The Rape Demon of the Old Custom Village who Impregnated my Mother ~A Hot Spring Inn Filled with Lewdness and Seeds Swarming Around the Young Proprietress' Ripe Eggs~ (WN): Chapter 12


Secret Meeting at Oni Tengu Shrine

 The coldness of winter still lingers in Tohoku in March.

 In the highlands of the mountain gorge, there was still snow that had fallen.

 Sousuke sits on a fallen tree and looks at the visitor.

"Good. You came."

 After finally climbing the long, straight staircase, Hinami's breathing became ragged. Her breath is cloudy.


 The top of the back of the mountain where the Oni Tengu Shrine was built has a magnificent stone staircase. The trail surrounding it is unrepaired and rough enough to be mistaken for an animal trail, but the final barrier to the temple grounds is a fine-tuned path.

(It must be hard with a woman's feet... Even as a man, I can't breathe properly.)

 Memories from 16 years ago, burned into his brain, come to mind. He grabbed the oni tengu mask in his hand and ran up the stone steps leading to the temple grounds. Sousuke's hideous past. He was swallowed up by the customs of Sengatake Village, which he hated, and betrayed his best friend.

(This is my kind of atonement)

 A heavy past that betrayed Saemon. That is why he will carry out the will of Saemon, who died a tragic death.

(Now... how much should I tell Hinami?)

 Sousuke was worried. Oni Tengu Shrine is a detestable place. Saemon's death here feels like an eerie karma.

"The fact that you responded to my call means you know that Saemon's will is real. Right?"

 Hinami nodded in response to Sousuke's question.

"Yes. The results of the handwriting analysis have come back from Tokyo. This will was genuine. Before being killed by the Hokuwakai people, Father tried to rely on Sousuke-san. To protect Mother and me......"

"He was killed by the Hokuwakai… huh. So Saemon's death was a murder?"

"Father was summoned to Oni Tengu Shrine and burned to death. There is no physical evidence, but I found out from reading Mother's diary that was left in the detached building. They were threatening the Sakuradani family. There is no doubt that Hokuwakai was responsible for the crime.”

"I see. Two years ago, on July 7th, Saemon was killed at Oni Tengu Shrine... The thought of his regret makes my heart ache."

"Who on earth was the informant who was guiding the Hokuwakai people to Sengatake Village? The Isaka family was suspected. But for some reason, Father seemed to believe otherwise."

"Yeah, I swear to God. The people of the village suspect it, but it's not the Isaka family."

"......If that's the case, then Adashino-san, who was a police officer at the time, is a traitor? The village chief, Taisuke-san, is saying that Adashino-san was connected to the Hokuwakai, right?"

"That's what the old man says. But I don't believe him. The day after Saemon died at Oni Tengu Shrine, Adashino-san committed suicide at the police station... It's absolutely strange. It can't be possible. I'm sure that person is not part of the Hokuwakai. He was killed by someone. The police didn't do a good job investigating it for fear of causing a scandal.''

"The person who found the body was the village chief... In other words, it's your father, Taisuke-san, right?"

"You're suspicious of me. That's good. But you're missing the point. The old man isn't a murderer. Does he have the guts to do that? I admit that he's an overachiever."

"In that case, how can you say that Adashino-san is not an insider of Hokuwakai?"

"...For several years after I left Sengatake Village until I came back six months ago, I worked at a pub in the downtown area. Adashino-san was the one who arranged for me to find a job. The village chief. He was always worried about me, who was looked down upon as the prodigal son. To me, an evil brat...? There's no way a good person would've joined forces with the yakuza. Not to mention, he wouldn't have cooperated in killing Saemon. He was framed...!"

 Sousuke seemed to feel a great debt of gratitude to Adashino.

"Tell me one more thing. Why didn't you come back immediately after you received Father's letter?"


"There must be a reason, right? That letter was sent two years ago, before Father was burned to death here. However, Sousuke-san returned to Sengatake Village six months ago."

"...I was small-hearted. It's stupid pride. Please laugh at me."


