Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 43


Chapter 43: Activation

They say the desert is extremely hot during the day and extremely cold at night.

It seems to be the same in this world


"The Dragon god can do anything, huh."

It seems that the Dragon God has made it so that we can manage it.

"It's amazing that he can create both cold and warm winds on this scale."

Ten days of camping in the middle of the desert after sunset.

"But we're running out of food."

"We've got nothing but sand."

"And then there's this."

In front of us was the carcass of a synthetic dragon.

"What would happen if we ate it?"

"I wouldn't want to eat it."

Neither Rumseil nor Wince seems to want to eat it.

"Shiro-san, please don't eat, okay?"

"I'm not going to eat it."

This is the 25th one that has died.

I estimate there are 55 left.

"At this rate, another 25 for 10 days. And there will be 30 left."

"If there's 30 left, let's do something about it with all the strength of the town."

Let's hope so.

I wonder if the blueprints are complete.

“By the way, what did Shiro-san design?”

"Hmm? ...Ah, it's a Ballista."

"A ballista?"

"What's a ballista?"

Because the most advanced weapon in the world is the crossbow.

There are no ballistas?

Is there a ballista, but the two just don't know about it?

"Do you know what a torsion spring is?"

"No, I don't."

When I say spring, I don't mean metal.

Neither Gotton-san nor the old man could make such a thing.

No, they could, but they were too fragile to be useful.

How did they make a metal spring on Earth?

Maybe it's a combination of carbon or something, but I don't know that much.

So we're going to use a much older spring.

Two thick, sturdy strings, lined up.

With a piece of wood in between.

Twist the cord by turning the wood as hard as you can.

When you take your hands off the strings, the wood spins with a powerful repulsive force.

A very primitive but powerful force

And that force is what makes the huge arrow fly.

I left the rest to Gotton-san's imagination

"How many arrows can it shoot?"

"I don't know. I didn't actually made it. It's just a trial."

"Will it work?"

I can only hope they are successful.


After a while, Wince and Rumseil fell asleep.

I'm up on watch and fire duty.

When I started to get sleepy, I'd wake one of them up and we'd take turns.

I was going to, but.

"Ah... ah... ah."

I heard a strange sound.


"What's that sound?..."

It wakes them up instantly.

"I don't know. It came from the direction of the moon."

The moonlight is backlit, so I can't see much.

But I know something is moving.

"Ah... ah... aaahhhh!!"

"It's coming!"

Something is running toward us.

It was going so fast that it didn't even get its legs caught in the sand.

"Gigiiiii, giiigiiiii."

"Smash it!"

It charges straight at us, so I intercept it head-on with my greatsword.

I swung down as hard as I can.

It was cut in two.

It was supposed to.

"Au... ah."

It was a synthetic dragon.

The body part of the mass of flesh is completely severed, but it's still moving.

"Wince! Fire!"


Wince pours oil on it and throws firewood at it.


The synthetic dragon burns with great intensity, but it is still alive, just burned.

"Won't it die?"


"It's the heart! Crush the heart!"

"I've already crushed it!"

The heart has already been ruptured by the first blow.

But the dragon is still alive.


The synthetic dragon makes a strange noise in the fire.

And with that cry, lightning strikes right in front of me.



It wasn't just lightning.

Fireball after fireball came flying toward us.

"Wince, cover me!"


I closed the distance to match Wince's hand thrown ax


"That throat!"

Is it around the appendix in humans?

There is a yellow, sore hole

The voice came from there.

The greatsword bit into it.

No, it only bit into it.

The blow that should have swung out with all my might

The big sword was bitten by its teeth and stopped

"You've got to be kidding me!"

Wince is backing away.

Rumseil was no longer dumbfounded.

But that's fine.

If it's near me, I have no other choice

"Lightning Lance!"

I shot a lightning spear from my palm

The power of the teeth has not loosened yet


More fire in its burning flesh.

"Magic Lance!"

It still won't die

"Divine Lance!"

Top-tier lightning magic

It's still moving

"Moonlight! Holy Ray! Magic Blade! Magic Storm! Deep Ray! Fire Storm!..."

How much magic have I unleashed?

The synthetic dragon, as long as its body is still connected.

It attacked with a clear intent to kill

"Haa...... haa...... finally...... it's dead......"


Wince supported me when I was about to fall

"What's with this thing?"

"Sorry! I can't do anything!"

Rumseil comes to his senses and apologizes

"No, it can't be helped"

It's just as the Dragon God said

These things should not live.

"More importantly, it's bad enough that it started moving even though it hasn't been 20 days."

"Other individuals may have begun to move as well."

"We need to get back to the town now."

"Ah... that's... right..."

"This... but this..."

The synthetic dragon has been slain.

I have indeed slayed it, and it can no longer fight back or resist.

Its body is shredded.

Burned, melted, slashed.

But the pieces of its flesh still move.

“This… it's not yet dead?”

"Immortal... how can something like this be immortal?"

This synthetic dragon will never be able to do anything for eternity.

But will it still continue to live without dying?

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