Inside the Cave of Obscenity (WN): Volume 13 - 1


The Defeated Hero......

 The dimly lit space was devoid of any semblance of life.

 A castle modeled after a place where people live.

 Furnishings that decorate the room.

 Furniture that would normally be unnecessary.

 They are all imitations made from slime mucus.

 It means nothing. It's not even worth existing. Slimes don't use such tools at all in the first place.

 So it's pointless. Worthless.

 In the first place, there is no point in building a castle.

 Because slimes don't need a place to live. They are hideous slimy monsters that simply crawl through the fields, unable to think...

"Fu, ah... ah, gaha, ha, haa..."

 Inside the slime castle.

 The sound of a woman's heavy breathing echoed in the room that served as Mariabelle's bedroom, located in a building modeled after the royal castle of Fonteau.

 It didn't sound like a pant at all, it sounded like someone was struggling to breathe and was just trying to stay alive―― it was a breathing that gave a strong sense of desperation.

 The owner of that voice―― Mariabelle, the female hero who had failed in her attempt to buy time to save her comrades, was lying on a bed made of slime, just like the one in the castle, her naked body spasming violently.

"Ha, ga, ha, ha, ha――"

(It, hurts... I, can't...)

 Mariabelle lay on her back, completely naked, repeatedly breathing, desperately trying to take in oxygen into her lungs.

 However, the scent of the aphrodisiac had made her entire body terribly sensitive, and the afterglow of the orgasm had not yet subsided, her throat continued to spasm as if in cramps, making it difficult for her to breathe properly.

 Mariabelle desperately tried to take in oxygen while her thin chest, which she felt was small compared to not only her mother's and sister's but even women her age, rose and fell violently.

 Each time, a strained breathing sound escaped from her mouth, and at the same time, the pain made her body convulse involuntarily, feeling a s*xual ache.

 Her shabby, but one could even say ideal, well-proportioned body continues to twitch on the bed.

 It was intense at first.

 Once it gets used to the stimulation, it begins to seductively invite the man.

(Kuh, uu... my body, is hot... it's so, hot...)

 Mariabelle looked as if she was about to cry as she looked down at her body, which was moving of its own accord, untethered from her own will.

 There was no sign of the humanoid nearby.

 For a change, it had stepped away from Mariabelle and was looking out the window.

 The reason why her behavior was almost human-like was probably because by receiving Mariabelle's blood from defloration, it had gained something of a unique ego.

 However, that wasn't what Mariabelle was concerned about.

"Damn, it..."

 She feels so frustrated that tears come to her eyes.

 If she puts strength into her arms and legs in an attempt to resist, a tingling sensation of pleasure will be felt from her tensed v*ginal hole, and her love juices will begin to wet her groin area.

 The aphrodisiac that the slime had modified was impossible for even the strong will of the hero to withstand without the blessing of the goddess.

 Meltia, her sister, and Kara, were poisoned by an aphrodisiac during a battle a year ago.

 The aphrodisiac, which had become even more powerful after taking the fluid of the Goddess Fasalina and the new female hero Akane, was too strong for Mariabelle, who had never experienced s*xual intercourse with a human and was practically a virgin.

"Like this, my body... is..."

(What will happen to me from now on...? Like what happened... to Onee-sama, Kara, Fennel-san...?)

 What her tearful eyes looked at was her nipples, which had remained painfully erect and would not go back to normal even though nothing had been done to them.

Her clitoris also became erect easily and protruded from the foreskin, growing to the thickness of the tip of her pinky finger.

 The humanoid's rape has already stopped for a long time.

 However, Mariabelle's body had not forgotten the afterglow of the humiliation, and her nipples and clitoris remained erect.

 On the contrary, the three points that had been directly injected with the aphrodisiac became sensitive to even the slightest breeze in the air, and a constant tingling sensation occurred.

 This is just due to the air flow.

 What would happen if she puts on clothes... no, underwear?

