Inside the Cave of Obscenity (WN): Volume 6 - 6


Episode 6: Hero of Another World (Loss of Virginity, Urethral Rape)

 A seasoned adventurer would take about ten days on foot from Grabalt, a land of beastmen where most of the land was covered with deep forests, to Fonteau, a land founded by elves who left their forests.

 It was mentally difficult for Akane, a modern person who was not used to traveling, to walk most of the day, but the blessings of the goddess Fasalina supported her...... but the journey was not smooth.

 In fact, five days have passed since she was summoned to this world, and they were still moving from one village to another in Grabalt and had not even crossed the border to their destination country, Fonteau.

 The reason was simple.

 Both Akane and Angelica could not read maps, a fatal weakness in traveling.

 It was not surprising that Akane, who relied on equipment invented in her world for everything, and Angelica, who lived and worked in the temple and didn't know much about the outside world.

 ......Still, the reason why they didn't get lost in the forest was because of Akane's intuition, which was blessed by the goddess, and the presence of the goddess Fasalina, who advised her when they were about to go off track.

 Behind Akane, who was walking along the grass-filled path, Angelica, who was unfolding a map, frowned, and her neat good looks were deeply crumpled.

 The pure white vestments and the neat veil that matched it accentuated the golden hair that looked as though it had been melted by the sun, and the clothes seemed to be worn out, and the jade eyes that were clearer than the deep green of the forest beneath them were narrowed in distress.

"Are you okay, Angelica?"

"Yes. Um... this way, maybe."

"Hmm, got it."

 Angelica glanced at the map and pointed to the right side where the road split.

 It was true that they could reach the village near the border of Fonteau by that road, but it was a little bit of a detour...... but neither of them noticed it.

 She who found Akane, who had been summoned, even with Fasalina's help, was even impressive.

"Haa... I'm sorry, Akane-sama. I'm sorry for the inconvenience..."

"It's okay. Don't worry, Angelica. This is one of the best parts of traveling―― maybe."

 As though laughing at Angelica's tearful voice, Akane said cheerfully.

 In fact, Akane didn't find the current journey that difficult.

 Akane would do the fighting, Fasalina would show the way, and Angelica would take care of her.

 Those five days of adventure had, surprisingly, adapted Akane's body to battle.

 Although her physical strength and stamina had increased thanks to the support from the goddess, Akane Shinomiya, a new hero, was overwhelmingly lacking in travel experience, and that was why the goddess Fasalina summoned her to the ruins in the deep forest to experience the journey and thus have her repeat the battle in the monster-infested forest.


 That was what Akane Shinomiya, the hero, absolutely lacked.

 The experience of travel, and the experience from battle.

 It was fun for Akane to realize that her body was adapting to the battle and getting stronger day by day.

 With movements that were incredibly refined from what she had been doing just a few days ago, she killed a goblin, a monster the size of a human child, and sharply swung the iron sword in her right hand to get rid of the mucus in the blade.

 The transparent mucus flew to the ground and stained the leaves of the grasses.

 The fact that her opponent was a monster that could not communicate with her―― a slime, was also an advantage for Akane.

 Akane was able to fight with all her might, not even the slightest hint of restraint against an opponent who did not speak, which was impossible to communicate with, and had a clear intent to harm her.

 Akane and Angelica made their way to the end of the forest, taking care not to touch the liquid from the slime.

"Don't you usually get money or something when you defeat a monster, right?"

 The one who muttered without seeming to lose her breath was Akane Shinomiya, a woman with black hair, one of the only two people in this world.

 Her shoulder-length semi-long hair swayed as they made their way deeper into the forest, her steps so steady that it was hard to believe she was a modern person with no travel experience.

 The sound of boots stepping on fallen leaves and branches, making a dry sound, reached her ears.

 Apart from that, Akane's excellent hearing allowed her to hear the sound of branches and leaves swaying and scraping in the wind, the flow of the wind, and even the sound of the river flowing in the distance when she concentrated on it.

 She deliberately blocked all those information and said something completely irrelevant.

(My senses are getting sharper and sharper...... It's hard to control, jeez.)

 It was an amazing ability, but Akane thought that the goddess should be a little more careful with it.

 Sharp senses were useful for finding the hidden slimes, but it was a bit too much to hear things that were more than a hundred meters away.

 If she listened carefully, she would even be able to hear the voices of people talking in a distant village―― it would probably mess with her head.

 Still, Akane was trying hard to get used to that sensation and was making it her own.

"I've heard that monsters drop money, but...... in this world, is that not the case?"

"I've never heard of monsters dropping money, but...... the fangs, claws and skin of monsters could be sold as materials. But slime materials were almost worthless......"

"So you're saying that no matter how many I kill, I won't get paid?"

"In the liquid part, yes. However, recently, a scientist in Fonteau is willing to pay a high price for the "nucleus" that keeps the slime in shape."

"Scientist? Nucleus?"

"Yeah, the nucleus is the small stone that Akane-sama crushed."

 Then Angelica, the beautiful sister who took care of Akane's personal care, kneeled down beside the slime she had just fought and picked up a small pebble from its corpse...... no bigger than the tip of her little finger.

 She presented Akane with a stone that had been shattered in half.

"This is the "nucleus" of the slime. As long as this is crushed, even a child can defeat the slime."

"Really? It's easy to see inside its body, so I think you can easily destroy the "nucleus"......"

"Hehe...... That's because it's Akane-sama. I can't even follow the "nucleus" of the slime moving around in the liquid with my eyes."

"……Eh? Really?"

 Angelica giggled at Akane's words, who then turned her surprised face to Angelica.

 Akane, unconsciously aware of it, followed the "nucleus" with her eyes that moved around in the liquid to protect its weakness, and easily slashed it with an iron sword she bought in a village on the way, defeating slimes of various shapes and sizes until today.

 Goblins, wolves, and even medium-sized monsters such as orcs and trents that were larger than Akane, who was tall for a woman.

 The slime that Fasalina feared was dangerous and seemed to be producing a wide variety of monsters, and their numbers had increased to a level that was incomparable to when Mariabelle and the others had fought the Black Ooze a year ago.

 And since they were only active in the deep forests of Grabalt, most of them have yet to be seen by humans or beastmen.

"When there are so many of them, someone should notice them."

"No. Most of the people living on the continent are now focused on the restoration of Fonteau and have not had time to focus on the forests of Grabalt."

"Then, if Angelica warned people of the danger, they would be aware."

"Yes. On the country of Lishlua, a follower of Fasalina-sama is currently riding a horse around the country to warn people of the danger."

"... I wish I could ride that horse too."

"That's... Fasalina-sama wants Akane-sama to gain experience."

"Well, that's true......"

 As for Akane, she had a strong desire to see a city with human civilization as soon as possible, but just as Fasalina wanted her to gain experience―― Akane herself felt that her senses had sharpened remarkably in the five days since she was summoned to this world.

 The sensations she had felt while concentrating on a kendo match, such as the presence of people and the flow of air, became many times sharper, and she could even vaguely sense what the enemy would do a moment ahead, and what kind of danger would befall her.

 By the third day, she was baffled by the sensation, but today, the fifth day, she used the sensation to toy with the enemy and succeeded in defeating the goblin-type slime unharmed.

(It's interesting isn't it? It's also accurate that I can anticipate the enemy's actions ahead of time.)

 Even in a kendo match, there was also a technique of anticipating the opponent's movements and then responding to them ahead of time.

 Akane felt that the feeling she was experiencing now was similar to that. In reality, it was more of intuition and difficult to put into words―― the ability to "see the future" to be exact, but Akane herself did not yet understand the ability to that extent.

 It was an ability given to her by the goddess Fasalina.

 It might take a little more time for Akane, who was summoned from a world where magic didn't exist, to understand the logic of this world, but she was steadily gaining experience and growing at a surprisingly fast pace.

"Let's continue on to the village ahead of us today. As soon as we pass that point, we should be able to see the border of Fonteau."

"Finally, we can enter the country we've come for...... Well, I guess it's time to change my clothes."

"That's true. You can't completely protect yourself from the slime's attacks with the clothing from Akane-sama's world."

"I hope this slime's "nucleus" sells well."

 In the past, adventurers could make a living by selling materials from goblins, orcs, or wolf leather.

 However, now that the slime had changed the creatures in the forest, it was difficult to obtain these materials, and Akane and Angelica have difficulty securing a large amount of money.

 Even so, they were able to continue their journey with the money Angelica had, but it was used to obtain food during the journey, and Akane was equipped with only an iron sword.

 Her clothes were the same as she had worn in her world, a ribbed shirt and pants, almost meaningless in terms of defense.

 Akane, who had been told that the slime's bodily fluids were a powerful aphrodisiac―― a poison, was concentrating on avoiding the slime's attacks, which in turn was helping her to grow.

 In a way, it was exactly what Fasalina had expected.

"It would help if we had a little more to live for......"

"The margin is peace of mind. It is only by understanding and resisting danger that one can grow, Akane."


