Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 12


Chapter 12: Close Friend


"Yes, yes, something like that... is there a proper bulletin board in the tavern or something?"

“No such thing, though. Is that the way adventurers are treated in Shiro-san's country?”

"What do you mean?"

“You mean you look for a day job at a tavern, right?”

“Ah… In my hometown, there is a bulletin board in the tavern that says {Gather a certain herb, the reward is 50 copper coins!} Something like that.”

"Is it that easy to get 50 copper coins?"

"......How many coins does it take to spend a day around here?"

"In the town where I'm based, it's about 8 coins for lodging and 3 coins for food."

Isn't that cheap?

No, it depends on the average income in this world, so I don't know yet.

"How much does Wince make? In one day."

"In one day, huh......"

"Just about is fine."

“Hmm… about 20 copper coins.”

That much.

"I don't make a lot of money."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, my friend should make a lot more. She's smart."


"So, oops. That's the town, where I live."

It's a pretty big town.

A town made of wood and brick.


"I am back"

Saying so, Wince opens the door of a large building.

I don't know what it's called.

But it's the kind of door you get in a tavern in the old west.

"Ah, Wince!"

A girl comes running up. Taller than Wince.

I'd say she's about 150 cm tall.

"We were worried when we heard you were attacked by some bandits!"

"Yeah, I was in danger, but this person. Shiro-san saved me."

Let's not mention that I caused her a hell of a lot of pain for nothing.

"She just got lucky."

"No, thank you."

"Ah, Shiro-san, let me introduce you. This is my friend Fisse, whom I mentioned earlier."

Ah, this is the person.

"Fisse, Shiro-san here wants to register as an adventurer."

"Is that so? Then let's do it right away. Ah, I'm sorry, but I'm a little busy. Can I ask Wince to do it?"

“I don’t mind. Can we do it without the witness?"

“Manager, is that okay?”

"It's fine."

I hear a man's voice coming from upstairs.

"It's all right."

"Then I will do it."

"Good luck."


So I registered as an adventurer with the wooden board that Wince brought with her.


There was a problem here.

"The letters are different from ours......"

"I'm sorry."

For some reason, I could understand the words but not the letters

"Well, I'm here for this, so I'll write it for you."

"Please, is the literacy rate low around here?"

"Literacy rate?"

"People who can read and write."

"Not very many, I think. Most of the people drinking over there are illiterate adventurers."

At a table in the back, the sun is still high in the sky and they are drinking.

"Wince can write fluently."

I can't read her writing, but I can sort of make out that she writes beautifully.

"Well, I've been trying really hard to get a job here at the reception desk."

"You can write like this, but you can't?"

"Well, a lot of people come in here for steady pay......"

I'll try to explain as much as I can.

Wince and Fisse had to work when they were 12 years old.

There are four jobs available around here.

Adventurers, management, farmers, and prostitutes.

The two of them aimed for a managerial position, but Wince failed.

There is no way a child can cultivate the land by herself.

And she has no intention of becoming a prostitute.

"The risk of death may be less than being an adventurer, but you know..."

Wince looks out the window.

A woman was wriggling in the shadow of a building.

I can see her from a distance.

Her skin is sore in places.

Her body was bandaged.

The worst was obviously necrosis.

"I knew what would happen if I opened my legs to anyone for money."

It's a hard world.

"Okay, registration is over."

"Thank you." (TN: In English)


She didn't know what I meant.

"Ah, it means thank you."

It's embarrassing to have to explain everything.

"T-thank you very much."

Wince blushes too.

What a cute little person!


For the time being, I want to earn money for lodging and food.

Shiro-san asks me if I have any work for him.

"It looks like there are no requests at the moment."


He slumped like a child.

“If you want money right now, the only way is to collect magic stones."

"Magic stone?"

"It's something that's inside the internal organs of monsters. It's always sought after by those who research magic."

"Then let's go with that."

"Isn't it dangerous to come here and suddenly hunt monsters? You don't even know what they are, do you?"

"Can't Wince do something about it?"

"A little..."

"I'll handle the fighting."

Saying that, he swung the greatsword.

I wonder how he can wield such a thing so lightly with his young and slender arms.

"Is it really that light?"

"It's a little heavy. Do you want to hold it?"

"Just a little bit, then."


"My arm still feels numb."

"Sorry, sorry."

On the way to the forest, I complained to Shiro-san.


I was almost crushed and leaked a lot of stuff.

But now I understand.

This person, Shiro-san, at least has tremendous physical strength.

And he also used healing magic.

He must be quite skilled.

"There it is. A big worm."

"A big caterpillar?"

"Can you defeat it?"


Saying that, Shiro-san unsheathed the large sword on his back.

Eh? Did he put it back?

"Magic Lance!"


As soon as he said that, a blue-white light pierced the big worm.

And just like that, the big worm slumped down.

"Maybe I should have used a lower level magic... Wince?"



"What... was that...?"

"Eh? Magic, maybe?"

"No, no, no, no, no, it's strange, how can you have that much physical strength, that much healing magic, that much magic!"

"Um... years of hard work... yeah, hard work."

"Maybe you have any other amazing skills?"

What's with this guy?

I trained for three years to defeat a big worm by myself.

"I can do a lot of magic."

"It's too out of the ordinary!"