Inside the Cave of Obscenity (WN): Volume 13 - 2


To Rescue the Hero 1

"Ugh, that's disgusting... I'm surprised you can walk around like that."

 A short while after Meltia and the others stepped into the castle made of slime, Fenelieka, who was floating in the air, muttered this.

 A strange castle where the floors, walls, ceilings, windows, and furnishings are all made of filthy slime.

 Walking through something like that would probably seem like an unbelievable act to a succubus who loves beautiful things.

"Who would willingly want to wander into a place like this? I'm actually quite envious of you for being able to fly."

"That's true. This is..."

 Still maintaining her tension, but perhaps unable to contain herself after hearing Fenelieka's words, Meltia lifted one of her leather-booted feet.

 The boots were sturdy enough to withstand long journeys, but an unknown liquid had built up on the soles, which would stick to the floor every time she walked, giving the soles of her feet an unpleasant feeling.

 Feeling that just walking was draining her physical and mental strength, Meltia put her foot down with a subtle expression that was hard to believe for a princess of a country.

"Could this have been digested by the slime?"

"Please, don't say anything more..."

 Again, Fenelieka tried to imagine the worst with her unnecessary comment, but Meltia immediately stopped her.

"This slime is so gigantic―― its structure must be beyond our imagination."

 Coming to that conclusion, Kara tries not to think too deeply about the fact and heads deeper into the castle.

 The structure is roughly identifiable.

 They've broken into the castle once before, and she remembers everything about it, from the exterior to the interior.

 The royal castle of Fonteau.

 It's where Meltia and Mariabelle live, and it's a castle Kara has visited several times.

"But it's in bad taste. I’d expected it from the outside, but walking slowly like this made me reluctantly aware of it."

"Well, why did the slime imitate Fonteau's Castle?"

"I have a few ideas... but maybe it's because it's where it lived the longest?"

"It seems like it has an abnormal obsession with the Hero, and it's where she lives, so maybe that's why?"

"That's a bit..."

 She thought that was unlikely, but the other party was a slime that had evolved beyond imagination.

 Maybe it's that kind of human-like obsession.

(I wish there was a way to learn more about slime ecology...)

 This is not because she calls herself a scientist.

 Knowing their ecology meant that you had gained information about them, which could lead to their weaknesses.

 [I want to study the slime more in order to destroy them], Kara thought as she took a slow, deep breath and exhaled.

(That is, if I survive this battle.)

"Ugh―― I can't believe we have to go through a place like this. This is the worst."

"That's true. It would be easier if we could just burn it down."

 From the beginning, they knew that in order to rescue Mariabelle who was imprisoned by the slime, they would have to go [inside the slime].

 Meltia and Kara had no other choice... Their expressions twisted in disgust as they went deeper into the castle.

"To be honest, I don't want to enter if possible, but there is no other way. We have no choice."

"Fenelieka-san, it must be nice. Soaring through the sky."

"Well... the air is stagnant here, so it might not make much difference..."

 Kara seemed somewhat open-minded, while Meltia spoke with a slightly envious look.

 However, to begin with, this place was inside the slime―― in a sense, it could be described as being inside the enemy's stomach.

 The red-haired female succubus did not have a good impression of anything, whether on the ground or in the air, and she was constantly wary of her surroundings.

"But they didn't attack even when we went inside. Maybe they didn't notice?"

"It was the same the last time I came here to rescue Fasalina-sama. I guess it's now concentrating on something else."

 Kara was certain that this [something else] was Mariabelle, but thought it would be rude to say it in front of her sister, Meltia, so she didn't say anything about it.

 But Meltia was already in a position to know the reality of the situation.

 She understands what is being done to Mariabelle, and she is prepared for it.

 The silver-haired elder princess clutched the large wooden staff she had inherited from her mother to her chest and grit her teeth.

"Let's hurry. We have to quickly deliver Father's sword to Maria."

 Meltia and Fenelieka's eyes turn to the holy sword now on Kara's back.

 It is one of the few weapons capable of evaporating the slime and exposing its weak point.

 Now that the deadly anti-slime poison [Valhari Blessed Water] invented by Kara is in short supply, the Hero's Holy Sword is a valuable weapon that can take down the humanoid.

 And―― they learned a new way of using it, the one they learned from the slime who had gained the ability to mimic the shape of a perfect human form.

