Master's Philia (WN): Interlude 1


Interlude: Valentine Episode 1

 The Valentine's Day episode that I had originally prepared cannot be released yet due to the main story, so I have prepared this story instead.

 Please note that this story is (probably) unrelated to the main story, so you can enjoy the main story without any problems even if you don't read it.


 It was not long before Tigaro had made Kenna his slave.

 The location is the large grounds in the royal capital of the Noros family, one of the three greatest aristocrats in the kingdom.

 It is surrounded by a high stone wall, and a magic barrier is placed above it.

 There is only one gate near the main residence that can be accessed from this Noros family compound.

 Of course, this strict security network is meant to prevent foreign invaders from entering the premises, but depending on how you look at it, it can also look like a prison.

 On the premises of the Noros family, There were two shadows heading towards the detached house.

"Irisio-sama, this way."

"S-shut up. I always tell you not to tell me what to do!"

 The person who was hopping on the spot and rushing Irisio was Redul, a beastman who had been enslaved and brought in by the Noros family the other day.

 And the person screaming out of breath at her was Irisio, a cousin of Psyphro, Skrios, and Tigaro from the Noros family.

"Eh, but Redul's master is not Irisio-sama but your father, so it doesn't matter, right? Come on, hurry up."

 Redul, who was wearing a newly made maid outfit on top of her light purple fur, which is the proof that she was a member of the Purple Leopard tribe, was smiling brightly, not seeming to be bothered by Irisio's angry voice.

 There was no way Irisio, a human race, could match Redul, a beastman with excellent physical abilities, but Irisio was moving his legs frantically without noticing this.

"Wheeze*, wheeze*."

"Aha. Irisio-sama is out of breath after all this. Well, your father will tell you that this is a whip of love, and he will get angry, you know?"

 Irisio, who was breathing heavily, had no time to reply to Redul who was making fun of him.

 The two of them are going to the detached house located far away from the main residence.

 When the roof came into view, Redul noticed something moving in front of the house.

"Huh? That's Tigarokent-sama over there."

 The person there was Tigarokent Noros, the third son of the main Noros family.

 It seems that he was practicing martial arts in the garden of the house.

 He is also practicing swinging his fists, kicking, and jumping backward to evade attacks.

 Then, sometimes, something like a tentacle came out of his hand, and he was manipulating it with slightly stiff and clumsy movements.

 Redul runs towards him waving his hand, ignoring Tigaro's concentrating state.

"Yaho, Tigarokent-sama!"

"Haa... haa... Ah, hello, Redul. And Irisio-dono too."

 Tigaro wiped the sweat from his cheeks and slipped the tentacle he had put out into his hand.

 Redul exchanged a cursory greeting with Tigaro, who was the third son of the main family in the Noros family, and observed every corner of the house in front of her with a curious gaze.

 The house was a modest house, lacking the luxurious decorations of the main residence located a little further away.

 Even for Redul, who was just brought to the kingdom, it seems to be about the same size as a commoner's house in the royal capital.

 Remembering that Psyphro had said that it was a pigsty, Redul was satisfied with those words.

 However, the structure of the house is completely different from that of the beastman Redul's hometown, which is worthy of Redul's interest.

 Redul was looking at each part of the house with interest, and then she noticed a small beastman in the corner of the garden.

 The beastman was wearing a newly made maid outfit like Redul, and was just hanging out the laundry with a blank expression on her face.

 Many scars can be seen on the skin peeking through the beastman girl's maid outfit, and her black tail, which has been torn in half, is hanging from a hole in her skirt.

 The girl's name was Kenna, and she had a small, skinny body that could be seen even through her maid uniform.

"Ah, that old rag-chan, Tigarokent-sama picked her up. I never saw her, so I thought she had died. Ah, Tigarokent-sama. You used her as a toy, but since she didn't resist, it was easy to enslave her, right?"

 Tigaro could tell that Redul's happy eyes were neither ridiculing nor pity, but just brutally honest, and that she was just enjoying it as a topic of discussion.

 Redul's words, which she speaks without worrying about the volume of her voice, must have reached Kenna's ears.

 However, the person in question didn't seem to care and was just hanging out the laundry indifferently without even looking at Redul and the others.

"...Haha. Well, I guess it was something like that."

 Tigaro didn't dare to touch Redul's words, which seemed to belittle Kenna, who had become Tigaro's slave, and laughed and parried them.

 If he was worried about things like this, he wouldn't be able to maintain his sanity in the Noros household, which is full of violence and abuse toward women.

