Inside the Cave of Obscenity (WN): Volume 8 - 6


Episode 6: Two Beastwomen (Gang Rape)

 The task of searching for people in the deep forest is terribly rough.

 If one wanted to be efficient, the only way was to "gradually increase the number of areas where the search is fully completed from the base camp".

 Fiana and her team decided to establish a base camp about a day's travel, west from the nameless village where Mariabelle and the others were staying, and gradually expand the scope of their search from that area.

 First to the north, then to the east, west, and south.

 They would expand the area of the search from the base camp.

 That was the only way.

 Since it was hard to know where the slime was lurking, they have no choice but to search while ensuring their safety, even if it was tedious and even they themselves were slow and dismayed at how slow they were going.

 Otherwise, a small mistake could result in total annihilation―― Fiana and the others knew that failure firsthand.

"But with such a slow march, the promised fourth day may be limited to searching only the northern side."

"Yes―― I would like to give priority on rescuing Fasalina-sama, but if we are wiped out, it will be difficult to find her...... Let's not be hasty now and proceed slowly."

 The conversation between Fiana and Jenna was the very sentiment of the entire group.

 Goddess Fasalina must be rescued.

 However, if they were rushing and wiped out, it would affect the search parties that would follow.

 If they became cautious in their search because of the danger, it would take even longer to find the Goddess Fasalina.

 The slower the search, the greater the burden on Goddess Fasalina, and, worst of all, the slime might impregnate the goddess.

 For Fiana and Jenna, devout followers of the goddess Fasalina, it was an unbearable fear and humiliation.

 Suppressing these feelings, they had their men thoroughly check the surroundings, and Fiana and her team were only half a day away from their destination.

"Fiana-sama, Jenna-sama!"

 As they were talking, Anri, who was supposed to be leading the frontline troops, appeared to report.

 She stopped in front of them, her expression dignified and tightened from the soft smile she had on her face yesterday in the camp, and put her hands on her chest in a Fonteau-style salute.

 An act of consideration since Fiana is the one leading the unit and belonged to Fonteau.

"The frontline troops encountered a monster-shaped slime. The type is a goblin and there are twenty of them. But we destroyed them."

"I see. Good work. Are there any wounded?"

"Zero. Everyone in the unit is finally getting used to fighting the slime that doesn't use its tentacles......"

"Letting one's guard down is dangerous. They may not be using tentacles now, but you never know when they might use their tentacles or magic―― they certainly have the power to do so."

"Y-yes! Sorry, I'll let everyone in the unit know!"

"Please do. And is that all you have to report?"

"No, that's......"

 There, Anri's words were cut short.

 Fiana and Jenna quickly realized that the next report was probably the main subject.

"......A few slimes have escaped. Captain Julia told us that she would not let any of the slimes live......"

"Did she go after them?"


 Jenna gasped at the report, and Fiana put her fingertips to her pretty chin as though in distress, and for a moment she was troubled.

"How many other people, besides Julia, were chasing the slimes?"

"There are about ten people. Everyone is quite angry..."

 Fiana and the others understood what Anri was saying.

 Slime violated women and killed men.

 Women who were violated and hated them, men who had their family, friends, and acquaintances killed.

 That hatred accumulated in the depths of their hearts, dark and stagnant, and still clamped down on the hearts of all who live on this continent.

 The same was true for Fiana and Jenna, who were always calm and smiling to reassure those around them.

 Their position as commanders and their choices to keep their subordinates in danger suppressed their dark emotions, but it was not the case for those on the frontlines.

 Besides, it was bad enough that they had won so many battles in a row.

 They can fight the slime.

 They can beat the slime.

 That feeling probably made them chase after the slimes that "escaped"...... Fianna thought.

"Let us go after them too. If it was a trap, Julia and the others would be in danger."

"Anri-san, please lead the way."

"Y-yes! I'll let the rest of the personnel stand by. This way."

"Everyone, the break is over! The frontline troops have been split up! We're coming to their rescue!"

 When Fiana raised her voice in the dark forest, the soldiers who were in the battle that had occurred about an hour earlier immediately stood up.

 As it was, they moved as quickly as possible through the forest with Anri in the lead.

 On the way, they met up with the group that had been reduced to two-thirds of its original numbers and moved north, where Julia and the others were headed.


"We passed through the forest...?"

 Anri, who was leading the way, muttered to herself.

 Fiana, who was also leading the way in case of a surprise attack, squinted her eyes.

 Just as she had said, they were outside the forest.

 The deep green leaves that had covered the sky were now gone, and the dazzling sun was shining brightly in their field of vision.

 The scenery changed so much that, for a moment, it seemed as though the world had turned completely white as they passed through the dimly lit forest, and the majesty of what lay ahead took the breath away of everyone in the nearly one hundred-strong troop.

"This is……"

 Fiana looked up at the entity beyond their line of sight.

 There was a "castle" there.

 It was strange, distorted, and disastrously pulsating as though it were alive―― but it was not a creature, but a "castle".

 There should have been a stone temple weathered by thousands of years, but the mucus that had swallowed the temple as its foundation formed the shape of a castle.

 The surrounding area was a landscape created by an open area in the forest that one often saw in Grabalt.

 But in the center, where the stone temple should be, there was something distinctly different from the surrounding landscape.

 Upon closer inspection, one could see that the castle was stirring.

 It was alive.

 Like a slime―― the building, with all its mucus gathered together, must be alive and taking the form of a castle.

 It was so majestic that even Fiana, a knight that experienced many battles, could not get her head around it. She was unable to think.

"No way, that's......"

 Jenna, who was a devout follower of the goddess Fasalina and had felt her presence so intimately that she was called "the saint," was stunned by the sight of the temple where the goddess used to sleep before, covered in filthy mucus, and felt as though she would collapse at any moment.

 She had no strength in her legs or hips, and it was a miracle that she was still standing.

"When did this... start?"

"N-no...... it was the first time I see it too...... and after the hero-sama's sword was retrieved and we were saved, we thought there were no more slimes here......"

 Anri's words, "nothing," disappear in a whisper while on the ground sitting.

 In fact, the slime continued to multiply at the deepest part of the temple―― further down the passage that Fornelis had destroyed and made impassable.

 Still missing and difficult to find were women of various races: humans, beastmen, elves, and fairies.......

 Gathering them together, they multiplied their kind, increased their mana, and overflowed from the abandoned temple, creating the Slime Castle.

 Fiana and the others, unaware of such a thing, stood dumbfounded in front of the huge "slime castle" as they looked up.

 It took only a few minutes.

 There was no way they could attack the castle with a force of only a hundred people, and they had no energy to run away.

 They just stood there, staring up in amazement, and then――.

"Julia... where is Julia!?"

 Everyone in the area snapped out of their stupor at the sound of the voice as she recalled their original purpose.

"I-I think we should first look for Julia and the others."

"Yeah...... few footprints. Not even a sign that the slimes crawled in."

 Jenna mentioned what they could do, and Fiana immediately turned her gaze to the ground.

 Having left the forest, the sun's rays illuminated the ground, allowing them to see the footprints, which were difficult to see in the dark forest.

 However, all that emerged from the forest were the Fiana and the others' footprints, and only two footprints headed for the mucus castle.

 There were no tracks where the slime had crawled.

(These probably belonged to Frederica and the humanoid slime that was spotted with her......?)

 She could understand if it was Frederica.

 She was seen in a village deep in the forest, so she probably walked from this "castle" through the forest to the village.

 And the humanoid slime......

(Is that humanoid slime creating monster-type slime in the forest?)

 It seemed to make sense when she thought about it.

 It seemed outlandish to think that the slime would create another race other than that of the slime, but the slime was in human form.

 Fiana thought that it was a new kind of creature to which its conventional wisdom no longer applied.

"These footprints don't belong to Julia...... then Julia and the others are still in the forest!?"

"Looks like it"

 Hearing Anri's impatient voice, Fiana looked around the group.

 There were about a hundred people.

 She thought for a moment how to divide it up......

"'Those who are fast on their feet and have plenty of stamina left. Please step forward."

 When Fiana said that, about fifty people stepped forward.

 All were beastmen, including some who had joined up from Julia's unit.

"Then, from here. Thirty of you will return to the relay point where Alfira is, and please send a message to Mariabelle-sama and the others. We have found slime's nest."

"I got it!"

"The others will search for Julia's unit and set up an encampment in a place where they can check this place out. We will keep an eye on this castle and begin our search after meeting up with Mariabelle-sama. ――Is that okay, Jenna-sama?"

 When Fiana called out to her, Jenna snapped out from the shock of the temple that had been eroded.

 She nodded, slowly, processing over the words she had heard.

"Yes. We can't leave this place unattended―― we'll keep an eye on it until we meet up with Marieabelle and the others."

"Alright. Then, that's it. Everyone, get ready!"

 Fiana raised her voice, and everyone in the group immediately moved in action.

 The thirty men in charge of the mission set up their equipment and rushed out into the forest, while Fiana and her team searched the area for any information about Julia and the others.

 After a dozen minutes, they found nothing, so they decided to split the reduced force of about seventy into two groups.

"Don't overdo it, Anri-san. If it's dangerous, please come back no matter what."


 The search for Julia was to be conducted by Anri, who had a good nose and had known her for many years.

 Fiana and Jenna began preparations to set up an encampment near the location to keep an eye on the mucus castle.

 The sleeping place of the goddess―― a large area around the mucus castle was open and the land was plentiful.

 There was enough space for about seventy people to rest.

 First, Jenna sets up a barrier against monsters, and then they set up the tent inside it.

"Then, I'm going!"

"Get back before the sun goes down. Even if you didn't find them......."


 Anri said and led the thirty men into the forest.

 Once out in the light, the dimly lit forest had become pitch black.

 Still, if her precious comrade, her childhood friend, was in danger, she could step in without fear.

(Julia, stay safe ...)

 Anri seemed to tremble at any moment.

 Two years ago, the darkness would have been nothing to be afraid of. It was a world where ghosts and undeads―― spirits that could not be brought to life, exist as monsters.

 "Ghosts" beyond the darkness were just like monsters, and there was no need to fear them.

 But now the darkness was terrifying.

 In the depths where the goddess slept before―― an abandoned temple, they were attacked by the slime, chased, killed the men, and then captured and violated.

 Anri and Julia were captured by the slime that had mimicked the walls and floor as they fled, and they were violated while Julia's upper body was engulfed and Anri's lower body was engulfed by mucus.

 Julia's virginity was taken from her, she was ejaculated on, impregnated, and even gave birth to slimes.

 Julia was very compatible with the slime, and unlike Anri, she became pregnant and gave birth at a rate of once a day, or even once every ten hours, and had over a dozen births before she was rescued.

 Anri was right next to her watching the scene, and she understood better than anyone why Julia hated the slime so much.

