.

"Fue... sob*... ah... uu... Kieth-sama... Keith-samaa! I'm scared..."

 As tears streamed down her face, Naia's body was hugged tightly from behind.

"Princess. It's okay. I'm here."

"Uuu... but, buut..."

 Naia continued to cry as she clutched Keith's arm tightly.

 Keith gently began to play with Naia's clitoris.

"Fue?? Keith-sama...?"

 Naia looked up at Keith with teary eyes.

"I'll help the princess gather mana like this, so you just concentrate on singing."

"Fuaa!! Hyaa... uu!!"

 The stress caused by fear made her clitoris more sensitive than usual, and it delivered a different sensation to Naia.

 It is more painful than pleasant.

 Naia was confused by the painful sensation coming from her crotch, but.

"Uaa! Kyuu!! Hiee..."

 She became more and more addicted to it.

 The sticker on her crotch was peeling off from the overflowing love juices, and the stickers on her nipples were poking out due to them being erected.

"Now, princess, please sing."

 At the sound of his voice, Naia desperately tries to sing, but when she looks up, she sees the illusionary elves looking at her.

 While being played with by Keith, building up her mana.

 It was so embarrassing and painful, and yet it felt so good.

"Hyauu!! Hyaa!! Why... even though it's shameful... my belly is aching!! Even though I'm being seen!! I'm getting excited!!"

"I'm going to make you cum once, Princess. It will get easier for you."

 Keith whispered as he removed the seal and played directly with her clitoris.

"Don't!!! I'm gonna cum!!! Kyuuu!! While being seen... I don't like it!!!"

"Princess. Trust me!! Trust me and cum!!"

 Saying that, Keith peeled off her clitoris' foreskin and caressed it a little harder.

"Keith-sama!! Stop!! I don't want to cum!! I'm scared !!! Hakyuu!!!"

"I'm here!! Now, let everyone see you cum!!"

"Ah, ah, ahhh!!! Keith-samaa!!! Nnhhh!!!! Haaahh!!!"

 Naia bent back and let it out.

 She had climaxed in front of a crowd of people, even if it was only an illusion.

 It was terribly embarrassing, and Naia slumped down with tears in her eyes.

"Guh... fueee... Keith-sama is an idiot... even though I said I don't want to cum... I don't want other people to see me cum..."

 Keith certainly said, "Cumming is an act that should not be shown to others. You've never seen anyone else cum, right?", That's why he's keeping his mouth shut.

 Thinking of covering it up.

"Yes, but the best way to accumulate mana is to cum. So I tried to make your body learn that."

"But...... I'm so embarrassed...... and my heart is pounding fast......."

"Yes! Cumming in front of people is embarrassing! But once you experience it, you will no longer be ashamed of anything. You want some proof? You can sing now, right?"

 At these words, Naia looked around.

 The shame she had felt before was gone. The nervousness was gone too.

"How is it?"

"... Keith-sama... if you give me a hug."

"It's no problem."

 Naia stood up and Keith hugged her from behind.

 Naia looked around once more. She was definitely less embarrassed and scared than before.

 Keith was right.

 Naia smiled at Keith. As if to say that she was fine.

 Keith smiled back. And.

"Now, let's sing this time."

 She answered "yes" to the kind words, regulated her breathing, and began to spin a song.

 Her voice is beautiful and lovely. But there was no mana in her voice.

"I'll help you."

 Keith whispered, took off his pants and lubricated his penis, which was already erect, and put the tip on her asshole.


"Don't stop singing! To get used to the act of putting mana on you, I'm going to put the cock inside you while you are singing!! That way, your body will be filled with mana!!"


"Princess... even though it's an illusion, I'm ashamed too to show this ugly thing fused with a magic tool in such a public place. But if it's for the princess's sake, then I!!"


 The two look at each other with a look of mutual trust.

 Naia felt courage from the bottom of her heart that Keith was thinking of her that much.

 And Keith was trembling by the joy of being able to have anal sex with Naia in public, even though it was only an illusion.

"Now, Princess, continue singing."


 As Naia sang, Keith began to use his penis to loosen her ass-pussy.

 With the lubricant, he penetrated deep while making small thrusts.

 While singing, Naia also lets out a few "fuee" and "fuu" in each thrust.

