Master's Philia (WN): Chapter 21



 The day after the incident where a monster appeared in the royal capital.

 When Aifie recognized Tigaro who came to the school, she quickly appeared in a dignified manner.

"You're here!"

 Aifie was looking straight at Tigaro, her long blue hair flowing, her uniform pushing up her breasts as if they were sticking out.

 Tigaro didn't seem surprised to see his childhood friend standing in front of him, his usual smile plastered on his face.

"Hello, Aifietouka-jou."

 Tigaro smiled as usual and greeted her as if nothing had happened last night.

 From that look, Aifie could see he didn't intend to talk about it.

 However, Aifie's gaze is fixed on Tigaro as if she doesn't want to let him go.

 Hmph, Aifie scoffs at Tigaro's smile.

"Are you ready to explain what happened yesterday?"


 Tigaro checks his surroundings from the side of his eyes while buying time by distracting Aifie's question with a friendly smile.

 Perhaps it was scary to see these two, who are the main family members of the three major noble families in the kingdom, the Noros and Asur families, together, but no one was foolish enough to try to engage in conversation, and the students at the school just watched Aifie and Tigaro from a distance.

 At this distance, no one else would be able to hear the conversation between Tigaro and Aifie.

 Tigaro smiled and said it in a voice that only Aifie could hear.

"[I forbid you from trying to get involved in yesterday's monster incident]."


 Under Aifie's clothes, a slave mark appeared just below her navel.

 However, the students who are watching Tigaro and Aifie from a distance do not notice the slave crest hidden under her uniform.

 Aifie, who felt something strange about the magic core deep inside her body and sensed the command, made a surprised expression.

"Wait, what do you mean!!"

 Clearly thinking that she would receive a proper explanation from Tigaro, Aifie showed her anger and approached Tigaro.

 However, no matter how hard she tries, Tigaro just accepts it with a smile.

 The reason why Tigaro deliberately added the restriction in the form of an order was to prevent others from knowing that Aifie was Tigaro's slave.

 If he were to forbid Aifie from getting involved at the request of others, she would be in a situation where Aifie would have no choice but to refuse when she was asked to cooperate with something regarding the monster.

 However, Aifie, who is willing to act for the people of the kingdom, would normally not refuse such a request, and some people would be suspicious of that.

 There, she is deeply investigated, and when it becomes known that Aifie is enslaved by Tigaro, Tigaro's position becomes disadvantageous.

 That would be the same as not being able to protect Aifie.

 In order to avoid that, Tigaro decided to allow Aifie to get involved in this case at the request of others.

 This is an unavoidable constraint.

 If possible, he'd like to completely distance Aifie from this matter, but that's a little difficult.

 In order to completely eliminate the danger that could reach Aifie, Tigaro needs to resolve this matter immediately.

 Thinking so, Tigaro accepted Aifie's harsh gaze with a smile.

"Ah! Aifietouka-sama!! And Tigarokent-sama!!"

 A voice calls out to the two of them from the gate of the Royal Academy.

 Tigaro and Aifie turned towards it at the same time.

 Coming from the gate was Mofis, who was wearing the robes of the Wind Holy Knights, and the dwarf who was following behind him with a slightly gloomy look on his face―― Brelin.

 Tigaro instantly predicts that since Mofis is there, there will definitely be talk about last night.

"[Let's talk]."


 When Tigaro gave the command without looking at her, Aifie, who was standing next to him, gasped a little, probably because she was still not used to the feeling of the slave crest reacting to the command.

 Unaware of the hidden exchange between the two, Mofis walks in, his Wind Holy Knights' robes fluttering.

"You're both together? It was convenient."

"Haha, we just happened to meet there."

"Is that so? T-there are a few things I would like to ask you about last night..."

 Mofis briefly looks around.

 Surrounded by children of aristocrats attending the Royal Academy.

 Their appearance was diverse, with some enjoying a tea party in the garden and others passing by the school building, but there was no doubt that most of their attention was directed towards them.

 Tigaro and Aifie were attracting attention just by talking, but now that Mofis and the others have joined them, they are attracting even more attention.

"It's not very comfortable here, so let's change the location a little."

 It seems like last night's incident is not something that should be widely known to the general public yet.

 Tigalo nodded to Mofis who spoke in a low voice.


 Mofis guided Tigaro and the others to the back of a deserted school building.