 Pregnancy and childbirth.

 It is a very important application for a woman and more precious than anything else for a living creature.

 Julia, who had been diligently studying to be a noble warrior of the beastmen, was trying to learn how to behave gracefully like a knight of Fonteau.

 Julia and Anri were from a remote area in the deep forest of Grabalt, the most rural area in Grabalt, but their reputations in the army were the exact opposite.

 Julia was a graceful and beautiful fox-eared beastwoman.

 Anri was a simple, cheerful, and innocent beastwoman.

 Julia had a calm atmosphere and Anri was childish.

 Until two years ago, that was the way they were regarded.

 But that had all changed.

 Julia's pride as a warrior, as well as her essence as a woman, had been sullied, she hated the slime and had acquired only the skill of killing monsters instead of learning to be elegant.

 Julia was totally different from before.

 Even her personality seemed to have changed, but her essence had not.

 Even knowing the discrepancy, Anri couldn't stop Julia because she could understand her feelings.

 She thought she would calm down when she heard that the female hero had defeated the origin slime in Fonteau.......

(Mou, she didn't calm down at all!)

 Anri thought she used to act boldly and Julia would rebuke her.

 Now, however, Julia was the one who was always rushing out, and Anri was the one who protected her back.

 She didn't think there was anything wrong with that.

 Anri also hated the slime, and she couldn't deny that being able to protect Julia's back made her happy because she felt she was being of service to her.

 But even so, she couldn't follow her back if she was moved by her emotions, as the leader of the unit.

 Unsure whether she should go after her or report the current situation to her superior, Anri chose to report instead of her childhood friend.

(I'll find you soon, Julia. Stay safe.)

 Anri ran through the forest for a while, and when she returned to the spot where Julia left off, she and her team began to calmly observe the surroundings.

 She remembered that when she had reported to Fiana, she had been so upset about losing Julia that she had not even seen what was around her.

 She just headed north where Julia had runoff.

 But this time, she calmly looked at her surroundings and her feet.

 It was a dark forest, but she made the most of her observations by making the best use of her beastmen's sense of smell, sight, and hearing, which were far superior to those of humans and elves.

 Then, apart from footsteps that had been made by a large group of people and lost their shape, she was able to find footprints made by a small group of people.

"This is!"

 Anri knelt down, not caring that her clothes were stained with mud, and lowered her head that her face almost touched the ground.

 The gap between the footprints was wide.

 Evidence of running.

 First to the north―― but after a while, the footprints were heading west.

 Anri bit her lip, thinking that she had missed these footprints earlier.

"Anri-dono, over here!"

"Did you find something!?"

 At the sound of one of the men's voices, Anri looked up vigorously.

 Ahead of him, she saw a sharp line carved into the wood, probably by a sword.

 A little further on, she saw a similar line.

 Anri was not sure whose sword it was, but she suspected that Julia may have left it as a trace for the others to follow.

"We're going after this trace! Everyone draw your swords and stand guard around the perimeter!"


 After being rescued from the abandoned temple by Fornelis and the others, Anri trained her body.

 Although she was talented enough to be selected for Fornelis' direct command at a young age, her defeat and the humiliation she felt due to the slime caused her to train herself from the ground up.

 To forget that humiliation.

 To repay the pain she felt many times over.

 And to protect her precious friend.

 Now was the time.

"Wait for me, Julia, everyone!"

 Anri said and started to run as fast as she could, using the traces on her mind as landmarks.



 On the west side of the forest, far away from Fiana and the others, as well as Anri and the others, the dignified voice of a beastwoman with impressive fox ears echoed.

 The flash of her waving sword was so sharp that it decapitated the goblin, and an ordinary monster would have been killed by the slash.

 However, if another monster had intervened before she could finish it off, she would have been unable to attack its weak point, its nucleus, and after a few seconds, the decapitated goblin regenerated the lost part.

 It repeated from earlier.

 The slimes also understood their weak point, and no matter how much they were wounded, they were working together with the other monsters so that only their weak point, the "nucleus," would not be destroyed.

"Kuh, this is troublesome!"

 Julia, a fox-eared beastwoman, muttered.

 Her breathing was slightly uneven, and her black military uniform was irritating to the touch as it absorbed sweat and stuck to her skin.

 The slight discomfort, which normally would not bother her, was probably due to the fact that she was so cornered.

 It had already been several minutes since the battle began.

 No matter how physically strong the beastmen were, they would get tired if the battle go on for a long time, and they would lose concentration and stamina while wielding their weapons.

 In fact, Julia and the ten beastmen who had followed her deep into the forest were breathing unevenly and beginning to lose their concentration.

 If they had been in perfect condition, they would have started to retreat before they were cornered this far.

 Was it the result of their hatred for the slime that made them lose their composure?

"I guess we went too deep......"

 Still, Julia and the others stared at the slimes in the form of monsters...... without erasing the hostility from their eyes, they clenched their respective weapons in their hands with great strength.

 Women who have been violated, men who have had their loved ones taken from them.

 Their will to kill would not be shaken by fatigue, and they work as one, protecting each other's backs and eliminating blind spots while aiming their blades at the countless slimes that surround them.

 The number of slimes was nearly a hundred, and no matter how many they slay, they show no sign of decreasing.

 In fact, as they cut their way toward a single point, the monsters on the other side blocked their retreat, and they were getting further away from Anri and the others' path.

――Now, they were completely surrounded.

 Once that happened, no matter how many warriors they had used to fight earlier, it would be difficult for ten of them to make a retreat.

 The most common of the monsters were goblins, orcs...... and other monsters that they have seen many times in the forest, as well as the higher-level monsters that were well over two meters in height, slimes with thick bodies like golems, and although they were few in number, there were huge monsters with bodies several meters in length like chimera and ogres.

 These were the kind of gigantic monsters that were rare to see in this day and age and were thought to have become extinct.

 The sight of the various races gathered together might have reminded Jenna and Fornelis of the monster army that assembled under the command of the demon king back in the days when demon king existed.

 In an age when monsters fighting for territory in the forest was the norm, monsters would not normally gather in groups.

 Their own kind were their comrades, and other kinds were their enemies.

 Like their creator, goddess for humans, they would never have flocked together without the command of the demon king, the object of their faith―― slimes in the form of monsters, who were cooperating with each other for a single purpose.

 Just...... kill the men and violate women.

 Following their instincts as monsters and as slimes.

 Julia, who was aware that their gaze is on her, had also thought of using herself as bait to let the others escape, but now it was no longer possible.

(If they broke our formation at once, we would be annihilated, but they had no intention to do that, huh?)

 She wondered why, but maybe it was to torment Julia and the others, who have no chance of winning.

 It was said that some beasts have the habit of deliberately tormenting their prey in order to teach hunting to their children.

 Maybe it was something like that.

 It was as though they were learning to hunt by using a small group of weak people like Julia and the others.

(They got us, huh, but there's still a chance.)

 They were completely surrounded on all sides.

 They were in the forest.

 Some slimes were probably hiding in the trees and grass.

 She didn't know if she had the strength to break through that encirclement and escape, but Julia hadn't given up yet.

 Her subordinates too.

"No one has given up, right!?"

"Of course!!"

 Her subordinates responded to Julia's words.

 They have enough energy.

 They have no chance of winning, but they would not give up until the end.

 Kill all the slimes.

 Kill as many as possible.

 That was why those in the area have picked up weapons.

(But I understand a little more now that we are cornered.)

 At the same time.

 Julia was thinking that no matter how much they change their appearance, they were still "slimes".

 From the battle the other day, the orc tried to crush her head.

 If not for Anri's voice, she would have been beaten to death with a wooden stick in its hand.

 Killing a woman.

 That was an action the slime did not do since the mutant monster called Black Ooze appeared.


"Everyone we'll break through!!"


 But the slimes were after her.

 The only woman here.

 If killing people was the instinct of monsters, then violating women and having more children was the instinct of slimes.

 The boundaries between them were terribly ambiguous.

 Sometimes they give priority to Julia, a woman, while other times they attack to kill everyone.

(When they were fighting against us in the previous battles, they were moving like monsters. But after I chased them, they set traps like the slimes...... and now they only look at me.)

 At first, it was just a bunch of goblins.

 They were small fry, and without poison and magic, even Julia alone could defeat them, a low-class monster.

 However, when cornered, they turned their backs and ran away, and then they went after them to cut off their heads.

 We chased after them, and by the time we caught up with them, it was too late.

 The slimes that had been hiding behind the trees and grass came out of hiding, and now they were the ones being chased.

 They tried to go back the way they came to meet up with Anri and the others, but to prevent them from doing so, the monsters worked together to prepare a path in a different direction from the one they had come.

 Even though they knew it was a bad idea, they could only escape in the direction the monsters had prepared.

 If they were to challenge them head-on, they would be overwhelmed by the difference in numbers, so Julia and the others had no choice.

 And now.

"We will get through this and kill those slimes."

 The monster had a face, but its eyes were also made of mucus. They were shaped like masks.

 In reality, seeing may be a little different, but its will was directed at her.

(If so, everyone else might escape.)

 Sacrifice herself. Use herself as bait.

 Julia was not fond of self-sacrifice, but if it was the best she could do, she thought she had no choice.

 Besides, the elven knight Fiana and the Lishlua's "saint" Jenna were nearby.

 Even if she was caught here, there was a chance she would be rescued soon.

 Thinking of that, Julia, without the slightest hesitation, put her strength into the hand that held the mithril sword in her hand.

 The blade of the sword, which was once white gold, heats up enough to be recognized even in a dimly lit forest, distorting the slight sunlight shining through the trees and creating a shimmering flame.

 Although she was a beastmen, Julia's blonde hair, which was as bright as a sunflower, shook slightly due to the mana emitted from the sword.

 Her ears perked up and her tail swayed softly from side to side as though forgetting her nervousness.

 The tight, sweat-soaked black military uniform stuck to her skin, making it uncomfortable to the touch.

 The tight skirt and black knee socks that hid her thighs, the sweat from fatigue showing on her white skin that peeked slightly between them, and the cool sensation when the breeze created by the flow of mana touched it.

 She was cornered and impatient, but there was still a part of her that was calm enough to accurately sense such slight changes.

(I'll take as many slimes as possible with me...)

"Everyone, we've done enough! We're retreating to kill more slime in the next battle!"

 Julia said and started running back the way they had just come, with her leading the way.

 The men followed.



 Their swords, spears, and axes cut through the slimes―― but it was only one for each person.

 Standing behind them, in their retreat, were not lower-class monsters like goblins or orcs, but only monsters that are close to humanoid.

 Their physical abilities were literally of a different dimension from those of lower-class monsters, and although only a few of them failed to react to the sudden retreat and were taken by surprise, the rest, however, reacted immediately and caught Julia and the others' blades with their mucus arms.