 Just imagining such an everyday act made Mariabelle's skin tingle and goosebumps rise, causing new love juice to leak from her v*gina.


 Tears threatened to spill, so Mariabelle bit her lip to hold them back.

 Her body will automatically feel good.

 Once the aphrodisiac has permeated the body, just trying to move causes the muscles and joints to ache, making it difficult to even stand up.

 Even with this, the stimulation felt slightly weaker as her body got used to it, but for the first few days, she was squirting just from the humanoid roughly pushing her down onto the bed.

 If you think about it that way, you could say that the current situation of struggling with the air flow is much better.

 ...But still.

(I can't fight anymore, like this...)

 Mariabelle bites her lip. She clenches her fists so hard that her fingernails dig into her palms.

 However, Mariabelle's sensitive body felt a deep, heavy pleasure from the stimulation that resonated deep inside her body, making her uterus tingle.



 That didn't work.

 As she became aware of the throbbing in her uterus, she felt the presence and weight of the semen that had accumulated inside it―― a heat different from her own body temperature... and heat began to erupt from deep inside her womb.

"Ah, don't, don't..."

 Nothing has been done.

 Like a break, now is one of the few short periods of time she can rest her body.


 Mariabelle's body was filled with the heat and weight of the semen inside her uterus―― and the flow of semen leaking out as her uterus throbbed stimulated the inside of her v*gina... just that stimulation was enough to make her hips tremble violently.

"Uu, kuh... something, something like this..."

(What should I do with a body like this...)

 Although it was only a shallow orgasm, the sharp stimulation that seemed to penetrate all the way to the top of her head made Mariabelle's body, accustomed to orgasms, easily go blank.

 Right now, even with rough hands that are not used to s*xual intercourse, she would easily climax―― such a pathetic and pitifully weak sight.

 That was the end of Mariabelle, the female hero who was trusted by everyone as a hero.

"Haa, haa, haa..."

 Mariabelle herself is unaware of this, but the aphrodisiac created by her best friend Kara and then modified by the slime has become a shackle to the female hero's body, powerful enough to destroy her entire life.

 From now on, just putting on clothes or underwear will make her climax.

 Even the acts of survival such as walking and breathing become s*xually stimulating.

 Such a life had been assured over the past few days.

 Without realizing it... Mariabelle deliberately looked away and continued writhing in agony on the bed.


 While Mariabelle writhed in pain on the bed without doing anything, the humanoid just stared outside without moving a muscle.

 It's not looking at the scenery.

 It's field of vision and consciousness were filled with the deep forest of Grabalt below it―― but that was not the scenery it was looking at.


 It knew.

 Someone had broken into the castle.

 It had come to save Mariabelle. It had come to kill the humanoid. It understood that very well.

"Haa, kuhhh.... uu, haa, haa...."

 Despite understanding this, it didn't seem particularly bothered, and as soon as Mariabelle's breathing steadied slightly, it returned to the bed as usual and threw itself over her slender body.

 It doesn't matter who comes.

 It doesn't matter who it is.

 However, it will make the female hero Mariabelle pregnant with its child.

 It will rape her again simply for the sake of its monster's instinct to reproductively increase their numbers.

"No, no more―― no, someone, someoneeee!!!"

 The atmosphere at the beginning of the act, which had been painfully... no, had been taught so many times over the past few days that she’d fainted.

 Sensing this, Mariabelle threw away all the dignity she had shown while fighting the human-shaped enemy and cried out.

 Her body thrashes.

 She hits the humanoid's chest with a weak hand, then kicks it in the stomach with an awkward motion.

 However, as if such resistance was pointless, the humanoid grabbed Mariabelle's wrist and held her down, pushing its body between her legs and neutralizing her kicks.

 With their fingers unintentionally entwined like lovers, Mariabelle was once again forced into a position where she was pushed down by the humanoid.

"No, nooo!? I don't want this anymore, it's painful, it, it hurts...!?」

 As she cried and squirmed, her erect clitoris rubbed against the humanoid's crotch.


