Master's Philia (WN): Chapter 4


Act in the Dark

 He walked alone inside the house.

 Tigaro has gotten used to the house, which feels extremely spacious, and even though he feels lonely about it, he goes to the door again today.

 Tigaro, who was standing in front of one of the doors, said quietly in a gentle voice.

"Mother, I’m going."

 Even when he called out to the person on the other side of the door, there was no response.

 There was a time when he faintly hoped to hear a voice from his withdrawn mother, but now he had gotten used to not hearing a voice, and calling out to her has become just a meaningless habit.

 Tigaro left the caring of his mother to the Noros family's maid.

 After walking for a while, he arrived at the main residence of the Noros family.

 Due to their achievements in the recent battle to subjugate the Purple Leopard Tribe in the Desambel Republic Beast Kingdom, the number of slaves and maids in the Noros family has increased due to the captured prisoners and the slaves given as rewards, and the number of slaves and maids has increased, and the presence of humans has increased more than before.

 The maids noticed Tigaro, the third son of the Noros family, and hurriedly bent their backs and bowed their heads.

 He passed by and was about to head towards the back of the main residence when he heard voices.

 When he turned his attention to the large garden next to the main residence, he saw several figures together.

"Hey, hey!"


 Beside that figure is Skrios, who is fanning the water bottle he received from the maid. And there's Psyphro, looking at the figures.

 They rest naked, and you can tell by the wetness of their lower bodies that they are in between having some fun.

 Tigaro hid his cold intentions and put on his face the peaceful smile he had acquired over the past few years.

 Then, he turned his attention to his brothers who were resting naked.

 Skrios, who seemed to notice the gaze directed at him, cleared his throat and removed the water bottle from his mouth, and asked Tigaro with a grin.

"Oh, isn't it Tigaro? Do you want to join in too?"

"No, Father has called me."

"Haha. I see."

 Skrios gave a lewd smile to the two people interacting in front of him.

 Tigaro's eyes also turned towards them.

 Tigaro also knows the man who is shaking his hips and showing a completely ecstatic desire on his face.

 He is the son of a branch of the Noros family―― a boy named Irisio, who is a cousin to Tigaro, Psyphro, and Skrios.

 Irisio had sweat on his forehead, was shaking his hips with a restless look on his face, and was inserting and withdrawing his own p*nis from the thigh of the beastman below him.

"Isn't it funny? He can't use slave magic or manifestation magic unlike us, so I had no choice but to lend him a woman. He got desperate and now he's like that. Gyahahaha!"

"Hmph. Monkeys are still more rational."

 He makes fun of him while looking down on him.

 Irisio, who was being looked at by each of them, didn't seem to notice it.

 He stopped shaking his hips.


"Gyahahaha!! Hey, are you already cumming?"

 Skrios patted his knee and let out a vulgar laugh, perhaps finding his half-assed, goofy appearance funny.

 The black-furred beastman who was creampied by Irisio seemed to have already given up on resisting, and there was no light in her empty eyes.

 No matter what they did to her, she didn't react and simply accepted the humiliation without resistance.

 Not paying attention to the appearance of the beastman, who was probably about the same age as Tigaro, Irisio gasped in pleasure, Skrios laughed when he saw this, and Psyphro lost interest and reached out to a nearby maid.

 When Tigaro saw that scene, he hid his foolish feelings with a smile and walked toward the back of the main residence, leaving them behind.


 Tigaro was called to his father's study, and turned to his father, Lemalgoas, who was sitting deeply in his seat at the desk, with a smile plastered on his face.

"Father, what can I do for you today?"

 Lemalgoas, the head of the Noros family, exposed the breasts of the maid he was working with and was massaging them with one hand, and had another maid, who had hidden under the large table, lick his p*nis.

 Lemalgoas picked up the paper that was placed on the large desk with his remaining one hand.

 Even though it was in front of his son, it was a very disrespectful attitude, but the head of the Noros family would be forgiven for it.

 He was at the forefront of the recent battle to subjugate the Purple Leopard Tribe in the Republic of Desambel Beast Kingdom, and achieved outstanding feats, surpassing the other three major noble families of the kingdom, the Asur and Fonedao families.

 Even if Lemalgoas's arms and legs were blocked, he would be able to mow Tigaro, a brat, down as easily as breathing.

"I heard about your grades at the school recently. It seems like you're getting pretty good grades."

"…What's wrong with that?"

"There's nothing wrong with that."

 The father, Lemalgoas, snorted arrogantly and shifted his gaze to look straight at Tigaro.

"Even if it's just a single grade at the school, I don't want our Noros family to be inferior. Just keep improving your grades so that you won't lose to the Asur family or the Fonedao family. And show them how good the Noros family are."

"I understand."

 Tigaro simply accepted the words of his father Lemalgoas.