 When Naia's anus loosened up nicely, Keith thrust all the way in.

 The penis entered her small asshole without any resistance, but he felt a numbing sensation as it was squeezed tightly.

"Ooohh...! This is really amazing."

 He was enraptured by the feeling of the princess's anus.

 But Naia could not get used to the sensation of her stomach churning at the moment it entered, no matter how many times she had experienced it.

"P... Princess... the song."

"Hii... hyes!"

 When Naia resumed her song, the force it was putting on her stomach attacked his penis and became an exceptional stimulus.

"Fuoh! Fuoh! Fuoohh!!"

 While pistoning, he began to whisper in Naia's ear, singing desperately as she endured the asshole penetration.

"Princess, please look. Everyone is watching the naked princess singing."

 When she was finally able to sing without worrying about it, Naia raised her voice, "Hyuu!".

"Your nipples are so hard now...... I'll show them the princess's nipples."

"Noo... nooo..."

"Keep singing."

 Keith peeled off the nipple seal as he said that.

 The little nipples showed.


 Naia rushed to cover it up, but Keith stopped her hand.

"No. You have to get used to being embarrassed."

 One can see her erect nipples, her bottom is in full view, and furthermore, there is a penis in her ass.

Embarrassed. Very embarrassed. She was so emotionally confused that she wondered how far embarrassment would take her.

 And yet, the pit of her stomach is hot. She felt a slow but steady heat.

"Princess, you're starting to feel good, right?"

 Naia was about to cry when Keith, who had stopped moving his hips, told her that he could see right through her.

 Her body had been developed by Keith over and over again. It was only natural that she would feel good when she was being caressed in her weak points by Keith's hands.

 But for Naia, it was a strange thing.

 It felt good to be seen naked in front of the public.

 Naia had never heard of the word "pervert", but she still felt as if she were a very strange elf.

 She was being seen in an embarrassing way. But she was starting to feel good.

"I... why?... this is strange..."

"That's fine. While getting used to the embarrassment, the good feeling from singing would win out!! That's how good it feels to sing!!"


"That's right!! The princess loves to sing, and by nature, you should be able to sing comfortably!! But when you are going to sing in front of people using magic, you got nervous and can't do it well, so you should get used to being embarrassed!!"

It is a terrible persuasion.

 It's illogical that even the person saying it thought that it was unreasonable. But it is comforting for Naia to be told that way, that she has not gone crazy, but is simply feeling good due to singing.

"I am not strange?"

"Why is the princess strange?"

"Ah... because they can see me naked... but it feels good..."

"I told you it was the feeling of singing. That's why. Let's sing more comfortably!"

 Keith said and resumed pistoning.

 The feeling of being penetrated in her asshole turned into pleasure, combined with the feeling of being eased by the words, "It's not weird even if it feels good".

"Ohyoo!! Ahh!! Ahh!!!"

 The sensation of having the walls of her intestines rubbed was only painful when it was first penetrated, but recently it has turned into a pleasant sensation that is different from her vagina.

 The sensation of having her stomach scraped, and her uterus being slammed from the backside, sends a warm shock to her brain.

 The indescribable pleasure of having her buttocks spread apart was melting her mind, and Naia struggled to ascertain the truth.

"My ass, it feels good!! Even though I'm being seen!! It's not strange, right?? I'm not strange!! Kyaaa."

"Kuh!! That's right!! It's not strange!!! It's okay to feel good!!"


 Naia writhed happily.

 And then she sang. Singing a song while letting out moaning voices. It was a lewd song.

"Princess!! That's right!! Sing!! Show it to everyone!!"

 Everyone is watching. Naia is singing while naked. Being embarrassed.

 She felt so good!!

 Naia screamed with pleasure and continued to sing while being penetrated in her ass-pussy while standing.

 She had never sung such a pleasant song before.

"Gyuu!! Hiee!! Nhh, nhh! It feels so good!! Keith-sama!! This feels good!!! Being seen feels so good!!!"

 Keith's excitement was heightened by the perverted, exhibitionist princess.

 To further increase it, Keith lifted Naia's lightweight body. Of course, she still had a penis in her ass.


 The immature pussy peeked out between her legs, which were opened in an M-shape, and there, her vagina, which had become so wet with pleasure, was twitching and wriggling.

"Keith-sama? Hae?? Keith-sama??"