 That alone makes her squirt, and her nipples, which have not yet been touched, become erect to the limit and begin to twitch slightly as if pleading for it to be stimulated more quickly.

 Even though her body was craving pleasure, her mind was desperately trying to resist.

 The body and the mind remain separate――.

"Ahh, no, no, nooooo!?"

 The humanoid solidified the mucus between its legs to create a p*nis-like organ, then pushed it into the v*ginal hole without any foreplay.

 Mariabelle desperately tried to resist by putting strength into her hips, but it only had the effect of tightening her v*ginal walls, which had become loose from the previous violation.

 Rather, the moderate tightness only pleased the humanoid, and it seemed it found pleasure in the tightness, as from the very start it began to move its hips with such intensity that Mariabelle's slender body shook.

"Agah!? Ah, agah, aaahhh!? No, no, nooo!?"

 The moment the p*nis penetrated her v*gina and reached her cervix, Mariabelle squirted with force.

 Every drop of the hero's juices that wet the humanoid's lower body is absorbed into its body, further increasing its power.

 However, that is no longer what the humanoid is looking for.

 Mariabelle's bodily fluids certainly give it strength, but that's not what's important.

"Aaah, aaaahh?! Help me, help me, Onee-samaaaa!!"

 Mariabelle cried out, but of course, no help came.

 But perhaps that was because the almost-lost hero's intuition had kicked in and made her realize that one of the people who had infiltrated the castle was her sister, Meltia.

 The humanoid pays no attention to who this person is and continues violating Mariabelle.

 To conceive a child. To give birth to a child.

 So that Mariabelle could give birth to its child.

 Contrary to such ordinary thinking, its hips were strong and intense, like driving a stake into something.

 Mariabelle's soft buttocks and the humanoid's slimy hips collided, and a dry thumping sound began to echo through the room.

"Noooo, nooooooo!!"

 Along with that sound, Mariabelle let out a high-pitched shriek that could be interpreted as either a cry of refusal or a cry of pleasure.

 She unconsciously put more strength into her intertwined fingers and squeezed them back, and with her beautiful legs that had been kicking the humanoid, she spread them shoulder-width apart to make it easier for it to move.

 With no strength from the neck down, her body was no longer responsive to her will and instinctively sought pleasure.

 With their fingers intertwined like lovers, Mariabelle shook her head in refusal.

 It was disgusting.

 Giving birth to a slime's child or being violated by a slime.

 She hates it so much that she shouts out and refuses it.

 It's an act of rejection that shows from the heart, but the humanoid didn't pay attention to those thoughts, instead, it moved closer to her, its face showing no emotion whatsoever, and kissed her.

"Nghhhh!? Mmmhh!?"

(Ah, ahh!? It even went into my mouth…!?)

 The humanoid's strength, the way it uses its hips, and the movement of its tongue are all in a league of their own compared to humans.

 Even though she had lost her hero's equipment, Mariabelle's physical strength was not enough to push back, and the man's organ continued to attack her weak spots as if it knew her body better than Mariabelle did.

 And the tongue――

"Nfuu.... fuuu, fuuuu...."

(Do, n't――... it's licking... inside my mouth...)

 The slime's tongue moved, precisely stimulating all the weak spots on Mariabelle's tongue and inside her mouth.

 She felt a strong sensation in her lower back that made her whole body go numb.

 There is a faint sensation from inside the mouth that numbs her brain.

 Mariabelle's eyes, which had been screaming in defiance, melted sweetly and her whole body went limp.

 Having a perfect understanding of all the weak points in her body and the appropriate amount of stimulation she desired, the humanoid administered sweet, meltingly intense stimulation to both her upper and lower body at the same time.


 Beneath the slimy body, the limbs of a slender, supple body without an ounce of excess fat, that had been trained as a hero, trembled.

 At the same time, she feels a warm heat in her lower body and again, juices begin to squirt from between her legs.