 Although there is no open hostility, there are feuds between the three major noble families of the kingdom, the Asur family, the Fonedao family, and the Noros family.

 In particular, the Noros family often enslaves women and forces them to do things even against their will as their property, and because of their bad behavior, there are many deep-rooted differences between them and other nobles.

 Furthermore, the current nobles of the kingdom seemed to be especially wary of the Noros family, partly because Lemalgoas, the head of the Noros family, was an enemy of the Asur and Fonedao families.

"After three years, you've probably gotten used to dealing with those Nikus. Why don't you make some slaves yourself?"

 It has been three years since Tigaro learned that the Noros family was a noble family filled with self-interest, and his mother began to seclude herself in a room in the house.

 Since then, Tigaro has had many encounters with some of the maids in the mansion, but he has yet to enslave any woman as his slave.

 In fact, when Tigaro visited Lemalgoas' study, he was not accompanied by a single servant, and it was obvious to others that Tigaro had no slaves.

 Perhaps unable to see this, Lemalgoas rubbed the breast of the maid next to him and showed it off as if urging Tigaro to do the same.

"If there's a Niku you like, I'll see to it that you get it."

"……I'll think about it"

 Tigaro is also a man who has already awakened to s*x.

 It would be lying if he said that he had never wanted to follow his own desires and devour women.

 However, at that moment, he almost always remembers his mother's painful crying face.

 Remembering that face and thinking about the enslaved woman himself, Tigaro couldn't use enslavement magic easily.

 When Tigaro sensed that his business was over and was about to leave, Lemalgoas held him back.

"Tigaro. I heard that you are on good terms with the eldest daughter of the Asur family. Is that true?"


 Tigaro thought that the time had finally come.

 He was sure this was what his father, Lemalgoas, wanted to talk about.

 Aifie is a childhood friend of Tigaro who had a close relationship with him.

 She is the daughter of the Asur family, one of the three great nobles in the kingdom, and has improved her magic skills in recent years, and is now highly anticipated in the kingdom as a mage who will carry the next generation of the kingdom on her shoulders.

 However, ever since Tigaro realized that there are people in the Noros family who don't think of women as people, and only see them as tools for their own convenience, he has almost cut off all contact with Aifie.

"No, I haven't really gotten involved with her lately."

 The reason why he intentionally reduced his involvement with Aifie was to keep her away from the poisonous fangs of the Noros family.

 Considering Aifie's high potential and the fact that she is still young and easy to keep in a cage, she could be a strong slave candidate for the Noros family.

 Even if Tigaro himself has no feelings of trying to degrade Aifie, it is easy to imagine that the members of the Noros family would attack Aifie if they noticed the relationship between Tigaro and Aifie.

 Even if the other person is a daughter of an aristocrat in the same kingdom, there are many ways to work behind the scenes, kidnap her, secretly enslave her, and molest her.

 Since Aifie is the daughter of one of the kingdom's three great nobles, they probably won't be able to get their hands on her easily, but Lemalgoas, the current head of the Noros family, is ambitious.

 It was entirely conceivable that he could do it.

 Before that happens, Tigaro wants to quickly sever ties with Aifie and protect her from the evil hands of the Noros family.

 However, for Lemalgoas, the head of the Noros family, it seems that even if they refrained from contacting each other for a few years, Aifie was still within their range of prey.

"I see. Then let me ask you directly, can you make the eldest daughter of the Asur family your slave with your [slave magic]?"

 Tigaro's fingers moved involuntarily.

 He kept his agitation to a certain level and calmed the waves of emotions inwardly so that they didn't show up on the surface.

 Then, Tigaro frowned in trouble and turned his smiling mask towards Lemalgoas.

"No, I don't think it would be possible. In recent years, the Asur family's maids have been keeping a tight watch on me, so I can't do it."

 The management skills he had acquired over the past few years were working well, and Tigaro was able to line up his words smoothly.

 Lemalgoas rubs his beard after hearing Tigaro's report.

 Apparently, he was thinking about it a little.

 Although he never showed it to the public, Tigaro was nervous inside.

"Hmm... I'll lend you my slave. What do you think?"

"...The risk is too high. Nowadays, I hear that Aifietouka-jou herself can use water magic and wind magic at the same time. It would be extremely difficult to forcibly take her away and erasing the traces."

 He pretended to be thinking a little and gave his father a difficult look.

 His father snorted arrogantly, as if he didn't have any particular expectations, and spat it out a bit.

"...I see. In that case, it can't be helped. Just pretend you didn't hear about this."

"I understand, Father."

 Inwardly feeling relieved, and without letting his relief show, Tigaro gave a business-like greeting and left the study of Lemalgoas, the head of the Noros family.

 He walked down the hallway, conscious of not walking too fast, while the maids were still watching him.