 Tigaro still has a friendly smile on his face, and Aifie is puffing out her cheeks a little as if she's dissatisfied with something.

 Mofis took out paper and a brush and began asking questions to the two.

"Then I would like to ask you more details about the monster that appeared in the capital last night."

"Ah, first of all, it's size..."

 Tigaro answers in detail about the monster's appearance, including its size, shape, and skeleton.

 This is the part where there is no problem even if it is known, so there are no lies or falsehoods mixed in.

 Rather, if the information from other sources doesn't match up and a lie is discovered, Tigaro's future words will be doubted, so he chooses his words carefully.

"Hmm, the characteristics match the other witnesses."

 Moffis nods after stopping his writing and checking.

 Aifie's expression, which had puffed out her cheeks and looked dissatisfied, suddenly changed as if she realized something.

 She asked Mofis, a look of concern in her eyes.

"You mean Mozu, the other witness?"

 That's the female student who was with Aifie last night.

 According to what Tigaro heard from Aifie when they parted ways yesterday, it seems that the two of them had agreed to have tea yesterday, and on the way back in the carriage, they were suddenly attacked by a monster.

 From there, it was probably just as Tigaro saw it.

"Yes, Mozu-sama did not have any external injuries, but she seemed to be suffering mentally from being exposed to the threat of the monster, so she has been absent from school today as a precaution."

"...I see. That kid also went through a lot of trouble."

 Tigaro smiled bitterly inwardly at Aifie's concern for others, putting aside the fact that she was one of the people who had been attacked.

 He can't help but feel that priceless expression on Aifie's face that shows how much she cares about the people of her kingdom.

 As Mofis strokes his brush again, he turns his gaze towards Tigaro.

"Tigarokent-sama. You said yesterday that the monster disappeared, but do you know exactly how?"

"No, that's because the monster went into that back alley, so I followed it, but by the time I got there, it was no longer there."

"Hmm, it suddenly disappeared..."

 In response to Mofis' question, Tigaro said the words he had prepared in advance.

 If he says something like [it flew off somewhere], there is a possibility that there will be a contradiction with witnesses who were near the scene.

 Therefore, instead of narrowing down the possibilities, Tigaro decided to answer vaguely, saying that he didn't know either.

 If this is the answer, Mofis probably won't have any specifications to mention.

 Just as Tigaro had planned, Mofis also frowned at the answer, which didn't reveal the monster's destination.

 However, right after that, Mofis noticed Tigaro's gaze staring at him.

 Perhaps he misunderstood Tigaro's troubled expression, and Mofis hurriedly waved his hand and began to explain himself.

"N-no, I'm not doubting Tigaro-sama's words..."

"Ah, I see. It was my fault for letting the monster escape."

 Mofis panics as Tigaro smiles with a smile that seems artificially sad.

"N-no, originally speaking, it was the fault of the kingdom's knights who allowed the monster to invade..."

"Mofis. It's better not to take too much of what this guy says. He always tells lies."

 When Mofis states that it was not Tigaro's fault, Aifie, who is staring at Tigaro, advises him.

 Even though he received Aifies's gaze, Tigaro just kept his usual smile on his face.

 In his mind, Tigaro was relieved that he had successfully evaded Mofis' pursuit.

"I-I see... So, there were many burn marks at the scene, but did the monsters also use magic?"

"No, rather than magic, I think it was more like a fire breather like a wyvern. The range was wide, so I had a hard time minimizing the damage."

"O-oh…. I-I can’t believe you weren’t just thinking about suppressing the monster, you were also thinking about the people of the kingdom! Well, as expected of Tigarokent-sama!!"

"Haha, as a member of the Noros family, this is only natural."

 Tigaro took advantage of Mofis's deliberate attempt to please him.

 If Mofis were to gain an advantageous position with this, it would be even more difficult for him to pursue Tigaro's statements in depth.

 With that, Tigaro, who was taking the initiative in the conversation, turned his attention to the dwarf who was accompanying Eul behind Mofis―― Brelin.

 Tigaro has a rough guess as to why he's here, but asks purposefully as if he doesn't know anything.

"So, Brelin-dono is investigating as well?"

"No, he's concerned about another matter. I'm also going to various places, so he is going around with me."

 Prompted by Mofis's gaze, Brelin nodded and opened his mouth.

"...Actually, Eul-sama hasn't been seen since last night."