"Damn you, even though you're just a liquid!"

 It was no wonder that Julia cursed it.

 The Mithril Sword was one of the few swords that could be used by beastmen who could not use magic to attack the slimes.

 The red-hot blade would normally vaporize the slime, but when the surface is covered with mana, it didn't vaporize.

 It was an application of the magic shield that Fiana used the other day.

 It covered the surface of the whole body with mana and protected it from heat and ice, so it should be called mana armor.

 The amount of mana and magic skills was comparable to or exceeded that of elves, because even Fiana, who was considered a hero among elves, could only prepare a small area of defensive magic to cover her.


 The demon-type slime, which still did not utter a sound, reached out its arm opposite to the one that had caught the red-hot sword to grab her.


 Julia sensed that and leaped backward, escaping the reach of its arm in the nick of time.

 Normally, it would have extended its arm in tentacle form. But it didn't.

 Strangely enough, ever since entering the forest, the slimes have only repeated "fighting as monsters" and not as slimes.

 They hide, mimic the surrounding things, use poison, and lash out with their tentacles―― there was none of that.

"Don't look down on me!!"

 It made Julia, who had honed her fighting skills for revenge, feel insulted and angry.

 The demon type―― limbs like a human, bat-like wings on its back, twisted horns like a goat on its head, and legs with inverted joints on the lower half of its body, which was also liked that of an animal.

 On top of that, Julia ran toward the demon-typed slime, which has a well-trained, thick mucus body that not many beastmen would have.

 She leaned abnormally forward as her face almost touched the ground.

 Bringing her weight forward, she moved her legs before she fell, to accelerate, accelerate, accelerate――!


 With surging courage, she slashed its right ankle as she passed.

 The surface of its ankle was also covered with mana, but this time, with the momentum of her arm strength and acceleration, it was slashed with a single forceful blow.

 The slime, which was in the form of a demon, was unable to react to the tremendous acceleration, even taking into account the fact that it was a beastmen, and the part that was cut regenerated faster than it could fall over after its leg was cut off.

 But at that moment.

 Julia, who understood from her past experience that "the moment they regenerated was the moment when their movement slowed down", raised her body in the instant its ankle regenerated, jumped at the distance to plunge, and stabbed the mithril sword from behind, aiming at the location of its heart.

 Naturally, since she had not confirmed the location of the weak point, the "nucleus", the demon-type was not killed.

 Julia jumped onto its back, piercing the location of the heart from the back, and put her arms around its neck and stuck to its back.

 The other monsters, perhaps feeling threatened by Julia's unusual physical abilities, ignored the men and looked at Julia.

 The faces.

 But like a mask, the face looked at Julia, and their body turned to face her.

"First one!"

 Julia was disgusted by the sensation of her clothes getting wet with slime mucus and sticking to her skin.

 But even as she was disgusted, she kept her hand gripping the hilt of the sword as she stabbed it through its chest.

 The mithril sword increased its heat, and Julia, who was by its side, felt a burning sensation on her cheeks.

 A visible white vapor rose, and a heat source, as though the sun had been born inside the liquid as it was visible through it.

 There, she could see.

 An impurity in the red light through the mucus.

 Small, a small little stone. Nucleus.


 When she moved her sword toward the stone, the nucleus collapsed, unable to withstand the heat of the mithril.

 Likewise, the slime that had taken the form of a demon melted and collapsed.


 As the demon-type slimes turned toward Julia, the beastmen, who were standing behind her, attacked them from their unprotected side.

 Even so, most of the demons reacted, and only one demon was defeated.

 From the total number of more than a hundred slimes surrounding the area, it was a mere minor resistance.

 The slimes probably did not see Julia and the others as a threat.

"There was no need to fight!! Everyone, run for now!!"

 Julia shouted and leaped at the second one.

 She was trying to attract the attention of the demon-type slimes that had blocked their retreat to let her subordinates escape.

 Naturally, there was no way she could do that move twice, and when Julia leaped and slashed, the slime in the shape of a kelpie, which had been approaching, struck her from the side, at her blind spot.

 A fish head and front legs of a horse―― a monster that was normally not active on the ground.

 Its charge was slower than that of a four-legged beast, but its body size was different.

 The horse legs.

 When a body many times heavier than that of a human was to strike her, the slender Julia would easily be blown away.


 Although the distance from the blow was close, the momentum was weak, the impact was visceral, and her limbs became numb.

 After rolling several times on the muddy, wet ground, she came to a stop, and she saw the faces of her subordinates that were far away.

 With anguish on her face, she gritted her teeth to hold back her cries of pain and struggled to look up.

"Run away! I'm fine, just call for help!!"

 She wanted them to go get the others and rescue them.

 The men, sensing Julia's intentions, turned their backs and ran away, their faces contorted in frustration.

 However, the monsters also ran out in pursuit of the men.

 They were like beasts.

 They chase and hunt down the weak and fleeing men, and then kill them until they were so exhausted that they could no longer move.

 Although her intentions were palpable, they were able to escape the encirclement―― believing that her subordinates would be able to escape, Julia stood up with her sword as a support to do what she could.

 Her right arm hurts from the blow.

 It should not be broken. Her muscles were sore and numb.

 She could still feel both her legs.

 Her internal organs were probably fine.

"I can still do it......"

 Even though she was tired and in severe pain, Julia glared at the slimes with hatred in her eyes.

 Even the sensation of her proud blonde hair sticking to her sweat and mud-soaked cheeks was bothersome.

 Looking down at her, who somehow managed to stay standing, were slimes retaining "the monsters' faces" attached to them like masks.

 Their numbers have dwindled a bit in pursuit of the fleeing men, but they were still too numerous to count.

 There was no chance of winning, no chance to escape.

 Julia, then, held up her mithril sword with both hands and gripped it with all the strength she could muster.


 However, the numb arms did not provide a satisfactory grip, and what was released was a light like a thin fading torch.

 Far from burning the slime, it would be difficult to make a fire.

 ――And the tip was trembling.

 It was probably because her arm was numb, but to Julia, who had been violated before and nearly lost her mind, the trembling was as though she was afraid of the slime.......

"No! I am not giving up yet! I'm going to kill, kill every last one of you!"

 But it was a bluff.

 She had no power, her arms trembling.

 The slimes must have felt it, too.

 Out of the group came the goblins, whom she had looked down on and thought she could beat on her own.

 There were about ten of them, and they had nothing in their hands.

 She was being ridiculed.

 They were looking down on her at the fact that Julia, now tired, can beat her without help.

"Don't look down on me!!"

 When Julia realized that fact, she became enraged.

 She gripped the mithril sword, which was no longer shining, with all the strength she could muster, and slashed at the goblins.

 Naturally, the goblin's movements were slow.

 Even though Julia was tired, the difference in their physical abilities was obvious.

 The sharp blade sliced through the head of the goblin in the front, slashing it cleanly in two.

 ――But that was all.

 The shape was of the goblin, but its essence was slime.

 If one didn't break its weak point, its "nucleus," it would regenerate within a few seconds.

 If the mithril's magic was working, it could burn the mucus with heat and find its "nucleus"......

"Damn it, damn it!!"

 Now Julia had no way to resist, and just slashing one goblin's head stopped her movement.

 In the process of regenerating its wound, it swallowed the blade of the mithril sword and fixed it in the position of its head.

 It was not possible with the normal goblin, a way to incapacitate its opponent.

 Julia, whose sword was caught, desperately tried to pull it out, but while she did so, she was surrounded by goblins.

 Julia was an adult woman, although she looked slender and petite for a beastwoman.

 The goblin's head, which was only about the height of a human's early teens, was only up to her chest.

 It was like being surrounded by children―― but these goblins were clearly in heat.

 They surrounded Julia, getting closer to her, and between their legs...... a clearly erect male organ appeared.

 It had not existed earlier.

 It appeared the moment they decided to "fuck" Julia――.

"Stop, don't come closer―― don't come closer!!"

 Julia let out a scream that was different from her previous murderous intent and let go of her mithril sword, her only weapon, in an attempt to escape the goblins' encirclement.

 At that time, she wondered what she was doing.

(I, why, why!?)

 Julia seemed to lose track of what she was doing.

 She let go of her sword, pushed the goblin's head with both hands, and turned her back in a desperate attempt to escape.

 It was not an intention tinged with hatred.

 The fear of being violated made her do it―― an action that could only be described as that, an action from her instinct.

 She didn't want to lose.

 She didn't want to die.

 No, even stronger than that, the feeling of not wanting to be...... violated.

 Just a few days.

 A small amount of time compared to the women trapped in Fonteau.

 But as a woman, being attacked, violated, and impregnated by a non-human monster was a more terrifying fear than death for a woman.

 She still dreamt of having a non-human, amorphous monster in her womb and giving birth to it, even after a year.......

 It was her worst nightmare.

 The sight of the expressionless goblins swarming around her, combined with the image of the slime that had violated her and taken her virginity, was enough.

 The murderous intent she had been expressing vanished, and Julia turned her back with a look of horror on her face and ran away......


 But for the goblins, it was the first woman they have had in a long time.

 She was a precious mother who could give birth to their own children.

 It hugged Julia's legs as she tried to escape, grabbed her arms when she was startled, hugged her around the waist, and grabbed her fleshy buttocks as she fell to the ground.

"No, nooo!?"

 Memories of horror come flooding back.

 Memories of days that she was being violated without being able to resist.

 No matter how hard she hit it, the slime quickly returned to its original state, and no matter how much she cried out, her voice did not reach it, and it ejaculated, ignoring Julia's will.

 The sensation of the warm semen pouring directly into her womb was enough to make her nauseous even now that she recalled it.

 When the horror returned, Julia was still being held by the goblins on her arms and legs, but she still crawled on all fours to try to escape.

 It didn't matter that her proud black Grabalt uniform was stained with mud.

 Her magnificent blonde hair hung to the ground, pulled by gravity, its tips smeared with mud like a brush, as Julia tried to escape crawling like a beast.

 But when the goblin's hand grabs the fox's tail, which was colored with golden fur like her hair, it pulled her forcibly backward.

 It was a lot of force.

 Such monstrous strength that it was hard to believe that it was just a goblin.

 No, she had looked down on them because they were small among monsters, only about the size of a human child, but goblins were also strong monsters.

 Their arm strength was as great as that of a trained beastman.

 They were much stronger than Julia, who was a woman even though she was a beastmen, just not as intelligent and athletic.

"It hurts, stop――."

 Julia screamed in pain as her tail was pulled, but the goblin did not seem bothered by it and pulled even harder on her tail.

 And when Julia got somewhat close, another goblin grabbed her long, well-kept, beautiful blonde hair.

 She was forced to turn her face up.

"Uu, uuu..."

 She could no longer scream.