 The fact that you can infuse it with mana beyond the limits of an individual

 If Mariabelle’s power, its wielder, was added to that, it should be possible to destroy the humanoid... No, if they couldn’t defeat it, they wouldn’t be able to save Mariabelle, and it would be impossible to save this continent.

 Outside the castle, the slime in Alfred's form was spreading its energy faster than ever before.

 In order to counter this, rescuing Mariabelle was essential.

"Let's move forward. The enemy is probably in the throne room."

 Kara thought so.

 It had built the castle of Fonteau, and to demonstrate its power it was seated on the throne where the Queen had always sat.

 But that idea is wrong.

 The reason why the humanoid modeled it after the Castle of Fonteau is because it was the place that was most closely connected to its memories.

 It is also a place that is deeply connected to Mariabelle, who was the reason for its birth.

 That was why it was Fonteau's Castle, and it wasn’t as if it was particularly interested in the king’s position or power.

 Perhaps it's fair to say that they still don't fully understand the ecology of the slimes.


"It's here……"

 As Fenelieka muttered unconsciously, Meltia readied her staff and Kara readied her sword.

 The humanoid was in the throne room.

 No, it would be more accurate to say that it appeared and cut off the three intruders heading towards the throne room.

 The problem is...

"Father's shield..."

 What Meltia saw was something that Mariabelle was also surprised at when she faced it―― it was equipped with her father's shield.

 A shield that is said to ward off any attack.

 As a result, Mariabelle's holy sword was blocked and she was defeated.

 However, it was not wearing any armor because it had shrunk to fit Mariabelle's build.

 It can wear the hero's equipment, but the equipment itself does not recognize the slime.

 In a way, this worked to Kara's advantage.

 And so, the three of them encountered the monster they were looking for―― a slime with a human form and an extravagant shield.

"Maria! Maria, where are you!?"

 Before the battle began, Meltia shouted.

 A beautiful voice echoes through the wide throne room, but there is no reply.

"She's not here... then she must be locked up in a cell or a bedroom."


 It has only one purpose.

 Everyone realized that this was to prevent Mariabelle from escaping.

 And that it was violating her.

"Let's defeat this guy and save Maria!"


 Everyone knew the other party couldn't talk.

 They have no intention of wasting time with questions like, [Where is Mariabelle?]

"First, we need a distraction..."

 Meltia gathered mana at the tip of her staff, as if to make the first move, and created a fire magic that the slimes weren’t good at.

 It’s an attribute that even elves, who are originally citizens of the forest, find difficult to generate, but with magic as strong as Meltia’s, it can generate firepower on par with a first-rate mage.

 It turned into a huge flame the size of a man's arms and was shot out like a bullet, hitting the middle of Meltia and the humanoid.

 The target was not the humanoid itself, but the floor.

 The floor of mucus was burned by the fire magic and evaporated, releasing white smoke that hid Meltia and the others.

"Fenel! Just as planned!"


 However, their opponent was a slime―― a powerful opponent capable of controlling all of the liquid that made up this slime castle.

 It knows their location as if it is watching Meltia and the others from all directions.

 Without fully understanding the situation, but considering the possibility that much of the mucus around her might be functioning as that, Kara dove into the white smoke to hide.


 She grimaces and covers her nose with the sleeve of her lab coat at the burning smell of the dirty mucus, but she endures it.

 Then, on the other side of the white smoke, a tentacle sprouted from behind Meltia and attacked her, the silver-haired mage barely managing to dodge by rolling across the floor.

 She rolls around on the slimy floor, not minding that the green-based adventurer outfit she inherited from her mother gets dirty, and avoids the attacks twice and three times.

 In the meantime, she refined her mana and concentrated it at the tip of her staff.

 With a second fire magic, she burns the tentacles that are targeting her.



 In addition to the tentacles that continued to pursue her relentlessly no matter how much she tried to avoid them, a new tentacle appeared from the floor and wrapped around her right foot over her boot.

 The leather boots are impermeable to the mucus, but the tentacles, despite their thinness, have incredible elasticity and bind the feet.

 The tentacles approached Meltia, who was now unable to escape.


 However, just in the nick of time, Fenelieka slammed into Meltia from the side with such force that knocked her to the floor.

 The force of the crash knocked her boots off, and a tentacle passed right above her.

(It seems like this thing doesn't intend to kill them after all. Its tentacles aren't very strong.)

From the force of the tentacles, Fenelieka realized that this human-shaped slime had no intention of unnecessarily harming Meltia and Kara.