 Aifie, who was next to Tigaro, gasped.

 She saw Tigaro and Kenna putting someone with red hair in a bag, and she was almost certain of it.

 Placing his hand on his chin, Tigaro pretends to be ignorant as he asks Aifie.

"Hmm, I haven't seen her. What about Aifietouka-jou?"

"――. I haven't seen her either."

 Aifie answered, even though she wanted to say something.

 It seems that Tigaro's orders are working properly.

 After checking on Aifie's condition and putting a friendly smile on his face, Tigaro asked Brelin a question.

"When was the last time you saw Eul-dono?"

 It would be troublesome if people probed too deeply about Eul, but for Tigaro, who doesn't have much information, this is also a good opportunity to obtain new information.

 The flow of the conversation was perfect for drawing out information that Tigaro didn't know.

"Hmm... me and the others are living in the Fonedao family's mansion, and the last time I saw her there was before dinner."

"Fonedao family?"

 Tigaro repeated that and glanced at Mofis.

 Although he is a distant relative, he is a member of a family that bears the name Fonedao.

 He is probably the most knowledgeable person here about the inside of the Fonedao family.

 Upon receiving Tigaro's gaze, Mofis' body stiffened with tension for a moment, but he shook his head silently.

"Although I am a member of the Fonedao family, I am distantly related to the main family. Except for being a member of the Wind Holy Knights, my status is almost as good as that of a commoner. I have arranged to visit them, but it seems that it is still taking some time to understand the situation from last night."

 Although the Fonedao family is one of the three major nobles, there are many families with whom they are related by blood.

 As a result, there were a lot of people coming and going in the Fonedao household, and it seemed like it would take some time just to keep track of them.

 To be honest, he'd like to find out more information about Eul, but it would be a bad idea to pursue it any deeper now.

 Tigaro, who saw the moment of withdrawal, stopped asking deeply.

"I see. If we find out anything, we'll contact you right away."

"Thank you. Yeah, I hope Eul-sama's light of life is safe..."

 Brelin's expression remained gloomy as he answered.


 Perhaps they were busy interviewing people about yesterday's incident, after Mofis and Brelin finished their conversation with Tigaro and Aifie, they immediately left to go to their next location.

 After the two left, Aifie stared at Tigaro's profile.

 It was a look of amazement and contempt.

"You can say such random things so easily."

"Hahaha, I'm honored to receive your compliment."

 Tigaro smiled even at Aifie's disdainful gaze.

 And Tigaro once again looked directly at Aifie.

"Now then……"


 Aifie retreated back, as if she felt some kind of pressure from Tigaro's direct gaze.

 Tigaro was the taller of the two, and Aifie could feel that his body was trained through the martial arts of the Noros family, and from his appearance, he had a strong core.

 Aifie's back, which was being cornered by Tigaro who was smiling, was against the wall of the school building.

 By the time Aifie suddenly noticed, Tigaro's hand had reached Aifie's skirt.


 A scream leaks from Aifie's mouth.

 Surprised, Aifie immediately tries to stop Tigaro's hand from slipping into her skirt with her own hand, but Tigaro, who is used to it, has already put his hand deep inside her panties and touches Aifie's v*gina.

 A finger was inserted.

"H-hey, all of a sudden..."

 The finger that was suddenly inserted stopped when Tigaro's middle finger entered her v*gina up to the first joint.

 Even though it was forcibly inserted, strangely there was no pain.

"Ha, ha……"

 Surprised by the suddenness, Aifie adjusted her breathing and subconsciously tried to block out the strange feeling at the entrance of her v*gina.

 Aifie, who had become a slave, had expected to some extent that Tigaro would attack her eventually, but she never expected to be cornered in the open like this.

 If the Noros family's rumors are true, Aifie will definitely be raped by Tigaro from now on.

 Aifie looked at Tigaro's face, suppressing the feeling of her heart pounding without knowing why, even though she was about to be put through a terrible experience.

 Tigaro is wearing that creepy smile as usual.

 Aifie doesn't know what he's thinking.

 Even though it was supposed to be that way, there was a certain kind of kindness in Tigaro's eyes towards Aifie, and it overlapped with the old Tigaro who once stroked Aifie's hair.

 ――If Aifie will protect everyone, if I protect you, you'll be invincible.

 Tigaro's words from that day come back to the back of Aifie's head.