 She tried her best to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill, biting her lip to not let her sobbing escape, but she didn't have the strength to stare angrily into the face of the goblin in front of her...... so she just turned her trembling eyes to it as though she were about to start crying at any moment.

 The goblin, who had grabbed a handful of her hair, had a twisted crescent smile on its mouth and had a look of excitement.


 The smile of a monster.

 Julia, who had never seen such a thing before, screamed like a maiden and turned her body away from the face, trying to get as far away from it as possible.

 Then a breastplate, woven of monster leather and much sturdier than it looked, was attached to her.

 It was as though she was trying to show her breasts to the goblin―― Julia, of course, had no intention of doing so and was desperately trying to avoid looking at the goblin's face.

 But the goblin holding her hair grabbed the breastplate with the opposite hand and ripped it off, breaking the metal fittings.


 Her chest, which had been held in place by the armor, seemed to stick out forward and sway softly, as though pleased to be released.

 In fact, the heat that had been trapped inside was released, and even though there was only one less piece of armor, Julia felt a flow of cool air around her chest.


"No, stop―― stop it!?"

 For the woman about to be violated, the fact that she had one less piece of protective gear was enough to make her imagine the worst.

 She lashed out more than ever, but her actions would be limited by the fact that she was being held by her hair and tail.

 Rather, another goblin, perhaps aroused by the screams of its prey, grabbed the mesh of her military uniform that covered her chest and pulled it from side to side with a force that shredded the buttons.

 The goblin's strength was such that even the metal fittings that hold the armor in place were ripped off.

 The buttons easily popped off, exposing the skin underneath and the bright red underwear that was too flashy to be worn on the battlefield, the favorite color of a woman named Julia.......

 The underwear was one size too small, and a deep cleavage showed as the bulge of her chest was forced in, and one could see the moment when the sweat that had shown from her nervousness and fear was running down.

"Nooo!? Someone, someoneee!?"

 Although she was supposed to have stayed here to help her subordinates escape, Julia screamed like an innocent girl when she remembered the memory of the torment she experienced and called for help.

(No, this is! Be strong, endure it... Be strong.)

 She thought she was stronger than she was a year ago.

 She was supposed to have re-learned the art of warfare, trained her body, and become stronger in order to catch up with Fornelis, the woman she admired.

 She had trained her mind not to be shaken by it, and to forget her abominable past.

 And yet....

 It was so close to her, pushed her down, and held her tail and hair as she trembled so much that her teeth clacked, she was so frightened that she could not move, and she screamed like an innocent girl and seemed to start crying at any moment......

 Even though she didn't want to admit such weakness, Julia couldn't move her body to think of what was to come......


 She felt a warm sensation on her crotch.

 She peed her pants.

 Scared, horrified, terrified, shaking like a little girl, unable to do anything to resist, Julia felt a warm liquid trickle down her thighs and onto the ground from her weakened lower body.

 Her knee socks, which covered the middle of her thigh, were wet from absorbing the steamy liquid, and the raw warmth was sickening.

"Uu, uuu."

 Next, tears showed on her crimson jade eyes, and within seconds, large tears streamed down from the corners of her eyes.

 Her own pettiness had gone beyond the limit, and she was already afraid or pathetic...... her emotions were all jumbled up and disorganized.

"Uaa, uaaaahh!!"

 Julia let out a loud squeal and flailed her body frantically.

 There was no skill involved.

 Just the movement of a woman's instinct to escape from her rapist.

 But the goblin-shaped slime only increased its grip on both her limbs and her waist, sealing off Julia's final resistance.

 As a result, Julia let her entire body flail about for a few minutes, but in the end, it only resulted in disturbing her own breathing.

"Uaaa, haa, ah..."

 Then, as the movement slowed, the hand holding the tail was released, and then the tight skirt, which had absorbed sweat, was grabbed.


 Julia could not see behind her as she was held by her hair and pinned facing forward, but she could feel the cool air directly on her buttocks and knew what was happening.

 Her skirt, which had been tightly covering her well-developed and well-shaped buttocks, was rolled up, exposing her underwear, which was the same gaudy red color as the underwear that covered her breasts.

 The design of the underwear was also the same, with a rose engraved on the front.

 Only the crotch area was covered with a thicker fabric, while the rest of the underwear was made of a luxurious, gaudy red silk woven so thin that the skin showed through.

 The underwear was properly sized, and beautifully wrapped around the well-shaped buttocks, which have been toned.

 ――But it's crotch area.

 The crotch part, which was covered with a thick cloth to absorb sweat, had darkened in color due to the absorption of liquid.

 The discoloration was so deep that it could not be explained by the word "soaked with sweat" or "soaked with love juices" due to sexual sensation.

 Naturally, an embarrassing smell emanated from it―― but the goblin behind her pressed its face against Julia's wet crotch.

"Hii!? Stop it!? It's dirty, such place is dirty!?"

 No matter who it was, Julia screamed when its face was pressed against her wet crotch after she pissed herself.

 However, the goblin licked the large amount of liquid that remained there and absorbed it.

 The beastman's bodily fluids, which hold little mana in their bodies, were almost worthless to the slime, but they were meaningful in a way that it aroused the mother's body.

 The monster-type slimes that the humanoid created have the knowledge of the men they inherited from the origin Black Ooze.

 Although they did not carry all of its knowledge, they retained a strong desire for women in particular.

 That was the most effective way to reflect the species.

 It was not just about violating women.

 They make them feel it, arouse them, and make it easier for them to get pregnant.

 It was possible to make a woman pregnant with only violation and ejaculation, but that would wear out their mind and eventually lead to their own death.

 There was such an impossibly high wall, such a deep gulf between people and monsters.

 The mere act of being invaded by a monster was enough to cause extreme pain to their mind.

 Giving them pleasure to alleviate it.

 Make them moan, loosen their legs, and climax.

 The mother's acceptance increased the probability of conception, and the pleasure of the act distracted the woman from committing suicide.

 Among the men's desires, there was also the feeling of what to do with a strong-minded woman like Julia.

"Stop, d-don't suck it!?"

 At first, it just pressed its face against her wet crotch, but next, it moved its tongue, as it made a sound and the warm liquid left on her crotch and thighs began to be sucked noisily.

 The sound of the liquid reached Julia's ears, so vividly that she let out a shrill scream.

(It's being licked... s-s-sucked!? My, my...)

 An embarrassing liquid that she didn't even want to put into words, even in her thoughts.

 The reality of being licked and sucked by it seemed to make her lose her mind.

 But at the same time, Julia, who had been trembling at the memory of the humiliation given to her by the Black Ooze, now burned with emotion at the shame of her embarrassing liquid being sucked noisily and her face blushed.

 Meanwhile, other goblins started to move.

 Another goblin reached for the underwear that covered her breasts and tried to lift them up, but fortunately, they were not the right size and did not lift so easily.

 Fingers scratched her skin several times.

"Kuh, that's..."

 As though to tease her, it rubbed its nails on her nipples through the red fabric, and Julia stared at the goblin in front of her with tear-wet eyes for its blatant behavior.

 She was horrified by remembering the past humiliation, and the upsetting feeling that she had been seen peeing in the most embarrassing way as a woman seemed to have finally subsided.

 But such defiance was amusing to the goblins.

 It grabbed Julia by the hair and keep her face forward, observing her as though enjoying the change in her expression.

 Goblins scraped her nipples with their fingernails over her underwear and licked and sucked her underwear, which was soaked with her pubic juices.

 Her body trembled with the humiliation of having her body tormented by an abominable creature and the fear that was etched deep into her core, even though she had calmed down.

 Her face was red with humiliation and shame, but her eyes alone, even wet with tears, stared into the face of the goblin, expressionless.

 Her jade-colored eyes narrowed sharply, as though she would spit it if it was a human being.

 She knew that the slime grew by sucking the bodily fluids of the person it was violating, so she decided that such an act would be futile, and would not do it.

"Kuh, uuu..."

 Julia bit her lip, trying to at least hold back her voice.

 Even so, an unbearable hot sigh leaked out from the edges of her mouth, probably because the memory of the torment she experienced was not colored only by fear.

 As was the case with the Black Ooze and its children, the slimes that exist everywhere on this continent pleasure women and then humiliate them.

 As an example, the goblins were also acting according to such "instincts".

 In other words.

"Fuu, uu... uuu."

(Why is this... why such.)

 Julia's eyes didn't lose their power to glare at the goblin, but inwardly she was upset.

 She felt good from the nails scraping her nipples over her underwear, and the goblin's tongue licking her pubic area over her panties had somehow turned from sucking the liquid to stimulating her pubic area and the little bean on top of it.

 When her nipples became erect on their own because they couldn't stand the stimulation, they were plucked through her underwear and moved up and down, and her left and right nipples were teased with asymmetrical stimulation in a slow and steady manner.

 She was licked at the entrance of her vagina then slid to her clitoris, from her clitoris back to her vagina through her passionate red panties, using a thick and wide tongue as long as a child's finger, and then it moved the tip of its tongue with a deftness unimaginable from such a thick tongue, kneading it through her underwear, aiming at her clitoris with precision, while licking the thin fabric of her underwear. When it inserted the tip of its tongue into her vagina pushing the top of her red fabric, the entire shallow area near the entrance was stimulated, and when it strained her anus to stimulate its entrance, which was sensitive because it was rarely touched, the entire area near the entrance was stimulated, just like her vagina.

 In particular, as women, did they consider their anus to be an unclean place that they did not want others to touch?

 When Julia was about to be stimulated in that place, she closed her anus tightly and resisted.

 The myriad wrinkles in her anus tightened, blocking the entry of the goblin's tongue for just a few seconds.

 However, her anus, which had been fully developed two years ago, easily allowed the tongue to enter with just a little force, and rather than seeking punishment for her misbehavior, she welcomed the goblin's tongue with a pleasant tightness.

 As her anus repeatedly opened and closed with the movement of the tongue, a wet sound echoed all around.

 As the sound reached her ears, Julia's long, thin fox ears, covered with beautiful golden hair, twitch, and quiver.

(Don't make me hear this sound......)

 She closed her eyes, which had been staring at the goblin in front of her, and tried to block out any embarrassing sounds her limbs might make.

 She shut her mouth and closed her eyes.

 But not her ears.

 Her ears, which have a superior hearing ability of a beastmen, could not help but catch the sound of her nipples being rubbed and the sound of liquid echoing from the lower half of her body, and because she could not see them, she could not help but imagine what was being done to her body.

"... kuh... fuu... fuu... fuu..."

(Am I going to get violated like that time......? I'm stronger now, I've trained so hard so I could defeat the slimes......)

 Closing her eyes, combined with the fact that she was being violated, reminded her of the past.

 She was trapped, her upper body was swallowed, her virginity was taken without knowing what it was doing to her, and she was violated endlessly afterward.

 It seemed that Anri was also violated near her, and she was even seen at the moment she lost her virginity.