That's where Kara has her eye, and it's the only point where they still have a chance of turning things around.

 This isn't the new slime modeled after a blonde guy, Alfred―― proof that it's still trying to use women as tools.

"First we need to buy some time."

"If that's what you think, then don't get caught right off the bat. It's hard to save――"

 Before she could finish her joke, a tentacle grew out of her blind spot and wrapped itself around Fenelieka's torso.

 Succubus is a monster that cannot have children with slime.

 Therefore, the humanoid sees no value in its existence and throws it away carelessly, implying that it is in the way.


"Fenelieka-san, please stay alert!"

 New tentacles approach Meltia, but she avoids the attacks with skillful footwork, almost as if dancing.

In the meantime, she uses fire magic to create countless small fireballs around her, which she skillfully manipulates to neutralize the approaching slime tentacles.

 During this offensive and defensive battle, the humanoid's attention turned to Meltia alone, but Kara, who had first jumped into the smokescreen Meltia had created, waited a moment before leaping toward the humanoid.

 She flashed the sword in her hand.

 It cuts off the humanoid's left arm, but it's far from a fatal blow.

 Immediately after the slash, the cut surface began to writhe and the wound healed before the severed left arm even fell.


 She uses the blade to cut off the humanoid's neck, but this too is not a fatal blow.

 Even though it has a human form, its weak spot is the tiny [core] like a pebble.

 It was too small to aim at with a sword, and since the humanoid's weakness was that of the slime, its weak core was constantly moving inside, making it impossible to aim at.

 Even knowing that, Kara swung her sword at the humanoid.

"Seriously, this is so unfair!"

 There's no point in complaining. It's pointless.

 Although it knows that the action is useless, the humanoid doesn't question it.

 It was natural for people to feel hostility towards monsters, and it understood that this was caused by emotions.

 Therefore, the humanoid concluded that Kara was attacking because it was her enemy.

 Even if it's a battle she has no hope of winning, Kara must do so in order to save Mariabelle.

 That's why she's coming towards it.

"You, you!!"

 Kara waves her sword with a desperate look on her face.

 Even if its slimy flesh is injured, it heals instantly.


 The humanoid just lets itself be slashed and doesn't resist.

 All it can do is wait until she gets tired from all this meaningless activity.

 This was one of the principles of human behavior that it had learned from the knowledge it had gained from the men it had absorbed so far.

 A trap to catch a woman.

 Just like with animals―― wait until they tire or kill them with a surprise attack.

 After coming to the conclusion that she was probably desperate to save Mariabelle, Kara’s number of moves began to dwindle.

 Meanwhile, countless tentacles are aimed at Meltia and Fenelieka, and the three are quickly exhausted.

 And then... when it determined that she was no threat, it grabbed her thin neck with its right hand as it was being slashed.

 Kara's sword pierces deep into its chest, but it doesn't care.


 Kara screamed as she was grabbed by the throat.

 Her body, which is on the smaller side compared to women her age, is lifted up so high that her feet are almost off the ground.

 The pain was so intense that Kara let go of the sword and struggled, using her arms and legs to try and free herself from the hands gripping her neck, but the humanoid's strength far exceeded that of a human.

 Kara struggled with her whole body but didn't budge, and even though she was grabbed by the neck she didn't feel any pain.

 The act of being lifted without using any force may seem strange to the person being lifted, but it is done simply to avoid harming the mother.

 Although not as strong as Mariabelle, she is still a valuable host needed to increase the number of its companions.

 In order to avoid killing her under any circumstances, the humanoid grabs Kara gently.


 In order to save Kara, Meltia aimed a heat ray at the arm that was grabbing her.

 It doesn't produce an explosion that would damage the surrounding area, but it is a heat ray that is powerful enough to burn through the slime's mucus.

 However, the tentacles that grew out of the surrounding floor and walls blocked it, doubled, tripled―― more than a dozen walls formed, and it gradually lost momentum and finally disappeared.

 The heat that evaporates mucus is a threat to slimes, but the humanoid can control the liquid in the entire castle.

 Well, maybe even more than that.

 No matter how much mana Meltia possesses, equal to that of her mother, who was praised as being comparable to the Demon King, she is still just an individual.

 Compared to the slime, which has absorbed several thousand humans and their mana, its mass and mana are literally on a different level.

 Meltia was able to manipulate magic more skillfully than any of those it had absorbed, but the humanoid cast spells dozens of times more frequently.


 She had experienced that style of fighting once before.