 Suddenly, Angelica's atmosphere, who was walking next to her, changed. Literally, a "different person".

 No, in this case, "different person" was probably not the right word.

 After all, this woman―― she now had the soul of a god in her human body.

"Good morning."

"Yes, good morning Akane. It was a wonderful move from the previous battle."

"Is that so? Thank you."

 Akane said honestly in gratitude and sheathed her iron sword.

"If we go beyond the village at the end of this path, we will be at the border of Fonteau. It's a very bustling country in the midst of reconstruction."

"Yeah. I've been in the woods for the past five days, so I'm looking forward to a lively country."

"It's not quite your world in terms of the number of people, but it might surprise you in terms of its vitality."

"Yeah, I guess......"

 She didn't mean to compare Japan to another world, but Akane took it that way without objection.

 In today's Japan, there were many areas where, at best, everyone was working hard to take care of themselves, and at worst, they were only focusing on themselves.

 Akane didn't even know the name of the person next to her in the apartment building she lived in, and she had never even greeted them in the morning.

 However, in this world, people passing by on the road would call out to her and worry about a woman traveling by themselves.

 Similarly, in the village they stopped by, they introduced the village to Akane who didn't know the name, and at the bar, she had a cheerful conversation.

 In terms of liveliness, this world was certainly much brighter than Japan.

 Because the battle against monsters was a part of everyday life, everyone was trying their best to live in the present. That's how she felt.

"It's a good world―― everyone is cheerful, hardworking, and kind."

"Because there are monsters...... the existence of a common enemy they need to defeat unites people."

"Yeah, I guess."

 Akane was not really interested in politics, but she thought that was the clear difference between Japan and this world.

 In this world, human beings stand together as one because there was a clear enemy.

 It would be an exaggeration to say that Japan...... did not have a definite enemy and used vague words to cover itself up.

 However, what if there was a common enemy in Japan...... or even in the people of the earth?

 If the slime in this world, aliens, otherworldly people, or other such enemies existed――.

 The word "peace" would be far away, but she did think they could be a little kinder to their neighbors.

 ......She could somewhat understand why the goddess would want to protect this world even if she had to summon not just strangers but people from other worlds.

 A world surrounded by kind people.

 She felt at home here.

"Speaking of monsters, can't the power of the goddess...... make them disappear? No, well, if that happened, then the humans will fight each other."

(But then, I've heard a lot about beastmen, fairies, and elves, although I've never seen them, and how different looks can cause conflict.)

 At this question, Fasalina slowly shook her head without losing her expression.

 Her long blond hair swayed slowly, and even the pure white vestments were beautiful.

 Angelica was also a beauty that Akane, who was a woman, couldn't help but admire, but Fasalina, who was emitting a sacredness of a goddess, gave a completely different aura, even though she was in a human body.

 It was said that the shape of her soul was different, but just the way it was, the impression it gave was different...... In the past few days, Akane had gotten used to the change in personality, but she still couldn't get used to the change in atmosphere.

"Monsters were also one of the lives that I created. Now they have left my will, and the existence of the Demon King has come to create monsters...... It is this difficulty that has shaped the way humanity is today."

"The Demon King... I heard he was defeated by a hero who was summoned before me."

"Yes. However, the Demon King did not perish. As time goes by, a new Demon King will be born from among the demons. That kind of absolute antagonist for humanity. As long as the evil intentions of people congregate...... and people live, the Demon King will not be destroyed."

 It was a strange story, Akane thought.

 The goddess said that the monster that had left the will of the goddess who created the world―― that was the Demon King.

 In the ideal world, she had envisioned, Akane felt that she was enjoying herself, even though her expression remained unchanged and her voice was flat, without any waves of emotion.

"But this slime is different. It's not a collection of human malice, it's taking in humans and growing up using their desires... it's dangerous."

"Is it different, human malice and desire? From my point of view, it feels the same."

 After putting away her sword, Akane walked down the path, stretching to cool down the aftermath of the battle.

 Fasalina started walking after Akane. Regardless of whether she was a human or a goddess, she had very little experience working on the ground, and it was becoming a habit for her to walk behind Akane.

 ......In a way, it may be a sign of cautiousness, like crossing a stone bridge with hesitation.

"No. The Demon King, a bundle of malice, is only an enemy of mankind, but the slime, a bundle of desire, can be mankind's natural enemy."

"......They're both enemies, though?"

"There is a difference between an enemy and a natural enemy, Akane. An enemy is an existence they need to defeat, a relative. A natural enemy is an existence that...... humans can never defeat."


 Fasalina's words made Akane gasp as she walked.

"I like the people who live in this world. As I watched over the world as consciousness, its activities are the most fun to watch―― it is human to act selfishly when the peace lasts too long, but it is also human to be able to stab and reach out to their neighbor. A gentle creature with good and evil in their hearts."


"The slime has none of that. It has taken in humans and gained a will, but...... it could not stop itself from acting on its desires. It's a pitiful existence, it had the potential and the opportunity to change, but it didn't."

 It sounded as though she was grieving, not as a guardian of the world or a goddess, but as a single will living in this world.

 Akane, who was walking ahead of her, could not see Fasalina's expression―― maybe she was looking a little...... like she was about to cry, instead of her usual emotionless face.

"Fu...... so you want me to fight the natural enemy of mankind?"

"Once you are familiar with the way this world works, I will give you all of my powers....... The power, the knowledge, the ability――."


 Even now, Akane was at a loss for words as she was being swamped by her overly sensitive senses and incomprehensible abilities, but she was being given the abilities of a goddess herself...... and was beginning to understand what that meant through her experiences over the past five days.

 Fasalina added her words in a quiet voice, as though she had expected that reaction.

"―It's only temporary. So the slime, which is just a creature in the world I created, can be defeated without any resistance."

"That doesn't have to be me... right?"

"No. No person in the world I created can withstand my abilities―― unless they are someone who can understand my abilities in the outside world."

 She had a faint memory of a small light reflected in her drunken state.

 Only those who could see it would understand Fasalina's abilities, and she would trust those who returned her sincere intentions to her questions.

"For now, try to get used to the sensation. Gradually I will give you stronger abilities."

"More powerful than now?"

"Yes. The previous hero, and his daughter, reached that ability on their own...... Akane."

 It was when Fasalina said that.

 As it scrambled through the grass, a huge body appeared.


"You also remembered the name of the monster, Akane."

 It was a two-legged monster with a pig-like appearance...... It was also an orc-shaped slime made up of translucent liquid.

 It was three times taller than the goblin type, and Akane, who was over one hundred seventy centimeters tall, could barely look up at it.

 Its body was large, but the lower half of its body was small in contrast. In terms of supporting its body, its body shape was clearly wrong, and the monster was normally monstrously strong but slow.

 However, the orc-like form that the slime took was the same in shape, but it moved faster and had stronger arm strength than the usual orc.

 Unlike the Orcs, which were only intelligent enough to wield wooden sticks, the slime was dexterous using various weapons and had a variety of attacks, such as flexing its arms like a whip and thrusting them out like a spear.

 Akane, who had experienced several battles, drew her iron sword, understanding the threat.

 ――The "nucleus", its weakness was in the center of its chest. She confirmed that its weak point was located in the center, like a human heart.

"This time, you'll have to deal with it alone."

"......That's why you withdrew Angelica's consciousness."

"She will try to protect you."

 Akane smiled as she realized why Fasalina was suddenly talking to her.

 It was to make her aware of the monster's approach and to give her experience in fighting alone.

(I guess I don't have a good sense of my abilities yet.)

 Akane let out a small sigh at the fact that she didn't notice the monster until it appeared from the depths of the forest.

 If her ability to see the future, which was close to foresight, had been perfect, she would not have been surprised by the sudden appearance of the orc.

 The fact that she was unable to do so was proof that Akane was not yet familiar with Fasalina's abilities.

(I wonder if I'll be able to use it properly with more experience?)

 With that in mind, Akane held up her iron sword.

 She held the sword in front of her with both hands, a rare stance for someone who was using a double-edged sword. She took a half step with her left foot behind, lifted her heel, and pointed its toe on the ground.

It was a basic kendo stance.

 The familiar kendo movements that allowed one to move quickly were not suitable for a double-edged sword, but they were very efficient.

 It had excellent thrusting power, and even a simple iron sword could easily pierce the mucus that the slime wore.

 However, it was not convenient to move sideways, but as soon as the battle started, Akane's nerves sharpened. She felt several times better than during a kendo match, and she could even see the shimmering surface of the orc-shaped slime clearly.

 She waited for the orc slime to attack while holding her sword.

 Her fighting style was to wait for its movement and respond accordingly.



 The distractions disappeared from her thoughts. Even the consciousness of the individual Akane Shinomiya faded from her mind, and only the presence of the orc standing in front of her drew in her thoughts.

 In order not to miss even the slightest movement, the eyes behind her silver-rimmed glasses stare intently at the monster's entire body―― or rather, its non-existent "eyes".

(……………It's coming.)

