Master's Philia (WN): Chapter 3


A Pair of Magic

 Tigaro's thoughts stopped as his mind couldn't keep up with the unexpected sight.

 His mother had a pained expression on her face, tears overflowing from her eyes, and her gaze turned towards the empty space.

 Not bothered by his mother's behavior, his father repeatedly pushes a stick-like object that extends from his waist into his mother's crotch.

"Hey!! Show me your tears!!"


 The two older brothers―― Psyphro and Skrios were also in the room, and the second son, Skrios, slapped his mother Tesia on the cheek, enjoying the sight of her choking

 Psyphro was on top of the other maid on his father's table, shaking his hips towards the maid's crotch, just as his father had done with his mother.

 Tigaro was extremely dismayed by the unexpected appearance of his mother.

"Mo- ther…??"

 Looking at Tigaro, whose eyes widened and his lips trembled in disbelief, Skrios smiled evilly.

"Ah, your precious Tigaro-kun has seen you. What should we do, Mother?"

"Uu, uuu..."

"Gyahahaha, hey, she's crying, this guy!! It’s so funny!!"

 Skrios' laughter echoes in the room.

 No matter how you look at it, his mother, Tesia, seems to be in pain, and she certainly didn't want to be in this situation.

 Tigaro couldn't understand why his mother was being treated like this.

 Somehow he managed to move his stopped thoughts and first of all, he turned his gaze pleadingly at his father, who was slamming his hips into his mother, Tesia, trying to stop him.

"F-father! What on earth is this!?"

 Ignoring Tigaro who tried to stop him, his father shook his hips extremely strongly.

 The p*nis attached to his father's waist thrusts into his mother, Tesia, and Tesia's body trembles.

 Then, Tesia's body weakens and collapses.



 Tigaro hurriedly ran towards his mother, who had been thrown away by his father, Lemalgoas.

 As he knelt down to pick up his mother, who was lying on the floor of his father's study, a shadow appeared on Tigaro.

"Tigarokent―― my son. Apparently you can use the magic that has been passed down in the family."

 His father's large, well-trained physique was impressive, and to Tigaro, who was still young, it seemed very powerful.

 The intimidation caused Tigaro to feel as if he was being glared at by a snake.

"Let me see."

"But, Mother..."

 Tigaro cast a worried glance at his mother, who was still lying on the ground.

 He is worried about his mother.

 However, Tigaro was caught in the harsh gaze of his father and was unable to move out of fear.

 Realizing that Tigaro was concerned about Tesia, Lemalgoas turned his gaze towards Tesia and snorted in contempt.



 Lemalgoas points at Tesia with his chin and says something to Skrios, who is laughing in amusement.

 After receiving instructions, Skrios grabbed his mother's hair and forced her to look up.



 Tigaro tries to stop Tesia's heartbroken voice, but Lemalgoas's body stands in his way.

"Show it to me quickly."

 Tigaro immediately knew that it was a threat.

 Thinking of this, Tigaro put his hands trembling with worry and fear in front of him and spoke a short chant.

"[Spirit Tail]"

 A fist-sized tentacle shoots out from Tigaro's palm.

 Its tentacle is black, almost purple, and its murky, translucent body writhes around.

 When his father saw this, he took a deep breath, stroked his beard, and asked Tigaro.

"I see... it does seem like you can use it. How did you learn it?"

"...I learned it after watching brother do it in the garden several times."

 Tigaro didn't know why his father would ask him such a question, but he realized that it was a bad idea to hide it, so he answered immediately.

 Perhaps satisfied with Tigaro's answer, his father distorted his mouth for the first time in front of Tigaro and let out a creepy laugh.

"Kuku, I see. Just by looking at it. It seems like you're quite apt."

 Tigaro was surprised by that expression, and his shoulders trembled.

 His father was supposed to be looking at Tigaro, but his eyes seemed to be looking at someone other than Tigaro.