 Fortunately, however, her upper body was swallowed.

 Julia thought.

 ――I'm glad she didn't see my face at that time.

 She was sure she looked terrible, Julia thought.

 It should have hurt, but it felt so good to her, even though she should have cried out in pain.

 The slime tentacles caressed Julia's body, as though they knew all about her body's weaknesses, so even as a virgin, it minimized the pain.

 All over.

 It stimulated places that Julia herself had never been aware of, such as her armpits, neck, navel, waist, urethra, and anus, places that she would not normally use for sexual intercourse. She was developed.

 She was only tormented for a few days, but during those few days, Julia was stimulated in every part of her body and taught that those were her sexual zones.

 ......It took her six months to forget it.

 Every time she went to the bathroom, every time she cleansed herself in the river, the memory of the torment came back to her and she cried.

 While crying... she was shamefully comforting herself.

 Her developed body was so sensitive, and it was sad to think that she would never be able to fight the slime again with such body―― the humiliation aroused Julia even more.

"Fuー, fuー...!"

(I'm supposed to become stronger......)

 Once her body became accustomed to the condition, Julia was finally able to return to her daily life.

 Her body, which had not held a sword for six months, had gained weight that just swinging a sword made her catch her breathing.

 Humiliation as a warrior.

 Defeat as a woman.

 Julia cried again as she was reminded of that.

 Still, Julia stood up.

 To hold the sword once more. To fight the slime. To kill the slime.

 Julia trained her body once more.

 Her fighting skills, her physical abilities, her knowledge of monsters.

 She re-learned all of them.

 Julia was supposed to have taken up the sword once more just to defeat the slime......

"Fuu――...... ~ ~ ~ ~.........!"

 At least she didn't make a sound, and Julia's entire body shook in silence as her nipples were rubbed and her anus licked and sucked.

 Her face turned red not only on her cheeks but also on her neck, and the spasms from her climax propagated not only to her waist but also to her entire body.

 Still, she held back from moaning.

 She felt that if she raised her sweet voice, she would mentally admit defeat.

 But the goblins may have enjoyed that reaction.

 The goblin's tongue began to move more vigorously as it groped her asshole, the goblin holding her arms ran its tongue on her unprotected armpits, the goblin holding her waist tapped lightly below her navel to stimulate her womb over her skin, and the goblin who was rubbing her nipples brought its face to her neck and ran its tongue on it.

"Fuuu, fumuuu!?"

(No, no, no... ah.)

 When her entire body, which was developed two years ago, was stimulated, Julia felt disgusted but also a certain pleasure.

 Above all, the beastman's ears did not miss the sound of liquid emitted from her entire body, and she was embarrassed to understand what kind of situation she was in now.

"Fuu, fu..."

(No... again, my entire body again... like that time, I'm being licked and sucked...)

 Even though she was scared. Even though she was humiliated. Even though she hated it so much that it brought tears to her eyes.

 And yet.

"Fuー, fu――."

 Julia looked at the goblin's face, which remained unchanged in front of her, as she repeatedly breathe roughly.

 An expression that was not changing like a mask.

 A cold atmosphere that told that it was a fake.

 But the eyes that looked at the masked face were not burning with hatred but were loosened by the pleasure that was given to her entire body.

 It was not only fear and humiliation, but also a reminder of the past, and just thinking about what would be done to her was enough to make her womb, which was being tapped over her skin, stir slightly.

 The tears that flow due to the heat slightly lower the corners of the eyes, which were sharp with hatred, and begin to give off a somewhat sweet atmosphere.

 It was probably because the pleasure given to her caused her entire body to twitch slightly, and her movements that were lashing out in order to escape were extremely reduced.

(I have to escape. If I don't run away, I'll go back......)

 Attacked like in the past. Violated.

 ――In addition, impregnated.

 She thought so.

"Fumu, mhhh."

 Julia herself was desperately trying to escape, but her resistance was limited to crawling on all fours and finally taking a few steps forward.

 Moreover, the goblins that were clinging to her entire body easily move a few steps and continue to stimulate her entire body without changing.

 Especially terrible were her armpits and buttocks.

 Her armpits were licked with an intensity that it was soaked with liquid, and her anus was penetrated while making an obscene wet sound.

 It wore away at Julia's reason with each passing moment, and the time it took her to take a step was gradually increasing.

 Still, Julia was desperately trying to get away from them, little by little.

 But it was a distance that would take a beastman more than ten minutes to escape even if they ran as fast as they could.

 If she had to crawl that distance on all fours, it would take a whole day.

"Fuー, fuー..."

 Julia, blushing, gritted her teeth, and desperately trying to endure, crawled on all fours.

 The goblin standing in front of her, amused by her resistance, stepped back as Julia moved, observing the gradually changing beauty of the fox-eared beastwoman.

 Even its calm reaction was humiliating to Julia.

 She was enduring so desperately, trying her best, and crying her eyes out, but she was nothing more than an object of observation to the goblins.

 No matter how hard she tried, she was no match for the slime―― she felt as though she was being denied her hard work of the past two years, and Julia still moved desperately on all fours, with tears streaming down her face.

 It was indeed like that of a beast.

 A human-shaped beast with ears and a tail, moving around while being wrapped by goblins.

 Such a scene.

 For a beastmen whose strength was its proof of one's self, it was the greatest humiliation.

 At the same time, she was reminded that she was not a warrior, but a mere female―― just as she was two years ago when her upper body was swallowed whole and she was made to climax endlessly for several days, even though she was a virgin.

(No. I don't like to go back...)

 The fear of being denied who she was as a warrior.

 The fear of being taught that she was a female and used as a tool only to be impregnated and bear children.

 Julia finally spilled large tears from her eyes as she sniffled,

 Drool from the edges of her lips.

 From her unprotected pubic area, it was dripping love juice and the last remaining contents of her bladder.

 It was like a female beast exposing everything to a male.

 Julia's body, not her mind, gave in first.

 When she realized that she was going to be violated again, her body began to prepare itself to reduce the pain as much as possible, even though her mind was still trying to resist.

(No, hang on...... please, bear with me.)

 Sensing such a reaction, Julia scolded her own body.

 Crawl even one step away from the place.

 Crawl even one step to her companions.

 Crawl even one step closer to Anri.

"Everyone, charge!"

 It was then.

 Julia was about to despair when she imagined a future in which she would be violated endlessly, just as she had experienced two years ago―― so terrified that she forgot that she was the one who sacrificed herself to let her companions escape.

 A dignified voice rang out, and the ripping voices of men echoed through the dark forest.

 Immediately after, she felt the sound of countless footsteps and vibrations that she could feel so much that she thought the earth shook.

"Prioritize the rescue of Captain Julia! After that, we'll retreat and join up with Fiana-sama and the others!!"


(Anri!? Ahh, Anri, Anri!)

 Julia burst into tears at the sight of her childhood friend who had come to her rescue.

"Julia, where are you!?"


 Julia tried to make her location known by making a sound.

 However, the monsters skillfully hid Julia, and a different race of monsters turned to Anri's attacking troops.

 On their frontlines stand powerful individuals, chimera, and monster races that were skilled in magic.


 Anri's troop had grown to nearly fifty men.

 It was because they have joined up with the ten beastmen that Julia let escape while they were looking for her.

 They led them straight to Julia to help her, and they were able to come to this place on the shortest path.

 Julia was just about to be violated, but it was an emotional assault.

 There was no plan, nothing―― it was a blitzkrieg operation, letting the surprise attack blow a hole in the monster's group, rescuing Julia, and then retreating.

 Anri's unit destroyed several of the human-like-shaped monsters that stood on the frontlines with the surprise attack.

 No matter how powerful their magic was, if they were taken by surprise and were attacked by beastmen with superior physical strength, they may be unlucky enough to be hit on their "nucleus" directly.

 With their momentum, Anri and her troops charged into the place where the slimes were gathered the most.

 As they moved forward, they surround the goblins and orcs and avoided stronger individuals such as chimera, a male beastman who was charging with a spear found Julia on all fours, wrapped by goblins.

"I found her!! This way!!"

 A man's voice echoed through the battlefield.

 Next, the spear's tip glowed blue and shot a sharp thrust at the goblin that was holding Julia's hair, which froze the area―― the upper half of its body froze at once.

 Next, he cleaved the spear to the side, and the frozen upper half of its body shattered.

 The hair in its grip was released, and Julia's beautiful face looked down.

 Its remaining lower body immediately tried to regenerate its upper body, but before it could, a second flash of the spear froze its lower body as well.

 The two sharp thrusts were almost instantaneous.

 With a thrust, he pierced the chest of an orc that tried to attack him from behind, freezing it in place as well.

 He was quite skilled.

 From behind the frozen orc, Anri struck the sword in her hand, shattering it.

 The "nucleus" of the slime appeared out of the shattered ice, and she split it in two with her skillful swordsmanship.


"Ahh, Anri..."

 What was there was not her childhood friend, who had not lost her usual dignified and strong expression.

 It was that of a woman who had been forced to weep, exhausted, and humiliated to the point of crawling on all fours.

 The moment Anri saw Julia like that, she snapped and she pointed her sword at the goblins who were still clinging to her.

 There were no words.

 She sliced the goblins at random, burning them and slowing their regeneration.

 Then Anri lent her shoulder to Julia, who was tired and sluggish and helped her get up.

"We secured Julia! Everybody, retreat!!"

 Only a few minutes passed between the assault and the rescue.

 Anri and her team began to retreat as fast as they could, not even attempting to pursue the slimes, which were moving slowly, perhaps because they were upset.

"Julia, we'll get you to a safe place right away!"

"Sorry, sorry......"

 Julia, supported by Anri, was sincerely grateful to her childhood friend for coming to her rescue and apologized for her reckless behavior.

 At the same time, she was truly filled with relief that she had been rescued.

 ……The warmth of her childhood friend's body next to her warmed her body and heart.

 As she struggled to move her legs, which were stiff with fear, to get away from the monsters as much as possible, the slimes, which had been slow to move, finally began to act.

 As though enraged by the loss of their prey, slimes in the form of chimera and beasts opened their mouths toward the sky, and slimes with weapons in their hands rushed out to run.

 But the attack.

 By then, Anri and the others have gained a considerable distance.

 Julia's movements were slow, but Anri didn't care, she was running as though she was dragging her along.

 Julia occasionally cried out in pain, but it was better than being caught.

"Please endure it!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry――."

 The male beastmen led the way, with Anri, the slowest, near the end of the formation.

 Their companions were surrounding them, escorting her and Julia, the women, and in their hands were mithril weapons that could resist the slime.

 ――We could run away from the slime.

 Then they ran away for a few more minutes, and that was when Anri and the others thought they had gained some distance.

"What the!?"

 The beastmen, who had been running ahead of them while checking the surroundings, noticed something and shouted.