 The moment she felt that way, the image of the orc standing in front of her blurred.

 As though it was a poorly edited video, while the orc slime remained intact, a translucent orc slime that seemed to have lost its soul began to move.

 It was an image of the future.

 Akane's eyes could see it, and she knew from her five days of experience that it was how her opponent would move.

 The rest was easy.

 She kept the future image in her mind and responded accordingly.

 The blurred orc-shaped slime approached Akane at once, swung its right fist down, and thrust its left fist toward Akane, who avoided it.

 It was a monotonous action, but if she drew back and avoided it, the liquid spear from its fist would approach Akane, and from the tip of the spear, mucus would spurt out vigorously like a water pistol and would stain Akane.

 At that point, Akane cuts off the footage―― at the same time, the orc-shaped slime began to move. This time, there was no blur.

"Did you see it?"

"Yeah, that's plenty enough!!"

 The orc-type slime stepped forward with a speed that was unimaginable given its large appearance and closed in on Akane.

 Its foot gouged the ground, so much so that a small hole was created after the monster walked.

 Akane's body was too small to take that assault head-on. Above all, each drop of the mucus that formed its entire body was a paralyzing poison that could kill a man and an aphrodisiac that could make a woman go into heat.

 Akane, who understood that touching it was a bad idea―― waited for the assault and waited for the orc-type to raise its right arm before taking only half a step back.

 Its right arm that was going down was powerful and shook Akane's bangs, but that was all.

 The power that could easily crush her skull if it hit her, it was meaningless if it didn't.

 She avoided the Orc's right fist by moving slightly without even blinking and thrust out the iron sword she held in front of her navel before its left fist could follow up.

 It was a form of "thrust" in kendo.

 The thrust of the sword and the weight of the orc-type assault easily penetrated the large mucus body, and the tip of the sword passed through to its back.

 ......The blade had precisely pierced the slime's "nucleus".

"It's wonderful."


 The next thing that escaped was a tense sigh, despite the ease of battle.

 In the past five days, she had been in a number of battles, but she still seem to be unaccustomed to real combat.

 To be honest, the feeling of slicing through living things through a metal sword was "creepy".

"...Okay, let's head to the village."

"Yes. I'm sorry to say that I can't provide you with the time to rest."

 Smiling bitterly at her words, Akane brushed off the mucus from her iron sword, staining the ground.

 Looking down at the remnants of the former orc-shaped slime spread out at her feet, she saw a small stone...... nucleus lying in the middle of it, broken in two.

"Hey, Fasalina-sama! I'd like to pick up the stone, what should I do?"

"If the slime is completely dead, its mucus will turn back to mere liquid over time."

"……I see."

(It will turn back to just liquid after it died for a while.)

 Learning another slime's feature, Akane sheathed her iron sword.

"You're getting used to it...... aren't you?"

"I guess so."


"So we ended up camping again today......"

"Uu, I'm sorry, Akane-sama."

"No, it's okay. I'm getting used camping outside."

 Angelica and Akane, who still misread the map, built a campfire near the forest by the side of the road and were going to spend the night there.

 Incidentally, it was the third time they had camped.

 Beside the fire, the preserved food that Angelica had purchased, dried meat on wooden skewers, was roasting and making a fragrant aroma.

 Akane picked up one of the skewers and brought it carelessly to her mouth.

"I feel like I've become quite accustomed to the wild life."

(I wonder if this is what survival or camping life feels like.)

 She didn't feel bad at all.

 In the middle of the abundant nature, they ate meat roasted over the fire and slept with the lush greenery as their bedding and their jackets, which were tattered after only five days, as their pillows.

 The quiet night was filled with sounds, such as the distant hooting of an owl, the flowing of the river, and the rustling of leaves in the wind.

 In the darkness of the night, under the moonlight, under the sky twinkling with stars, a deep sleep loosened Akane's mind as she closed her eyes, feeling the grandeur of nature.

"Oh dear."

 Angelica, who was preparing dinner, smiled softly at Akane, who fell asleep immediately after preparing the campfire.

"Thank you. Traveling in an unfamiliar place, in an unfamiliar world...... and working so hard for it."

 Angelica thanked her from the bottom of her heart and draped the cloak she had been wearing over Akane as she slept with the dried meat.

 The night was drawing to a close.

 Angelica tried to prepare for the night by keeping the fire going all night, even though she had been walking all day...... But she couldn't overcome her exhaustion and was about to fall asleep.

 The warm colors of the swaying fire were reflected in her eyes, but it seemed like a scene from another world.

 Swaying and swaying, Angelica who sat by the campfire, her whole body started to feel warm.


 Angelica tried desperately to pinch her arms to cool down her drowsiness, but the drowsiness was getting stronger and stronger.

 When she couldn't even keep her eyes open, she couldn't see the warm light in front of her. Angelica's body had fallen asleep against her will.

 ――No one could blame her for that.

 Even Akane, who was physically superior, fell asleep from exhaustion, so Angelica, who was an ordinary person, was even more exhausted than that, but during the day, she didn't let Akane know that without losing her soft smile.

 She was thinking of Akane, and from the way she had fallen asleep earlier, she understood that she was at the limit of her fatigue, and wanted her to rest well tonight.

 However, this night, the good intentions of such a kind heart just took a turn for the worse...... In the world, no matter how well things were going, they could flip in an instant.

 ――In the darkness of the night, the distant hooting of the owl disappeared.

 Night attacks by monsters, especially the slime, which was a mass of mucus, were nearly impossible to hear and rely heavily on the senses.

 Until last night, Akane had been doing that. Fasalina's consciousness was doing it.

 The senses of a hero, the authority of a goddess.

 But only this night...... when Akane should have been awake at night, she fell asleep, and Angelica also fell asleep after two consecutive nights of watching the campfire.

 They've only experienced a night attack once.

 At that time, Akane noticed in advance and escaped the danger――

"Nnh...... suuー......"

"Suuー...... suuー......"

 Akane and Angelica's sleep echoed in the darkness of the night, mingling with the sound of tree branches, crackling on the fire.

 First the hooting of the owl, then the buzzing of the insects, disappeared.

 It was the same shape as the typical slime that made its way through the grass in the nighttime forest, trying not to make a sound. It was an oval-shaped mucus body.

 Keeping it low, stretched it thinly, and minimized its contact with plants.

 The shape could be described as a snake or an earthworm.

 As it crawled across the ground, it soon found the two beautiful women sleeping by the campfire.

"Nnh, mhh..."

 Akane jerked as she sensed a hint of evil, but her eyes remained closed.

 The slime, sensing that she was still asleep, lunged toward the dark-haired beauty.

 The beautiful woman, using her down jacket as a pillow, unguardedly exposed her body in front of the slime, and her breasts, supported by her underwear, remained firm and upright even as she lied down.

 As her breasts rise and fall with her breathing, her thin waist, which one doubt was filled with internal organs, also rose and fell slightly.

 The ribbed shirt clearly showed the shape of Akane's body, and her graceful beauty created obscene shadows in the light.


 Even though the slime was right beside her, Akane remained asleep.

 Her closed eyelids didn't seem to open easily, which told one how deep her sleep was.

 The slime did not care about Akane's condition and touched her right leg first. As it passed her thighs, narrow waist, and the swell of her breasts, she frowned at the unpleasant feeling of mucus seeping into her clothes, but her eyelids still did not open.

 It must be such a deep sleep―― at the same time, Akane's cheeks turned slightly red even in the light as the aphrodisiac, the slime's bodily fluid, seeped into her clothes.

 Her breathing became ragged and her mouth opened slightly.

 The slime, which resembled a snake, did not hesitate to enter her mouth and try to make the female hero drink a high dose of aphrodisiac―― However, Akane, who had already awakened, grabbed the snake's neck and smashed its weak point, its nucleus, against a nearby rock.

"Haa, haa!? I-I let my guard down... Angelica!!"

 Akane hurriedly got up and called Angelica's name.

 Next, she picked up the iron sword beside her and pulled it out of its scabbard in one motion.

"I've been enveloped! Detoxify me!!"

"That was a close one, Akane."


 However, when Angelica woke up, Fasalina's consciousness was already showing on the surface.

"I didn't know that when Angelica was so deep in sleep, she couldn't switch places with me."

"More importantly, I've been enveloped."

"It seems so. But why is it that not only you but also I didn't notice it......?"

 Fasalina muttered and stood up, and she also held up her staff.

"Akane, back me up. I'll wipe out the slimes in the surroundings. Detoxification will come later."

"Eh? Okay..."

 Akane couldn't say anything more because it was unusual for Fasalina, who had been prioritizing giving Akane experience for the past five days, to fight on her own.

 With her iron sword at the ready, she kept an eye together with Fasalina, who was holding her staff by the campfire.

 Fasalina thrust her staff's pointy end into the ground and closed her eyes as she concentrated, muttering an incantation in a quiet voice that was unwavering even in the darkness and surrounded by countless slimes.

 She must have sensed a disturbing presence there.