 When fighting the Black Ooze while retaking Fonteau.

 The Black Ooze transformed into a gigantic body reminiscent of a giant caterpillar and simultaneously activated several magic of different attributes, but the humanoid activated several times that number.

 At a glance, more than twenty bullets of different attributes, including fire, ice, water, lightning, and earth, were created in the air.


 Meltia resolved to destroy them all, and stood with her feet shoulder-width apart, holding her staff.

 Four magic bullets instantly appeared around her―― but.


 The humanoid used that many magic bullets as a decoy, and the moment Meltia stopped to intercept it, it grabbed the silver-haired mage with tentacles that sprouted from the floor.

 And this time both legs.

 One of her boots had already been taken off, and the tentacles wrapped around her directly.

"Afu...!? Ah, ahh!?!?"

 In an instant, Meltia's face turned red with pity, as if the battles she had faced up until then had been a lie, and she bent her knees, her hips trembling.

 She managed to resist dropping to her knees on the slimy floor, but her ass wrapped in her long skirt was twitching and spasming in an obscene manner that made it clear at a glance that she lost strength.

 Her eyes, which had been filled with hostility, now welled up with tears, and rather than pointing her staff at her enemy, she placed it on the floor to support herself.

 Unable to stand on her own two legs, Meltia's breathing became irregular and her hips began to tremble violently.

 Sweat was forming on her inner thighs, hidden by her long skirt, and a liquid different from sweat was running down her skin and onto the inside of her only remaining left boot, wetting it.

"W-what? What's, going on...!?"

(This feeling, it's the aphrodisiac...!?)

 Meltia was familiar with this sudden, almost abnormal sensation of heat.

 The slime absorbs the aphrodisiac created by Kara, its effect has been modified as a poison that causes the woman to go into heat.

 However, even though Meltia's clothes were wet with mucus, she had not yet come into contact with the aphrodisiac.

"Don't tell me, those tentacles wrapped around my leg are―― Fuaaa!?"

 By the time she realized that, it was too late.

 The aphrodisiac has seeped into both Meltia and Kara, causing them to become aroused even in everyday life, and they are now taking suppressants to counteract the effects.

 Although they should have taken the potion before this battle, after violating the Goddess Fasalina and realizing that the existing aphrodisiac was not very effective, the humanoid further worsened the effects of the poison.

 As a result, the aphrodisiac became so powerful that even the suppressants they had been using up until now could not withstand it, and when it was smeared all over her bare feet, Meltia's body immediately reacted.

 Moreover, the tentacles rubbed against Meltia's beautiful legs like a snake, trying to spread the sticky liquid deeper into her body.

"Ah, ahhh... no, why, with just my leg."

 As the elastic surface of the tentacles rubbed against her calves and the backs of her knees, areas that normally wouldn't be considered erogenous zones, Meltia was overcome with an intense sensation, as if her nerves had been exposed.

 The rubbed area became abnormally sensitive, and a numbness-like sensation quickly spread from her knees down.

 Even though she was losing feeling in her legs and could no longer stand, she still gritted her teeth and did her best to resist falling on her butt―― but.

"Aaahhh, Uaaaahhh!?"

 The tentacles coiled around her legs two or three times and rubbed against her legs, and that was enough to make Meltia let out a sweet cry and collapse to her knees.

 Her legs were so weak that she could barely stand without the support of her staff, and even though she was in front of the enemy, her hips were pathetically hunched over and bucked involuntarily, ignoring Meltia's will.

 The long skirt, absorbing the sweat that had gushed out from her excitement, clung to her protruding buttocks, so tightly that the outline of her panties was visible.

 As she bends forward, gravity pulls her breasts, which are far larger than those of women her age, and they sway so boldly in time with the spasms of her hips that one can practically hear them flopping.

 With her whole body expressing s*xual excitement, Meltia's face was bright red and she glared at the humanoid with wet eyes.

 And so, what appeared before Meltia's eyes as she writhed in agony was――

"Hii, hyaaa!?"

 Same for Kara.

 She had been grabbed by the neck and aphrodisiac was smeared all over her.

 The large amount of aphrodisiac doesn't just wet the area around her neck, but is pulled by gravity and drips down her clothes and all over her body.

 As a result, a wider area of ​​her body was wet with the modified aphrodisiac than Meltia's, and her body was convulsing violently as she was held up by her neck.

 She squirts with such force that it's obvious even through her plain brown panties, darkening the color of its crotch part.