 The moment the humanoid felt Mariabelle's climax, it pushed its hips deeper and thrust the tip of its slimy rod that resembled a p*nis into her uterus.

 Her cervix, which had been softened and massaged by the previous violation, relaxed gently as she climaxed, welcoming the slime's p*nis.

"A, uh……?"

 Mariabelle, whose mind was blank from the climax, felt a strange sensation in the womb.

"Wha... where...?"

(No, no… this is, it’s no good, it's going too far…)

 Even though she knew that, she couldn't resist as her body was pinned down to the bed.

 No, at that moment, having been violated and made to climax, and feeling a pleasure close to bliss, Mariabelle had completely lost the will to resist.

 She spreads her legs and allows the humanoid to violate her, and it ejaculates into her without hesitation.

 There was no resistance at all――.

"Ahh―― uuuuhh...!"

 Mariabelle's whole body relaxed as she experienced a sweet, melting orgasm.

 Her waist twitched repeatedly like a separate creature, and the stimulation further excited the human form.

 A normal human would take a break immediately after ejaculating, but the humanoid doesn't rest, instead starting to move its hips as it ejaculates.

"Ah, ah, ah... stop, let me rest for a bit... aahhh!?"

 It forced to teach her.

 Over and over and over and over again.

 This was the humanoid's s*xual intercourse. Even Mariabelle's limited s*xual knowledge could tell this, a pleasure bestowed with physical strength and skill beyond that of a human.

 Displaying its overwhelming male strength, the humanoid becomes obsessed with Mariabelle, completely unaware of the signs of an intruder approaching.

At that moment, an explosion rang out.



 Mariabelle screamed, and the impact brought back her chance to think

 What was she doing now?

 What was she trying to do?

(You idiot, how stupid of you! What are you doing to a slime?!)

 It's pathetic and frustrating to be so consumed by momentary pleasure.

 However, it was also true that without the shock, she would have accepted the slime of her own accord in the height of ecstasy.

 In reality, Mariabelle had admitted that over the past few days, she had given in because it had [just felt too good].

(I had decided that today I would endure it...)

 However, in reality, just being pushed down on the bed makes her uterus ache, her love juices flow, and before long she opens her legs of her own accord to welcome it.

 That is how terrifying the allure of the humanoid's techniques and the aphrodisiacs are―― an addictive and deadly poison.


"That was..."

(Don't tell me, Onee-sama... Kara and the others are coming to help me?)

 Just as Mariabelle had noticed, the humanoid had also suddenly stood up from the bed.


 She was still in the afterglow of her orgasm but couldn't turn around and cried out, but the humanoid ignored her and headed outside.

 The purpose was to capture the intruders―― Meltia and the others.

 Or, now that it has Mariabelle in its possession, they will be defeated as a hindrance...

"No, no, no!"

(I have to save my sister, Kara, and Fennel-san...)

 Mariabelle, still trembling with the pleasure of her orgasm, mustered all her strength and tumbled off the bed with a desperate look on her face.


 That alone made the black-haired female hero's whole body go numb, and she writhed on the floor.

 Her toned body spasms, she weakly squirts, and she writhes in agony as she endures the pleasure... Her hips twitching with each stroke, she crawls towards the bedroom door.



 A wooden staff was pointed at her field of vision.

 It was Frederica who had been [waiting] outside the bedroom.

 Looking down at Mariabelle, who was trying to crawl towards her friends, she gave a somewhat lewd smile and pressed the tip of her staff against Mariabelle's cheek.

"Hero, return to your bedroom."

"No, I won't... Get out of the way."

 Mariabelle brushed the staff away from her cheek and glared at Frederica.

 The sharp gaze that would normally make an opening for even an irrational monster to see was pathetic when it was under the influence of the aphrodisiac and weak at the knees from the violation she had just received.

 The fact that her eyes were moist with the lingering pleasure only made her look even more pathetic.

