Eternal Adventurer (WN): Chapter 44


Chapter 44: Ballista

"Water! Bring more water! The gate's on fire!"

"Don't go near the gate! Don't even throw the water on it! You'll die from lightning!"

So many adventurers.

A few guards

They struggle in a maddening situation

"Magic is coming! Defend quickly!"

"Don't let them destroy the ballista!"

The situation is closely contested

Seems to be a close match.

"I brought the iron stake!"

A well-built woman leads a group of men to replenish the ballista.


"You're Sermus-boy! You're not fit to be in a place like this!"

"No, I will fight. We must fight."

"What happened?"

"We sent horses to the surrounding lords."

"I know. When will the reinforcements arrive?"

"......They're not coming."


"Because they want to strengthen their defenses."

"Are they stupid! What about the nobles here?"

"Most of them have fled...... including my brother, who took his wives with him."

The situation was bad.

They say that there is no choice but to protect this place with only 200 adventurers and 50 guards.

“My father is coming here with as many supplies as he can.”

"Heh, so your father didn't run away!"

“My father has a strong sense of responsibility.”

The ballista was loaded with a huge iron stake that had just been made.

"Do you think it will work?"

"It's going to stick. I don't know what happens after it sticks."

All ballistas release iron stakes at once

They hit the approaching deformed creature and penetrate it.

"It worked!"

"It's working! Shoot more!"


The chunks of flesh pop off and limbs are torn off.

That alone is an accomplishment in itself.

"Boy! The mages are getting tired."

“They've been fighting for two whole days, taking turns, and I think they're at their limit.”

"I hope they can hang on until we release all the iron stakes, at least...."

"Thank you for waiting!"

A group of people wearing splendid metal armor came.


"Sermus, you endured well. Rest for a while."

"I can't do that, my lord. No matter how many people there are, it's not enough."

"What's the damage?"

“There are idiots who challenged them in hand-to-hand combat without listening to what I had told them at the beginning and were wiped out. Five ballistas were destroyed. Lots of wounded."

I unconsciously took a rough tone.

Father seems to have sensed it

"Calm down, frustration leads to defeat."



"Asein, what's wrong?"

Asein, my father's butler.

It looks like he's wearing vestments and preparing to fight.

"I think the forest is getting noisier."

"The forest?"

Certainly, if I listened carefully, I can hear something coming from the forest.

Metallic noises?

"Are there more of them?"

"No... that's!"

A black object shoots out of the forest at a tremendous speed.

The monsters around it are cut in two and blown to pieces.

Many adventurers are relieved to see it.


"Open the gate!"

The guards are preparing to open the gates

"Don't open it!"


"If we open the gate, we'll be swept under the avalanche! Keep attacking with the ballista!"

“Are you going to abandon Shiro-san!?”

"No, as the lord says."

Before I knew it, Wince-san was standing next to me.


"I've got all sorts of tools."

She shows me a strap with an iron clasp.

Did she climb up here with it?

"How many were you able to defeat?"

"Not a single one of them......"

"I see. Well, Shiro-san cut them into pieces, but they still didn't die."

"Then how do we deal with them?"

"Shiro-san seems to prefer to crush their limbs. I'll support him."

"Supporting him is dangerous...."

"Don't worry. Everyone, please trust Shiro-san and continue the attack."

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