 For Tigaro, it was a common scene in his daily life.

 On the other hand, Irisio was frightened by Tigaro's somewhat eerie smile, which was so profound that it was hard to believe that they were the same age.

 He discreetly tugs on Redul's maid outfit and whispers in her ear so that Tigaro won't hear.

"R-Redul, let's go home after all. It's a nuisance to Tigarokent-sama."

"Eh, but aren't you also curious about what Psyphro-sama said? Aha."

 Hearing Redul's words, Tigaro, who was still smiling, raised one eyebrow and asked.

"Is there something you need here?"

"Well, I heard that Lemalgoas-sama’s slave, Tesia, is here. It looks interesting, so we thought we’d go take a look."

 When his mother's name came up, Tigaro's heart fluttered a little.

 The expression on Redul's face as she tried to approach his mother was an innocent smile, as if she was looking forward to the show.

 Tigaro's impression of the beastman in front of him becomes slightly worse.

 Irisio may not have guessed Tigaro's inner thoughts as he was still smiling on the outside, but he tugged hard at the maid outfit of Redul, who was talking in a good mood.

 His gaze was clearly directed at Tigaro, and it seemed like he had been observing his complexion for a while now.

"H-hey. Redul, let's go home now."

 Even when Irisio, who is about the same size as Tigaro, pulls on Redul's body, it doesn't budge.

 In the first place, with the bodies of Irisio and Tigaro who were still children, there was no way they could defeat Redul, who had an almost adult body, even though she was a woman, with sheer strength.

"And this slave Tesia gave birth to Psyphro-sama, Skrios-sama, and Tigarokent-sama, all three of them. Lemalgoas-sama had many other slaves."

 Tigaro listened to Redul's words with a smile, but he was already on high alert inside.

"Redul is worried. I mean, didn't Lemalgoas-sama make Tesia give birth to all of his children? There's definitely something going on! Lemalgoas-sama is in the village where Redul was. He's so strong that he can pierce the necks of the second through fifth in an instant with a spear! Well, it would be better if they were born to stronger females, not just humans. I'm talking about a female like Redul!"

"...Haha, Redul. Now that I have permission from Father to manage her, she is under my jurisdiction. It's a good thing that you're energetic, but you're too careless to stick your neck in."

"Eh, that’s boring."

 Tigaro's efforts to gently refuse with a smile on his face were in vain, and Redul complained.

 Tigaro is a little irritated by this attitude, but even at this level, Tigaro's well-trained smiling mask doesn't crumble.

 Redul doesn't seem to care about Tigaro's feelings and starts to make fun of him on the spot.

"It's boring, boring, boring! Redul wants to have fun!"

"...Tigarokent-sama, I'm sorry."

"Haha. Looks like Irisio-dono is also having trouble with her."

 Tigaro sympathizes with Irisio, saying that he feels sorry for him, having to deal with such a troublesome slave, but since he knows that Redul is quite capable in battle, Irisio allows her to be selfish to a certain extent.

 Even though he was from a branch family, Irisio was unable to use slave magic or manifestation magic, which only the bloodline of the Noros' main family could use, so he seemed to be vulnerable to pressure from slaves.

"Ah, that’s right!!"

 Redul's expression suddenly brightens, as if she just thought of something good.

"Tigarokent-sama, have s*x with Redul!! Redul's real master is crazy about his real wife, and lately I've been with Irisio-sama all the time, so I'm bored!"


 Irisio, who was dismissed as boring, rolled his eyes and let out an exasperated voice.

 However, Redul didn't pay any attention to his temporary master's state and waited for Tigaro's response with an innocent smile.

 Tigaro said softly to Redul, whose eyes were shining with excitement, as if to soothe a child who couldn't understand.

"As you can see, I've been busy practicing manifestation magic."

 Tigaro, who had recently enslaved Kenna, was finally able to use Odo and was beginning to understand how to use manifestation magic.

 However, this is still just the beginning of manifestation magic, and the power of the summoned [Spirit Tail] is not yet fully utilized.

 That's why he had been sweating and training until just now.

 He doesn't have time to play around.

 Besides, there was no reason for him to go along with the desires of Redul, who wasn't even his slave.

 Thinking so, Tigaro gently declined Redul's request.

 However, Redul's interest seemed to be fixed on Tigaro, and she never took his eyes off him.

"Then, if you have s*x with Redul, I'll show you how to do it better! You see, Tigarokent-sama, who has seen Redul's fights first hand, knows how well Redul handles my tail, don't you?"

 Hearing those words, Tigaro looked at Redul's swaying tail, and then stared at his own hands.