"I can not"

 Frederica wasn't the least bit afraid of Mariabelle's gaze, and she pressed her staff against her cheek again with even more force.


 With just that, Mariabelle's body, which had been crawling on the floor, was rolled onto her back―― and Frederica sat on her stomach.

 This is not the way a person should treat a hero.

 This blonde mage no longer respected Mariabelle as a hero, but rather viewed her as an enemy.

 After all.

"It was finally my turn―――― I had been holding back for so, so, so long..."


 On the contrary, Frederica reached out to Mariabelle as if to release all the resentment she had been feeling, and placed her hand on her slim chest.

 Between women.

 What's more, this place is surrounded by slime mucus.

 However, Frederica didn't seem to mind at all and continued to rub Mariabelle's breasts.

"Hauuu?! Ah, no, don't..."

"If only you hadn't come―― if only you hadn't been caught, you idiot!"

"That is, I am, the hero, slime, defeat―― uuuhh!?"

 Even though she gripped her so tightly that her nails dug into her, Mariabelle cried out a moan and her hips convulsed as she squirted.

 Even though the pain would be felt by a human, a body infected with the aphrodisiac receives it as pleasure.

 Mariabelle's whole body twitched with masochistic pleasure, and she wriggled impatiently under Frederica's big ass.

 Looking down at Mariabelle, who was climaxing even with such a strong stimulation, Frederica's eyes took on a sadistic look, as if she had found an interesting toy.

"What? Does the hero likes it violently?"

"Uu, ahh?! No, that's!?"

 As Frederica's sadistic tone intensified, she roughly kneaded the heroine's thin, feeble breasts over and over again, and Mariabelle instinctively grabbed her hands with both of hers.

 However, Mariabelle had no strength in her hands, so there was no effect in hindering her movements.

 But it is true that there was resistance.

 Frederica's eyes narrowed at her pointless and powerless resistance, like a beast that had found its prey, and seeing this, a clear look of fear appeared on Mariabelle's beautiful face.

 The mage and the hero's daughter.

 That was the moment when the situation was completely reversed.

"Ah, ahh, ahhh!?"

 Mariabelle writhed in agony as she grabbed Frederica's right hand with both hands―― her free left hand grabbed her free breast on the other side.

 This one pinches the nipple along with the areola... and with just that, Mariabelle's hips rise up.

 Even though Frederica is a woman, she is quite heavy, but Mariabelle's physical strength in lifting her is incredible.

 She instinctively tried to knock the enemy that was sitting on her stomach away... but it ended in failure, and instead, as if she had found something interesting, Frederica began to stimulate both of Mariabelle's breasts.


 Her right breast was roughly kneaded and her left nipple was scratched hard with fingernails.

 She targeted her nipples relentlessly, so roughly that the shape of her thin breasts changed.

 Or vice versa.

 To keep the female hero from getting used to the stimulation, she uses her fingers, which are not quite as skillful as the humanoid, and before she knows it, the female hero is wriggling her hips under Frederica's buttocks.

"Let, go, of me... let go...!"

 Mariabelle desperately grabbed Frederica's wrist.

 Her wrists are so thin that it seems as if they could be easily crushed if she put too much force into them.

 And yet, no matter how much strength she put in, she couldn't even stop the movement, let alone break her wrist.

 This was simply because Mariabelle had no strength in her hands.

 The aphrodisiac had permeated her entire body, making her so weak to pleasure that even the slightest breeze would cause her to react sensitively.

 For Mariabelle, who had little experience with masturbation to begin with, Frederica's techniques, which were used to both men and women, could only be described as brutal.

"Are you not going to go and rescue your friends? Have you given up?"

"Ah, stop, just let me go! Stop, stop it already!"

(Onee-sama, Onee-sama is fighting! By my hands―― I, I!!)

 Mariabelle, still straddled by the mage who she would never lose if she were in perfect condition, her body still twitching even after being violated under her buttocks―― even though she was aware that her companions were fighting, that they’d come to save her, she climaxed easily.

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