 It was a slight change―― at first, a small vibration.

 The vibrations were so small that only a beastman with excellent senses would have noticed until just before the attack......

"Down! There's something under the ground!!"

 The beastman on the front shouted that but did not stop in his tracks.


 Behind them, more than a hundred slimes in the shape of various monsters were chasing after them.

 Further on, they crossed an area where the surrounding trees and grass were wet.

 It was where they fought the slimes who were chasing Julia's troops.

 They met up with them here and were able to proceed without hesitation to the place where Julia was being attacked.

 Once past that spot, it was a straight line to the encampment where Fiana and the others were.

 The beastman on the front looked up overhead, checked the direction of the sun, which was slightly visible through the green leaves, and adjusted the direction in which he was moving.

 It was just for a moment.

 He stopped to check its position and started running again.

 A few moments before reaching his maximum speed―― suddenly the earth peeled its fangs.


 The ground rose up, and the thing coming from it bit the man's lower body, lifted him up, and fell down to the ground in an instant.

 Like the demons and chimera, it was now a large monster that they only saw in books―― a worm that moved through the ground.

 Shaped like what could only be described as a giant worm, the monster had countless teeth in its mouth that dug into the ground and move through the soil.

 It was not that fast in moving through the ground, and naturally, it was slow compared to the full speed of the beastmen.

 Essentially, the worm stayed in the soil, lurked soundlessly, and preyed on someone that passed overhead by sticking its face out for a moment, as it did earlier.

 The way to look for it was for the ground to tremble slightly in preparation for its vigorous leap when its prey approached.

 They were not strong enough to crush hard rocks and could not live in rocky areas.

 Creatures that excelled in concealment but had many weaknesses, these worms did not originally inhabit grabalt.

 It was because the dark forests were inhabited by numerous insects and small animals, and each time they peeked out of the ground, mistaking them for prey, they were defeated by other monsters and beastmen.

 Worms, without the capability to think, were just huge and stupid creatures.

 They quickly dwindled in number in the forest and had been gone from sight for a very long time.

 Anri and the others opened their eyes wide at the appearance of such a worm.

"Everyone be careful! Climb the trees and jump on the branches as we move!!"

 But the beastmen know how to fight the worms.

 After all, they were monsters that detect the vibrations of creatures above ground and attack them.

 The troops quickly climbed the tree, only for the worm to lose sight of its prey and attack its fellow monsters who were chasing after them from behind.

  One slow-moving orc was devoured by the worm, which emerged from the ground.

 Perhaps because they were both slimes, it was eaten and absorbed by the worm, a foolish but powerful monster.

 It was the natural behavior of monsters.

 It seemed strange that the worms would act like normal worms and the other monsters would act like normal monsters.

 They couldn't tell if it was a slime or a monster―― They were not sure.

"Julia, do your best!"

"Y-yeah... you're quick on giving orders, Anri."

 While checking it out, Anri was supporting Julia, who was still moving slowly, and trying to get her up the tree.

 Without the time to fix her clothes, Julia was trying to climb the tree with her underwear on full display, being pushed on her buttocks.

 Anri was still on the ground.

 However, due to the rampage of the worm, the monsters had stopped moving.

(It's fine. We'll make it in time. We'll make it in time......)

 Anri was also in a panic.

 She didn't know when the worm would come after her.

 She was in a hurry to get to the top of the tree as soon as possible.

"I did it. I grabbed a branch, Anri!"


 Was she trying to say that she would climb next and pull her up from above?

 However, Anri's words were cut halfway.

 She felt vibrations on the soles of her feet.


 Immediately after, Anri rolled on the ground sideways.

 At that moment, a worm peeked out from where Anri was.

 Another one.

 The worm, which had attacked the monster by mistake, was still rampaging among the group of monsters.

 The second―― No.


 Anri felt a new vibration and rolled to her side, not caring that her whole body was dirty.

 A third worm peeked out from where Anri had been a moment before.


 Faster than its head could return to the ground, Anri swung the sword in her hand as she rolled over and raised herself up.

 She slashed the side of the worm, which was exposed, in a single horizontal slash.

 Normally, its blood would have come out, but the enemy was a slime, even though it was in the form of a worm.

 The wound was burning, but after a while, the severed surface began to stir in order to regenerate.

"Everyone, hurry up and retreat!!"

 Julia, who had confirmed Anri's safety, announced that in a voice that seemed to have finally regained its normal tone.

 The men resumed their retreat, moving by jumping using tree branches as footholds, wary of the worms.

 The speed at which they moved slowed slightly, but at the same time, the monsters that were on the ground were being held back by the worms that were supposed to be their companions.

 Upon confirming that, Anri and Julia also attempted to begin their retreat.

"Anri, hurry!!"

"Yeah, lend a hand!"

 Julia then extended her hand toward her.

 Anri took her hand and jumped onto the tree.

 But it must have instinctively understood that there was a woman there.

 The second worm, which had lost sight of its prey, peeked out from the ground and, swinging its body like a whip, struck the tree on which Julia and Anri were on.



 Julia and Anri screamed.

 Unable to stand on the unstable foothold, they fell straight to the ground.

"......Anri, are you okay!?"

"Yeah! Julia, get up!!"

 Anri held out her hand and, contrary to earlier, Julia took her hand and stood up.

 But at that moment.

 The worm, which was still emerging from the ground toward the two of them, opened its mouth wide.

 The head of the worm, the tip of which splits in a crisscross pattern, gave a clear view of its mouth.

 There was nothing hard like teeth.

 It was essentially a creature that "dissolved" soil, insects, and animals.

 They have a strong bite to keep their prey from escaping, but they have no organs to crush them.

 Therefore, it had only an organ in its mouth for swallowing the prey it had sucked into its mouth.

 It was tentacles.

 Numerous short tentacles wriggle and drag anything that entered its mouth into the long worm's body.

 The worm then dissolved and absorbed the prey that enters its mouth―― that was the worm's biology.

 Julia and Anri stopped moving for a moment when they were shown such countless wriggling tentacles.


 Originally it was an organ for swallowing its prey.

 However, this mutated slime was different.

 The tentacles in front of them let out a cloudy white liquid from their tips, and from the smell, they knew what the liquid was.

 It was semen.

 A liquid to impregnate a woman.

 Julia saw it once.

 From the goblin, whose crotch was bulging at the sight of her.

 She was sure it was the same for the slimes in the form of other monsters.

 They get excited when they see a woman in front of them.

 Just like human men.

 That was what existed in the mouth of the worm.

 The countless tentacles reminded her of the time she was violated by the Black Ooze, but she understood through her instinct that the worm would swallow her, make it impossible for her to escape, and then violate her.



 Anri, remembering that, pointed the tip of her mithril sword at the worm while trembling.

 However, the sword never reached the worm.

 The monsters approaching from behind―― the most powerful of them all, the slime in the form of a demon race,  unleashed its magic.

 What was released was purple electricity.

 A powerful magic that the chimera-shaped slime could only release for a moment.

 But the demon-shaped slime released it for more than a few seconds, killing the incompetent worm monsters that stood in their way.



 She never thought a slime would kill a slime.

 The worm, burnt by the purple electricity, could no longer retain its form and melted and crumbled.

 It was proof that the "nucleus" inside its body could not withstand the power of the magic and shattered.

 Killing their companions.

 The shape was different, but their essence was slime.

 If it got in the way, it would even kill its own kind―― she didn't know if it was really a slime anymore.

 Unsure, Julia took Anri's hand and tried to escape.

 The worm had already been killed by the demon, all of it, and there was no vibration.




 Faster than Julia and Anri could run, the goblins, which had accelerated using its small size, hugged them as they turned their backs.

 Unfortunately, it was the moment they took their first step to run, so they were unable to hold their positions and they easily fell face-first to the ground.

 Julia's tight skirt was rolled up, leaving her bright red underwear fully exposed.

 Anri, also in a tight skirt but not yet tormented, had her round, shapely buttocks encased in her underwear sticking out behind her.

"Release me!!"

"Let go, nooo!?"

 One by one, the goblins hugged them both.

 Julia and Anri frantically flailed their bodies, still thinking there was a chance they could escape.

 Julia's ample buttocks, wrapped in passionate red underwear, swung from side to side, while Anri's tight skirt was rolled up as she frantically flailed about.

 It gradually began to reveal her cute blue underwear decorated with many frills that stood out in contrast to Julia's.

 Her tight skirt was quickly rolled up, exposing her ample, round, shapely buttocks, which were not quite as big as Julia's.

 Still, she was unable to pull away from the goblin who was clutching her back.

 The goblins also desperately cling to their backs, and while they do so, two or three more were added to their number.

 In no time at all, both Julia and Henri were bound by their arms and legs.

 The same as Julia that had been attacked earlier.

 A humiliating all-fours position.

 The only difference this time was that two childhood friends were next to each other.

"Julia, don't give up!"


 Julia had no weapon.

 When she was first attacked, she was so terrified that she let go of her sword.

 However, Anri still had a sword in her hand.

 There was a weapon.

 If the monster showed even the slightest opening, they could storm out and escape at that moment―― it was a miraculous chance, but it was the only way for the two of them to find a way out of this situation.

 Still, they have not given up, because their companions had escaped from this place safely.

 Maybe help would come in time, just as it did for Julia.

 Julia looked at Anri, who was on all fours next to her, and nodded forcefully.

"It's okay, help will come―― so don't give up."

"Of course, Julia."

 Besides, now there were two of them.

 With her childhood friend, they could overcome any crisis―― Julia and Anri thought of each other, and even this desperate situation seemed like a miracle would happen.

 As they were feeling uplifted in that way, the demons, chimera, and slimes in the shape of various monsters that caught up with them from behind...... ignored Julia and Anri and continued onward.


 They wondered about that and looked up at the monsters moving around ignoring them with surprised faces.

 They had expected to be gang raped by so many monsters.

 They thought they would be violated and tormented.

 In fact, however, many of the slimes ignored Julia and Anri, and the only ones left were goblins.

 But the number of goblins was not small.

 The number of goblins exceeded ten, and they divided into two groups and approached Julia and Anri's bodies.

"Kuh, don't touch me!!"

"No, stop!?"

 Julia remained strong, who was in her underwear, while Anri screamed and tried to escape from the goblin's hands that were closing in on her clothes.

 Unlike Anri, who focused on defense, she was wearing a metallic breastplate and cuirass, and naturally, the goblins first reached for her breastplate.

 When the metal fittings of the armor were broken with force, the iron breastplate was easily removed.

 What emerged from beneath it were large breasts that stretched the chest part of the military uniform, as though it had been forcibly stuffed with two balls of fruit.

 Her large breasts, which created an obscene shadow under her chest that attracted men's eyes, sway softly as though they were glad to be free from the tightness of her protective gear, and they were hanging loosely, pulled by gravity since she was on all fours.

