The Rape Demon of the Old Custom Village who Impregnated my Mother ~A Hot Spring Inn Filled with Lewdness and Seeds Swarming Around the Young Proprietress' Ripe Eggs~ (WN): Chapter 16


Confusing Information

 Hinami was searching for records regarding her birth in the [detached building].

 As Reiko said, the true blood type should be written on the birth certificate or maternal and child handbook. Yukiko kept all the important documents in one drawer. Hinami pulled out the drawer and checked the contents one by one.

(If my blood type wasn't O... I can understand Sousuke-san's attitude. At the meeting on February 25th, Sousuke-san and Koshiro-san had a heated argument. At that time, he said there was something he couldn't say in front of me.)

 She had a kind of premonition. The reason why his childhood friend and best friend had a falling out.

(Koshiro-san say this. [Everyone in the village knows! You betrayed the master...] Perhaps the betrayal happened sixteen years ago, before I was born. The people of Sengatake Village know this. The rift between Sousuke-san and Father is deeply connected to the customs of the village. There's no doubt about it.)

 And this is where Sousuke finally tries to complete the will of Saemon, who comes to him and asks for help.

(Sousuke-san was trying to settle the Hokuwakai problem before I returned to Sengatake Village.)

 Saemon, who was murdered by the Hokuwakai, did not think that the Isaka family brought them.

 The current Hinami understood. Hokuwakai had threatened to harm Hinami. If Sousuke and Hinami had a special relationship, the Isaka family would not do anything to harm her.

(The Isaka family wanted the Sakuradani family's land and hot springs... However, Sousuke-san was adamant that the Isaka family and Hokuwakai had no relation. Father... Saemon was convinced of this...)

 Hinami, who had been rummaging through the drawer, finally found it. It was a paulownia box containing a wilted navel. Inside was a folded mother-child medical certificate.

"...November 8, 1965... 16 years ago, my birth. This medical certificate is definitely mine and Mother's... The blood type is... ah... as expected. Eh?"

 Yukiko Sakuradani gave birth to a baby girl at a clinic in Sengatake Village 16 years ago. Hinami is confused when she sees her blood type. Her predictions were half right and half wrong.

"Eh? Why...? I'm type A, not type B?"

 The child's blood type was written as A.

 At least Hinami is not Saemon's daughter. This is because type O parents can only give birth to type O children. As long as this medical certificate exists, it is denied that Saemon is related to the child Yukiko gave birth to sixteen years ago.

"Why am I not blood type B? I thought my real father was Sousuke-san..."

 Seeing Sousuke's attitude of trying to protect Hinami, she sensed that something was wrong.

"Sousuke-san is blood type B, and Mother is blood type O. Therefore, a child with blood type A shouldn't be born. I'm not Sousuke-san's child either. Then, sixteen years ago, who impregnated Mother...?"

 It feels strange, like the button is pressed incorrectly. Hinami had assumed that due to some circumstances or mistake, her mother had committed adultery with Sousuke, and that she was born to him.

"My father is blood type A or AB. He's neither Sakuradani Saemon nor Isaka Sousuke... What on earth is going on?"

 Her confusion deepens. In the first place, it's starting to become doubtful that her mother, Yukiko, is really blood type O. Hinami also digs through the chest of drawers and investigates the Sakuradani family's blood type.

"Mother is type O. Grandmother is type O, and Grandfather is type B. If that's the case, why am I type A? Why? I don't get it. Reiko-san said there were a lot of mistakes in the blood type diagnosis in the past, but this one is probably correct..."

 The doctor who seemed to have created the medical certificate was Utakata Megumi. Her name was written in the signature section. She was a doctor who had worked at the clinic in Sengatake Village sixteen years ago, but Hinami didn't remember.

(...The doctor at the clinic changed all the time, and the clinic was closed for a while because they couldn't find a new doctor. I heard that the Sakuradani family donated quite a bit of money to the village when they called for Reiko-san.)

 Guests may suddenly become ill. The Sakuradani family also needed a village doctor. For once, the Sakuradani family and the Isaka family joined forces when calling for a new doctor. Though it was flexible enough to cooperate in the predicament of Sengatake Village.

"Hinami Ojousama...?"

 Ran pops her head out of the open sliding door. The beautiful Japanese sliding door in the [detached building] was made by the previous owner, Yoshiharu. The colors dulled by the long years.

"R-Ran? You surprised me."

 Ran smiled and looked over at the scattered documents.

"Shall I help you find what your searching?"

 Ran had been depressed since witnessing Sousuke's hanging body, but after the police interview, she has recently regained her usual energy.

"It's okay. I just found it."

"Is that so? Okay."

"How's Mother doing?"

"Right now, Sayuri-san is watching over her. Reiko-san stopped by in the morning and said, [Aside from not having regained consciousness, there are no health problems]. She is bedridden. Her weight is increasing steadily, so if things continue like this, she might be able to give birth to the baby."