 Sharp eyes.

 Those eyes, where the light of will dwells, ooze a dark, negative color that resembles obsession.

 Tigaro felt as if he had seen something frightening deep inside his father's eyes, and a shiver ran down his spine.

"However, yours is still not as strong as mine and your brothers, and is as soft as a baby."

 Taking his eyes off Tigaro's magic tentacle, his father took a few moments to enjoy the aroma of the wine in the glass on the table, before tipping it and pouring it down his throat.

 In contrast to his father, who simply did whatever he wanted, Tigaro held his breath and quietly watched his father's movements.

 The eldest son, Psyphro, who had been watching from the sidelines while stacking his body with the other maid, began to move from the edge of Tigaro's vision.

 He opened his mouth toward Tigaro, who had a hard expression on his face.

"In our family, there is a magic that exists as a pair.."

 He is fed up with his younger brother's poor memory and has no choice but to teach him.

 Tigaro sensed an atmosphere similar to that of disappointment and pity from Psyphro.

 Tigaro trembled a little as he made eye contact with the eldest son, who was far older than him, and was given a sharp and cold gaze.

 Psyphro pointed to the tentacle that were protruding from the frightened Tigaro's palm.

"One of them is that [Manifestation Magic] you are using right now."

"And there's another magic..."

 Lemalgoas, who took over Psyphro's words, turned around and looked at him.

 Then, Skrios, who was still holding Tesia's hair, deepened his disgusting smile and threw her away.

 Tesia groaned and got down on all fours, and turned her hazy gaze to Lemalgoas and Tigaro, who were staring at her.

"Mother!! Are you okay――"

 Before Tigaro could run up, Lemalgoas pointed at Tigaro and gave a command to Tesia.

"[Lick this guy's feet.]"

 A mysterious pattern suddenly appears on the lower abdomen of Tesia.

 With slow movements, Tesia dragged herself on all fours towards Tigaro and began licking Tigaro's feet.

 Tigaro stopped moving at his mother's unexpected behavior and could only express dismay.

"M-Mother, what are you――"

 Even though Tigaro asked that, Tesia kept a pained expression on her face and was vulgarly licking Tigaro's feet.

 She is clearly different from his mother, who was always kind to Tigaro and always had a cheerful smile on her face.

 All Tigaro knew was that this mother was not his usual mother.

 What on earth is happening to Mother

"This is the other magic, [slave magic]."

 The person who answered Tigaro's questions was his father, Lemalgoas, who gave orders to his mother, Tesia.

"Didn't you see the slave mark on this one's belly? That's proof that she's my slave."

 In the lower abdomen of the person, below the navel, there is a magic core, an organ that produces mana.

 Tigaro knows that too. This is something he learned recently in the elementary section of the school.

 Almost all the mana that flows through the human body is generated from this magic core.

 For mages, it is an important organ that can be called the heart.

 However, even when you want to use magic, there is no need to be particularly conscious of the magic core, which is the source of mana.

 What is needed for magic is not the magic core, but the mana generated from it.

 Just as people are not normally aware of the heart in their own bodies, the magic core generates mana on its own without being conscious of it.

 That was the common sense that Tigaro learned at school.

 However, the Noros family seems to be different.

 His father says that by carving your slave mark into another person's magic core, you can make them listen to anything you say as your own slave.

"Like this Niku."

 Lemalgoas pointed at his mother, Tesia, with his chin and described her as [Niku] ――meat, and the gaze that he gave her only showed contempt.

 ――This is the Noros family's magic...?

 Even now, Tigaro felt extremely frightened by the magic that forced his mother to do this kind of act.

 And since he has the blood of the Noros family, Tigaro himself can use this magic.

 When Tigaro realized that fact, he got goosebumps.

 Tigaro felt as if he was degrading his mother, and a disgusting feeling similar to hatred occupied Tigaro's heart.

"And that's right. The more slaves you have and the better quality slaves you enslave, the stronger your manifestation magic will be."