 Slimes as small and thin as snakes attacked them from all directions.


 However, Akane had already read their actions and sliced down the slimes in the order they pounced on her, and her sword accurately destroyed the slime's "nucleus" in the liquid.

 Perhaps it was because she had recovered from her fatigue after sleeping for only a short while, but her movements were even more ferocious than it was in the daytime.

 No, the power of a hero increased when she was cornered.

"I know you're still hiding! Come out!"

 Akane accurately slew all the snakes that jump in, and the slime that crawled on the ground as a decoy and approached was cut down.

 The slimes also attacked Fasalina, dripping aphrodisiacs to touch her, but none of them could even reach her feet.

 In the meantime, the tip of Fasalina's staff―― a wooden staff with simple ornaments emitted light like the sun, illuminating the forest at night as though it were daytime.

 The slimes that had been crawling on the ground and jumping in the air to attack Fasalina were illuminated by the light and disappeared without leaving a trace.

 The divine light, the holy light of purification, burned the monsters, and the slimes, which were only liquid, were literally left with nothing.

 All that was left was the silence of the night, and it was then that Akane slowly sighed as she rested her weight on her sword, using it as a support.

"What's with that, so suddenly..."

"It's fine now. There's no sign of monsters in the vicinity, but don't let your guard down until the morning, Akane."

 Fasalina, whose breathing was slightly erratic due to fatigue, pointed the tip of her staff at Akane.

 As the light, which was softer and warmer than the light that had just obliterated the slimes, enveloped Akane, the aphrodisiac that had stained her clothes and skin evaporated, and the poison in her body that had been making her arouse was purified.

 The liquid that had soaked into her clothes only stained her skin for a little bit, and even though she had only grabbed the slime that had tried to stain her, Akane's cheeks remained red, unable to forget the heat that emanated from the mucus-soaked areas.

 Her palms, chest, and feet still...... felt a little numb.

 The sensation that seemed to intensify the numbness in her legs from sitting for so long, and the tingling sensation she felt deep inside her body from it.

(That's the aphrodisiac...)

 It was a poison with a name that Akane, who had lived her life in earnest, had never heard of.

"Fasalina, are you okay...?"

"Yes. But I used too much power―― at this rate, Angelica won't be able to move for a while. Please protect this body until dawn."

"Eh, okay!?"

 A sudden attack and a sudden end.

 When Akane raised her voice in surprise at the goddess' words, Fasalina's body, which was standing firmly on both feet, almost fell to the ground like a puppet with its strings cut.

 Akane hurriedly supported the beautiful blonde's body without time to be confused by the lingering effects of the aphrodisiac, and her erratic breathing tickled her earlobes.

"I'm sorry, Akane-sama."

"Angelica, are you okay...?"

"I can't put any strength into my body―― what did Fasalina-sama do?"

"I don't know much about magic, but she had defeated all the slimes that attacked us... it's amazing, that Goddess."

"Fufu... I see."

 Perhaps relieved by Akane's explanation, Angelica released the tension from her entire body and relaxed.

 Akane put her weight on the sister's back and supported her with her arms firmly around her.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't read the map and put Akane-sama in danger......"

"No, it's okay. Don't worry about it―― nothing happened. You just need to rest now."


 Then Angelica fell asleep in a flash.

 When Angelica's regular breathing reached Akane's ears, she laid her down on the ground and used her rolled-up duffle coat as a pillow.

"Haa...... I totally let my guard down."

 Akane muttered to herself in the once again silent darkness of the night.

 She was in charge of watching over the campfire tonight, and not only did she fall asleep, but she was also unlucky enough to be attacked by a monster...... It was also bad luck to be attacked by slime, she sighed as she put a branch on the fire.

 ――Her heart was still racing.

 As well as the lingering effects of the aphrodisiac, it was the first time she had ever been stained by a monster...... while she was asleep.

(I was surprised……)

 It was not the first time that she had been suddenly attacked by a monster.

 Even this afternoon, she was attacked by an orc-shaped slime in a completely unexpected situation.

 However, it was the first time she had been attacked in a completely defenseless state while asleep, and she shuddered just thinking about what might have happened if she hadn't woken up to find them approaching.

"But I'm fine because of the ability Fasalina-sama gave me."

 Her intuition to notice the approach of the monster worked even when she was asleep.

Even if it was a very deep sleep, it would be fine, Akane repeated in her mind to reassure herself.

"Fuu... I have to be careful not to fall asleep today."

 Muttering so, Akane threw a new branch toward the campfire.


 There was a shadow watching Akane and Angelica as they rested around the campfire.

 In a deep forest. Far away―― so far away that even Akane, with her well-trained physical abilities, could not notice or see.

 Sitting on a branch near the top of one of the tallest trees, watching Akane...... it confirmed the figure of Fasalina, who had defeated the countless slimes that had just been hurled at her, and the humanoid descended to the ground without any assistance.

"What was that light just before?"


 The one who called out to it was Frederica, a beautiful mage with beautiful blond hair and a large triangular hat often used by mages.

 She stepped down from a high place and called out to the humanoid slime, holding in both hands the large wooden staff she usually kept at her back to keep it out of her way as she walked.

 In response to Frederica's slightly panicked question, a low voice slowly leaked out.

 The slime. The faceless humanoid slime spoke up. Or perhaps it should say that it cleared its throat and spoke.

 The pronunciation was a mess, but it somehow made it into words.

"The light from earlier made me think that it was a warrior priest of Lishlua? I've never seen a divine magic user that strong before. Do you think you can win?"


 Unusual―― the humanoid felt that Frederica, who was usually carefree, was very upset this night.

 It was easy to imagine that it was because of the light she had just seen.

 The light was so strong that it seemed to reach from the entrance of the forest to the place where the humanoid and Frederica were. It was as though morning had come to a corner of Grabalt.

 In that one moment, the humanoid felt as though the "personality" within it was shaken and disappeared, and it felt as though it were no longer itself.

 Just a moment before, "he" jumped to the ground, and Frederica had been so dismayed.

"You're going to take on that light user from earlier? Is that a woman?"


 In response, Frederica sighed.

 In particular, these slimes―― the slime race would attack them if they were a woman, regardless of their own life.

 It was an instinct that no matter how much it evolved, it could not be changed.

"Shall I cover you?"


 That was also a rare word.

 Frederica knew the slime's strength.

 It had more mana than Leticia, who was the best mage on the continent. The number of spells it could use was even more than Frederica, who was a talented adventurer.

 Frederica understood that she was being protected by the humanoid, a top-notch mage and a warrior who could rival the bravest of the brave.

 The reason why she said that she would support it was that she understood that the light that she just saw―― the Goddess' power used by the warrior priest from Lishlua, was an ability that could be considered a natural enemy of the humanoid.


(I recovered a shield said to have been used by the hero in Fonteau...... I wonder if it will serve this child?)

 It's just the right time to try it out, isn't it?

 Frederica was worried because she didn't know who the powerful warrior priest was.

 However, despite Frederica's worries, the humanoid slowly walked towards the source, trying not to make a sound.

"Jeez. If you found a woman, you have no regard for yourself."


 Frederica followed the humanoid and walked, muffling her footsteps as much as possible.

 ――And they quickly found their target.

(Even though they were attacked by the slimes, they were still defenseless by the campfire.)

 What would they do if they were attacked by monsters again?

 With that in mind, Frederica thought that the woman by the campfire must be an amateur who was not used to traveling.

 Or maybe she was very confident in her own strength.

 Either way, it was nice to know that the target was easily recognizable.

 Even though she was used to traveling and had a good vision at night, it was easier to aim her magic due to the light of the campfire than in the dark.

 ......The humanoid restrained Frederica with its hand as she tried to attack them by surprise.

(Don't you attack yet?)

 Frederica wondered.

 If they were so exposed and defenseless, the humanoid would have been the first to attack them, not Frederica.

 However, the humanoid kneeled down on the grass and observed Akane Shinomiya, who was sitting by the campfire.

 It was hard to tell in the darkness, but she was a beautiful woman with black hair, a sign of someone from another world.

 The iron sword in its scabbard was placed at a distance that could be pulled out at any time, and her back was full of openings, but the "intuition" inside the humanoid told it that if they attacked, they would be noticed in an instant.

 It was because of the experience of fighting another hero, Mariabelle.

 Mariabelle also avoided attacks without looking at them and doing a counterattack.

 It was the kind of ability that only a hero had, which could be called future sight.

 And with the blood from Mariabelle and the factor from her sister, Meltia, the humanoid was also equipped with a similar ability and was beginning to understand what kind of existence the other person was and what the consequences of its actions would be.

 That's right.

 The woman in front of her was a hero, and she was similar to Mariabelle.

 Then, in effect... Mariabelle was a great practice partner.


 The humanoid made a small noise and stopped hiding and approached Akane.


 It was Akane who was surprised.

 If they were going to attack her, she was expecting them to swarm and hide like before, but she didn't expect them to approach her without hiding their footsteps.

 Secondly, it was not the monster-shaped slime she had seen before, but a humanoid.