"I see... it looks like the baby is about to be born..."

"Ah...! I'm sorry! Hinami Ojousama...! That was incredibly insensitive of me...!"

"I don't mind. Even though something like that happened... Mother was asleep, so maybe it was better. I'm giving Ran a hard time. You've always been there to take care of Mother, right?"

"I am indebted to the proprietress for picking me up. This is only natural. From now on, at least one other person besides me will be by the proprietress' side. ...I can’t forgive the person who did something like that! The person who did it is the worst kind of man...!!"

 Because Sousuke had hung himself and died, the [detached building] of the Sakuradani family had become a place with a shady history. They considered carrying Yukiko to the main building. But since it was the main building, there was no guarantee it would be safe. The employees talked it over and decided that at the very least, two people would take care of Yukiko in the [detached building].

 On the night of March 3, the day Sousuke died, Yukiko was s*xually assaulted. Hinami, Ran and Reiko are the only ones who know about it, but a large amount of semen was flowing out of Yukiko's v*gina.

(The night Sousuke hanged himself, someone was violating Mother...)

 Hinami felt sick as she imagined the lewd scene of milky liquid dripping from her mother's genital slit.

 A rapist violated Yukiko while she was sleeping and poured semen into her v*gina. Considering that it was a locked room situation, Sousuke was the one who was thought s*xually assaulting her. Although she didn't say it out loud, Ran seemed to think that Sousuke was the culprit. [After fulfilling Sousuke's vile desires, he cowardly committed suicide and ran away!]. Hinami saw her complaining to Ayumu, who was stationed in the village.

(Come to think of it, Ayumu-san kept a distance from the prefectural police...)

 Ayumu, who was stationed here, was called a [weird person] by the prefectural police who rushed to the scene. Ayumu seemed to be in quite a bad mood, too. Part of it was that he was on edge after the incident, but despite being in the same line of work, it didn't seem like they had a peaceful relationship.

"What about Ayumu-san? He always comes here on patrol, right?"

"I don't think he'll come today. I'm really sorry. But it can't be helped. The village chief, Taisuke-sama, is missing, so it seems there is a request from the Isaka family to search for him."

"Ah, that's right. The village chief hasn't been found yet. Personally, I don't like him, but I'm worried."

"All the men from Sengatake Village are out searching, but there are no clues. If they can't find him after all this searching, maybe he's outside the village...?"

"...It seems some villagers thought it to be the curse of Oni Tengu Shrine.''

"I don't know much about it, but I've heard rumors like that. The Isaka family's plan to build a ski resort was also a plan to destroy Oni Tengu Shrine, so maybe that's the curse... There are also rumors about what Sousuke-san did in the past... Sengatake Village is complex in many ways...''

"They're just superstitious and only use it when it's convenient. If you're worried about curses, you should just rebuild the burnt out Oni Tengu Shrine right away."

"That's right. The people in the village say it's because the Sakuradani family won't give them money, but it would be fine if the people in the village put money together."

"...By the way, Ran, do you know anyone with blood type A? Living in Sengatake Village."

"Blood type? I'm type A!"

 Ran declared with a bright smile on her face. She couldn't say she was looking for a candidate for her father, so Hinami was at a loss.

"Ran seems serious. You certainly seem to be type A. But where did Ran find out your blood type?"

 Ran, a runaway, does not attend school. There seems to be little chance of knowing her blood type. It was surprising that she knew her blood type.

"Reiko-san told me about it. About a year ago, I worked part-time for a clinical trial. It was 10,000 yen just to donate blood, hair, and nails!"

"Clinical trial? That part-time job... is it okay? I think it's okay since it's Reiko-san, but..."

"I wanted to do work as many times as I wanted, but it was a one-time job. It's a shame. It was the first time I had earned 10,000 yen in a day's work. A long time ago, Apparently, they were able to sell blood for transfusions. Things were better in the old days.''

 Contrary to her charming appearance, she had a strong way of life.

"Ah, that's right...! I have something to tell Hinami Ojousama! It seems that Koshiro-san will be returning to Sengatake Village tomorrow or the day after. He called that he would bring a copy of the family register."

"A lot of things happened, and I completely forgot about it. Koshiro-san insisted that he remarry Mother.''

"It seems, a year ago, on September 25th, 1975, the marriage registration was submitted to the government and accepted."

"During the interrogation, I heard this from Ayumu-san. It was the result of an inquiry through the police, so I'm sure it's correct... Ah, geez, this is a problem."

"What should we do? If Koshiro-san obtains custody of Hinami Ojousama..."

"Koshiro-san will be the adopted son-in-law of the Sakuradani family. On paper, he is remarried to Mother, Yukiko Sakuradani. So, he is my stepfather."