 That is why the magic of the Noros family is considered a pair.

 The more slaves you can subdue, the higher your manifestation magic will be.

 If your manifestation magic becomes stronger, you will be able to subdue even stronger slaves using slave magic.

 By repeating this process, each member of the Noros family becomes stronger as a single individual.

 Lemalgoas received a wine glass from the maid.

 Then, while massaging the maid's breasts and making her gasp lightly, he stirred the wine again.

 Lemalgoas cleared his throat and wiped his mouth before continuing.

"The only way to engrave a slave crest on a magic core is to make the other party mentally surrender and release sperm mixed with magic inside them."

"What, inside...? Sperm...?"

 Tigaro didn't know what those words meant, and had a questioning look on his face.

 Lemalgoas seemed a little taken aback by Tigaro's confused state due to his lack of knowledge, and let out a small sigh.

"Hmm, first of all you need to know women."

 His father turned around and gave an order to one of the maids who had opened the door earlier.

"[Give this one a virility potion and f*ck him]."

"I understand."

 Bowing slightly, the maid picked up a small bottle on the table.

 The maid opened the lid of the bottle, took the contents into her mouth, and quickly approached Tigaro with quick movements.

 Tigaro, unable to catch up with his thoughts due to the sudden movement, had his cheeks restrained by the maid's hands and their lips pressed together.


 Out of surprise, he tried to resist reflexively, but the maid's strength was surprisingly strong, and Tigaro, who was still young and powerless, was completely overwhelmed.

 A mysterious liquid was poured from his mouth, and Tigaro managed to drink it all down and finally succeeded in removing his mouth from the maid.

 As Tigaro took a step back, a heat lit up in the depths of his stomach.

"It's our family's special energy potion. It's dangerous to abuse, but you'll be able to feel its effectiveness right away."

"Haa, haa, haa."

 Heat rises from the core of his body.

 Tigaro's thoughts gradually become dull, as if he were in a fever.

 Reason dissolves and instinct is awakened.

 Eventually, blood pooled in his crotch and Tigaro's heated p*nis became erect.

 When his clothes were pulled down by the maid, his father snorted in admiration.

"I thought you were just a kid who didn't know anything, but at your age... you seem to have a very promising future."

"Hey, hey, that’s too big for a nine-year-old!! Gyahahaha!!"


 In contrast to Skrios, who let out a vulgar laugh, Psyphro was observing Tigaro intently, as if trying to determine his identity.

"Please, Tigarokent-sama."

 The maid's butt held out to him.

 The panties that were inside the rolled up skirt were quickly thrown away.

 Tigaro's eyes were drawn to the woman's genitals wriggling as if inviting, and he moved as his instincts urged him to.

 His veins were exposed and he forcefully pushed his heated p*nis into her.


 The maid let out a hot breath as the p*nis was forced into her.

"Gyahahaha, congratulations on graduating from virginity!!"

 Skrios, who was watching the scene, started to make a fuss, probably because it was funny to see Tigaro go crazy.

 However, Tigaro didn't hear those words and started shaking his hips wildly, enjoying the pleasure.

"Ha, ha, ha…!!"

"Ah, ah!?"

 Despite being a child, the maid gasped in pleasure as Tigaro's p*nis was large enough to be an adult.

 Tigaro, driven by instinct and driven by heat, goes wild with overflowing s*xual desire.

 Tigaro's thick p*nis roughly stirs the maid's v*gina, making her body fluids bubble white.


 Tigaro, who gripped the maid's buttocks tightly, gasped in pleasure for the first time and his throat trembled.

 The frenzied party has begun.


 Perhaps her strength has returned, Tesia slowly raises her head.

 Then, she saw Tigaro's eyes glaring and his hips shaking like crazy.


 Even if Tesia reaches out her hand, it won't reach Tigaro.

 All she can do is stare at Tigaro with eyes filled with sadness.