 It had two hands and two legs. Its height was only a head taller than Akane's, and it had a slender shape with not much width.

 It wore simple clothes, and at first glance, it looked like a human.

 However, it had no face.

 Just like the other monster-shaped creatures, the humanoid had no face.

"......Can you talk, by any chance?"


 It was a bad question, but Akane was surprised again when she didn't expect a response.

 She drew her iron sword from its scabbard as it showed on her face.


 Even if they could talk to each other―― she could feel the will to fight from the humanoid. Hostility towards Akane.

 It would soon become a reality.

"Angelica, wake up!"

 At the same time as she shouted, Akane used her sword to repel the attack of the humanoid's right arm, which shimmered in the light of the bonfire, instantly flexing like a whip.


"No way!?"

 The iron sword couldn't withstand the slime's attack and easily snapped in half, the tip of the sword drawing an arc as it disappeared into the darkness.

 It had been five days since she arrived in this world, and the sword got worn out from fighting many battles...... but what was more surprising was the attack of the humanoid.

(I couldn't see it――!?)

 No, she could see it.

 However, Akane could not understand the instantaneous "future sight" that she saw, and her body reacted on its own―― a spur-of-the-moment reaction because of her body that had been trained in kendo for about twenty years.

 If she hadn't had that experience, Akane's body would have been cut in half by now.

 That was how fast and sharp the attack was.

 And it only took that one blow for her to understand. She understood that the humanoid in front of her was an existence that she could not defeat no matter how hard she tried.

 At the same time, the humanoid also understood.

 It may be that the hero was equipped or not, but the black-haired hero was currently weak and was still far from Mariabelle――.

"Kuh!? Angelica, wake up!!"

 Akane managed to defend against the humanoid's attack again with her broken iron sword and tried to wake up Angelica, who was still asleep during the commotion.

 Angelica, who had used up all her strength in the previous battle, was deeply asleep and Akane's voice could not reach her.

 She twitched slightly and her sleeping face clouded over, but that was all.

 Perhaps Fasalina's consciousness within her was trying to awaken, but her physical and mental exhaustion interfered with her awakening.

 In the meantime, the humanoid cornered Akane using the whip on its right arm and blocked her desperate resistance with the hero's shield on its left arm.

"Even though you're just a slime――."

 Nevertheless, Akane's resistance was becoming more sophisticated with each passing moment.

 In Fasalina's words, it was the predicament that awakened the power of the hero―― the humanoid thought that it could defeat her with just a few blows, but it did not expect her to withstand its attack to this extent.

 Perhaps it was finding it amusing.

 If it had an expression, it might have smiled.

 As the movement of its right arm turned into a whip changed quickly and violently, Akane struggled to keep up with the movement.

 She struck with her broken iron sword, dispelled the attack, and sometimes, as a counterattack, sliced off the tip of the whip with her broken sword.

 However, the mucus slime immediately regenerated the whip that had been cut off and continued its attack, making the tip that was cut off crawl on the ground like a worm and approach from Akane's blind spot.


 Noticing that, Akane used her boots to trample down the approaching little worm.

 However, the worm-like mucus, which was not even technically a living thing, did not die from being crushed, but rather stuck to the sole of her boot and began to climb up Akane's leg.

 As expected, Akane didn't realize it and the small mucus had crawled up to the ankle of her feet.

 She became aware of its presence when part of her pants began to get wet from the liquid.

"No way―― Angelica!? Ange――!?"

 The voice calling out for her companion was interrupted.

 The moment she turned her head toward Angelica, who was still in a deep sleep, Akane's body was finally struck, unable to react to the attack from her blind spot.

 The force of the blow was so strong that Akane's body, which was tall for a woman, floated in the air and rolled two or three times on the ground.


 Akane couldn't understand what had happened to her and looked around as she fell to the ground.

 She tried to stand up immediately, but a numbing pain rushed into her right arm, and she could not stand up.

 As soon as she realized that she had been struck, she turned her gaze to the front. She could clearly see the figure of a human being coming towards her as it pass by the campfire.


 What came to her mind was the first day she was summoned to this world.

 The image of the beastwoman who was attacked by a goblin in the forest, wet with aphrodisiacs and masturbating in public.

 That image overlapped with her own.

 The reality was that even though she understood what kind of world this was and what kind of enemies exist, she was not particularly conscious of the fact that she had special abilities...... and the possibility of her being violated.

 She hadn't even been aware of it until now―― maybe she hadn't intended to be aware of it.

 If she did, she would not be able to fight.

 Because she would decide to leave this special world.

"Kuh, don't come close."

 Akane gripped the broken iron sword hard in her left hand and pointed it at the humanoid.

 But at that moment, as though it knew that Akane would act that way, the humanoid whipped away her iron sword, and the weapon finally disappeared from Akane's hand.

 An ordinary slime, be it a swarm of slimes too numerous to count, or a powerful orc-type slime, if it had been Akane who had gained experience, she would have been able to put up some resistance.

 However, the humanoid was different.

 It recognized the "blood of the hero" within Akane.

 Imagining what was to come, it attacked her means of resistance in a move that it knew would cause Akane, who had completely lost her composure just a moment ago, to run away, further agitating her sense of danger.

 Mariabelle survived that danger.

 In the ruins of Grabalt, even though she was not using any of the hero's equipment, she did not give up, resisted―― and survived.

 Then, the other hero would also grow and gain more power from here.

 ――The humanoid, with the will to grow inherited from its parent, further hunted down Akane.

 To hunt down and capture the awakened "power of the hero".


 Akane let out a small scream at the cold sensation she felt on her ankle.


 When she raised her upper body and looked at her feet, she saw mucus climbing up to her knees.

 The mucus was as small as an earthworm, but the aphrodisiac exuding from its body touched Akane's skin through her pants and began to produce a numbing stimulation.

 The fabric was discolored with mucus after the slime crawled over it, and a slightly foul odor hit her nose. That made Akane fearful.

 As though oblivious to the presence of the humanoid looking down at her, Akane tried to brush it off with her hands, but the slime crawling up her legs was surprisingly quick and slipped through her hands, moving further upward.


 Akane screamed as the humanoid swung its whip at her and struck her hard on the back.

 The pain in her back caused her body to collapse as she tried to get up, and she put both elbows on the ground. Still, Akane did not give up and tried to crawl to Angelica, but the speed of her movement became noticeably slower.

 The cause was the small mucus that climbed up both of her legs.

 The aphrodisiac and paralyzing poison it spit out deprived Akane's lower body of its freedom and stopped her actions.

"This is also poison!? No way..."

(My body couldn't move―― not good, not good...)

"Angelica, Angelica!"

 She could almost reach the sleeping Angelica.

 Just as she thought so, she heard the sound of someone walking right beside her. It wasn't a slime―― it was the footsteps from a human wearing leather boots.

"Looks like it's over...... amazing, a black hair, except the princess from Fonteau. Is it real?"

"Please, help me! There's a monster behind me! Be careful."

 The voice was easy-going, as though unaware that there was a human-shaped slime in the place.

 Akane desperately asked the person for help, but the person didn't seem to hear her and knelt down right next to Akane.

 Next, she touched a tuft of Akane's black hair, who was desperately trying to escape by crawling on the ground, on the palm of her hand, and confirmed that the hair was real.

"Don't worry, you'll feel good soon."

"What are you..."

"Are you the daughter of the hero who defeated the demon king or are you a summoned one from another world?"

"Don't touch me."

 Akane desperately tried to wave her right arm to get rid of the woman's hand who was touching her hair―― but the force was weak.

 It was not the strength she wielded when she killed the orc-shaped slime during the day.

 The paralyzing poison was spreading all over her body, making it difficult for her to crawl. Even so, Akane desperately tried to move to Angelica's side, but the tentacles from the humanoid wrapped around her weak, half-thrown left leg and dragged her to her feet.

"Hii―― Nooo!?"

 Akane screamed as she scattered the fallen leaves.

 The sleeping Angelica moved away, and as her legs, which barely responded to her will, touched the humanoid's feet, tentacles entwined around her arms and shoulders, and she was turned onto her back.

 Her clothes, stained with dirt and fallen leaves, were exposed, and then the humanoid pointed a tentacle as thick as its arm at Akane, who was exposed and defenseless from the paralyzing poison.

 Its right arm deformed and fell off its shoulder, looking like a distorted worm.

 The tentacle was pulled by gravity and fell onto Akane's abdomen, where it slumped and slipped under her clothes through the hem of her ribbed shirt.

"Hii, hiiii!?"

(Disgusting―― It's disgustiiing!?)

 Akane felt disgusted that she almost fainted at the touch of the disgusting creature on her stomach and skin, and tried desperately to get away from the humanoid using both elbows while lying on her back to escape the situation.

 As Akane looked at it, her shirt, soaked with the slime's bodily fluids, stuck to her skin, revealing her large breasts and slender waist, and vividly showing the movements of the worm flailing underneath her clothes.