 Currently, most of the maids in the main residence of the Noros family are his father's slaves, and the rest are slaves of Psyphro and Skrios.

 The maids probably don't have any hostility toward Tigaro, the third son of the Noros family, but it's better to think that he is always being watched.

 He can't let them realize Tigaro's intentions by rushing and putting his inner thoughts into action.

 For the time being, Lemalgoas seems to have given up on Aifie, but he is the head of the Noros family, which is famous for treating people like they're not human beings.

 Even without Tigaro's help, if the Asur family shows an opening, they will definitely try to hook Aifie with their poisonous fangs.

 ――I have to warn Aifie.

 However, let's say you were to be honest and say to someone's face, [Be careful of the members of the Noros family].

 What will happen if someone other than Aifie hears that and it spreads that it's what Tigaro said?

 It would be fine if it was passed down to the Noros family and his father and brothers turned against him.

 But in that case, who will protect Tesia?

 He is still a child.

 There is no one else he can rely on.

 He warned Aifie, and the word spread and his father and brothers heard about it, so he ran away from the Noros family. What would happen to his mother who remained behind?

 The image of his mother from three years ago flashes through Tigaro's mind.

 His mother is forced to lick Tigaro's feet while crying, even though her body is covered in bodily fluids, and in the end, she is left alone without anyone to help her.

 Remembering this, Tigaro's head almost boils over with anger.

 That tragedy must never happen again.

 Even if his mother rejects him and no longer recognizes him, his will must not waver.

 With a sigh, Tigaro let out the heat that had accumulated in his head.

 In any case, there's no point in warning Aifie foolishly.

 He has to think of other ways.

 Tigaro left the main residence to settle down and was about to return to the house where his mother was.


 A faint groan could be heard from the quiet garden.

 Tigaro stopped involuntarily and listened.

 He doesn't hear it again.

 He thought it was just his imagination, but something caught his attention, so Tigaro changed direction and went to the garden.

 In the spacious and quiet garden, a beast girl was found lying on the floor.

 This is the girl who was treated as a meat urinal by his brothers and Irisio a few moments ago.

 Even though she was being treated cruelly by his brother and Irisio, she was a beastkin girl with black fur who didn't show any will to resist and let her body relax.

 Tigaro still remembers how the blank eyes of her, who had given up everything, were a little impressive.

 The current girl was left in an ugly state with her skin and body hair, which is typical of beastmen, covered in bodily fluids.

 It looks like she has some scars underneath the body fluids, some from his brothers and Irisio, and some from old wounds.

 At least the tail, which had been torn and some of its skin was exposed, seemed to be an old injury.


 The skinny girl's throat trembled for a moment, and she slightly choked.

 Semen dripped from the corner of her mouth and onto the cold ground.

 Slaves being raped and left alone is a common sight in the Noros household.

 At this level, Tigaro no longer gets upset.

 However, it is a little unusual for the wound to be this severe.

 The one that was being hunted during the recent subjugation of the Purple Leopard Tribe in the Desambel Republic Beast Kingdom was the Purple Leopard Tribe, which had a distinctive purple coat.

 This beastman girl has black fur, so someone probably picked her up from somewhere, unrelated to the subjugation battle.

 If he left this beastman girl alone like this, she would have two choices: she would starve to death soon due to her emaciated body, or she would be collected by the Noros family's maids and disposed of appropriately.

 ――Why don't you try making some slaves too?

 His father's words from earlier go through his head.

 He glanced at the girl's crotch.

 The area around her crotch was especially dirty with white bodily fluids, and the female genitals, which were the center area, were in a particularly bad state.

 Tigaro slowly sank his fingertips between her genitals with a gentle touch.

 The fact that her insides are still warm indicates that she is not dead.

 When Tigaro inserted his finger as deep as possible, he put a little bit of mana into his fingertip.

 There was no reaction from the magic core located deep inside her v*gina―― her womb.

 If she was enslaved by the Noros family's slave magic, this act of putting in mana should cause a rejection reaction from the magic core to Tigaro's fingertips.

 This is a simple confirmation method that uses the mechanism of enslavement magic to prevent the enslavement crest of an already enslaved slave from being removed or overwritten by other magic.

 Apparently, this beastman girl is no one's slave now.

 It's about the people of the Noros family.

 Perhaps they saw this beastman's old wounds and decided that they didn't want her as a slave because she didn't look good, or they didn't want to treat her.

 However, she had a hole as a woman, so they played with her as a toy and threw it away.

 That's probably it.

 ――That's really stupid.

 Tigaro thought for a while as he removed his finger from the girl's crotch.

 Then, he took off his own jacket and wrapped it around the body of the beastkin girl.

 The thin girl's body was so light that even Tigaro, who was still a child, was able to lift her.

 Holding the beastman girl wrapped in his jacket, Tigaro headed toward the house where his mother was.

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