 The cute Tigaro is dyed the same color as them.

 Just like the members of the Noros family, they despised them, belittled them, and toyed with them.

 Tigaro, who had followed her desperately and given her an innocent smile, disappeared.


 The way he drooled and used women as tools according to his own desires was exactly what the members of the Noros family had done to her.

 Even if Tigaro regains his senses after remembering his desire, he will never treat his mother Tesia the same way as before.

 Tigaro, who has awakened to the blood of Noros, is similar to the other Noros family.

 And to the members of the Noros family, they are nothing but playthings.

 She was sure Tigaro also would feel pleasure in tormenting his mother, and began to enjoy cursing and toying with her.

 Naturally, Tesia was made to understand this, and she heard the sound of the cute image of Tigaro that was inside her crumbling.

"No, no..."

 Tesia let out a heartbreaking sob as tears rolled down her cheeks.

 Behind him, Lemalgoas is naked and looking down.

"I'll play with you for the first time in a while."

 Lemalgoas' eyes glared at Tesia.



 Before he knew it, Tigaro, who was lying down in the study, woke up.

 When he looked around, he saw that his father and brothers were no longer there, and on the floor was a small bottle containing the aphrodisiac that Tigaro had been forced to drink, and the maids were lying naked, covered in body fluids.



 Tigaro suddenly became conscious and quickly picked up his mother.

 When Tigaro called out to her, her mother, Tesia's pale eyes slowly opened.

"Tiga, ro...?"

 Tigaro breathed a sigh of relief when his mother woke up.

 His mother slowly looked around with hazy eyes, looked at Tigaro again, and opened her eyes.


 There was a sudden shock in Tigaro's chest, and he was thrown away.

 Tigaro put his hands behind his back and took a passive stance, and opened his eyes that had been closed involuntarily.

 In front of him was his mother with her hand outstretched.

 Tigaro was so surprised that he couldn't immediately recognize his mother's actions.

 Tigaro could only watch in a daze, and his mother cried out in front of his gaze.

"No, no!! You're not Tigaro!!"


 Tigaro was extremely confused as his mother shook her head and yelled at him to shake something off.

"No!! Tigaro is kinder, has a cute smile, is pure―― he won't be like that person!!"

 Tigaro extends his hand to his mother who cries out.

 Unable to shake off the shock of being rejected, the fingertips of his outstretched hand trembled and became cold, as if it had lost all sensation.

"M-Mother, calm down――"

"Don’t come near me!!"

 Tigaro's outstretched hand was strongly flicked by his mother's hand.

 Tigaro, who was dumbfounded, looked at his palm and his mother who was screaming.

 His hand, which should have been cold, began to heat up, and that shocking sensation was repeated over and over again in Tigaro's mind.

 After checking several times, Tigaro finally understood that he had been rejected by his own mother, Tesia.

"Mother, why..."

"No, it's not you, it's not you...!! Oh, why... my cute Tigaro... why!?"

 His mother, who was picking at her hair, crouched down holding her head.

 Tigaro, who seems to be going crazy with worry, loneliness, and confusion, approaches his mother...

"Don’t get involved with me anymore!!"

 Tigaro, who was about to reach out his hand again, trembled at the loud voice.

 Those words from his mother, covered in sobs, turned into a sharp knife and pierced deep into Tigaro's chest.

 The voice of his mother's rejection echoes in Tigaro's head, gouging his heart.


 Tigaro felt a painful nausea as the pain throbbed through his chest.

 He looked at his trembling hands, then shifted his gaze to his mother's crouching figure.

 What Tigaro sees is his mother holding her head with a heartbroken expression on her face, as if she doesn't even want to look at him.

 He finally understood that, as someone with Noros family blood, he didn't have the strength to reach out to his mother, who had been despised by the Noros family.

 Tigaro looked down with a dark expression on his face, his mouth tightened with sadness, and slowly lowered his hand.

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