 Akane's scream echoed at the entrance to the deep forest.

 Her face was red and her hands were clenched tightly as though she was holding something back.

 Finally, the little mucus climbed down to her pants, completely ignoring the tightness of the belt, and penetrated inside the fabric, this time directly smearing the paralyzing poison and aphrodisiac on her well-trained legs.

 Even with only a single piece of cloth protection gone, the difference was clear, and Akane vividly felt the sensation of the small mucus crawling up both her legs, even though they were hidden inside her pants and should not have been visible, and desperately tried to flail her legs.

 It was a small mucus, and she wanted to crush it with her skin and the fabric of her pants, but her legs, affected by the paralyzing poison, were no longer able to move even a little as Akane wished, only twitching slightly.

 In addition, because she was paralyzed, even the slightest twitch became a vivid numbness that reached her brain and tingled deep in her skin, causing her to feel a sickening sensation down her spine.

(It's a lie.)

 Akane knew that feeling.

 She was a woman of twenty years old. She had many experiences of consoling herself up when she was aroused.

 It was similar to the sensation she felt when she touched her sensitive spot at the beginning of masturbation.

"No... it's because of the aphrodisiac――."

 Even though she knew that, the feeling of the mucus crawling on her skin, just by moving her numb legs, was so pathetic that Akane slapped the mucus on her pants with both hands that were not yet completely covered with the paralyzing poison.

 But even that didn't mean anything to the mucus, which had a liquid body, and she only got pleasure from hitting her own numb legs.

 The mere act of tapping her own feet sent shivers down her spine, and for a moment, her body relaxed.

 She could feel her crotch getting wet with something that was not a slime's liquid, and tears appeared in Akane's eyes behind her silver-rimmed glasses.

 While looking down on the otherworld hero's lasciviousness, the humanoid regenerated its right arm and created another new thick worm-like tentacle, which it dropped on Akane.

"No... no more."

 The new worm tentacle slipped under Akane's clothes and wrapped itself around her ample breasts, wrapping around her underwear, which was visible even through her clothes.

 The wet shirt clearly revealed the action, further aggravating Akane's embarrassment.

 In Akane's lower body, the mucus that had finished rubbing the liquid mixed with paralyzing poison and aphrodisiac all over her legs finally began to move toward her crotch.

 The mucus stroked Akane's most important place, which was protected by a thin, unreliable piece of underwear.


 A disgusting sound came from between her legs.

 She couldn't help but press her crotch against the top of her pants, but such resistance was meaningless.

"Y-you―― you, pervert! Pervert slime!"

 Akane swore and tried to crush the mucus with all her might on her pants, forgetting that the humanoid was right in front of her.

 Remembering that all she needed to do was crush the "nucleus," Akane crushed the mucus with the palm of her hand.

 There, the composure of the strong woman who had killed many slimes in the past few days was lost, and she was nothing but a pathetic weakling as she desperately tried with all her might to crush a small monster no bigger than the tip of her index finger.

 It endured such resistance from Akane and finally reached Akane's crotch. Then, desperately looking for a path―― it quickly escaped to a place out of Akane's reach.


 A new scream escaped from Akane's throat, and her graceful limbs twitched, then bent into a "<" shape.

 Fortunately for the mucus, and worst of all for Akane, the little mucus monster had unexpectedly entered Akane's virgin hole.

 And it wasn't just one.

 More than a dozen of them slipped into her underwear, and all of them invaded her vaginal cavity, which she had never touched before.

 The virgin Akane screamed at the pressure and reflexively tightened her vaginal hole.

"Hii, aiii!?"

 However, if she tightened her vaginal hole, she could clearly feel the movement of the slimes that had entered there, and if there were more than a dozen of them, they could easily reach her hymen.

 Not wanting to let that happen, Akane forgot about her current situation and tried to remove the belt clasp from her pants.

"No, no, no, no, no..."

 Her face twitching from the aphrodisiac, she tried to remove the metal clasp, but her numbed fingertips wouldn't move as she thought, and it was frustrating.

 Her hand trembled as she tried to unbuckle her belt, frustrated.

(Stupid―― stupid!)

 It was a shame that even at a time like this, her aphrodisiac-infused body felt pleasure from the stimulation of her vagina, and her entire body trembled on its own, from her fingertips to her toes.

"Now, sleep for a while. Powerful warrior priest."

"Ah, Angelica―― what are you doing to Angelica!?"

 When Akane turned her gaze toward the voice, she saw that Frederica had placed the sleeping Angelica's head in her lap and was laying her index finger on her forehead.

 Her fingertip was glowing faintly―― it was purple.

 Akane felt that it was something not good, and turned her rough voice to Frederica.

"It's okay. I'm not going to kill her... she's just going to get a good night's sleep until morning, hero-sama."

"That's―― no! Angelica, wake up! Fasalina!"

"Fasalina? What are you talking about?"

 At Frederica's words, Akane hurriedly held her tongue.

(I see, so they didn't know that I'm with Fasalina, the goddess of this world!)

 Then there was still a way to save them, maybe.

 The blonde mage seemed to have used some kind of magic to keep Angelica asleep, but she couldn't keep her sleep forever.

 Akane thought about it as she remembered the words "sleep well until morning".

 Then, if Fasalina regained consciousness as soon as she woke up, she might be able to use the power of the goddess to take care of the situation.

"......You seem to be thinking about something."

 Frederica didn't miss the hope that flashed across her face.

She saw that the black-haired hero had a way to make it out of the situation, and was immediately alert.

 Might say that she had intuition as an adventurer that the humanoid didn't have.

 However, at the same time, the humanoid realized that Frederica was alerted by something, and as though to say that it would just have to create a situation where she couldn't escape no matter how hard she tried, it began to manipulate the tentacles crawling around Akane's body.

 It made her entire body immobile with a paralyzing poison and then dissolved her thoughts into a soggy mess with an aphrodisiac.

 No matter how much talent she had been as a hero, she was still wearing clothes and pants made in another world, but they were just cloth.

 If she had prioritized meeting with Mariabelle before letting Akane gain experience, the situation might have been a little better.

 In reality, however, the only way for Akane to neutralize the paralyzing poison and aphrodisiac was through Angelica and Fasalina's recovery magic, and if she didn't have access to them, she was no different from a mere person.

"Fuuー... fuuー..."

 Akane took long, deep breaths as she struggled to move her paralyzing poisoned body, trying to calm herself down.

 Buy some time.

 It was the only thing she could do now.

 However, when the mucus that have entered her vagina followed the humanoid's orders and rampage near the entrance to prevent them from breaking her hymen, her legs, which have become paralyzed and have left her will, repeatedly twitch on their own, and she was unable to resist the pleasure, and a charming voice escaped from her glossy lips.

"Ah, ah, ah..."

 And the mucus that didn't make it in were heading for the other hole, the small, thin hole above the vaginal hole, a hole that was normally used only for excretion, not for sexual activity.

 The urethra.

 Akane's eyes widened as she felt it, and with more force in her hands, she tried to crush the mucus crawling over her crotch.

 The more time passed, the less strength she had in her arms, and the more it looked like she was just trying to stimulate her numb lower body with her hands.

"No... nooo."

 Akane almost cried out in rejection, finally remembering that she was being looked down upon by a human-shaped slime.

 When she looked up, all she saw was a face with no expression.

"Please, don't do this..."

 The humanoid shook its head at Akane's plea.

 At the same time, several mucus invaded her urethra, making Akane's entire body tense up.

 In addition to the development of her excretion hole, the still virgin hero could not bear the stimulus of a foreign body flowing through her urethra, the semi-long black hair, and look up to the sky.


 A scream which was in pain escaped her mouth.

 Even though it was originally a liquid, the stimulation of the elastic mucus flowing on her urethra was so intense that it brought tears to Akane's eyes as it was her first time, and Frederica who was casting magic on Angelica smiled in the appearance of the innocent hero who showed such a reaction was interesting, as though she found a toy.

"It hurts at first..."

 With a soft smile, Frederica stroked Angelica's beautiful golden hair, which looked like it had been melted by the sun, as though she were combing it.

 Even Frederica, who understood her own beauty, was surprised by her beauty.

 If she was that beautiful, she would be famous in other countries, and she thought that she might be the daughter of a famous family.

 Well, that didn't mean that she wanted a ransom.

 Money was of no value to the current Frederica.

 Rather, she enjoyed just imagining...... how much this beauty would be corrupted and twisted by pleasure by the humanoid.

 Just like the black-haired hero who was screaming right now.

 ......For the inhabitants of this world, black hair was special.

 Proof of hero. It was a sign of respect.

 However, Frederica was only surprised when she recognized Akane's appearance, and not for a moment did she have any respect for the hero in her heart.

 There was no awe in her heart for the goddess or respect for the heroes.

 She just wondered what kind of face these two would make as they screamed in pleasure, and how much the humanoid would evolve because of it.

 She didn't care about the goddess and the heroes who didn't help her.

"Fufu. Hey, there's still a lot more to come, though, hero-sama."