"It's like I was kicked out by Saemon, right? If I go back, I'll be embarrassed. It was only six months ago that I got my mind in order."

"In the first place, the reason Sousuke-san left Sengatake Village was... When I was young, I heard a rumor. It was said that you fled from the village because you are afraid of the curse of Oni Tengu Shrine."

"I don't believe in superstitions. Neither do the people in the village. They say whatever they want about Tengu-sama. In reality, they're just scared. I didn't believe in curses. But I was scared. That's true. Saemon and Adashino-san died because of that. I think Yukiko, who was left behind, was also having a hard time. But there's still time. It's not too late."

 Hinami doubts whether this is really the case. Her mother has already suffered irreparable damage. She was subjected to torture that killed the woman's soul and humiliated her body.

(No one could have helped Mother. If only someone had noticed something wrong...)

 An abomination child growing up in the womb of a mother who remains in a coma and never wakes up. Hinami will never forgive the rape demon who raped her.

"Trust me. Leave Sakuradani-kan and Yukiko to me. So, Hinami, go back to school in Tokyo. Sengatake Village is dangerous."

"You wrote it in the letter, too. I must not return to Sengatake Village. Why?"

"There are people lurking out here who would go so far as to murder people because they want land. They were messing with Yukiko. Sengatake Village is not safe. You should go back to school in Tokyo."

"Sosuke-san, you think Hokuwakai hasn’t backed off yet?"

"Of course. For half a year after returning to Sengatake Village, I researched the Hokuwakai. I will ask Yukiko for her cooperation, but a lot of things happened in the past. Please believe me. I didn't. In fact, people suspected that I had killed Saemon. No, it's my fault. To put it bluntly, I was seriously rejected."

"From the conversation we've had so far, I've kind of figured it out, but it's not Sousuke-san after all.''

"Are you talking about the child in Yukiko's belly?"

"The one who got Mother pregnant..."

 Hinami's lips were trembling. Considering the time when Sousuke returned to Sengatake Village, he is no longer a candidate for the rape demon who raped her mother. However, if Sousuke had affirmed her question, Hinami would have been so enraged that she would have lost her reason and hit him with a flashlight.

"That's right. It's not me. I was shocked when I found out that Yukiko was pregnant."

"Why did you lie like that at the meeting?"

"It was to protect Hinami. I don't know how Yukiko got pregnant. I myself am confused as to why this situation came to be. However, it was Hokuwakai's doing. As expected, it looks suspicious. That pig bastard came out, didn’t he?"

"Koshiro Himura…"

"I've always thought he was suspicious. Yamatoku Mujin Bank is rumored to have ties to organized crime groups. It wouldn't be strange if it was under the influence of the Hokuwakai."

"Is it possible that a bank is connected to a yakuza?"

"Money attracts evil. It was doing large amounts of business with dummy companies of organized crime groups. Such suspicions are hanging over Yamatoku Mujin Bank. During the post-war turmoil, Yamatoku Mujin Bank was on the verge of bankruptcy, but... It suddenly rose. I heard that Koshiro was the one behind it.''

"To be honest, Koshiro, the one who brought Hokuwakai. I think that possibility is high."

"What about Yukiko's letter that that bastard had? The handwriting analysis was done on that too?"

"It was Mother's handwriting. But it was written in pencil. It seems that someone else may have come up with that sentence..."

"That bastard...! There's no doubt about it! Yukiko was forced to write..."

"Koshiro-san is suspicious. I know that too. However, I still don't understand it. Why is Sousuke-san trying to protect me? You received a letter from Father and left it alone for over a year. Why now?"

"I want to fulfill the will of my best friend, whom I had a falling out with. This time, I will keep my promise to Saemon."

"This time?"

"...You know that Saemon and I had a bad relationship, right? There's a reason why things turned out like that. I broke my promise. It's my fault. The devil got in the way... That's why Yukiko rejected me the whole time. The only reason I can move now is to make up for it... and to feel obligated...... It's not the Isaka family's situation. It isn't for the village... It is for my own sake......!"