 The juices can't be absorbed by her panties and pants alone, and they run down her legs, wetting her black stockings, and drip onto her feet, turning into food for the slime.

"S-stop!? Why... hiiii!?"

 The sudden, overwhelming pleasure made Kara feel a sense of danger and she thrashed her body around with more strength than before, but the humanoid only had a hold on her neck.

 It hadn't even given any stimulation that could be called caressing yet―― it was still in the preparation stage.

 So first, to make the mother's body feel even more comfortable, it secretes even more aphrodisiac, wetting her entire body.

"Hiii! Stop, stooop!? Ah, what, my body is burning――!?"

 While being held up in the air, Kara squirts, convulses, and writhes in agony.


"Haa, haa... nhh, this... this, is completely different..."

(My body is burning... I'm burning up...)

 Even Meltia, who had only just gotten her feet wet, felt her core heat up as she remembered what was about to happen to her.

 In front of her eyes, the usually calm Kara was screaming loudly and writhing in agony, climaxing like a fountain or some poorly made water magic.

 Just looking at her like that makes Meltia's face heat up, but now tentacles secreting aphrodisiacs are running up her legs.

 Under her long skirt, her pure white, beautiful legs, toned from the long journey, were glistening with sweat, and her pink panties, the last line of protection for her crotch, had an obvious stain on them.

 Just like Kara, it hasn't even given her anything that could be called affection yet.

"Wait, no, don't..."

 Meltia muttered, her whole body so weak that she couldn't stand without holding onto her staff with both hands.

 The tentacle that ran up her legs finally reached the woman's private garden, her genitals.

 The tentacle skillfully moves its tip, precisely stimulating the clitoris through the panties.

 Meltia's clitoris had been fully developed from the previous violation, and even the slightest stimulation made it easily emerge from its foreskin and quickly become erect.

 Now, due to the effects of an even more powerful aphrodisiac, her body has become aroused, and her clitoris is swelling larger, as if begging it to touch it.

 The tentacle found Meltia's clitoris easily, and relentlessly kneaded the small bulge through her pink panties, kneading and rubbing it.

"Ha, fuu, uu... ah..."

 That was all it took for Meltia to let out a sweet cry, collapse, and fall on her butt on the slimy floor.

 It was hidden by her long skirt so it couldn't be seen, but it felt so good that she ended up climaxing just like Kara.

 As she sat on her butt, exposing her body defenselessly, tentacles began to grow out from all around her and wrap around her body.

 Her large breasts were the target in particular, having been targeted even more than her clitoris during the previous violations, and having been transformed into the most sensitive weak spot on her body.

 Her breasts are so large that they can be easily stretched even when they are squeezed tightly by her adventurer clothing so as not to get in the way during battle, so they could almost be called huge breasts.

"Fua, ah... Don't, my chest, not my chest."

As the tentacles wrapped around her breasts, which were too large to fit even in the hands of an adult man, Meltia writhed in agony and let out sweet moans even through her clothes.


 It was Fenelieka who cried out when she saw the two of them behaving in such a lewd manner.

 Once the pain from being thrown had subsided, she rose into the air again and observed the figure, Meltia, and Kara.

(So ​​far everything has gone according to plan... I wonder if it's really okay?)

"Ah, ahhh... this slime is stronger than before..."

"No, no. My breasts are too weak."

 Watching the two writhing in agony, Fenelieka began preparing in the air for her next move.


 At the moment, Fenelieka and her team have no way of defeating the humanoid.

 That was something they knew from the beginning.

 So if they increase the number of people, will they have more ways to defeat it? ...That's not the case either.

"The only way we can win is to rescue Maria and blow up the castle with the most powerful magic we've ever had."

"But is that even possible? Wouldn't it be more effective to approach with a desperate attempt and throw the Valhari Blessed Water at it?"

 Before storming into the slime castle, Fenelieka and the others were having a final meeting.

 However, this only confirms that there is no chance of winning against the humanoid.

"That's impossible. The humanoid slime knows the effects of the water. It's better to think of it as learning."

"You mean stay away or avoid it?"

"For one thing, the entire castle is made from slime―― if it regenerates from another place like that blonde slime that transforms into a human, there's no way to defeat it. I think it would just be a waste of our precious blessed water."

"So what are we going to do then... I mean, how much more of that precious water do we have left?"

"Two bottles."

"...You have some nerve saying you'll save the Hero. Do you think you have a chance of success?"