 As Frederica said that, the mucus that had entered her urethra moved further into her bladder.

 Even the back of her tongue and gums, which had not been touched, began to throb, and Akane had no choice but to bite down desperately on her teeth and close her urethra with all her might.

 However, it wouldn't close.

 Akane didn't know how to put any strength into the hole that only excreted pee from her bladder.

"Fuu, fuu..."

 With tears in her eyes, Akane tried desperately to calm down and think about what she should do about the mucus inside.

 But the mucus did not give her time to think.

 The small wriggling of the mucus in her urethra made her spine numb, and the stimulation that seemed to gently penetrate her waist to her brain made her eyes flicker and her mind go blank.

 Her forehead was covered in sweat, and her fingertips were twitching morbidly.

 When she still put all her strength into her lower body, the mucus in her urethra started to rage, as though it thought she was resisting.

 She spasmed strongly, as it stimulated Akane's unknown sexual zone as though pushing it up from the inside.

"Hahi!? Hahiiii!? Stop, stop iiit!?"

 Akane certainly climaxed when a small mucus that could have easily been crushed by her if it was outside pushed up against her stomach.

 Her body was bent into a "<" shape, and she twitched violently―― the crotch part of her pants darkened in color in a wide area.

 The warm liquid flowing from her urethra, which was unable to close due to the presence of the slime, soaked her lower body.

 The scent was familiar to her.

"... Uu, uwaa..."

 A sob began to escape from Akane's lips as her body convulsed.

 A woman who had just turned twenty should never pee her pants.

 Unable to bear the shame, Akane let out a sob, but the mucus inside did not slow down one bit.

 The entrance to her vagina and her urethra was being developed by the tiny little mucus.

 The stimulation, which was impossible with her own fingers, felt so good that she couldn't hide it, but her rational mind, not wanting to admit it, desperately tried to get it off.

 ――Akane turned her back on the humanoid and tried to escape, even if it meant crawling on the ground, while her lower half was being teased by the mucus.

 Sweat, paralyzing poison, and aphrodisiac and stuck to her beautiful legs, her big buttocks swaying from side to side as she crawl.

 It was not a figure, a hero should do, and her appearance was just the same as that of an ordinary person who turned her back on the monster and ran away.

"That's...!? Stop, iiit!?"

 But in the next moment, Akane, who was lying face down on the ground, raised her voice in desperation.

 Her urethra, which had been loosened by the mucus, was about to leak even more but was stopped by the mucus moving down her urethra.

 The golden fluid, having lost its exit, pooled in her urethra and was pushed back into her bladder.

 It was an unbearable pain, sharp as though countless tensions were piercing the depths of her stomach.

 Even the hero Akane could not endure the stimulation, and while lying face down, her lower body convulsed, and she even tried to excrete herself by straining her lower body in front of the humanoid and the female mage whose name she did not know.

 But instead of coming out, the mucus in her urethra swelled up to resist Akane's urination, causing her to feel even more pressure.

"Hii... let it out, let it out!?"

 With the slime's bodily fluids and Akane's own bodily fluids, her clothes were no longer able to fulfill their function.

 The clothes that clung so tightly to the shape of her body were stained with dirt and fallen leaves, and her lower body swayed from side to side in an inviting motion from the humanoid's gaze.

 Akane couldn't do anything about the pleasure and the desire for release that was nowhere to go. She didn't even know what to do.

 Her paralyzed body couldn't take another step away from the humanoid, and she collapsed defenselessly to the ground, her spine trembling, sobbing pitifully as she shed large tears.

"Hii, hii... Angelica, Angelicaaa."

 Even so, Akane tried with all her strength to go to Angelica.

 As she couldn't think of anything else to do.

 ......The mucus attacked Akane's resistance by swelling up inside her urethra and putting additional pressure on her lower body.

"Ah, ahh..."

 The pain was so intense that it seemed as though her body was being split open, but the pleasure she felt in the pit of her womb made Akane feel a liquid other than the slime's fluid seeped out of her vaginal cavity.

 Even if she had no intention to do so, the sight of her body twitching as she lie on the ground was a clear indication that she was getting sexual pleasure.

 A few of them, unable to withstand the pressure of her vaginal cavity that had been filled with countless mucus, crawled out her groin and moved, wrapping Akane's clitoris.

"Ah, hahi..."

 She climaxed shallowly at the mere touch of her clitoris and climaxed again when it was pulled out of its foreskin and had the beautiful pearl, which she had never been touched before, kneaded from the base.

 She couldn't even speak.

 Her eyes widened, tears spilled out, and her entire body convulsed on the ground silently.

 But her blushing face and the intensity of the spasms made it clear that Akane was really feeling it, and the climax was rather expressive.

 She desperately tried to push the mucus out of her lower body and urethra, but the strength of the mucus was stronger than her.

 The mucus moved further and further into her urethra.

"Stop it, it's going to break...... my pee hole is going to breeeak......."

 Akane reached out to the female mage, whose name she did not know, and begged for forgiveness.


"Fufu. You'll feel so much better after you've held back."

 What she was referring to was the liberation and pleasure that would follow―― a feeling that would literally take her to ecstasy.

 It was "advice" from a woman who knew what she was talking about.

 Akane's mouth twitched, and she turned her tearful, hollow gaze to Frederica.

"Hey. Do it harder, just like you did to me."

 Frederica incited the humanoid. The expression on her face relaxed with pleasure and a smile appeared on her face.

 She didn't care about Akane's current situation.

 She didn't care about it, and she surely was not paying attention.

 She was broken.

 Akane thought so.

 She could only think of her as abnormal...... who was with the monster instead of helping people. A monster in the form of a person.

 A different kind of being in the form of a human being, of worse quality than a human being.

 The ability given by Fasalina recognized Frederica as a dangerous enemy.

 However, Akane, whose entire body was affected by the paralyzing poison and aphrodisiac, could do nothing about it.

"Ah, ahhh!? Stop it, stop it alreadyyy!?"

 In the meantime, the mucus that continued to writhe in her vaginal cavity and urethra developed Akane's insides, and even though she was a virgin, she felt pleasure in her urethra.

 Akane climaxed again, losing track of how many times she had already climaxed.

 The back of her head whirled. Her vision spun, and the stars twinkling in the sky seemed distorted.

 She was fading in and out of consciousness due to lack of oxygen, but the pleasure from her lower body still made her climax.

 The liquid, which she couldn't tell if it was love juice or pee, soaked not only her pants but also the ground, staining Akane's lower body with mud, but she didn't have time to worry about it.

"Stop it already... please, ple... ase... uu..."

 Akane climaxed again, pleading as she smeared her right cheek with mud.

 Her arms and legs, weak from the paralyzing poison and pleasure, were thrown to the ground, her figure like a puppet with broken strings.

 After confirming that she had lost her means of escape and her resistance had weakened, the humanoid casually turned Akane over.

 Her ribbed shirt, made in another world, and her pants, which emphasized her beautiful legs, were stained with mud and fallen leaves, emphasizing the disgrace done to her.

 Her eyes lost their light due to the exhaustion, and the tears flowing down her cheeks.

 While looking down at the completely exhausted female hero, the humanoid dexterously moved its hands and unfastened the metal fittings of her belt.

 Next, it unbuttoned her pants, revealing a pair of passionate, bright red underwear that was a bit daring for the virgin Akane.

 When it pulled her pants down to her knees, the back of her underwear was a string that exposed her white buttocks, probably to prevent the lines of her underwear from appearing on her pants that clung so tightly to her beautiful legs.

 The crotch part of her sensational red underwear, decorated with many frills to look like used by a woman of her age, was discolored by Akane's own bodily fluids, and the fabric was obscenely wrinkled by the slimes stuck inside.

"Hii! Fuaaa, aahhh, fuhiin!?"

 As the mucus under her underwear, freed from the tightness of her pants, intensified their movements, Akane's moans grew louder and louder in proportion.

 Akane's lower abdomen swelled slightly, and she wondered how much mucus had entered her urethra and was making its way to her bladder.

 The aphrodisiac may have had an effect, but since a virgin was feeling it in her urethra, perhaps Akane had a fancy for having her urethra violated.

 However, the fact that it noticed that did not change what the humanoid was going to do.

"Hii, hiii... Stop it already, forgive me..."

 Even though she knew that her plea for the umpteenth time meant nothing, Akane unconsciously said so.


 It was natural for the body to ask for help on its own.

 ......The right arm of the humanoid changed while laying down Akane who was begging for forgiveness while shedding tears.

 In the shape of a whip that broke the iron sword she was using earlier, the tip became even thinner...

 The tip resembled male genitalia that Akane knew only vaguely and only to her knowledge.


 A twitching scream escaped from her glossy lips, but it was ignored.

 Akane could not close or open her legs because her pants, which were down to her knees, were in the way.

"Stop―― please. I'm still..."

 Akane cried and shook her hips.

 The mucus that had spread her virgin hole at the entrance to her vagina retreated out of the way of their master's penetration, and they all swarmed to her urethra and clitoris, which was being teased by several mucus.