"What happened between Sousuke-san and Father? I heard that you used to be close childhood friends."

"Yeah. That's right. Me, Saemon, and Yukiko used to play together a lot. I think we even stole the offering money from Oni Tengu Shrine... Adashino-san found out, and I and Saemon got hit."

"You seem to be evasive... Aren’t you willing to tell me everything?"

"Sorry. Yukiko hasn't told you anything. If that's the case, I can't say anything. If I say it here, Saemon will curse me..."

"I understand Sousuke-san's position and feelings. However, I will not run away to Tokyo."

"What are you talking about? Many people have been killed. Even women and children will be ruthlessly killed if they get in the way. Hokuwakai are like that."

"I can't leave Mother in such a state. Until I uncover the truth behind Father's murder and bring justice to the man who attacked Mother...!"

"Yukiko is in a coma and won't wake up."

"Yes. Reiko-san, the village doctor, said that she was in a coma caused by psychological factors. Probably because she was forced to become pregnant...! She was told that she might wake up tomorrow, or that she might sleep forever."

"That's terrible. That's like falling over... It's because I came back to the village. Yukiko is pregnant again, another unwanted pregnancy... ――Ah! No, shit! Forget it. I made a mistake. Yes! In any case, please flee from Sengatake Village as soon as possible. I will do something about that pig bastard. If I use the power of the Isaka family and the power of the old man, I can at least forcefully eliminate him."

"Wait! What are you saying!? Sousuke-san!"

 Sousuke's face turned pale as he stood up and turned his back to Hinami so that she wouldn't see his expression.

"There's nothing I can say. But Saemon must have left a secret somewhere. I got a call from Saemon two years ago in June. I hung up right away. But he blurted it out. He said he hid a letter for his daughter so that his wife wouldn't find out... It should be somewhere in Sakuradani-kan."

"Why...!? I don't understand what you mean...!"

"It's almost nightfall. Go back to Sakuradani-kan. I'll go first. If anything happens, come to the Isaka family. I'll protect you. Don't trust the Sengatake villagers or the police. The stationed police officer now. He is different from Adashino-san who was killed. Adashino-san was the only one who was trying to correct the bad habits of the village...!"

 Hinami called out to Sousuke, who was about to run away. But he didn't turn around. He was like a frightened child to a ghost. He looked at Saemon's ghost behind Hinami. That was the feeling she got.

(...Sousuke-san was about to say [another unwanted pregnancy]. What did that mean? I didn’t read all of Father’s journals, but there was no such description. And what’s this [village’s bad habits]?)

 There is another big mystery. Saemon hid his will somewhere in the Sakuradani-kan. It is said to be a letter addressed to Hinami. What bothered her was that he had hidden it from his wife, Yukiko.

(I'm getting more and more confused. I was told to go back to Tokyo, but there was no way I could do that. I want to protect Mother and Sakuradani-kan! It's an important place entrusted to us by Grandfather...!)

 Hinami, who was left behind on the top of a mountain, glared at the burnt remains of Oni Tengu Shrine. It was not rebuilt even two years after it was destroyed by fire.

(...The people of Sengatake Village don't want to go near Oni Tengu Shrine. That's why Sousuke-san designated this place as the place of the meeting. But what was the reason? Because men were not allowed in the shrine building? No, it wasn't. There's more to it. It has something to do with that bad habits.)

 When she was young, Hinami was taken by her mother to clean the shrine building at the behest of her grandfather.

"Oni Tengu Shrine. Something happened here."

 Saemon and Sousuke, who were best friends, had a falling out. The truth behind the fire that occurred two years ago. And the village's bad habits that Adashino, the previously stationed police officer, was trying to correct. It was hidden from the young daughter, Hinami.

 Hinami is convinced. She must expose the secrets of Sengatake Village.

(Tomorrow, I'll visit the Isaka family. I have to ask Sousuke-san... If Sousuke-san doesn't speak, I'll ask Taisuke-san, the village chief...!!)