 If his remarriage with Yukiko is true, the assets of the Sakuradani family will belong to Koshiro in both name and reality. There is nothing that Hinami, who is underage, can do.

(...My father? Sigh*. Even if we're not related by blood... my father is Saemon Sakuradani. It's not Kojiro-san. But things are going to get a little dicey. What should I do)

 Hinami agonized over it. As long as Yukiko didn't wake up, Koshiro would be the owner of Sakuradani-kan.


[Introduction of characters]

▼ Yukiko Sakuradani

 The young proprietress of Sakuradani-kan, a long-established hot spring inn.

 She lost her husband and became a widow. She is raped by someone from Sengatake Village and she becomes pregnant.

 Blood type is O.

▼ Saemon Sakuradani (deceased)

 Yukiko's late husband. Burn to death in a fire. He has a severed relationship with Sousuke.

 Blood type is O.

▼ Hinami Sakuradani

 Yukiko and Saemon's only daughter. She left Sengatake Village and entered a girls' school in Tokyo. Until recently, she was studying abroad.

 She reunites with her mother for the first time in two years and is told that she is pregnant.

▼ Sousuke Isaka

 The prodigal son of the Isaka family, who monopolizes the position of village chief in Sengatake Village.

 He was an old friend of Yukiko and Saemon, but they had a rift over a certain incident and their relationship became strained.

 He takes out [Saemon's will] and claims that he got Yukiko pregnant.

 Blood type is B.

▼ Koshiro Himura

 A bank employee at Yamatoku Mujin Bank. An obese, ugly middle-aged man.

 Although he is the exclusive representative of the Sakuradani family, he was despised by Saemon when he was alive.

 He brings out [Yukiko's love letter] and claims that he got her pregnant.

▼ Motonobu Matsudaira

 Self-proclaimed novelist. A guest staying at Sakuradani-kan for a long time.

 He claims that Yukiko approached him and they had a physical relationship.

▼ Misaki Reiko

 A female doctor who works at a clinic in Sengatake Village. She diagnoses that Yukiko is pregnant.

▼ Ran

 An apprentice who works at Sakuradani-kan. She is a twelve-year-old girl, but she does not go to school.

 Blood type is A.

▼ Yoshiharu Sakuradani (deceased)

 Yukiko's father. He doted on his granddaughter, Hinami. He trusted Koshiro and valued him.

 He and the Isaka family are bitter enemies. He opposed the plan of a ski resort.

 Blood type is B

▼ Taisuke Isaka

 He has been at odds with the Sakuradani family for several decades over a plan to build a ski resort.

 He has a grudge against the Sakuradani family, the large landowners who are hindering the development of the village.

 Blood type is O. After Sousuke's death, he went missing.

▼ Akari Isaka

 She was Taisuke's wife and Sousuke’s mother. She was old, but she was beautiful when she was young.

 Blood type is O type.

▼ Ayane Isaka

 She was the youngest daughter of the Isaka family. A beautiful fourteen-year-old girl.

 Blood type is O type

▼ Ayumu Higashiyama

 A police officer stationed in Sengatake Village. He is a beautiful young man with fair skin and an androgynous face.

 Although he keeps his distance from the people in the village, he is liked by Ran.

▼ Adashino (deceased)

 Former police officer. He was familiar with Sengatake Village, but committed suicide with a pistol two years ago.

 There is a rumor that he was guiding the Hokuwakai, but the Isaka family is the one spreading the rumors.

 Due to the bad habits of Sengatake Village, Adashino, who has a strong sense of justice, was arguing with the Isaka family.

[Records of Sengatake Village]

▽ 1960

 November 8th: Yukiko gives birth to a baby girl, blood type A.

▽ 1966

 Winter: Grandfather Yoshiharu Sakuradani dies of illness

▽ 1974

 One day in April: Hinami enters a girls' school in Tokyo and leaves Sengatake Village.

 July 7th: Saemon was burned to death in a fire.

 July 8th: Adashino's corpse is found at the police post.

 August 24th: Saemon's 49th memorial service, rape photo taken of Yukiko

 Late August: Yukiko's emotions become disturbed and she begins to kick out the old employees.

▽ 1975

 A certain day in July: Sousuke returns to Sengatake Village.

 A certain day in September: Yukiko becomes pregnant by the rape demon's seed (♥︎)

 September 25th: Yukiko and Koshiro's marriage registration is submitted(?)

▽ 1976

 February 24th: Hinami returns home and is told that her mother, Yukiko, is pregnant.

 February 25th: Influential people from Sengatake Village gather for discussion.

 March 3rd: Handwriting analysis results arrive from Tokyo.

                    Sousuke calls Hinami to Oni Tengu Shrine.

 March 4th: Sousuke hangs himself in a closed building ☠️

                    The village chief, Taisuke, goes missing.

 March 7th: The prefectural police cut off the investigation.

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