"Uu, uuu..."

 Anri's breasts were not that large to begin with.

 Compared to Julia's, they were certainly larger, but they were about the normal size for a woman.

 However, after being violated by the Black Ooze and having some unknown liquid poured into her breasts via her nipples, her breasts became large, and even now, two years later, they have not returned to normal.

 Moreover, their sensitivity had developed to such an extent that even a slight tremor of her breasts against her clothes caused her to feel an obscene amount of pleasure.

 So Anri had no choice but to squeeze them with protective gear to minimize the shaking.

 When her eyes were drawn to such big, sensitive breasts, Anri became aware that her cheeks were turning red, even though she knew she had to resist.

 The goblin's hand now reached for the military uniform that wrapped her beautiful large breasts as it threw the iron material, which was no longer valuable as protective gear, to the ground, treating it like garbage.

 With dexterous finger movements that one would not expect from a goblin, the golden buttons on her uniform were carefully undone one by one, exposing her beautiful neck, which had not a single blemish, and as more buttons were undone, her skin was exposed more and more.

"Stop it, let her go!!"

 Her childhood friend was trembling in fear of her breasts being exposed―― and Julia, enraged by the sight, raised her voice and lashed out, the goblin hugging her back crawled its fingers up her spine.......


 Immediately, Julia felt a stream of cool air on her chest, and she let out a startled cry.

 The clasps of her bra were removed.

 The bright red bra was no longer covering her, and her breasts, which had fallen down, trembled as though to show off their softness.

 In fact, Julia's breasts were magnificent.

 They were not as large as Anri's, but still had just enough richness to fit in a man's hand.

 Its softness was obvious at a glance, but it had an elasticity that tried to keep its shape even when pulled by gravity.

 Moreover, Julia's nipples were already erect to the limit, probably because her breasts had been rubbed relentlessly when she was about to be violated earlier.

 Not only that, even her nipples had plumped up and swelled, adorning her splendidly beautiful breasts.

 Upset by such exposure of her breasts, Julia's cheeks turned red as her eyes widened in surprise.

"You! Let go of me!"

(I can't believe a monster would remove the clasps of my underwear......)

 In fact, the slimes did know about underwear and clothing.

 Removing clothes. Removing underwear.

 These were the knowledge needed to violate a woman.

 However, she was surprised to learn that even a lowly goblin knew, simply because of her preconceived notions.

 It was the same as the worm earlier.

 Goblins have the knowledge of swarming their prey, but they have only primitive weapons like wooden sticks in their hands.

 She had underestimated their low intelligence, not even knowing the value of iron, but she didn't realize that they were so good at removing their underwear―― she was reminded that the slimes really do have an unusual desire to "violate women".

"J-Julia. Are you okay!?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me, worry about yourself―― hyaa!?"

 As Julia tried to look strong, goblin fingers made of mucus touched her unprotected exposed nipples.

 There were five fingers.

 Three of them, the index finger, middle finger, and thumb, rub the entire sensitive area at once, from its areola to the tip of her nipple.

 There was no irritation.

 The wet fingers, which were mucus, did not cause any pain at all, but only stimulated her sensitive nipples and areola as a whole with good elasticity.

"Kuf, fuu... nhh――――  let, let go...!"

 With just that, a sweet sigh escaped Julia's lips, and the blonde fox-eared woman noticed it, and the light of will returned to her eyes, which had been almost debauched, and she glared at the goblins around her.

 However, her nose flared as the fingers rubbed relentlessly over and over again in her nipple area, and the redness in her cheeks spread to her neck.

 The more she tried to endure, the more she inevitably become aware of her nipples, a vicious cycle.

 Her breasts, which were not as large as Anri's, have a slight tremble and were a very easy part for the goblin to stimulate.

 A slight back and forth motion of the finger would make the woman on all fours gasp, her voice trembling, and she would stare at it, blushing with humiliation.

 Amused by that, the goblin rubbing her breasts moved its fingers back and forth while pinching her nipples over and over again.

 Sickeningly, from base to tip. Tip to root.

 Over and over, again and again and again.

"Fu―, fuu――."

 After a while, Julia could no longer keep her face up and looked down to hide her expression, which was becoming debauched against her will.

 But the goblin would not allow it.

 It grabbed her waist-length blonde hair and forced her to look up, and then turned her face toward Anri, who was being tormented by goblins near her.

"Fuu...... don't, look...... don't look, Anri...... I......"

 Julia's face was terrible.

 Anri, with her raccoon ears, was often called cute by those around her, but Julia, with her magnificent blond hair, ears and tail of the same color, and piercing red eyes, was regarded by men and women alike as good-looking and beautiful.

 They were childhood friends and belong to the same unit, so they often worked together, and Anri was often compared to Julia.

 The lovely Anri and the beautiful Julia.

 At the same time, she admired Julia's beauty.

 A childhood friend who had a charm that she didn't have.

 A talented young woman who never lost her dignity even when her male colleagues gave her special glances and concentrated on honing her fighting skills.

 More than once, she envied Julia.

 That Julia......

"Don't look... Anri, don't...!?"

 Her face turned bright red, she clenched her teeth desperately, but she couldn't hold back, her lips opened and wouldn't close, drool spilled from the edges of her lips, she sniffled, sweated, her eyes as beautiful as red jade looked at Anri but didn't reflect her figure―― she gasped and climaxed while Anri looked at her.

 It was a light climax.

 A climax that only compulsion managed to endure, or so it seemed.

 But Anri, who was also a woman, could only imagine the degree of pleasure.

 She also had been captured by the Black Ooze and violated in the same place.

 Every part of Anri's body was also developed, and she somehow knew how sensitive Julia's nipples had become.

 Just touching her nipples was a pleasure that penetrated her brain to her core.

 When her nipples were fondled back and forth, she climaxed just from that alone.

 And the stimulation was repeated over and over again.

 Julia was probably thinking about the stimulation of her nipples, even though she was complaining to Anri with her mouth.

 The terrible climaxing face complained so.


"Haoo!? hii, hyuu......!! no...... more!?

 As was the case with the Black Ooze, the goblin slime was not satisfied with just a few climax.

 Julia had climaxed, but her nipples were not released, and they were still being caressed back and forth.

 It was only stimulating a small part called a nipple.

 It may seem that way to others, but to Julia and Anri, who have been developed to climax from their nipples alone, even just that much stimulation was a powerful treatment.

 Once they climaxed, they would get disoriented and unable to think about anything else.

 The expression on her face, which was so disheveled by the pleasure that it had forgotten her normal dignified warrior face, changed to an even worse face as she climaxed a second or third time, with drool, sweat, tears, and even snot dripping down her nose.

"Julia, endure it!!"

"Ah, auu... Anri, Anriii..."

 She was momentarily taken aback by the change in her strong, dignified childhood friend, but she talked to Julia to help her endure until help arrived.

 If they were drowning in pleasure when rescue arrived, they have no choice but to drag them.

 If that happened, they would put not only themselves but also the people who had come to their rescue in danger.

 Anri called out to her, desperately trying to prevent that from happening.

"An, ri... it's, okay... I'm, still finee."

 Her tone was not very okay, but she still maintained her self, which was a feat.

 ...But it was still just touching her nipples.

 And the clutches of such goblins were closing in on Anri.

 The hand movements that had not been moving to show Julia's condition resumed, and one by one, the golden buttons fastening the chest part of her military uniform were undone.

 Its deep cleavage was visible, and when the next one was undone, the edge of a pretty blue bra, the same as her panties, peeked out.

 The white frills emphasized its cuteness and matched Anri's atmosphere.

 It was the underwear chosen for her by Julia, who was very attentive to her attire.

 Grabalt was not so particular about clothes.

 At best, they wear protective equipment, including military uniforms that were highly protective of blades.

 The only people who pay attention to the underwear they wore were Fornelis, who were royalty, and those who belong to the families of the heads of various tribes, who were considered to be nobles in Fonteau.

 Julia and Anri, who were talented but not from a special bloodline, were different from the other ordinary beastmen in that they also paid attention to their attire.

 Or rather, it was Julia who was paying attention to it.

 The underwear that Julia had chosen for her was finally exposed.

 It was a lovely blue bra that matched her panties.

 The edges were decorated with white frills, and the center was adorned with a dark blue one-pointed ribbon.

 It may seem a bit childish, but it suited Anri, who usually had a calm personality.

 However, her blue underwear was easily discolored and stained when the goblin's mucus fingers touched it.

 Anri was sad that her underwear was soiled because she felt as though her memories of Julia had been stained, perhaps in an attempt to remember the past a little to endure the humiliation.

 But she couldn't stay sad forever.

 They had to keep themselves sane and escape when help arrived.

"Julia, hang in there! Endure it!"


 Julia, whose heart was breaking at the mere handling of her nipples, replied in a trembling voice that sounded as though she was about to cry.

 Her words gave Anri courage as well.

"If Julia is going to endure, I'll do my best too―― Hyaaa!?"

 When Anri tried to call out to Julia once more to encourage her, however, she jerked.

 The slime's hand lay on top of her bra and began to rub her nipple precisely over the thick fabric of her underwear.

 They were hard as nails, but not sharp.

 Just the right amount of stimulation even over the top of her underwear.

 Anri, whose breasts had been developed to be just as sensitive as Julia's, if not more sensitive than Julia's, turned her face down with just that one touch.

 Her maroon-colored hair also fell down, hiding her expression.

 But the round raccoon ears twitched and quivered, and it was clear that Anri felt her entire body trembled in time to the movement of the goblin's fingers.

 Her reaction was more than Julia's, indicating that her breasts were extremely sensitive.

 After a few minutes of that, a sweet smell began to spread around them.

 If one looked closely, one could see a faint white liquid on the tip of the goblin's mucus finger.

 ......Breast milk.

 It was also developed by the slime, and the black ooze entered through Anri's nipples, who had not yet been able to produce breast milk and stimulated it inside, developing a constitution that facilitated the production of breast milk.

 The development may have been largely due to her own constitution, but Anri, who had the inhuman pleasure of developing her mammary glands that she would never have known if she had lived a normal life, believed that her breasts had been remade by the slime.

 The change had not improved even in the two years since she was rescued until today, so much so that she had to squeeze them to relieve the tension in her breasts when they become tight.

 It did not affect her daily life or combat, but when she squeezed her breasts, she remembered the torment done by the Black Ooze and remembered the pleasure she felt―― it was Anri's weakness.

 Goblins were also a type of slime, after all, and have they inherited that memory?

 The first man in the depths of their memory.

 Pulling the memory of the old man in its memory, it got down on all fours and began to squeeze Anri's breasts, which were dripping with milk like a milk cow.

 It gripped it forcefully at the base and squeezed it toward the tip.