 Perhaps because of that, Aifie ended up saying it.

"H-hmph. You used to say that you would protect me, but now you've fallen!"

"...Haha, did that happen? I forgot."

 If it's Tigaro, he'll remember it.

 Thinking so, Aifie let out a small voice when she heard Tigaro's unexpected words.

 Then, she was so upset that her eyes widened.

 The pounding in her heart that should have been comfortable turned into a pain that felt like it was falling in an instant.

 Aifie thought that no matter how much Tigaro changed, he would still remember those words, and she felt as if her heart was sinking.

 After a while, Aifie remembered that Tigaro was looking at her.

 She hurriedly corrected her expression and turned away.

"...Y-yeah, that's right! Hmph."

 Even as she looks away, Aifie checks Tigaro's face from the side.

 Tigaro's gaze was directed not at Aifie's eyes, but at the skirt he had touched.

 ――D-did he really, forgot it...?

 Aifie falls into deep despair at Tigaro's seemingly uninteresting behavior.

 He probably doesn't know how happy those words made Aifie.

 And, for just a moment, Aifie's expression darkened.

"…Tigaro is a liar."

 Aifie muttered in a voice that couldn't even be heard by Tigaro who was nearby.

 At that moment, a slight numbing sensation ran deep inside Aifie's body.


 Aifie let out a sound as she felt it tickle the depths of her womb.

"...Yep. The slave crest is firmly engraved."

 This was because Tigaro poured mana into Aifie's magic core through his fingers in order for the slave crest carved into her magic core to react.

 However, since he simply released mana and did not deliver the mana that absorbed the life force, it was not possible to refine Odo.

 However, it was enough to confirm the slave crest that Tigaro carved yesterday.

 Since she was enslaved so quickly yesterday, Tigaro was also worried about whether it was properly established.

 The reason why he suddenly approached Aifie was to confirm this.

 Tigaro gently removes his fingers from the v*ginal opening so as not to hurt Aifie's precious body.

 Aifie's body trembled as she felt Tigaro's fingers slip out.

"Ah...!? Eh... d-done already...?"

 When Aifie saw Tigaro's finger slipping out easily, she turned to Tigaro in surprise.

 Aifie, who has become a slave, cannot disobey the orders of Tigaro, the master of the slave crest.

 This was proven by the interaction between Mofis and the others earlier, and using that fact, Aifie just thought that she was about to be raped by Tigaro.

 However, Tigaro's action was unexpected.

"...? Well, I was able to confirm the slave crest."

 Saying that, Tigaro turns around and tries to leave.

 Aifie felt lonely at Tigaro's actions.

 In the past, he used to stroke Aifie so gently and touch her so much.

 For some reason, she thought so.

 Partly because he didn't remember the words he had said to Aifie a long time ago, Aifie felt sad.

 Aifie, who had such mixed feelings and wanted to do something about it, opened her mouth as Tigaro tried to leave.

"――H-hmp. You used to be more less hesitant, but now you are afraid to touch me?"

 Tigaro stopped in his tracks as he heard a voice that sounded like it was ridiculing him, spitting out her frustration.


 Then, Tigaro turned around silently and caught Aifie's face with his gaze.

 Tigaro saw a slightly regretful expression on Aifie's cheeks, which was slightly red.

 However, that expression appeared only for a moment.

 In contrast to his curt attitude from earlier, Aifie was happy to see Tigaro react properly.

 The disappointment in her heart eased and Aifie felt a little better, lifting her mouth and folding her lips as she continued speaking.

"You ran away from the fight with me before, and even though you made me your slave, you're still scared of me…. Even though you used to protect me, Tigaro isn’t that big of a deal."

 As if to get revenge, she turns her face away from Tigaro as if she's not interested, pouts at him, and provokes him.

 Earlier, he had been acting very curtly.

 If she doesn't do something like this, it won't be worth the frustration that Tigaro doesn't know.

 While making excuses in her mind, Aifie glanced at Tigaro from the side.

 Tigaro turned straight to Aifie and was wearing his usual smile.

 However, his eyes held a ferocity that Tigaro usually does not show, as if he were aiming for his prey.

 Aifie instinctively knew that she was about to be attacked.

 Then, she fell into the illusion of being captured by Tigaro's eyes, and a numbness mixed with pleasure sent shivers down her spine.

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