 That's the part where Tigaro's manifestation magic [Spirit Tail] was being used a while ago.

 By being able to use the special mana―― Odo, the strengthened [Spirit Tail] has become longer, thicker, and more powerful than before.

 However, because of this, there was a discrepancy with his previous senses, and Tigaro still did not understand how to move the [Spirit Tail].

 Therefore, Redul seems to want to say that all he has to do is imitate her own tail and move it.

 Certainly, if he could learn from her, who has a higher fighting ability than Tigaro, he would be able to handle the [Spirit Tail] even better than he is now.

 Tigaro couldn't help but nod at Redul's proposal.

 However, the Noros family had strict rules that they must not forget.

"Redul, you may not know this since you just arrived here, but in the Noros family, it is forbidden to touch other people's slaves without their master's permission."

 This is a rule to prevent conflicts within the Noros family.

 Even if a slave is owned by a relative, if a slave is raped indiscriminately without permission, jealousy and hatred will arise between the masters.

 Even if this is not a problem individually, considering the prosperity of the Noros family as a whole, it could be a huge loss.

 Therefore, this rule was created by the ancestors of the Noros family.

"You and I cannot have intercourse without the consent of your master, Vorieges-dono, who has now been given the right to manage you."

"Eh, then Irisio-sama should give permission, right?"

 Redul turned around and caught Irisio in her gaze.

 Her eyes were shining brightly as if it were staring at its prey, and her tongue was licking her mouth.


 By the time Irisio noticed, his body was grabbed by Redul who had moved behind him.

"Please, Irisio-sama~!"


 One of the many rooms in the Noros family's large main residence.

 There, on the bed, Irisio was breathing heavily as the waves of pleasure sent from his crotch.


 The person using Irisio's crotch is Redul, whose animal ears are standing up.

 She holds Irisio's p*nis between her plump breasts and roughly rubs it up and down.

 Redul's chest was already stained with Irisio's semen, which had been released several times.

"I understand!! I understand!! Now, I'm giving you permission!!"

 Irisio finally gave his permission, but Redul saw his distressed expression with a mischievous grin on her face.

 Redul mercilessly stimulates Irisio's p*nis, which is still suitable for his age.

 The p*nis between her breasts was buried in Redul's breasts until it was no longer visible and was being kneaded.


 Not shying away from Tigaro's gaze, Irisio lets out a vulgar scream as the stimulation feels like his brain is being violated.

 Then, semen the size of a sparrow's tears gushed out from the gap between Redul's chest.

 A small amount of semen lands on Redul's chest.

 Redul cupped it with her fingers and licked it up with a lustful expression, finally releasing Irisio's p*nis from her chest.

"Fuu. Yes, thank you, Irisio-sama."

 Irisio collapses onto the bed as if exhausted.

 Having been made to ejaculate many times, Irisio had already blacked out and fainted.

 Even though he was a temporary master, Redul threw Irisio out of the bed as if he was a nuisance.

 Then, she turned her gaze to Tigaro, shining with anticipation.

"Well then, next is Tigarokent-sama!"

 While feeling a little sorry for Irisio's poor treatment, Tigaro licks Redul's naked body with his gaze.

 Her voluptuous breasts, even if you took one of them, it would still be about the size of Tigaro's head, which is still a child.

 Her butt, which has a tail growing out of it, is also big and looks like it would be worth rubbing.

 However, there was no unnecessary flesh, and it had a very firm fruit-like luster.

 Also, her well-trained body, especially her thighs, was extremely thick, and she would be able to easily slaughter Tigaro with just her physical ability.

 Earlier, Irisio was unable to escape from this body and was forced to cum until he allowed Redul and Tigaro to have s*x.

 However, Tigaro didn't seem to be intimidated by the body that was bigger than his own, and instead his crotch became stiff and his pants became taut.

"Fuu. Are you feeling motivated?"

 Redul's eyes were already focused on Tigaro's crotch, as if she was in heat.

"Come on, hurry up!"

 Redul, her mouth hanging up, crawls on all fours on the bed and shakes her butt toward Tigaro.

 Her light purple fur tail swayed as if inviting him.

 Seduced by Redul's temptation, Tigaro takes off his clothes and climbs onto the bed.

 Then, he aimed the tip of his p*nis at Redul's labia, which had been giving him a provocative look from earlier.

 When the tip of his glans touches Redul's labia, sticky mucus drips from Redul's labia even though he hasn't even inserted it yet.