 As it did so, the milk that had accumulated in her large breasts gathered toward her nipples, which were the exit, and spurted out through the mammary glands, which were completely open after having been released many times over the past two years.

"Fuu, nhhh!!"

 When a large amount of milk spurted out during the process, Anri screamed with her face down and her whole body trembled.

 Strength drained from her who was on all fours supporting her body, and she seemed likely to fall to the ground at any moment.

(This, is...)

 Anri was horrified by the sheer pleasure.

 Her entire body was shaking, and it wouldn't stop.

 On her lower body, where nothing was being done, a discoloration appeared on her blue panties that were exposed, and the area was gradually expanding.

 The goblins were not interested in the love juices leaking from her vagina.

 The fluids from the beastmen, who have no mana, were no longer food for the slimes, which have grown and multiplied to this extent.

 Julia and Anri, who were being tormented in the place, were just toys.

 They would continue to violate and impregnate women and were toys for the slimes in the form of monsters to learn how to violate women.

 A tool of the lowest class, given to goblins who "couldn't use magic" as a monster species.

 Julia and Anri were unaware that they were no longer even seen as nurseries or mothers, but were treated with disregard for their value as women.

 They desperately endure, then escape from this torment, and one day, when they regain their strength, they would kill the slimes again.

 They just have to endure for that time.

 They were on all fours on the ground, lined up and climaxing just by having their breasts squeezed strongly.

"Fuu, guhhh!?"

"Fuu―― nhhhh!!"

 She desperately stifled her voice and held back the urge to climax.

 Even so, she could not hide the trembling of her entire body, and her tail, which was peculiar to the beastman, was stretched out to show the degree of pleasure she was feeling.

 It continued to stimulate her breasts.

 The other goblin ran its tongue along her neck, licked her armpits, stroked her belly, and rubbed her navel.

 It made the woman feel.

 A woman was a woman, even though she was a beastwoman which the slimes could not gain any mana.

 The goblins stimulated Julia and Anri's sexual zones in order to increase their knowledge that they could use one day when they violate elves and humans who have mana.

 It was not a pleasant experience for the two.

 Even their limbs have been developed by the Black Ooze and were more sensitive than normal people.

 Their bodies were so sensitive that they climax just by having their breasts squeezed, and when they were continuously stimulated in all kinds of places....



 They climaxed together, desperately stifling their voices, and before the wave of climaxes could recede, the next climax struck.

"Fuguu!? Fuuu, fuguuu!?"

"Fumuu!? Fuaaah!? No, no more――― higuuu!?"

 Anri was the first to open her mouth.

 She couldn't stand it when not only her breasts were stimulated, but also her armpits, belly, and navel.

 Unable to hold back the urge to climax, she opened her mouth and let her high-pitched, whining voice echo through the dark forest.

"Fuaaah!? Stop, no moreee!?"

"Fuguu!? Ahh, no, stop alreadyyy!?"

 When Anri opened her mouth, Julia, who had been enduring, also reached her limit.

 In the first place, it was futile to endure the caresses of the slimes.

 Moreover, both women had once been violated and their entire bodies were developed.

 They easily opened their mouths, and once they let out a charming sound, their moaning voices began to echo through the forest as though they had forgotten to endure.

"Hiii!? My breasts, not my breaaasts!?"

"Not my breaasts!? Not my armpits or my bellyyy!?"

 Anri cried from the stimulation to her chest, and Julia cried from the pleasure given to her entire body.

 On the lower half of their body, where nothing had been done, their panties had been discolored by the continuous climax from the stimulation of their upper body alone, and sticky love juice leaking and dripping from Julia's red underwear, which had been discolored from the start.

 It was a terrible sight.

 The lower half of her body, which was covered by wet panties, was swinging from side to side without her permission, as though she was inviting the man to penetrate her.

 Her body remembered.

 What would they do to me next?

 Her womb was penetrated by the tentacle of the Black Ooze, and the seed of the foul monster was poured inside the sacred place for a woman.

 Just thinking about it made her womb, which was being stimulated by the light tapping on her belly, tingle, as though it was preparing to conceive a child.

 The proof was in the fact that her legs, which were on all fours, were opened shoulder-width apart, leaving her in a position where she could be easily violated by a man.

 Their buttocks wrapped in red and blue underwear danced as though they wanted to be violated, tempting the goblins standing behind them.

"Stop it already!? Not my, breaaasts!!"

"Hiiii!? My mind, my mind is going crazy, I'm going crazyyy!?"

 When Anri and Julia climaxed together, they both squirted from their pubic areas, which opened and closed repeatedly, even though nothing was being done to them.

 How many times have they squirted now―― the ground beneath their crotches was so wet that the soil turned to mud and stained their knees.

 As the two girls lost their strength and tried to fall to the ground, the goblins grabbed them by their hair and supported them.

 If they fell down, it would be hard to violate them.

 The goblins behind them move the crotch part of the red and blue panties to the side.

 There they see a woman's vagina, which retained its beautiful shape even though it was roughly handled two years ago, and above that, even their anus, which should be kept hidden, was in full view.

 When the goblins exposed their lower half, they placed their male genitalia, which was disproportionately large for its small body, on the female genitalia.

 There was no heat.

 The goblin's penis was not burning hot, but it is cool and hard, and Julia and Anri, still in a daze from the continuous climaxes, wondered what was going on.

 They felt something but could do nothing more.

 Their bodies could not move because of too many climaxes.

 It was hard even to maintain their posture.

 And it was only just from the stimulation on their upper body, such as their breasts and armpits.

 This time it was from the lower body's sexual zone, which was a natural part of being a woman―― the female genitalia.



 They both screamed pitifully and climaxed in time to the goblin's insertion, their eyes rolling back from the stimulation that was too strong for them.

 Their mouths were wide open as they unconsciously tried to breathe, and even their noses were puffed up, revealing their pitiful expressions.

 It was only for a moment.

"Fugiii!? Hii, hyuu!? W-what, whaaa!?"

"Hiii!? Stop, hiii!? Stooop!?"

 As the movement of the goblin's hips brought them back to consciousness, Julia and Anri did not understand for a moment what was happening.

 The faintingly wild and thick goblin's male genitalia was long enough to reach below their navels, and with a single insertion, it easily penetrated up to their womb, the most sacred part of a girl's body.

 The two girls fainted from the stimulation and were aroused by the stimulation of the long male spear piercing their womb.

 That was just a few seconds.

 Their thoughts were confused, their bodies trembled from the overpowering pleasure, their rational minds tried desperately to understand what was happening, and their vagina tightened on their own, trying to push out the foreign object inside their bodies.

"Fuooh!? Ooooh!?"

"Ahh!? Higuu, nooo!?"

 Julia made a wild, animal-like whining voice that one could not imagine from her former neat good looks, and Anri made a high-pitched whining voice, as though she was still trying desperately to hold back.

 The two childhood friends' contrasting charming voices filled the dark forest, but instead of weakening, they gradually intensified.

 The goblins behind them intensified their hip movements.

 The sound of their ample buttocks colliding with the mucus echoed, and each time they were penetrated to the deepest part of their womb, they were assaulted by pleasure so intense that their eyes went blank and felt as though they were being burned to the core.

 Julia's beautiful breasts, freed from their underwear, bounced back and forth violently, and the stimulation of the metal clasps on the back side hitting it was also pleasurable.

 Anri's ample breasts, still wrapped in her underwear, ripple inside her underwear as though to show off their unbelievable softness, and the stimulation of her overly sensitive nipples rubbing against the fabric of her underwear was enough to bring her to climax.

 The milk, which could no longer be absorbed by the blue fabric of her lovely underwear, dripped down.

"Anri, Anriiiii!!"

"Julia, juliaaaaa!!"

 They climaxed, calling each other's names.

 Their vision could no longer see anything but ahead, and they could not see how their childhood friend was being violated next to them.

 They recognize each other's presence as they shout each other's names, and they feel anxious, as though they would otherwise be all alone.

 Such pleasure and being alone, was unbearable.

 The fear that made Julia let go of her sword and run away when she was about to be attacked alone.

 However, if her childhood friend was by her side―― with that single thought, Julia moved her left hand and Henri moved her right hand to hold each other.

 They held each other's hands so tightly that their skin turned white, their fingers intertwined, and they felt each other's body heat.

"Anri, I'm sorry, I'm sorryyyy!"

 Julia thought with what little reason she had left that this would not happen if she had not jumped out on her own accord.

 Because she had jumped out of a desire for revenge, she had even hurt her childhood friend.

 She apologized for that.

"Julia, I, here, I'm glad you're with me!"

 Such things did not matter to Anri.

 She could be with her childhood friend.

 She was close enough to make sure she was safe.

 That alone was enough to reassure her.

 The two of them held hands in the midst of the pleasant sensation that seemed to burn out their thoughts and minds.

"Hiiii!? Anriiii!?"

"Juliaaa, juliaaaa!?"

 They climaxed, screaming each other's names.

 The strongest and deepest climax they had ever had.

 They lost their reason, they felt weak, they forgot everything, they felt like they were going to pass out.

 A feeling of exhaustion that was even comforting, as though they were meditating and being immersed in a happy dream.

 While being wrapped in it...



 When the next goblins inserted their male genitalia into the unprotected vaginal holes of the two climaxing and deflowered women, they were given new climaxes as they writhed in agony without the lingering effects of their climaxes receding.

 They let out a mournful, charming cry, and their entire bodies shook violently as they arched their backs on all fours, exposing their white necks.

 They exposed their skin and underwear while clad in black military uniforms, shaking their breasts while trembling from their climax, over and over again―― the humiliation of being made to climax by goblins who they could easily defeat in a normal fight.

 But they found that even the feeling of regret was slowly disappearing.

 More than fear, more than humiliation, more than resistance, their bodies that had already been developed and were about to forget them climaxed easily and sought pleasure.

 Unconsciously, their hips began to match the goblin's movements, their vaginal flesh clamped down on the penises, and their womb cried out, seeking new semen, and tightened their entrance.

 Julia and Anri felt their stomachs heat up as the goblin's rhythmic movements stimulated not only their womb but also their ovaries deep within.

 They felt it, but there was nothing they could do about it.

 The second ejaculation filled their wombs to the brim, and when the goblin's penis was pulled out a moment later, the white fluid that could not be contained in their womb spilled out of their vaginal hole.

"Haa, haah……"

"Ah, I can't..."

 The goblins separated from the two bodies.

 Unable to support their own weight, the two beauties collapse to the ground.

 Around them, more than a dozen goblins stood and looked down at the two who have collapsed.

"No... let me, rest..."

"Hyuu... I'm already, at my limit..."

 They didn't care about such intentions.

 They didn't care about the will of two people.

 Another goblin grabbed them by their waist, spread their legs, and inserted themselves back in.

 ――The two's charming voice continued to echo deep in the forest.

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