 The only daughter of the Sakuradani family quietly burned with determination. However, Hinami's enthusiasm was shattered. Today was the last time she will see Sousuke alive.

 ――At midnight on March 3rd, Sousuke Isaka is murdered by someone. The hanging body was found the day after Hinami was summoned to Oni Tengu Shrine.


[Introduction of characters]

▼ Yukiko Sakuradani

 The young proprietress of Sakuradani-kan, a long-established hot spring inn.

 She lost her husband and became a widow. She is raped by someone from Sengatake Village and she becomes pregnant.

▼ Saemon Sakuradani (deceased)

 Yukiko's late husband. Burn to death in a fire. He has a severed relationship with Sousuke.

▼ Hinami Sakuradani

 Yukiko and Saemon's only daughter. She left Sengatake Village and entered a girls' school in Tokyo. Until recently, she was studying abroad.

 She reunites with her mother for the first time in two years and is told that she is pregnant.

▼ Sousuke Isaka

 The prodigal son of the Isaka family, who monopolizes the position of village chief in Sengatake Village.

 He was an old friend of Yukiko and Saemon, but they had a rift over a certain incident and their relationship became strained.

 He takes out [Saemon's will] and claims that he got Yukiko pregnant.

▼ Koshiro Himura

 A bank employee at Yamatoku Mujin Bank. An obese, ugly middle-aged man.

 Although he is the exclusive representative of the Sakuradani family, he was despised by Saemon when he was alive.

 He brings out [Yukiko's love letter] and claims that he got her pregnant.

▼ Motonobu Matsudaira

 Self-proclaimed novelist. A guest staying at Sakuradani-kan for a long time.

 He claims that Yukiko approached him and they had a physical relationship.

▼ Misaki Reiko

 A female doctor who works at a clinic in Sengatake Village. She diagnoses that Yukiko is pregnant.

▼ Ran

 An apprentice who works at Sakuradani-kan. She is a twelve-year-old girl, but she does not go to school.

▼ Yoshiharu Sakuradani (deceased)

 Yukiko's father. He doted on his granddaughter, Hinami. He trusted Koshiro and valued him.

 He and the Isaka family are bitter enemies. He opposed the plan of a ski resort.

▼ Taisuke Isaka

 The village chief of Sengatake Village. His son is Sousuke.

 He has been at odds with the Sakuradani family for several decades over a plan to build a ski resort.

 He has a grudge against the Sakuradani family, the large landowners who are hindering the development of the village.

▼ Ayumu Higashiyama

 A police officer stationed in Sengatake Village. He is a beautiful young man with fair skin and an androgynous face.

 Although he keeps his distance from the people in the village, he is liked by Ran.

▼ Adashino (deceased)

 Former police officer. He was familiar with Sengatake Village, but committed suicide with a pistol two years ago.

 There is a rumor that he was guiding the Hokuwakai.

[Records of Sengatake Village]

▽ 1966

 Winter: Grandfather Yoshiharu Sakuradani dies of illness

▽ 1974

 One day in April: Hinami enters a girls' school in Tokyo and leaves Sengatake Village.

 July 7th: Saemon was burned to death in a fire.

 July 8th: Adashino's corpse is found at the police post.

 August 24th: Saemon's 49th memorial service, rape photo taken of Yukiko

 Late August: Yukiko's emotions become disturbed and she begins to kick out the old employees.

▽ 1975

 A certain day in July: Sousuke returns to Sengatake Village.

 A certain day in September: Yukiko becomes pregnant by the rape demon's seed (♥︎)

 September 25th: Yukiko and Koshiro's marriage registration is submitted(?)

▽ 1976

 February 24th: Hinami returns home and is told that her mother, Yukiko, is pregnant.

 February 25th: Influential people from Sengatake Village gather for discussion.

 March 3rd: Handwriting analysis results arrive from Tokyo.

                    Sousuke calls Hinami to Oni Tengu Shrine.

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