 Perhaps because she sniffed Irisio's stuff so much, Redul's v*gina seems to have already loosed to the point that there is no need for foreplay.

 Tigaro got on his knees, grabbed Redul's waist, and pushed his own hips into her.

 Tigaro's big p*nis is swallowed into Redul's v*gina.

"Whoa, nh, nhh! This is it!!"

 The voice of Redul, who is enjoying the pleasure of the v*ginal wall being pushed open, reaches Tigaro's ears.

 Even though he is a child, Tigaro is the owner of a big p*nis and moves his hips over and over again, ravaging Redul's warm v*gina.

 However, even when her insides are stirred by Tigaro's big p*nis, Redul doesn't seem to be in pain; in fact, she seems to be enjoying the stimulation.

 Tigaro's hips collide with Redul's buttocks, and waves of vibration appear on the buttocks.

"Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh."

 Redul was panting along with Tigaro's movements, and while her cheeks were flushed with pleasure, she was also sending provocative glances at Tigaro behind her.

 [Is this the extent of it?] She scoffed, looking at him as if she was testing him out.

 Tigaro, who understood her intentions, also began to swing his hips harder.

"Aha! Kyan, kyan, kyan!"

 The smiling Redul stopped giving Tigaro a provocative look and looked forward, laughing and enjoying the pleasure that Tigaro was forcing on her.

 From the way her tail was swaying violently in front of Tigaro's eyes, it was clear that Redul was in a good mood.

 Even if he follows his s*xual desires and moves, the body that accepts him without any problem is a feeling that Tigaro hasn't had in a long time.

 Tigaro couldn't help but smile and enjoy the fun and pleasure of shaking his hips with lust without restraining himself.

"Fu, fu, fu."

 He can feel his lust rising in the pleasure of the rubbing of his p*nis.

 Tigaro's body was still in the middle of growing, but his p*nis had reached Redul's cervix.

 Tigaro thrusts his p*nis into Redul's v*ginal wall near the cervix while changing the angle.

"Kyan, kyan, kyan, kyan!"

 He reached out to the front of Redul's crotch, whose back was facing Tigaro, and pinched her exposed large clitoris.

 Her clitoris had become so hard that it was erect enough that Tigaro could play with it without seeing it.

 He rolls Redul's clitoris in his fingers and applies pressure with varying degrees of intensity, sending her endless stimulation.

 Redul reacted greatly to the pleasure and sense of immorality of having her sensitive parts played with by the hands of Tigaro, who was still a child.

"Aha! I'm cumming, I'm cumming!!!"

 Redul's waist trembled little by little, and her contracting v*gina tightened around Tigaro's p*nis.

 Redul's back arches upward as she reaches climax, and she lets out a hot breath.

 He thought Redul's p*ssy was loose enough to accept the violent movements of Tigaro's big p*nis, but the tightness was firm and strong.

 Tigaro couldn't help but let out his semen as she undulated and squeezed his p*nis.

 A large amount of semen stains Redul's v*gina from the tip of his glans.

 Tigaro mixed his own mana into that semen.

 Redul's magic core is engraved with the slave crest of Vorieges, Irisio's father.

 Since that slave crest will repel Tigaro's mana, Tigaro cannot obtain Odo from her.

 However, this is a measure to prevent Redul from becoming pregnant.

 The mana in the semen was absorbed and simply dispersed into the void without any meaning.

"Nhaa... nhh! Tigarokent-sama's child's p*nis is the best!"

 Redul, who has regained her composure from the climax, savors the pleasure that remains in her body and cries out in pleasure.

 Redul is breathing heavily, but the tail that grows from her butt is shaking in good spirits, and she looks like she has plenty of energy left.

 Seeing that relaxed expression, Tigaro was told that his genitals were like a child's, so he inserted his p*nis, which had not lost its hardness, into Redul's v*gina and pushed it deeper.


 Tigaro's thrust hits Redul's pleasant spot, making her cry out.

"It's true that I'm still a child and weak, but I've been underestimated a lot."

 With that said, Tigaro started shaking his hips again.

 The love juice is scraped out from the v*ginal opening by the p*nis that ravages Redul's v*gina.

 Redul's love juices fell from their joint and stained the bed sheets.

"Ah! Aha, you can still go on, Tigarokent-sama, it's wonderful!!"

 Although he has the build of a child, Tigaro continues to devour Redul's large body.

 Even though she can feel the force with his body, Redul still enjoys it while still showing some leeway.

 Who will be the first to give up?

 Irisio, who was on the floor with the whites of his eyes peeling, had no way of knowing this.

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