 Fenelieka said in shock, and Kara gave a wry smile.

"It's a gamble, but there is a chance."

"When you bet, it's not left to chance."

"However, we're not in a position to prepare the blessed water right now... so we'll have to rely on luck, right?"

"That's right. After all, our enemies aren't just the humanoid slime, there's also that blonde slime that can transform into a human."

"And what's more, the new one seems to keep respawning no matter how many times you defeat it."

 Kara and the others realized this during the recent battle at Lishlua.

[They can't kill that thing.]

 But something has to be done.

 If they don't do this, humanity will perish.

"In order to do something about it, we have to help Maria by ourselves. We don't have the resources to spare any more of our forces."

 The fighting power of humans and slimes has completely reversed.

 If things continue like this, this pattern will never change, until humanity is wiped out.

 But there is still hope.

 There is a possibility.

 Kara's intense eyes said that.

"So, here's how we will save Maria... but I'm sure that Meltia and I will be captured by it."


"Are we going to be captured? Not defeat it?"

"We won't be able to beat it―― it's just too strong."

 Kara declared, then shrugged her shoulders.

"So you lose. You get caught. You get f*cked."


 That assertion made Meltia gasp and stiffen.

 After declaring to the princess of a country that she will be [violated], Kara looked towards Fenelieka.

"Don't help us then. It'll be fine."

 Kara declared, and although her mouth twitched, she still managed a smile.

"It won't kill us because it will capture us, violate us and make us have children."

(No matter how calmly we try to act, we're still human after all.)

 Seeing her face at that moment, Kara was reminded of that once again.

 As for Meltia... she looked like she was about to cry when she heard the explanation.


(I-I’m really not going to help you. Is that okay?)

"Ah, ahh, stop, my body is burning!? It's burning!?"

"Ah, ah, ah!? No... I, I, again, just my chest... my chest―― nhhh!!"

 On the slime floor, the two of them let out moans in unison, their whole bodies spasming, and then they slumped powerlessly.

 The pleasure was so intense that they lost consciousness and passed out.

 Fenelieka knows that Meltia and Kara have been altered to be particularly vulnerable to pleasure.

 This is because the aphrodisiac is not only smeared all over their bodies, but is also injected into their internal bodies.

 Their sensitivity makes it difficult for them to go about their daily life, and they can't sleep at night unless they take medication several times a day to suppress the aphrodisiac.

 Even if she wasn't a succubus with extensive s*xual knowledge, it was easy to imagine what would happen if the two of them were captured and violated by the slime.


(Trying to get yourself violated.)

 The first phase of Kara's plan was simple, and extremely lucky.

 They were caught by the slime and carried to Mariabelle.

 That was all.

 They might become a prisoner, or it might violate the two of them right then and there.

 Or, with Mariabelle in its possession, the woman may no longer be of any use to it and it may kill her.

 In fact, this new type of slime will kill anyone, even women.

"At least it looks like they weren't killed."

 Even if Fenelieka is a monster, she doesn't want to see someone she had traveled with killed right in front of her.

 She patted her chest as she flew away to avoid the tentacle attacks, and then the second phase of the plan began.

 From now on, it's up to luck whether the humanoid will take Meltia and Kara to Mariabelle.

 Fenelieka had to do two things.

First, don't get caught until she sees the slime take away the two unconscious people.

 And the other one is――

"Please, don't think about killing me..."

 Fenelieka would have to be violated after that.

 It's disgusting. It's really unpleasant. It's so unpleasant that she wants to run away if she can.

 However, Kara trusted Fenelieka and told her the plan.


 Even after the two were taken away, she couldn't make up her mind and move around for a while, but the enemy was a mass of mucus. Even describing it as a living thing makes it seem somewhat dangerous.

 First of all, the inexhaustible life force that doesn’t have the concept of physical strength and the time a succubus can move around when they’re bad at fighting are different.

 She really hates it, but no matter how hard Fenelieka tries to move around, the outcome will not change as long as she doesn't escape from the castle.

"Haa, haa... I can't..."

 As the exhausted Fenelieka's movements slowed, the filthy slime tentacles wrapped around the crimson dress that adorned her graceful, beautiful body that surpassed Meltia's.

 They hold her like that and then lower her to the floor.

"Uu... I really hate you, Kara..."

 Fenelieka's expression contorted in disgust at the tentacles wrapping around her beautiful body, and she complained resentfully at Kara for coming up with such a plan.

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