 Naia was confused.

"Now!! You're being seen in the most embarrassing place!! Once you get used to this, you'll be fine!!"

"Kyaa!!! Not there!! Not there!!"

 Naia tried to hide the important part with her hand, but Keith.

"Princess, trust me! Do your best for the king and queen!!"

"Father? Mother?"

"Yes! Father and mother!!"

 Her father and mother had looked after her kindly, even though she had never been able to use magic before.

 How much shame it would feel for having a child who couldn't use magic?

 She can repay her father and mother.

 Everyone would see that she could now use magic. Mashua and Mia would see that they didn't produce a defective child!!

 And to do that, she would not let her nervousness and embarrassment get the better of her!!

 Even the heart of an innocent and lovable girl is taken advantage of, while the lousy mage continued to penetrate her ass.

"Princess, show them the place and say......"

 Naia tried her best to think of her father and mother and summoned up all her courage, even though the whispered embarrassing words almost crushed her heart.

 Then, removing her hand from her pussy, she smiled with a bright red face, tears streaming down.

"Everyone... uu, t-this is where Naia's baby... the baby would come out... guee... please have a look."

 Naia said, exposing her undulating vagina to the illusions.

 Keith's excitement reached its peak.

"Guoohh!! Princess! Princesss!!"

"Kyuu!!! Fuaa!!! Kuaa!! Cock!! It's scraping my ass!!! My ass is going to break!! It will break!! Keith-sama!!"

 Keith couldn't stop his hips from moving violently.

 The excitement of knowing that Naia was begging while exposed, even if only to the illusion, turned him into a beast.

 His penis, being squeezed by the walls of her intestines, swelled to the limit, and finally, he felt the sensation of ejaculation.

"Ahhh!!! Hooo!!"

 And let out the hot magma into Naia's rectum.

"Gyiii!!! Hoot!! My stomach felt hoot!!!"

"Ooohh... Princess... your ass... for all your effort... medicine... I'll let it all out inside..."

 When he said that, Naia immediately put pressure on her ass.

 Keith was struck by the feeling of her sphincter trying to squeeze every last drop out of his penis.

 After Keith left, Naia thought about it.

 Was it really necessary to go to such lengths, even if it was just to get her used to the embarrassment and to make her feel less nervous?

 Maybe Keith hated her and bullied her?

 That's why he was rougher than usual when he let out the medicine on her ass.

 She thought so.

 And when she thought about that, she get very sad and start to cry.

 She can't sing well. And Keith hated her.

 She even wanted to die.

 It continued until the next day, and Aisha was also troubled by Naia's lack of energy.

 She thought the reason was due to singing, so it can't be helped.

 Then, afternoon.

"Excuse me."

 Someone called. When she answered "come in", the door opened and people came in.


 Naia muttered so.

 There were two people.

 One was tall and muscular for an elf. The one he was holding in his arms was Naia's teacher.

 The person was a mermaid.

 Her name is Alona, and she is one of the few non-elves living in Seimrad.

 Incidentally, Alona's husband, Seibel, is holding her.

 She knew that she had a singing lesson today, but because she was thinking about something else, she didn't notice the time.

"I'm sorry! I didn't even great you!!"

 Naia hurriedly got up from her chair and rushed over to Alona.

"It's okay. How about today? Do you think you can sing well?"

 She could only say, "I don't know," in a voice that sounded like she was about to cry when Alona said so.

"Well, let's start with vocal exercises for the time being."

 Arona sat down on a chair and after Seibel left, the started the vocal exercises.

 Then, after that, she sang a song with magic on it.

 She realized while she was singing that she hadn't thought about what to do if she made a mistake, or whether she could use magic well in public.

 Even though it's an illusion, it's natural that if one was exposed to that extent in public, one would not be able to think anything else.

 However, Alona did not know that.

"I'm surprised...... It was as if the past lessons were a lie. The magic is well carried in the song. It's wonderful!"

 She said and smiled.

 Aisha, who was listening behind her, was also pleased.

 Naia thought. Thanks to Keith-sama. Why did I doubt him?

 Does Keith-sama hate me? Keith-sama is bullying me? That's absurd!!

 Of course, it's all because he is thinking about me!!

"Keith-sama... I love you."

 Naia muttered happily.

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