"Hiii!? Stop it already!? Don't make me feel better!?"

 Akane screamed, but her hips moved greedily, repeatedly moving up and down, as though she was thrusting her hips as it was waiting for the meat stick to enter her.

 As though in response to Akane's movements, the humanoid, still without any emotion, placed its right hand that had transformed to a meat stick on the crotch part of her red lingerie panties, which had become wet and dark in color.

 A mucus monster, it moved the tentacle with dexterity and pulled the crotch part to the side, revealing her pubic hair, which was as black as her hair, and her vaginal cavity, which had been dilated and opened obscenely by countless mucus, illuminated by the light of the fire.

"Uuuu, uuuuuu――."

 It was no use, Akane cried out in desperation, determined not to let the penetration make her scream.

 A monster to be defeated―― in just a few days of living in a different world, she was not prepared to be a hero, but it was still a choice she had made with her own will.

 Then, Akane stared at the humanoid's expressionless face, hoping that she would not shed tears for the loss of her virginity, at least for the last time, even though she had exposed her shameful appearance.

 The next moment, Akane's virginity was taken away easily and effortlessly.

"......~ ~ ~ ~ !?"

 She clenched her teeth. She stifled her scream.

 But what came was a dazzling feeling of pleasure.

 The tears that welled up were not of pain, but of pleasure, and her hips twitched of their own accord with the blinding pleasure.

 She was climaxing.

 Even though she was a virgin. There was a strand of fresh blood flowing from her vaginal cavity as proof.

 Akane climaxed from the shock of losing her virginity, and her bitten lips were used to hide her moaning sound instead of a scream.

(E-eh ...? Why, why...)

 She heard that losing one's virginity was painful.

 But Akane felt so good, she climaxed, and her body seemed to be going wild with pleasure at the moment.

 She was sure that if her body had not been poisoned by the paralyzing poison, she would have climaxed, wanting to shake her hips.

"――, ――!?"

(Even though it's my first time, my first time――)

 Tears welled up in her eyes.

 She couldn't believe she climaxed at the loss of her virginity from her first penetration, even though she was under the influence of an aphrodisiac.

 Even though it was the slime's fault, it made her cry because she feel as though she was a whore.

(No, it's the slime, because of the slime.)

 Akane told herself, remembering the poison of the aphrodisiac.

 ――But the humanoid born from the Black Ooze was vicious.

 It wriggled the tentacle in her vagina in an attempt to bring Akane, who had just lost her virginity, to her knees, absorbing the blood from her deflowering as it searched for a weak spot in her vagina.

 Like Frederica, it took its time, slowly and deliberately.

"Nnh... ah... kuh."

 When the tentacle stimulated a spot in her vagina, Akane couldn't hold back a gasp and immediately glared at the humanoid to hide her reaction.

 However, that reaction was like an indication of her weaknesses, and the humanoid understood Akane's weaknesses little by little, one by one.

 On her upper body, the thick worm-shaped mucus that had burrowed under her clothes raged and writhed, rubbing the aphrodisiac into Akane's skin.

 The sensitivity of her entire body increased without limit, and with each passing moment, the sense of danger grew.

"Nn, fu―― nnh...... fuu, fuu......"

 Akane moved and looked at Angelica and Frederica.

(I can't wake up Angelica if that woman is around――.)

 It was a complete checkmate.

 The only thing left to do was to somehow find an opening and help Angelica......

"Nnh, haa...... haa......"

(Dangerous―― the tentacle of this slime is too good...)

 On the surface, Akane was glaring at the humanoid, but inside she felt as though she was about to start crying.

 The tentacle moved skillfully, steadily finding her weak points as Akane reacted.

 It was now in the preparation stage to find all her weaknesses, and what would happen when it was done―― her instincts, not her hero's abilities, had made her understand the danger she was in.

 Besides, the stimulation in her vagina had slowed down its movement, but the mucus in her urethra, the mucus that had enveloped her clitoris, if they resume their movement at the same time.......

"Haa, ahh..."

 The mere thought of it made Akane's entire body tremble, her vaginal flesh tightened, and she climaxed.

 She stared at the humanoid, holding back the movement of her hips as much as possible so that it would not notice.

 But such a reaction meant nothing to the humanoid, the child of the Black Ooze who had violated hundreds and thousands of women.

 As Akane climaxed, the humanoid searched for weak points in her vagina―― the number of weak points exceeded ten, and when the aphrodisiac-tainted limbs that still didn't experience a violent climax began to undulate, sweating profusely and frustratingly away from Akane's will, but the humanoid stopped the movement of the tentacle for a brief moment.


 Normally, she should think of it as a precious time to catch her breath and show her hostility.

 But what leaked from Akane's mouth was...... a questioning voice.


 She sounded as though she was asking why it had stopped.

"Ah, that's――."

 Immediately after, the humanoid resumed its movements.

 Akane tried to make something up, but there was no time for that.

 While throwing her completely paralyzed body to the ground, Akane opened her mouth and eyes wide―― and screamed.

"Hiii!? Stop, stooop!?"

 The humanoid thrust, rubbed, pushed, and gouged every single weak point in her vagina that it had carefully found, and made Akane climax once with a single thrust.

 Doing it over and over again.

"Ahiii!? hyaahh, ahhh!?"

 When the back and forth movement of the tentacle reached ten times, the slime wrapping her clitoris resumed its movement, and at the twentieth time, the slime in her urethra reached her bladder.

 Her clitoris emerged completely from its foreskin, and the mucus licked up the grime that had accumulated at its base.

 When the mucus reached the bladder, it absorbed her urine that had accumulated, increasing its mass, squeezing it, and pushing the clitoris up from the urethral side, giving Akane a pleasure she didn't know.

 White stars scattered behind her eyes, and tears flowed incessantly from her widened eyes.

 The two worm-shaped mucus slithered under her clothes and flailed about in her red bra, the same color as her panties, and began to rub her breasts and knead her nipples.

 As it extended the tip further, her neck peeked out from under the collar of her ribbed shirt, and her beautiful face, adorned with silver-rimmed glasses, was stained with a sticky, threadbare liquid.

"Hiii!? ubuh!? no, it's dirty, it's dirty―― fuhiii!?"

 She climaxed in disgust and opened her lips that allowed the tentacle to enter her mouth.

 The slime's mucus was so bitter that it brought tears to her eyes.

 But Akane didn't know if the tears were from humiliation, the bad taste of the slime mucus, or tears of joy.

 She wondered how many times she had already climaxed, maybe even a dozen or several dozen times.

 It was when the night sky began to turn slightly white that Akane began to let out a scratchy "whistle-like" voice as it became difficult to speak.

 ......―How many hours have she had been violated?

 Akane's entire body was coated in slime mucus.

 The beautiful black hair, the dignified good looks that everyone looked at, the ribbed shirt that showed off the lines of her body, the pants that adorn her beautiful legs, and boots.

 The lenses of her silver-rimmed glasses were clouded by white liquid, and the black eyes behind them were only slightly visible.

 It may have even ejaculated into her mouth, and the sound of water gurgling could be heard from the inside as the beautiful legs of the female hero trembled as her body ceased to twitch after being violated all night.

 Worst of all was her lower abdomen.

 Her vagina and urethra overflowed with cloudy liquid, and although nothing was being done to her right now, Akane's vaginal hole and waste hole twitched and writhed obscenely―― as though she were still seeking something while she was unconscious.

 Akane could not even move a single finger in her body, which was still paralyzed from the poison and was unable to even wipe her face, leaving her body mucus-covered and a defeated sight.

"What are you going to do now?"

 A little away from the female hero who exposed such a horrible figure.

Frederica had been using sleep magic on Angelica all night just in case and called out to the humanoid in amazement.

 As always.

 Since the time of the Black Ooze, the original Black Ooze, if it saw a woman, it would violate her all night long....... No, for a few days, a week, or even more―― continuing to violate.

 Once a woman was accustomed to being violated by its inexhaustible stamina, she could no longer be satisfied by ordinary men, and these slimes accurately find and develop a woman's weaknesses.

 That pleasure.

 Only a woman could understand that kind of happiness. After watching a woman being violated all night, Frederica noticed that her crotch was wet even though she hadn't done anything to it.

 The sound of her voice was slightly rutted, and her instincts were seeking the humanoid―― the humanoid, understanding Frederica's condition, but understanding that this mage was a woman who was always "impatient" and "wet", would not respond to her feelings.

 That was after they returned back to their place.


 The humanoid started to walk while carrying Akane Shinomiya, the female hero, who was in a horrible state.


 While making a small, cute noise at the sight of the humanoid that didn't respond to her emotions, Frederica also lifted Angelica, who was still asleep with magic, and followed the humanoid.

 Their nightmare was not over yet.

 Frederica knew that, which was why she lets out a deep, deep sigh as she realized that her turn was still to come.

1 comment:

  1. Nipping a problem in the bud before it blooms, a wonderful execution!
